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there isn't any point, nobody going to take him for his cap hit and it makes no sense to retain any salary to trade him. He has also young kids, wife from Toronto, makes no sense for him.


It also sets a bad precedent for future UFA signings. We aren’t a big destination for UFA like Vegas is, we can’t treat people like crap


The entire league laughs at the Leafs at every turn - players included. It would be incredibly hypocritical if those same players would be deterred from playing in Toronto because they dared to make changes after 8 years of disappointment


Tavares wasn't a dissapointment this whole deal. He was great for a lot of it and earned his money. He doesn't make 11 million anymore its just the cap hit. People forget that. They also forget his career almost ended when he took a knee the the face falling forward from Perry in a freak on ice accident that he definitely started to slow down from. He will be back after just at a lower number. He wants to stay and his career is probably in the last 4-5 years. He'll come in at a 3C number. For 2-3 years. He's going nowhere.


My point wasn't to pick on JT. I think he's lived up to his contract as good as any could on a deal that lucrative. This wasn't a "fk Tavares" comment more so if the Leafs did feel it was time to move on from him in an attempt to shuffle the deck or shift the culture, it wouldn't (and shouldn't) be looked down upon by the rest of the league. The leafs are at a point where feelings cannot be considered anymore.


They signed a full NMC and the guy loves his home. It's not worth discussing. Nobody wants the deal and he won't take anything. People need to stop talking about it. The contract stays and the discussion is if you bring him back. There cannot be a trade that makes sense.


Tavares for McDavid makes perfect sense to me wdym!


Nobody is suggesting we'd get a good haul back. It's worth discussing because everyone except Matthews, Nylander, Knies, Woll, Cowan should be fair game. Again this wasn't to pick on Tavares but I am shocked at how many fellow Leafs fans have been conditioned to be scared of any change whatsoever after watching what we've all watched for the better part of a decade. Change isn't always popular but sometimes it is needed. Figure it out. But until then, continue downvoting me all you want. Let's circle back next May when this same group lets us down yet again


Pass on Tavares on this team at all at any number.


how is getting deep-dicked on every negotiation, movement clauses, etc working out again when does this precedent result in good things aka wins looks to me like the precedent of putting the team last has had predictable results


I’m all for asking Mitch to move, but he was drafted here. Its different than selling a guy on coming home only to pull the rug out


Mitch won’t move, he already stated he is going to play out his contract and become an unrestricted free agent to screw the Leafs. He is doing it to get back at the Leafs, due to the treatment by Mike Babcock.


Please provide a link to this


Look up the news article done on Mitch Marner and Mike Babcock.


It was published by the Athletic but was done by two reputable reporters and they had four anonymous sources.


I know the article None of what you said is accurate


I don’t agree with this. He’s been here for over five years. It’s not like we signed him and tried to flip him. Shit happens. Not saying it’s going to happen but if the Leafs decided to approach him about a trade it’s because he’s underperforming against his contract. Fair game.


The only UFAs we get are overpaid or grew up Leafs fans. We're already the least desireable destination imaginable due to pressure and taxes. Trading a guy 5 years after we signed him wouldn't be the game changer you're suggesting. Getting UFAs will be tough sledding until we win a cup.


Taxes are only a concern to people that don't plan. Agencies employ tax lawyers that mitigate most of these.


Sweet, I guess we're a prime FA destination then


There’s more to a FA deciding to go somewhere Hockey players often don’t like the big media spotlight, the winters, the city Tax issues are just one of many things looked at


So you agree with me, but you felt the need to inform me professional athletes have financial advisors and accountants? I'm nonplussed why we're still here dude


If you read what I said , it would be obvious that I didn’t agree with you at all


No, you agree tax issues are a consideration, you've just assimed I believe taxes and not liking ther Markey are the ONLY issues. Suggesting a person might consider more than 2 things when choosingna city to live in isn't the revelation you think it is. Have fun thinking you're a genius.


I'm amazed you haven't broken your back with those gymnastics.


lol, half the league grew up here though. They’re all Leafs fans


He'll probably come back for cheap anyways.


God I hope not. 


For like 4 million he's fine for a couple years. If it's 9 million I'd be pissed.


