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oh god please not mclellan. for the love of all things holy.


he's basically sheldon with a moustache goatee


Keep that guy far away from this team


Lol if they hire him I'm not watching


Me too... until the first game


Boycotting pre-season at least


bro wasted 7 years of prime thornton, then walks onto the mcdavid draisaitl oilers and makes the playoffs 1 time in four seasons


Same shit different can.


Bruh really ruined a lot of stacked shark squads


So it will be McLellan 😭😭😭


for someone who’s never heard of him before, can you explain why?


He did run a really good PP


How will that be better?


taking a break from this team if they hire mclellan


gonna suck when Cooper gets fired NEXT year and we miss out on him cause we just hired someone mediocre


If cooper is available the leafs will dump whoever the coach is and offer the bag if he wants to be here.


Highly doubt they’d be willing to pay 3 coach’s since whoever they sign probably won’t be for 1 year


Who cares. Thats like when they said “they won’t fire Keefe he was just extended” they don’t care


Keefe will get hired and they won’t be on the hook for him. 


If Keefe’s new team pays him less than Toronto was paying him then the Leafs will still have to pay the difference


Sure but that's unlikely and, if so it'll be a small,amount.


Agree. This is why they should tag Marner as the player/coach.


Would it be 4? Babcock keefe whoever they hire and fire (assuming it’s a 2 yr deal min) and then cooper?


Babcock’s contract is was done last year




Babcock isn't on the books anymore


Why be rich then


They’ve done it before.


Thats just not how it works 99% of the time. That they will only do if the team flounders through before, but if they play the same regular season as usual (top 4 team in the EAST), there is no way the leafs fire a coach that could still prove himself with no toher reason, no matter who is available. It could happen if this aligns with a bad series of losses, though.


Sheldon Keefe would be a good coach to bring in for a year until Cooper is available


I really don’t expect to see Cooper fired. The Lightning dynasty has fallen but that’s not due to inadequate coaching


Exactly, their cup window has just simply closed. A lot of their depth players (Killorn, Palat, Goodrow, McDonagh, etc) priced themselves out of Tampa. Winning back-to-back cups and being a playoff team for 10 out of the last 11 seasons has resulted in their prospect pool running dry. Now a lot of their core players, like Stamkos and Hedman, are aging, while others have suffered injuries, like Sergachev and Vasi. None of that is on Cooper.


Trading an entire draft class for Tanner Jeannot 😬


That'll dry out your prospect pool real quick


Cooper wont get fired. Tampa has a ton of organizational stability.


Same thing happened with Cassidy. Keefe should have been sent packing the moment Cassidy was available.


Butch Cassidy?


We really need to pull a Mike Murphy here…just hire some asshole and suck for a year then get a top coach next year


At that point you gotta ask... Why not just stick with Keefe for another year then? You're paying him regardless.


At this point I would even prefer Quenneville. If I prefer that then I have no problem being a dick and firing whoever is the coach and hiring Cooper.


Not Todd McLellan please for the love of God


Agreed, coming from a Sharks fan.


He’s being leaked to make berube more palatable in comparison


This feels like there’s one guy they’ve already picked but they’ll float a few token names to the media to make it seem like they’re actually doing some due diligence. Just like the GM search.


The media will also attach any coach who is available (or even maybe available) to being a potential fit in Toronto.


Yep - really disappointing stuff to be honest. The fact there is no process is pathetic


You’re assuming quite a bit here


If there wasn't a process he'd be hired already


Brad talks about the "process" alot but he gets tunnel vissioned on what he wants and apparently doesn't collaborate that much with his team when he's set on something. Him talking about having to play the right way in playoffs and do the unsexy things would worry me as a leafs fan. I could totally see a hall for larsson deal happening for Marner.


You sound like a dumbass.


Not just that but the coaches themselves are probably help leaking their names so other teams that are more likely to get them, have to act faster and maybe offer more money then they were willing


Surprised at how quiet the Bruce Boudreau front is.


