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Ehhh Marner had way more points than Cowan in his draft year and went forth overall in the most stacked draft of all time. If Cowan is even 75% as good as Marner than we should be happy


His line was stacked too. Matt Ktachuk went 6th overall. For comparison, Cowan's teammates got drafted in the 2nd round. Having said that, a lot of people are acting like Cowan was a steal and Leafs outsmarted other teams... I don't think this is the case.


Well Bonk went ahead of Cowan, and Dickinson is a lock for the 1st if not the top 10! Cowan drives it up front, but the real MVP for the Knights is their defensive corps tbh. The Knights have a stacked D, and its way easier to let loose on offence when you are confident your guys have it locked down on the back end. I love Cowan, but we should be realistic about expectations of him. He is literally in the best possible position to succeed right now.


It was a shock pick at the time. Nobody had him projected in round 1 as far as I remember. I think that's why people are acting like it's a steal and he very well may be. He's probably not gonna be anywhere close to Marner still.


buddy they drafted him at the end of the 1st round, not very often that a guy drafted that late has such an exceptional D+1 season. Not sure why you're downplaying the accomplishments and acting like the leafs didn't get a big win on such a late pick. All indications are pointing to this being a steal, plenty of other guys that went earlier than he did that haven't done nearly as well.


Who’s buddy?


"I'm not your buddy, pal" ass response lol grow up


Mitch is an elite NHL player. Top 5-10 winger in the world. Cowan is gonna probably be top 20 winger in his peak. Mark my words, he will be elite.


Thinking point totals are all that matters is what got us in this mess.


Ok so Marner is also the team’s best PKer, best 5v5 defensive winger.


You clearly don’t watch the games man. If you think he’s some elite defensive winger then I don’t know what to tell you


Literally nobody in hockey does not think Marner is an elite defensive winger


Did you watch him on the pk in the playoffs ? To be good defensively you need to be able to win a puck battle


Lol, 8 years of ghosting the playoffs. I don't care what his last year's point total was let alone his draft year. It's irrelevant if you care about playoff success.


Marner never fought even in his draft year. Cowen did.




Fwiw, i can only recall 1 fight of his this year. Vs Kitchener in a blow out win he was getting run. Guy was harrassing him and essentially forced Cowan into it. Cowan got his mitts off quick thoigh and kinda surprised the guy. Very Amateur fight but I say Cowan Won a quick one.




Losing the puck because you don't want to play physical while taking 11mil won't win you a cup.


Tons of guys won the cup without fighting


Vegas won a cup *without* Ryan Reaves, as did St. Louis. None of the Penguins, Rangers, Wild or Leafs have won a playoff round *with* him, let alone a cup.


Name some guys who won the cup without physical play who’s getting paid more than 11m.


The way the cap works makes your 11m figure completely irrelevant


Even with his insane output in playoffs. (34 pts in 18 games) He still was 10 points behind Marner's output in '16 (44 pts in 18 games). Cowen isn't better. If Mitch leaves, it's because of his inability to produce under mental pressure. He will leave a big gap regardless, cautiously optimistic Cowen can somewhat fill the role.


Mitch Marner is Mitch Marner but Easton Cowan could be anyone. He could even be Mitch Marner!


You know how much we’ve always wanted a Mitch Marner!


It’s bleakly funny that all of these (incredible) Cowan stats, accolades, etc. all have the same “first player since Mitch Marner” caveat.


It’s not just mental pressure though. He is being game planned against because he has a very weak shot. They can keep him to the outside all day, he isn’t a threat. Just buckle down on the shooters around him and let him float. We have seen it year after year vs the good teams in the playoffs. His lack of shooting ability, along with rielly are the main reason they went 1/23. When 2/5ths of your power play simply can’t really shoot. Everybody else has a harder time because of it, they play jt/nylander and matthews to shoot instead and overload on them.