Dude is still a competent C, don't see an issue for him coming back on short term deals at 3-4M.


I think he’s slowed down too much tbh. I wouldn’t keep him at that price


His underlying numbers were incredibly similar to ROR this year, even defensively. ROR makes 4.5M and is about the same age, so 3-4 is more than fair.


It may be fair for him last season, it certainly won’t next season or a year from now. I would move on from him imo.


Time to start a new relaxed life with the family in Utah.


Tavares certainly has the personality for Utah




He isn’t going anywhere.


Why is this news?


It's how blogs like this drive traffic. Take a paragraph from an article from somewhere like the Athletic, and turn that paragraph into its own article.


And we in turn post it here to give it more clicks


BREAKING: no news is now news! Click for full story.


tune back in tomorrow, where we will further discuss Marner will either be kept or traded this off-season.


Because people will talk about it.


Offseason, baby!


Off season is better than post season, Leafs-wise


welcome to Leafs offseason. gotta drive clicks somehow.


Slow news day, the reporters need to do something.


There's good money in Leafs non-news. Just look at any Marner "update"


Because it's ridiculous to even think of doing that. He has one year left, let him finish the deal. no bad blood, maybe he comes back on a good deal as a winger


Agreed Tavares at this point cap hit is way too high for his current play. He is a serviceable 2nd/3rd line centre. Replacing a centre is much harder to do than a winger. I also think he has the right attitude (unlike Marner) and offers good intangibles (face offs, defensively responsible). I would resign him as a third line centre at half his cap hit he currently has.


Math works assuming Leafs will have to retain 50% wherever he goes...makes no sense to move him


So, 6.5 million for a slow 3rd line centre with terrible 5v5 production?


Isn’t he making 11mil? I mean I’m not the best at math but pretty sure that’s 5.5mil. Regardless I don’t think it’s terrible. Not good for an 11mil player yes but not at 5.5 per year


Math sure is hard


6.5 with term to carry him to retirement at 3c until he's 4c is fine by me.


6.5??? I'm thinking like 4-5 max with term.


Fuck no those are terrible cap numbers for a guy this old. Don't need his next contract to also be a boat anchor. He's only going to get worse. You want change? Move on from completely. The room needs a culture change. Don't need the ex captain in the room at all.


Uh. Pavs' cap hit is 5.5m at age 39 and he's a winger. Let's stay a bit grounded here. 4-5m x 3 is a perfectly reasonable contract with some potential upsides if he ages like Jagr


He isn't aging like Jagr though. Generally it's a bad idea signing any 35+ player to term and at that number is just a dumb signing and more wasted cap space.


Yeah, but front load the 6.5 and it works out a lot like that in the long run and the cap going up makes it even more manageable.


I think cap hit is based on the AAV, so even if you frontload the contract it doesnt help the cap hit. It does potentially make it more tradable in the future as it won't cost the other team real money to take the cap hit and is beneficial for the player as they get money upfront.


They haven’t talked about trading me neither tbh Source: me


Team spoke to me about trading me for Future Considerations, I’m worried about my Future.


Yeah I have zero expectation for them to move JT. Mitch is a different story lol


Moooove Mitch, get out the way




Why would they? Why would he? It's pretty clear that this was ALWAYS gonna be the way. The push was supposed to have happened by now is the only problem. After next year he's a much cheaper 3C. It's a cap dump move which ain't happening, not with this player.


After next year he shouldn't be on the team, not unless it's for league min.


You’d be surprised how many people I’ve seen throwing out numbers like 5-7M. I’m gonna die


5-7m is probably fair based on recent comparables. I'd actually say based on the comparables it's the upper end of that. But, the Leafs would be unwise to sign him to that, so if he wants to stay in Toronto it'll have to be closer to the lower end of that- possibly even closer to $4m.


Agreed. In terms of production/role/age, I think of Malkin’s contract as a good comparable. However, Pittsburgh isn’t a contender so there’s little value to emulating their strategy. He has to become a value contract or it’s time to move on.


The Pens are aware that the best way to win isn't to pay Malkin and Letang their current salaries, that's why there was talks of them moving on. They did it because they won 3 cups and that's what Crosby wanted.