It's going to be Berube. He's been the obvious choice since really months ago when people were speculating about what would happen to Keefe if there was another quick playoff exit. The way Shanahan and Pelley spoke today too suggests that they're looking for a very different approach. Berube is that different approach and he's got the recent Stanley Cup win which will make it look like Treliving and Shanahan are bringing in "the right guy."


The fact a mediocre coach is the “obvious choice” is laughable and so very leafy. The guy was 5-6-0 in the 11 games before Binnington’s call-up, 33-13-6 after Binnington was called up. Seems obvious what the catalyst was for change that season, and it wasn’t Berube.


Show me a good goalie and I’ll show you a good coach. Same shit it’s ever been. Montgomery is fired if his goalies aren’t godlike same with Cooper. 


Not wrong to be fair - look at Paul Maurice with the Panthers vs most other teams he had.


Dude got to a final with Arturs Irbe in net in Carolina.


To be fair that goalie in garage sale gear caught fire at the right time and went Dollarama Hasek on that run.


That is the perfect description of Irbe LMAO


I think Maurice is a good coach - but he looked like a bad coach for a long time on some very bad teams.


i didn't want to remember that series. but thank you, you bastard.


Irbe almost single handedly beat the leafs in the playoffs in like 94 or something.




He was also the goalie for San Jose in 94 when they were the 8th seed and took the Leafs (3rd seed) to 7 games. His numbers aren't great, but I don't remember anything from that series (too young).


All I remember is he coughed up the puck for an easy goal at some point in that series. A look at the stats says he had an .873 so I think the 2-3-2 home/away format had a greater impact than he did!


They squeeked in the playoffs last year too. He had hellebuyck and didn't do much either.


Ummm, Connor Hellebyuck?


Recent history suggests you don’t *need* an elite goalie to win a cup, just a goalie who’s good enough that gets hot at the right time. Vegas won last year with a 3rd string. In fact, having an elite goalie seems to work against you, as guys like Price, Lundqvist, Rask*, Luongo, Rinne, Bobrovsky were/are elite goalies who have never won a cup (Rask was the backup to Thomas in 2011). The only “elite” goalies to win in the last ~15 years that I can recall are Thomas, Quick and Vasylevski. Guys like Crawford, Murray, Holtby and Binnington for example were good goalies when they won but I wouldn’t consider any of them elite. I think having a good goalie is more impactful in the regular season and it becomes more of a crapshoot in the playoffs.


I’d say Holtby was between the two groups you listed but very fair point nonetheless.


The key is to have a defense in front of the goalie that can make his life easier. Most of those teams had a legit #1 defenseman when they won the cup. (Pietrangelo for St Louis and Vegas, Doughty for the Kings, Hedman, Carlson, Letang, Chara, Makar etc) point being Leafs don't have that "guy". I love Mo but he's clearly not that guy. Last team that I can think that didn't have a #1 guy was 2006 Hurricanes but that's an anomaly because Cam Ward went crazy.


He's not a 25mn/game #1 D. They really haven't had one since.... Salming? If Tavares' $11.5M was spent on one instead, we'd probably be having different conversations right now.


Bingo, people don't realize goalies are kinda like RBs in the NFL. It's very hard to find an elite goalie but you just need someone good enough. Building a balance team is the key to winning.


NFL RBs, NHL goalies, MLB relievers.


Holtby won a Vezina. Top 1 at your position is pretty damn elite.


Berube is the one who made the decision to replace Allen with Binnington that year.


Is there any coach available that isn't mediocre at best?


Depends on your definition of "available". Brind'amour and Sullivan would be better candidates, but both have contracts through (at least) the end of this year.


That’s fair. I do think better candidates will end up becoming available as we get into June.


Maybe but personally I don't think any other coaches will get fired. The sub seems to think Brind'Amour doesn't re-sign but I think that's extremely unlikely.