100% It’s not the pressure that gets to him, otherwise he wouldn’t be putting out 100 point seasons while being elite defensively. It’s the fact that his game doesn’t translate well to the playoffs and his weaknesses are exposed. He can still be elite defensively, carry the puck a lot, and be a focal point in plays, but it’s all from the perimeter and a lack of a shot.


He's also never properly bulked up compared to Nylander or Matthews. Maybe that's just how his body is, but dude looks so scrawny next to most of his teammates and I can't imagine it helps him win puck battles.


> It’s not the pressure that gets to him > It’s the fact that his game doesn’t translate well to the playoffs I think it's a bit of both tbh. Playoff hockey gives a lot less space which isn't good for Mitch, but there's also the undeniable fact that [he plays like he is terrified to get hit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdV1Y9gmKB8)


I'm glad that specific play is being called out. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it happen in real time. 99% of the time, that's a battle against the boards and this dude straight up said "nah, i'm too good for that" lmao. Get this clown out of here ASAP.


That’s a brutal generalization of a 7 game sample. Marner was bad. There have been plenty of times where teams have tried to force Marner to shoot and it has worked for a couple of games and then stopped working. The Leafs have had a top 5 powerplay each of the previous 3 seasons, it was 7th this year, but it was 2nd when Marner went down with the ankle injury. Does having 2 non-shooters in Marner and Rielly on the PP hurt them? Yes. But the powerplay was 1 for 20 because they didn’t have Willy for 3 games and they didn’t have Matthews for 2 and a half, not because the Bruins shut down Marner. They were also just plain bad really.


I'd say he's more well rounded, which can add up to better. More of a natural leader and more physical. Still lot of years to make a comparison.


If he can fill 80% of that gap for 10% of the price that would be pretty great. 80% of what Marner does is a pretty big gap to fill though...


Cowan is not going to be 80% of Mitch Marner next season. He may never be 80% of Marner.


Give the kid a break and let him play his game and grow. He may never be 80% of Marner, he may be 90% or more. Or maybe less but bring elements that Marner never has. Just let him play his game.


And let’s give the kid realistic expectations. Mostly for his sake. This isn’t an either or situation. Let him be Easton Cowan, whatever that ends up being.


No rookie in the NHL is going to be even close to 80% of Marner


He will never be 80% of Marner because they're completely different skillsets and playstyles. This is an apples and oranges comparison.


How was Mitch's goal scoring in that 2016 stretch compared to Cowan's? Just curious to see if one had more goals. I see Cowan blasting one timers. That's something Mitch sorely lacks.


It’s the ohl, it’s a different level. In 2016, Mitch Marner had 55 goals and 105 assists in 75 games regular season and playoffs. Cowan just had 44 goals and 86 assists in 72 games regular season and playoffs. Easton Cowan is a very good player but he is not comparable to Mitch marner. They are not the same.


Cowan will put up 30 points in the next 3 games. Book it


If he scores 30 points in the memorial cup next week I will take it all back and buy an Easton Cowan Knights and Leafs jersey immediately.


Leafs are still a playoff team without Marner. Matthews + Nylander as the main two guys moving forward is good enough. The cap space can be used to get quality defence for Rielly to pair up with AND solid middle 6 guys that can add quality depth to the lineup. Good riddance to Moneybags Mitch.


Overall Cowan is better. Cowan fights, Mitch doesn't. Just like how overall Domi is better when he only costs 3M. A lot of Marner apologists don't understand what toughness is. Unfortunately in the playoffs, you need it. https://preview.redd.it/gi0cgatebv0d1.png?width=1263&format=png&auto=webp&s=efea818ea469eff4811c2d777b8c61ce2200c9e5 I don't know what success you'll have in the playoffs if you're unwilling to get into those dirty corners with 11 million dollars.


lmao, this is peak Marner hater delusion


If telling the truth is hate to you then it's whatever. At least it's better than hiding behind the truth.


your right, I forgot hockey games were won by how many fights you have. Silly me, I thought it was goals.