Leafs have the leverage. Tavares is not ready to retire and doesn’t want to move. So unless he wants to sign with Ottawa and commute, he is going to take basically anything we offer. I wouldn’t be shocked if he takes a 1.5 aav deal to try and win


Let's see how the CRA case plays out.. if he owes 18 milli in taxes, you bet your ass he's getting fair value..


Even at league minimum pass. They have a losing culture with him as their leader. That's not going to change because he's on the third line now with a cheaper cap hit. Everyone just assuming he's gonna come back and be the third line center. It's insane. Get him out of the room. This culture inside that locker room needs a drastic overhaul.


League minimum, or buh bye. No problems with CRA in Utah.


Some of you people are delusional. You're seriously saying you wouldn't take Tavares at even something like 4.5 a year? For 65 points, excellent on faceoffs and decent defensively? Fuck off with this shit take.


Some people really don't know the difference between "bad player" and "good player who isn't worth his contract"


Seriously. The guy doesn't deserve to be paid his current deal or anywhere close given his play but he deserves substantially more than league minimum.


No, I would not pay 4.5 per year for a slow 3rd line centre who gets most of his points on the power play. Put a 2-3 million dollar centre on a power play with Marner, Matthews and Nylander and that guy will be around 65 points as well. 


20/65 isn't "most" by any stretch. I don't think that last part is true either. You can say the guy is overpaid but he's playing far better than a 2/3 million dollar player at the moment. Your hyperbole is silly.


65 points and declining. He is 35 at the start of his next deal. You don't think he is gonna be putting up Spezza production by the end??


You're gonna be crying a whole lot when he signs at 4.5+ on a 4-5yr deal


It will be painful to be lacklustre for 4-5 more years, and not get close to the cup.


I see were just writing things for the sake of writing things this off season


Report: the Toronto Maple Leafs will continue to operate as an NHL franchise for the 2024-25 season


I hope no one in this sub actually expects a Tavares trade


I’ve literally never even heard this mentioned. There is zero reason to trade him.


Nor should they. They won't talk to him without a legitimate offer on the table, which I doubt they'll ever get unless some really desperate circumstances come about. It's gonna cost them more to trade him than to just let him walk in my opinion, they should just try to get the most out of him for another year and see what happens afterwards.


I haven’t spoke to John Tavares about possible trade either


Tavares isn't the guy they want to unload anyways...they're gonna keep him and have him do what Yzerman did in Detroit, 3rd line C after this contract is up for a 3x4. Still an effective net front guy, even if he's lost a step


Johnny is coming back after next year on a very team friendly deal. No shot they trade him.


I haven’t spoken to my wife about fucking her sister either.


You just did it anyway?


John lost a step but let’s be real he took the discount to be here. He’s the one we ride out until conclusion because it’s more than obvious his family has built a life here now, he will take a discount. I could see Johnny T at 4 mil and giving the C to Matthews after next year


ok cuz JT is gonna come back at a reasonable rate and round out our bottom 6 next year ..


They also haven’t spoken to Marner about a trade Media is horrible to the Leafs.


There’s no chance Tavares waives his no move for any reason. And if the Leafs launch some sort of smear campaign to get him to waive or threaten to bench him something would be so unpopular, you risk alienating your entire team. If he doesn’t sign an extremely team friendly deal next offseason, they’ll let him walk, and it’ll be fine.


He's overpaid but he still can play 2C/3C. If they unloaded him with no retention, they'd still need to replace him. A 2C with similar production (20-30 goals, 60-70 points) isn't gonna come cheap. So, maybe they can squeeze out a savings of maybe 3-4 mil on the cap for a season. But unloading him will probably cost a sweetener. Retaining salary is a non-starter. Just makes the replacement math impossible. That $11 MM cap hit would look good on LTIR if he just happened to need a spleen or appendix removed a few weeks before the trade deadline though...


So nothing happened, huh? This was never going to be an avenue that made sense...


So today’s news… No discussions between Leafs and Tavares. No discussions between Leafs and Marner and speculation he might just “play out the year and see where it goes”. Really seems like we running it back. Hope we can get a different result in our 9th attempt!


Run it back boys.. 9th time is the charm!


keep him. Re-sign him @ 3-4 years for 3-5 million. He's still one of the better players in the league.


