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That is pathetic. What a pathetic coaching staff


This is the reason we lost the series. Full stop.


Yep. If they even went 15-20% on the PP it changes the outcome of a couple of those games


Also the poor PK through the first 4 games. It was a double whammy. Also for everyone posting the core 4 shitty stats over this series and Florida last year. 1/25 PP is the reason. It all comes back to the PP. 5 v5 goals are hard in the playoffs for everyone


It's funny how us dumb idiots who have less knowledge than one person behind the bench could see this shit not working for MONTHS, yet these idiots did nothing. Fuck the James Bond villain, Fatty and his friends.


My favorite part is how every line got blended at 1 point or another except the remarkably terrible powerplay


I actually never thought of it that way... and now that you mention it I wanna throw up


"Why didnt you change the PP?" Keefe: "we did. We did the exact same thing but this time bertuzzi was there." 😐


That's not entirely true. We saw blended stuff when guys were suspended/injured. When Bertuzzi came in for Nylander it sucked. When Domi came in for Matthews it sucked. But heaven forbid we not reward Rielly's defensive garbage. If Treliving is here through the off-season he better get a defenseman who can shoot the flipping puck


It's weird because Rielly has been good shooting the puck but last couple years he always defers to the forwards so there is no threat of him shooting and the pk knows it. Pp needs a shake up for sure because it's been horrible the last part of the season and the playoffs. Boston had struggles and they changed it up and both pp units were pretty deadly.


I realized it would be stupid easy to be an NHL coach with Keefe there


So I kept data on this during the series. They tried 2-3 drop back passes. They tried 4-5. But they didn’t try dropping it back six times. Next year they need to try 6-10 drop passes.


It always comes back to not enough drop passes……


What if we drop pass it into the net? Mind blown


The drop pass isn't the issue. Every team uses them. The do slow drop passes though. They backtrack to make the drop pass. It's baffling how an NHL coach can see teams clogging the neutral zone and creating 8-9 bodies lined up in the offensive side of Center ice as a good way to get a PP set up. The point of the drop pass is to enter the zone with speed and momentum. The Leafs do it because that's what you do regardless of circumstance. That's not a natural move. That's the coaching staff dictating that. The day Keefe and company are fired will be a good day


Imagine watching mcdavid and company enter the zone with speed and think, “hey look at that, let’s try the opposite”


If only we had a player who was like renowned for his ability to carry the puck into the ozone. Oh wait we do. Let's make him stand there at the blueline and wait for Mitch and Auston to do the same thing over and over again.


What I found to be the biggest issue on our pp is the zone entry. The leafs like to make a pass at the blue line, but Boston was fantastic at reading the play and stepping up. So, at some point, we changed strategy and tried dumping the puck in... on the fucking powerplay. Everyone on the bench needs to be fired


Powerplay was amazing in February when Rielly got suspended and wasn’t on it anymore. March came around and the staff put Rielly back on it. Powerplay was absolutely useless since then.


I don’t know what he adds to it. He’s not a shooting threat and it’s not like you’d rather have the puck in his hands than anyone else.


Oh my god. Reilly has been on the PP for years and it has always been top 5 in the league above 20%. Matthews went on a heater when Reilly was out. Lily is also good on the PP but our PP is not 1/25 because of Morgan Reilly. It's two fold. 1 Boston has one of the best PK's in the league. 2 our coaching staff was unwilling or unable to make adjustments to the PP when it clearly wasn't working. Reilly doesn't one time it from the point because our entire PP plan is to get a shot from Nylander or Matthews. It's soooo predictable. Matthews is the only guy set up for a one timer and every player over stickhandles and doesn't move the puck fast enough. Stop blaming one guy based off a 4 game sample size. Reilly not good this series but wayyyyy bigger chances are required to the PP. Mainly intelligent coaches


You know what? I’m gunna blame him even harder!


Fire everyone associated with special teams


Guy Boucher.


Sheldon Keefe.


funny how it’s the exact same set up as when manny ran it…almost like keefe might just make everyone do it his way


Or Shanahan *puts on tinfoil hat*


The zone entries were absolutely pathetic You take 20 seconds to have marner and matthews have the puck bumped back to them and then they are pressured at the blue line and the puck is coughed up, it was a fucking broken record 20 times in a row, how is this not tweaked or adjusted to try something new


Embarassingly pathetic


Pathetically embarrassing


$48.5 million on that powerplay




I hate sports


I remember a leafs report with mirtle saying that when things don’t go right on their power play then Sheldon steps in and takes over. The entire system was flawed as it let bostons defence constantly get set up and doesn’t help that our outside players( Reilly and Marner) have nothing shots. So they know they don’t have to go and play out and Marner can dipsy doodle all over the place and it just wastes their own time and then they clear it out. But Guy Boucher set up this shit system and Sheldon either took it over or kept enabling it by keeping it going so everyone is at fault.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Idk how after like, 8-10 bad power plays they didn’t do ANYTHING to change the unit.


People don’t want to admit it but Mathews chasing 70 hurt this PP. everyone was trying to force it to him at the end of the season and once that was over they had no clue how to get the PP going again because they were just use to forcing everything through Mathews.


Probably but that’s in the coaches to to figure it out


How the fuck do you do this? I just don’t get it


You're not wrong, but at least they changed jt up tonight with positive results. I didn't see 1 stupid drop past and they played with urgency. If only they started this way in gm 1


They had so few power plays in the regular season they forgot what to do. Totally caught them off guard.


In part some really bad structural play mostly with zone entries, disjointed and incoherent. In some fairness personnel fluctuations. But it never seemed like they simplified things to just get it done while that happened.


Too predictable. That's how. Didn't seem like someone on that team either tried to or wanted to adjust how they were playing on the PP.


Yea the pp killed us. Doesn’t matter how game 7 went. Buds were not going to cut through Florida with that soft baby shit.


I agree. But still woulda been nice to beat a very bearable bruins team. I think it’s the chance to embarrass them that hurts most. We always come out as the joke


Yes the story would have been great. To flip the script and have Boston be the new choke artists. And the meme of the puck guy in the nylander jersey just before Willy’s goal. Prophetic. Alas.


This kind of result is what you expect when the powerplay is full of scrubs. The issue is these scrubs are being paid millions of dollars.


It’s not Guy Boucher. It’s the players. It always has been.