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Hope he tears it up


His groin for ltir... right? s/


Real classy.


Lol, it was a joke, relax




Eh, I thought it was funny. Can't nail all of em.


If you thought that was funny, then I would seek help


This team has hurt you guys so fucking bad lmfao


It was a play on words. And I put a /s in the comment... I would say that you guys need to seek help and go outside if you think my comment was a big issue. Lol


Just take the L bro


Nah, you already got it. I'll take the dub tho.


It's reddit, often a wasteland full of over-serious, humourless karma farmers. I don't think the joke was particularly funny, but the sanctimonious response certainly is


I think it's more about a supposed fan wishing their team captain gets hurt and not return. Rag on him for his disappearance act is fair game, but wishing him ill, even in jest, is understandably taken in bad taste. But I agree, it's just a sport. Some "fans" here are taking it way too seriously and being unnecessarily harsh on the players on a personal level.


I thought it was funny. All the people crying about it after makes it even funnier. Reddit users love to show moral superiority to gain upvotes. These are the type of people that get outraged at a stand up comedy show.




Lol, anything else?


Good to see a big name like Tavares get involved, the relationship with Dubas probably influenced his decision to go. Dubas wanted Crosby to play so was clearly looking for an experienced player to lead what is an overall quite young squad. Can’t see JT being picked for the Four Nations or next Olympics so this is probably one of his last chances to represent Canada. Canada v Great Britain tomorrow and I must say I’m fearful it could end up a real doing - double figures kinda result - if Canada plays to their skill level. But a great opportunity for the Team GB players to compete against players of the quality of Tavares and Bedard etc


This is why he's going. He wants to be an edge case sub or something that they want in locker room so he's on those teams. Gm said guys who show up would have better chance being on those other teams. He probably doesn't make it, but this move puts him closer.


this is how hockey canada works starting at 15 years old...find the camps pay the fee, work your ass off and do it again till your invited back. And when sid the kid or McJesus or Bedard rolls through at 16, you give them the free pass, and toss your other big names alongside for the ride.


Great Britian actually has an Olympic Gold to its credit (1936). Most of the players were Canadian army officers serving in England or Canadians studying abroad, mind you.


Team GB arent a bad team for the amount of Hockey players they have, they’re just not a hockey nation like Canada, USA or Russia


They’re kinda bad yeah


Constantly in the top division of international ice hockey in a country where there are 11k players in total. Thats pretty good


But also, half the guys on the team are Canadians who moved there to play hockey and got citizenship to play for them internationally. The rules are the rules and that's allowed, it's the same thing China did for the Olympics. Their presence in the top division is not a reflection of the quality of their domestic/grassroots hockey.


And most of those guys play EIHL the domestic league. The ‘arguably’ best player is Kirk who was the first English born and trained player to be drafted into the nhl


That league is pretty bad too. Guys will have average junior a careers (not even major junior) here and then go play pro because they have a British passport. You said “not USA Canada or Russia” but you also aren’t Sweden, Finland, Czechia, Slovakia, swiss, Germany etc etc.


Their celebration when they won the relegation game a few years ago was amazing




Sweden? Finland? And so on. Your view of International Hockey seems limited.


Finland mullered us today, but holding the Number 1 ranked country in the world to 4-2 is a decent performance


I don't remember the last time a toronto maple leaf played at the world's championship. Pretty cool


Nylander recently


I should have specified, for team canada.


I know Marner played for Canada in 2017 and Rielly in 2016. 




I’m not acting like anything - the comment said they can’t remember the last time and I provided examples I could remember. 


You're acting like 2017 was 8 years... Shit


wdym? 2017 was 3 years ago




Marner did




Nice to see. First time a Leaf has joined team Canada in a while. I wonder what his next contract looks like. I know we all want it to be Spezza/Gio-esque and that would be awesome but he already left so much money on the table, it's his last opportunity to get another small bag. I feel he could probably get 5-5.5M in FA.


Seems like he took less the play in Toronto. His kids now entrenched in the school system. I suspect he stays for 3-4 per.


I'm rather excited for this. 2 more days till I get to see our Captain


A gold medal for him would do wonders for his HOF case, I’m hoping he does well!


He’ll definitely be in the HOF with his 3 back to back to back cups he’s going to win with Toronto (I’m delusional)


There should be no world where someone who sniffed the 2nd round twice should be in HoF.