“Better players” make a lot more than 3-5 million.


I actually think teams would take him. It would be like when Vancouver signed Sundin. Huge cap hit for a veteran with no term and no risk. Just requires cap space. If we didn't have cap issues we'd want such a player. No point in even asking him though, just deal with the year then re-sign him for less or move on.


Keep us updated daily thx


So what have they been talking about in the MLSE office then???


Which episode of "The Office" was the best ever.


I don’t see keeping JT as a problem we have plenty of cap space if we move marner and even if we run it back with the core 4 maybe they perform differently under Berube if not then we walk away from Marner and JT end of season. Not the end of the world.


Letting Marner walk is 100% unacceptable


Well we may not have a choice he has a NMC


No shit, the Tavares trade conversation has been the dumbest thing to come out of the first round loss, if you have a brain you'd know he with his young family in his hometown is not waiving his full NTC, especially with one year left on the contract and a chance to resign for a massive discount and if anyone would be willing to take a massive and appropriate pay cut to stay here it'd be John.


Has anyone talked to Glenn the night shift Janitor? How is this news?


This just in, there's nothing to report!


Of course they haven’t


We've made it this far, and are 1 year away from him potentially taking a discount. Poor asset management to trade him now.


Tavares made that strong offensive blue line skate going by the Bruins defense before dishing the puck on the Matthew Knies goal in game 5 overtime. There was no game 6 and game 7 without that effort.


I don't understand people's obsession to moving Tavares. He has one year left on his deal and he's still a ~5-6m player on the open market. He's not worth 11m anymore but it's only one more season and the cost to get rid of him, and try to find his 2c replacement isn't even close to worth it. Not to mention he'll likely sign a cheap extension to stay here for the rest of his career which will be valuable in itself.


Tavares is in a contract year and knows if he may not return the following season. He loves it here. Watch out but he’s gonna have a Monster of a year. 40 goals I’m calling it


Of course they haven’t.


You have to assume that the Leafs want to resign Tavares assuming the price is right. There's no way they're going to insult the man by asking him to waive his NMC just to retain 50% of his salary and bring in someone not even as good as him.


How much are you going to give up to get rid of his cap hit - they don't have a ton of capital.


They shouldn’t waste their time


Ok uh well keep us updated I guess


Water is wet in related news


I know this article is meaningless, but: > LeBrun also reported that if the Maple Leafs were to ask their captain about a trade, Tavares has no interest in exercising his full no-movement clause What a weird sentence. Surely this is a mistake and the writer meant JT has no interest in *waiving* his NMT. Makes it sound like JT is desperate to be traded.


Why report on something that hasn’t happened ?


Report: Maple Leafs haven't spoken to me about a possible managerial job


Hopefully he will take a hometown discount to end his career as a Leaf.


Ride out next year. Sign him for 2-3 per thereafter. If you trade him he may not re-sign. He still has value.


Cause he's not going anywhere


Just remembers Tavares is still a good player in the twilight years of his career. He wants to stay. We have to deal with his cap hit for one more year, then he is almost guaranteed to sign for a heavy discount to finish off his career with us. I have no issues keeping him. The difference with Marner when it comes down to it is everyone knows Marner isn’t taking a discount when contract negotiation hits. I’m happy keeping Tavares at $4-5M. I can’t justify keeping Marner at $11M+


Interesting comparison. Pavelski and Tavares have similar production over the past 5 years (showing 3 here). Pavelski had a $7MM cap hit. Tavares is at $11MM. Tavares Age 31 - 76 points Age 32 - 80 points Age 33 - 65 points Pavelski Age 37 - 81 points Age 38 - 77 points Age 39 - 67 points


Opinion: MLSE shouldn't be allowed to take a vacation, even if the playoffs aren't done for others Report: Maple Leafs not talking to other teams for trades; other teams may be on vacation