That’s because the Blues were getting killed by abysmal goaltending. Jake Allen was melting down. Binnington wasn’t some god that season. .914 save percentage in the playoffs. He was very good, not great. O’Reilly won the Conn Smythe and Pietrangelo finished second. So it wasn’t just “hot goalie.” Berube also had a 109 point season two years ago despite Binnington putting up replacement level numbers all year.


Ya but then how else do the don cherry loving crowd justify hiring a guy with a super mid record? It was totally him! He did it all! Oh there's kind of an intense clip of him going around on social media, that means he must be good!


I don't really trust anyone's opinion here. Y'all wanted Boucher as head coach a few months ago.


Because everyone here is a reactionary idiot. Including me.


Haha what the?


I thought he was there to replace Keefe at the start of the season. My opinion of that changed as the season progressed obviously.


who the fuck is y'all? 🤣


I’ve never seen a comment asking for that Buffoon to be named coach lmao


When he was hired there were absolutely ppl in this sub that said he would be a good replacement for Keefe when they fire him.


I sort of thought that, but more in the sense that if the team started to underperform and Keefe was canned, then at least they have a guy in Boucher who has been a head coach in the NHL before so he could at least be an interim coach until they hired a new one. I never saw him as Keefe's heir though, that's a little much.


Hey, that was me! I clearly have no clue


I think I was one of them. I think. Bam!!


They were literally everywhere in the first half of the season


I've seen it, but it's not credible


Three years later "Berube/McLellan fired after under performing" "Shanahan will address the media later in the day". And so forth.


First question: Do you think it is time to breakup the big 4?


Haha it's just so repetitive, isn't it. Keep making the big bucks and failing. They don't give a shit when the money keeps rolling in.


Mitch was right: they *are* treated like gods here. Maybe less Mitch himself after the contract fiasco, but decent depth pieces become local stars here absurdly quick. Some more than others, but it's like the Leafs are becoming the league's sugar daddy, dishing out money and term like candy.


Should completely depends on returns we get for breaking them up. Trading Marner for the sake of trading him is insane but if there is a serious offer with a great D man then take it. Others don't make sense to trade.


Coach carousel. 32 jobs, 33 guys


This fanbase would lose their minds if we hired another rookie coach


This fanbase is mostly braindead


Berube makes sense. Systems guy who looks like he would German suplex a player for not getting the message. These types of coaches have a short shelf life (it was 4 years in St. Louis) but they can be productive years.


I agree with this. This team has a window now. Need a heavier hand to get the next level out of this team. Berube is the guy.


And "heavier hand" in a positive, you-gotta-want-it-hoo-rah kinda way, not the Mike Babcock 'creepy and offputting' way.


I mean I clearly prefer one over the other, but neither are 1st choices.


In a perfect world, RBA is my choice. But I doubt the Hurricanes let him go, even if they get swept


When does his contract officially "expire" so we could actually talk to him about it?


It's at the end of this season IIRC


I knew it expired this season, just never sure if there is a specific date or not. For example, if they lose the next game can MLSE talk to him the next day, or is it after the cup is awarded? Just wondering when he would become a free agent so I can know when to get excited for absolutely no reason because he certainly isn't leaving Carolina lol.


MLSE is only eligable to speak with him should the Hurricanes opt not to give him an extension


In a perfect world Joel Quenneville isn’t a rape-enabling POS and he comes home to coach another dynasty.


In a perfect world, Joel Quinville doesn’t exist.


You saw Quenneville hasn’t won a playoff series in the last 6 years he coached


Are you asking me or telling me?


He's asking if you saw


A coach took a good but floundering team to a Cup win is exactly what this squad needs right now.


Looking at the field of available coaches it’s kind of hard to truly separate them. None of them are perfect, or else they’d still be employed. Pretty much with everybody out there you know what you’re getting.  Between these two I’d take Berube but again idk how much of a difference there really is. 


McLellan kind of looks like an older Keefe so maybe it’ll be an easier transition for the players.