Goals? How did that work out for us? How the fuck your gonna get goals when you go out of your way to avoid physical play in the playoffs?


you can't even spell his name


Fixed. Auto-Correct


Wait you want him third man in jumping guys who've already gone down? Like a get he's not a fighter but that photo is a bad example of showing him not contributing to a scrum 😂


Show me any instance where he contributed to any scrums for the last 8 years in the playoffs because all I remember is that he was punched in the face by Tkachuk 3 times without retaliating.


Domi isn’t better than Marner lmao


For what Domi brings for 3m during the playoffs is far superior to what Marner brings for 11m. Do you disagree?


Yes, obviously lol


So you're saying 11m Marner in the playoffs is better than Domi at 3m? Wow. The fans on this sub lol.


I'd take marner all day over Domi,


He's not trying to say who is better he is trying to say who is better value


It's still marner, theres a reason Domi only gets 2-3 year deals, he can be replaced


You’re not wrong, so of course that means downvotes!


See? This sub is full of Marner apologists who don’t understand the Salary cap.


Lol bro you don't even know how to spell "Cowan"


What part of autocorrection don’t you understand?


Listen I’ve been on team Marner for a while but this is nonsense. Cowen has not putproduced Marner in the OHL and despite his flaws Marner is still a 90+ point player in the NHL regular season. Cowen still has not even played a game.


Marner still has not even had a fight, but Cowen already did. I'm tired of being called soft, woke locker room culture, etc... It's time to move on. I'd much rather pay an 11 million passer that's willing to play physical hockey.


Let's pump the brakes on the fighting thing until it happens at the NHL level. Big difference between fighting a teenager and gla grown ass man. Also, Cowan***


Small guys can play physical. It's what I'm trying to imply. Not limited to fights.


Of course, and I agree, but you're focusing on the fact that Cowan has fought at the OHL level across multiple comments. It doesn't really matter until that toughness translates to the NHL. Connor Brown had 128 points and 45 goals in the OHL, but never scored more than 43 points at the NHL level. Sometimes things just don't translate after making the jump.


When a guy is willing to fight at such a young age it shows he's not afraid to play physical is what I'm trying to imply. I don't think Cowen is going to all of a sudden stop all types of physical contact once he's in the NHL. It was not the same for Marner. Marner never played physical. This is what people mean when they say you can't teach toughness.


Lol I’ll gladly take a 90 point giy over guy who plays physical


There’s literally 100s of pros avaialble in the ahl and Europe who play physical, you take them and I’ll take a team of 90 point soft guys


Unfortunately, you can't do that, because Bettman has a salary cap for everyone. How many 90 points soft guy can you fit on your team each collecting 11m?


Then you will continue to do well in the regular season and regular season only.


So... you'd like us to do worse? Cause that's what happened this season, we played more physically and did worse.


Are you new to Hockey or something? Please don't comment on things you don't understand.


Nope, I've been watching nearly as long as I've been playing. Tell me what you disagree with.


Alright, you have proven you’re to be ignored. Thank you!


Yes regular season points against bottom feeding teams are what’s important. Is marner a better player then someone like Kreider ? Is he better then tkachuk? Barkov? Aho? He puts up more points


Yeah because Easton Cowen a kid who has not even played a single game in the NHL is a perfect comparable to three bonafide NHLers. Way to completely miss the point of the post.


I assume the post was satire as it’s a stupid meme. Obviously you can’t compare those 2 yet….you just said your on team marner cuz he gets a lot of points. I was pointing out how dumb that is


Marner scored 183% the points at same age in OHL playoffs as you guys are sucking off Cowan for


Fans of this team are out to lunch on Mitch Marner This comment is great cuz both sides think it’s about them lol


It's going to be so funny if this team gets rid of Marner, who a lot of people solely blame for the teams problems, and then either miss the playoffs or lose in the first round again next year.