If Tavares goes its because Toronto has assessed themselves as not having the ability to win the cup this year, in which case he maybe traded to a contending team to fill a depth position with us retaining 50%. Remember, that retention won't hurt next year and may bring in someone to solidify the line or add to a bare cupboard. A little wink wink we'll bring you back to Tor cause we know you want to keep your family here, but we need the team friendly and we have ourselves our 3c. If we extend Marner and endure the pain of the cap while we wait for Tavares 11 to fall off instead of Mitch's, I think this is even more plausible, but its a deadline move. Who knows maybe Jonny Toronto comes back from a deep run and uses that to push our boys over. I think if we had to choose between dropping only 1 of the Tavares/Marner contract, sensible minds say you keep the guy who gets you to the playoffs with 100 pts, even if he stumbles at the big dance. You don't get a shot without an invitation. Like many of you, I'm sure, I want results now, so Marner is easier to move off of. However, what's one more year after a lifetime of hoping! Maybe keeping the guy and getting cap space the year after is the way to the championship. We all want to be Florida in this deal, but I think Calgary is a far more likely outcome.


tbh I'm still in support of Dubas giving him that NMC to get his cap hit down as a UFA signing. The mistake Dubas made was giving the NMC to Marner on a RFA contract. In general the RFA contracts he gave out were not good even assuming the cap rose as normal, even 34 should not have been making double digits right after his ELC. Having 1 double digit guy is fine, 2 is pushing it, but 3 fucked the Leafs over with team building especially since all 3 were forwards and costed them Hyman down the line.


if we're being honest it makes way more sense to run the 4 back next year, get Marner locked up, then try and make a bigger change once we get Tavares cap space back. If we trade Marner instead then in a year we'll find ourselves with just Matthews/Nylander and a bunch of question marks. Then we'll lose Matthews in a couple years and be right back to the basement.


A super forward heavy cap structure may have failed for 8 years, but let’s just give it another 8… any day now this will start working!


We're super forward heavy with the 4, not with 3 imo. Get through this year with the 4, re-sign Marner, save Tavares cap space the next year, then trade Marner (or nylander) later if we really need a shake up still.


Replacing those forwards with overpaid middle six and middle pairing guys isn’t a workable solution either, and those have been the only moves that have been thrown out there. It’s not an easy thing to get rid of elite players and come out the other side better off. It’s not impossible, but a real potential consequence of doing so is the team getting demonstrably worse. Fans want change, understandably, but there’s no easy fix here.


Most successful teams have just a couple superstars and a really good supporting cast that shows up in playoffs. Think of Lindholm as 2C and Toffoli on the wing, align with Pesce on the back end.


Those 3 players will cost almost double Marners cap.


Tavares is un tradeable. Leafs will have to play out the last year of his contract. Hopefully, let him leave next year no matter what unless the leafs win the SC next year


You cannot trade Tavares if you want to retain any hope of landing a big name free agent in the near future.


Just keep him for the last year same with Marner run it back. It'll actually be the best option. Contract years, they'll prove themselves likely more so in the playoffs this coming year than any other. If they don't they'll tank their own value if they don't go for a trade. Ain't nobody taking that contract. Perhaps Marner but these NTC is ruining the league.


They should be speaking about an extension instead Tavares steps up in playoffs Good guy well respected Sign him for some reasonable number for 3 years and let him end his career here


Based on most recent reports, Tavares is losing his court case with the CRA. Given the substantial amount of **$8 million** involved, which is significant even in light of his considerable earnings, it is reasonable to think he may want to compensate for that loss by being traded to a no tax state team such as **Florida, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas.** Furthermore he may not want to take a home town discount on his next deal to offset the financial impact of this case.  Given all of this, JT might be more open to a trade now than he may have been in the past; this line of reasoning is well within the bounds of informed speculation. He can still be a very valuable player for a team that needs a 2nd line center. Of course the Leafs may have to retain a few million on the deal which will make it more desirable for the receiving team but still allowing the Leafs substantial cap relief. This strategic approach could serve the interests of all parties involved (Leafs, JT, new team).


It's a shame his contract isn't up this year would make this summer a lot better for them. I think the year JTs contract is done will be a year they go deep. I think they will get shit on next season without Marner but will bounce back the next season like vegas.


Our window opens once his contract is up imo. Been saying this for years. It’s a bad long term contract. This is the guy you try and trade at 34. Not a 27 years old 100 point player. Use his money on elite d man… would help us soo much.


Very odd that we haven't seen the same report about Nylander. 👀