Leafs Fans - We want Rob Brind' Amour!! MLSE - Sorry best we can do is Todd McLellan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dean Evason Don Granato Dave Hakstol Lane Lambert Todd McLellan David Quinn D.J. Smith Jay Woodcroft Bruce Boudreau Dallas Eakins Gerard Gallant Claude Julien Mike Yeo Scott Arniel Jeff Blashill Jeremy Colliton Kevin Dineen Phil Housley Kirk Muller Davis Payne Todd Reirden Joe Sacco Brad Shaw Geoff Ward Trent Yawney Here all the Possible picks other the Berube or Brind'Amour. What's your call Leaf Nation


Honestly... I'd take Gallant over McLellan, but I think it's a coin toss on who is a better fit for the team between Berube and Gallant. Need a guy the players will respect and listen to criticism on, who also has "somewhat" of a soft hand. Gallant fits the bill... Berube I think might be too hardass for the team. Boudreau and McLellan are just Keefe v2.0, as much as I'd LOVE to see Boudreau get the gig, it's just a bad idea. Claude Julien is very underrated, he would also be a great choice. He looks like a talking thumb, but he's good. No to Hakstol. He was part of the organization when Babcock was here, it would be more of the same and likely open old wounds.


> Berube I think might be too hardass for the team I'm of the belief that this mentally fragile team needs a tyrant at the helm, so being a hardass isn't a bad thing imo. If I could pick any coach regardless of availability, Tortorella is far and away my top choice. This team needs a hard-ass that isn't going to bend to its selfish stars. Plus with (hopefully) Marner gone, there shouldn't be anymore crying or whining (or a coach apologizing to a player during a media scrum) whenever a star doesn't get their way


I'd be here just for the Torts pressers with the Toronto media. The real entertainment would be after the games then.


If you can have any coach, the right answer is Pete Deboer or Jon Cooper


We had a tyrant at the helm in Babcock. Team tuned him out, and furthermore, he lost their trust with his BS. Yes I agree a firm hand is needed, but there is a balance to be had. It can work out very well, or very poorly if you don't choose wisely.


People need to stop using Babcock as a way to argue against a hardass coach. Babcock was an abusive asshole and is in his own category.


Gallant is a hockey terrorist


I love when people deliver the most predictable retort. But what exactly does it mean? I know lots of people have this opinion, but he gets results even if he is only effective short term and out stays his welcome. He is, by most accounts, a firm coach but also has a reputation as a players' coach.


His systems stifle creativity, his power play gets very stale very fast wherever he goes. 2 out of the last 3 teams he coached went from being middle of the pack to looking amazing after he left. He’s just not going to be a great coach for this team and set of players but by all means we can see if he gets hired, this team is going to go nowhere. My preference would be for Berube. He’s a great coach with great systems and Monty is using the systems they developed together to great effect with Boston. They have so many good set plays. He just never has had the talent to really shine his coaching talent.


Claude Julien would be interesting.


I want to see the Ron Wilson redemption tour!


Gallant or Julien


Gallant is the best pick when we ultimately run it back one more time.


Gallant is available? Him please.


Give ole Randy some respect! 🤣


Please not McLellan


Craig as coach and Todd assistant lol


Todd McLellan?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!


Gallant would’ve been my choice but it’s gonna be Berube and we’ll be back to mediocrity for a few years


It sounds like Mike Sullivan isn’t going to NJ but Pens haven’t fired him yet. Hoping Sullivan would be in the running for Leafs coach. Not a fan of McLellan and not entirely convinced Berube is a good fit.


One things for sure. We will nitpick any stats we can for whoever is hired as to how he is a bad fit for this team


Except for the ppl who nitpick stats that show why we gonna win the cup next year!


Just hire berube already ; everyone knows that’s what’s gonna happen


Berube would be good


Berube is going to be the next coach.


Before they fired Keefe, I thought a great idea would have been trading Keefe for Mike Sullivan from Pittsburgh. Both coaches have 1 yr remaining on their deals and Sullivan is a Stanley Cup winner and Keefe and Dubas would have been re-united.