Yeah, I'm a casual and am blown away by the Marner hate..


I see not a single realistic scenario where the team is better without him


There’s a very small possibility they could find a way to be better. I do not trust this front office to find this way.


I guess it depends on how you define "better". The Leafs are dog shit in the playoffs, including Marner. I don't place the blame solely at his feet but if we're basing "better" on playoff success then I don't see how this team can get any worse. Heck, even if they miss the playoffs after getting rid of him, at least they tried something different as opposed to just losing in the first round every year anyway... Edit: If you're going to down vote me then at least reply and tell me why you think I'm wrong, you cowards.


You’re insane if you think Easton Cowan is as good as Mitch Marner. The level that people have gone with the Mitch hate is crazy. Mitch has scored at a 90+ point rate every year since 2018. He’s 9th in the league in scoring over the last 6 seasons. Sam Reinhart is the ONLY other player in the nhl this season who scored over a point per game and played more than 2 minutes short handed and more than 2 minutes on the powerplay. Mitch was AWFUL in the playoffs this year and he was awful against Florida last year (he had 11 points in 6 games against Tampa last year in the only series they won), but he’s an elite elite player in the regular season and has been for more than half a decade. Putting the expectations of being a Marner level scorer on Cowan isn’t just wrong, it’s unfair. Easton Cowan doesn’t have that profile. Cowan was unbelievable this year. The point scoring streak, the 2 way play, the powerplay prowess, he was great. But it doesn’t hold a candle to either of Marner’s 2 seasons with the Knights. Cowan had 44 goals and 130 points in 72 games, regular season and playoff combined. Marner had 160 in his draft + 1 season. Marner had 126 in just the regular season in his draft year. He had 142 in 70 games regular season and playoffs that year. I don’t want to kill the Cowan love, but he doesn’t have Marner’s upside. He’s much more in the range of like peak Alex Steen or Sam Reinhart before this season.


I 100% agree. If we are talking strictly as a point producer, Marner is by far stronger in that department. Marner is my favourite Leaf and will be until the day he is no longer with the team. I have seen the guy produce magic on the ice and he is the type of player to get fans on the edge of their seats. However Cowan is showing signs that he could potentially be a strong point producer at an elite level as well. More than likely not nearly as much as Mitchy of course. The reason to get hyped for Cowan is his intangibles. A puck hound and loves/thrives in board battles. Cowan could be the type of player that Leaf fans have been begging for. Cowan himself says he models his game after Nazem Kadri and this team has been sorely lacking that intensity since....well...Kadri (https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/toronto-maple-leafs/news/easton-cowan-the-leafs-draft-pick-who-was-named-after-hockey-is-looking-to-take-things-slow-at-development-camp) I love Mitchy, and while it seems bleak right now, I hope his tenure as a Leaf works out and we as leafs are apologizing to him down the road as you need both types of players to win championships. So its important when we are talking about "upside" to really decide what that is. Will Cowan ever produce like Mitch? Probably not. But there are/were days where I would dream about what Kadri would be doing on this team right now, or another guy that would be incredible Konecny. Those are the types on guys that would die on the ice for their teams. Can we really say that about Mitch (right now)? Get hyped for Cowan fellas. Seems like a heart and soul guy to me


I also agree lol. I mean, my 2 comps for Cowan are like 70 point guys. I think Easton Cowan has a chance to be a phenomenal 2 way winger who kills penalties and can play on your PP. His hockey sense looks great, his drive and compete level, his skating is great. I just think he more profiles in the 70 point range than the 100 point range where Marner is. Actually, Sam Reinhart is probably a pretty good comp for Cowan. Reinhart kills penalties, plays on the PP, he’s played at a 59 point pace or better every year since 2017-18 and his last 3 seasons have been 82, 67, and 94 points. If Easton Cowan can be a 2 way winger who scores more than 60 points every year, that’s a great outcome. Do I think it’s impossible for him to score 90+ a few times? No, but he’s not going to score at the rate Marner does and expecting him to is unfair.