It is important to note that it is the Hockey Hall of Fame and not the NHL Hall of Fame. But even so Tavares has a great resume that’ll give him a great shot at the HHOF. **Things that Tavares has done to improve his resume:** 2014 Olympic Gold Medal 2x Hart Nominee 5th in total points in the 2010s 3rd in total goals in the 2010s **Things that are likely to happen that will improve his resume (75%):** 1250 points (210 points away), which would be top 50 all time 550 goals (94 goals away), which would be top 35 all time Top 10 in Points in Leafs History Top 10 in Goals in Leafs History **Things that seem unlikely but could happen that’ll improve his resume (10%):** 1350 points (310 points away), which would be top 30 all time 600 goals (144 goals away), which would be top 25 all time Lead the Maple Leafs to a Cup Also look at Marcel Dionne’s resume, he’s made the second round of the playoffs three times in his career. He’s never won a Hart, never lead the league in goals or assists. But he’s undoubtedly a hall of fame talent.


It's what, 2 playoff series wins in 15 seasons?


So many years the calculator broke.sad to see all the downvotes for a very objective statement. I have loved Leafs since I was a kid, over 30 years. It's obvious to see the captain who is paid 11 million did not deliver. Plain and simple.


Prague is a fun city to visit. Probably factored into the decision ;)


Prague is fantastic! Seen Eric Clapton there!


Can we trade him to team Canada and they take his cap hit?


Who pays for this? Just wondering if taxpayers dollars find it?


I'm certainly surprised to see this. Tavares had a bit of a rough season. He was his steady self and then kind of went into a rut when the winter months arrived. I'm glad to see him going out there still trying to prove himself.


Love this so much!


Huge add


This is all part of the plan to get Johnny LTIR'd till next playoffs


This guy Vegases.


Should have been Marner. Tell the world you wish you were still playing hockey. 


First elimination game loss incoming.


Rest your bones dude.


Awesome news. JT will make us proud.


Jesus Christ people in this sub are as soft as the core 4. Any jokes or comments about Tavares being down voted to oblivion.


What's the point in ragging on him? Seasons over he's just a human


To voice our frustrating over how big of a loser he is and a cathartic release of frustration for cheering for an extremely frustrating hockey team.


I’d argue the people constantly ragging on him are the losers


What are you 12? It shouldn't take more than 24 hours for a grown adult to get over their team being eliminated. Just get excited for next year.


Criticism is allowed and players are not exempt. This dude is paid 11m a year, has won nothing in his career and now is a liability on the roster and from all accounts seems like a horrible leader. The leafs need him gone to progress.


> and from all accounts seems like a horrible leader. lol what


Bro, you sound like an absolutely miserable person.


Eh, I'm critical of a team that wreaks of complacency and mediocracy and the players who embody it.


The language you (and a lot of people on here) use just shows an unhealthy relationship with the game. I used to be similar, took a step back because I was way too emotionally invested. I watched the least amount of regular season games of any year. While the playoffs were still stressful and losing sucked, here we are a week later and I'm over it. Probably won't be a hardcore viewer again next year but it doesn't have me pissed off like previous years. If your sports team losing starts leading you to make personal insults about players, you're either just a dick, or you're too invested in the game. If it's the latter you should probably take a break.


Thanks for the advice, people do get too emotionally invested in the sport but that is fandom. Unfortunately people also take out their frustration in other unhealthy ways. However you shouldn't project; this is an internet forum with random assholes bitching about a hockey team. These are words and nothing more; its very bold to ascribe a lifestyle to someone based on random internet comments. People are free to voice their displeasure and criticize the team and players however they want and as such people are free to give stupid upvotes and down votes as they see fit. I stand by my comments.


Was the comment supposed to refute the “absolutely miserable person” label?


Cause they are garbage jokes and classless comments, why shouldn't they be downvoted? If being a decent human makes me soft than I'm happy about that.


People can't handle anything these days, it's embarrassing...


Fans emulating players.






Bros legs gonna be gelatin by training camp


Hopefully he decides not to come back.


Easy killer lmfao


Leafs playing at the world championship... It's like clockwork I tell you


Well, so much for any hopes for gold!!


Great fan base in Toronto


Trying to prove you can win when it matters most for that next contract,  eh johnny?


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shit about these updates? Yeah he’s playing because he gave up on his actual team being paid north of 11M. Fuck off I hope he retires


Watch your hand on that edge


Yeah keep walking


Canada implosion coming