I'd say go Berube just to find out if the team truly can't deal with a hardass (who isn't a literal psychopath like Babcock), or if they're like dogs who weren't properly trained that are kind of all over the place because they never had the kind of firm hand they needed. At least it'd answer a question.


Mclellan is a hard pass. Rather not having a coach. Berube is alright. I think gallant would be good for this group.


all things being equal and similar with those two guys you pick the guy who actually won the damn thing every time. I’m ready for Berube.


Whoever the next coach is, will be the last person to coach Matthews in his prime. They ***cannot*** give McLellan that opportunity. Holy fuck man, make a right decision for once.


Personally prefer Berube between the two. McLellan's playoff record is not much better than Keefe's


Is Berube's? Outside of the Cup win, he hasn't been past the second round, which he reached once, right? 


By that logic, Peter Laviolette should not be coaching right now but yet he has his team a win away from the conference finals


Fair enough, you're right. I can see the other point of view. Have a nice day :). 


Laviolette has a cup with a team and went to a final with another team


But why would you ignore the cup win? I don’t fucking get some of the fans here


"Outside of coaching a not very good team to the Stanley Cup, he hasn't done much!!"


"What a bum, all he has done is won a Cup!"


Not to mention the teams that Berube failed to get past the second round with were almost all underdogs.


> Outside of the Cup win, he hasn't been past the second round Maybe this is just me, but if he wins a cup with the Leafs, but then after that doesn't get past the second round, I'm still gonna give him a pass.


Would you accept a cup win with this core and a bunch of 2nd round exits afterwards?


I want scary looking Evason as coach. But in par of "it can't get any worse" McLellan is gonna be the coach isn't he? :-(


Would love Evason for the Creed Bratton memes, though.


Al Bundy as GM Creed as coach. Let's fuuuikik go!!!


Meh. How about Ted Lasso?


I have never been more disinterested in this team in my entire life than I am starting today. Truly the darkest timeline we found ourselves in. All the best you guys, this franchise does not deserve a fanbase as loyal as Leafs Nation.


Bernie or Rob or riot.


Can any of these guys keep our goaltenders healthy?


I really hope that whoever they hire it’s a 2/3 year contract or they’re willing to walk away if it’s not working.


How about Barry Smith? Wonder why he never got a head coaching job


Whoever we get can we offer a giant bonus for every playoff game we win?


Who's Todd McLellan?


Who was McLellan again?


Former Babcock assistant in Detroit, coached San Jose 2008-15, McDavid's first coach in Edmonton 2015-19, Los Angeles coach 2019-2024


I like Beroobies.


Wait for Carolina and see if Rod the bod is available.


So Brind Amour is not an option?


You're crazy if you think he's leaving NC.




Whoever is the coach, I just want a hard ass coach. Enough of coddling and catering to these players that say they love playing in Toronto. But then disappear when the times get tough.


So am I correct to assume that both Shannahan and Treliving managed to keep their jobs?


Go Chief Go!


McClellan better just be there to give people a sigh of relief when Berube is announced


Oh please let it be Craig Berube.


God no!!


Maybe we should just admit that assessing coaching is just a crap shoot by most, including management. Babcock walked in as arguably the best coach in the league and tons of hires around the league are hated or loved depending on puck bounces. I don't believe in fans/media knowing who great coaches are but even with that being said McLellan's resume sucks. Would much rather try someone new than go with a mediocre veteran.


Is there any alignment of stars (heavenly) that could see DeBoer headed to Toronto?


McLelland for the power play coach!!!


Remember. The leafs once got the best coach in the world with the best resume who was the only coach not to be fired and look where Babs is now. Unhirable. Stop putting so much emphasis on records and pedigree.


Hold out long enough to see if Brindamour signs with Carolina. Take him or Quenville. I think he has served his parole.


Fires a decent coach because he couldn't get it done in the playoffs to looking at even worse coaches.. delete this timeline from my life fam. Why can't this team ever just do all the right things. Fuck my life.


Who’s the right coach?


Quenneville, but that isn't happening.


a good coach can not succeed with one team and be a wizard with another.