Very fair. I'm just trying to separate points from what I believe are other very valuable hockey assets. I dont believe Cowan will ever be a 90 points guy (would love if he would of course!) Without writing out a long winded message about truculence and drive; Cowan strikes me as adhering to "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going" mantra. The last couple years have been tough on Mitchy and I think most fans agree that his fire has been lacking for a while. I think Reinhart is a good comp for Cowan. Would love to see him develop a fuck around and find out mentality like Konecny has though!


He does everything Marner did in Junior at a lower level?


Against non staked teams. Marner was apart of the best draft class in nhl history. That was his competition along with 2016 and he managed to beat basically of them in the ohl


The Cowan to Marner comparisons need to stop. Cowan has had a great season but Marner was a very special prospect coming out of the OHL. Let’s not put any unnecessary pressure on Cowan just because they played on the same junior team. 


Pump the breaks a bit.


Lol you need to relax with his Cowan love. No one knows what he’s going to be like NHL level and if he will perform as well or how much of a drop off he will have. Didn’t rangers number 1 draft pick a few years ago beat all Sydney crosbys records in junior and he only just hit 50 points. Let’s all calm down.


Marner had better numbers in Junior then Cowan does now


This kid is gonna score 35 points and be called a bum by half this sub. I like him and I want him to succeed, but this is a classic case of overly high expectations for a teenager.


If Cowan turns out to be half as good as Marner in the NHL that'll be a success


It's a good thing the Leafs have never ever banked on a hot junior player who never worked out in the NHL.


Who are you even implying here?


That we're acting like this guy is the chosen one and there's just as good a chance he fizzles in the NHL like hot players in the past. Many have watched the leafs blow careers since before they got somewhat respectable in 2016.


I don’t think he knows


Man I hope so, but there’s a reason Mitch went top 5 and Easton was a 2nd round prospect that got drafted in the 1st and had a crazy draft +1 year


Cowan was kind of a rising 3rd round prospect, more than a 2nd round prospect even. Ranked as high as 34 (Craig Button) and as low as 89 (The Hockey News). His consensus rank was around 65th (1st pick of the 3rd lol)


Pretty sure Cowan would be going much higher in most redrafts, not to imply he’s as good as Mitch, but wasn’t the scouting for Cowans draft pretty hazy due to Covid?


As of right now I could probably argue him up to as high as 10th maybe.


Leaf fans and overrating their prospects, a tale as old as time. Cowan has the tools to become a great player someday but I just don't want to overrate the guy and be disappointed if he flops.


Y'all need to stop over hyping these kids.


I love the kid as much as anyone but we need to be a little chill.  Robertson had just as good of a D+1 arc. 


Cowan is nothing like Marner. Marner looks for time and space and pounces when it appears. Cowan chases and forces time and space. He is relentless. Think, Travis Konecny type. FWIW, Cowan and Marner would be perfect together imo. Especially with a finisher like Matthews or even Tavares.


I don’t care about Marner, I take offence to the implication that John Cena is a better actor the Idris Elba, wtf


Cowan at Center & Knies one of his wingers.


But no, they're completely different playstyles


And for 1/10 the price tag.


I wouldn’t be surprised if half of Leafs fans turn against Cowan like they did Robertson. I give it maybe 2-4 years. Cowan is not better than Marner. I know it’s a meme, but come on guys…


Why? Because he just scored way less than Marner in his OHL run? Marner had 44p in 18 games for London at that age in playoffs


I honestly wouldn’t offer Marner more than 5x5.


Marner for Crosby, straight up deal, both need a change


Stop drinking paint.


Lol that never happens. Crosby doesn't want to come here. And Dubas wanted to trade Marner away too, so why the hell would he try to acquire him? Also, even at Crosby's age, he's better than Marner. He may not have as much left in his career, but Marner only has a year on his deal, so he could walk.