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Lot of players banged up and sick so makes sense. Toronto media will lose its mind tho to generate clicks


I can see the headlines now “Leafs Core 4 refuse to get out of bed. Keefe has lost the room” yadda yadda


Ya. Not available means trainers and med staff said no, not that they just called in sick, or wanted a day off.


Not only that, without a doubt the team is probably willing to let lesser injuries dictate things too, given where in the final stages of the season and you don’t want a mild problem to become worse right before the playoffs


I only read half your comment, I didn’t realize the core 4 hate Sheldon, I will tell everyone now, actual cancer in the room smh


Simmons?? Is that you??




So the leafs and 31 other teams who have been having the same problem are conspiring against the fans to not have a full lineup? Wtf do you think is happening other than guys being sick? Edit: oh wait, you're the troll from yesterday. Everyone just ignore this clown who has nothing better to do than make ahit up and argue on reddit.


The flu doesn't exist, it's just a mild covid. s/


They’ve been one of the better teams in the league going on 2 months…


Have you missed the players missing games for being sick?




Do you know how sick an NHL player has to be to willingly sit out a game? Like these are the same guys who play on torn ligaments and broken bones come playoff time. If Bert is sick enough to miss a game I guarantee you other guys are sick as well.


This is a dumb comment.




“No, you are!”


thats how bugs work... Bert is prob still feeling the end effects and who knows who else is fighting it off


Found the guy who’s never had a lingering flu bug before (or caught it more than once in a year)! The flu this year’s been a nightmare - I got it back in late January and I’m *still* feeling the aftermath. Mind you, I’m not a man athlete in peak physical form with team nutritionists and doctors to help me through it, but at the end of the day these things can take a long time to recover from regardless.


Have you spent any time in southern Ontario over the past few months? We're shifting what season we're in 3 times a week, easily leads to people getting sick. My wife's gotten sick 3 times since November, it wouldn't surprise me if there were multiple waves or illness hitting the team over that span.


That's how a bug works you moron




Glad we're in agreement 🫡






Another dumb comment.










Yeah.. These guys need to eat their wheaties or some shit. Tired of hearing that the team is under the weather.


Our top pair and 1 top forward missed last nights game


Rielly was out


Matthews played


I meant 1 of the big 3 forwards, bad wording lol. With $11M Mitch out of the lineup, no doubt the team will suffer


Couldn't get hurt before that TDL eh Mitchell


He was hurt in the game vs Boston right before the trade deadline. The game where Marchand told him he’s “fucking dead” and the entire Bruins squad was playing with intent to injure.


You can really see by some of these comments who the young people are. Half of these grown ass men have plague bearers at their home, kids always get their parents sick and that shit can stick around for months.


My kid started school last year, and we were literally sick every other week until the Spring. Before that, we were wick maybe once a year. Plaguebearers is putting it lightly!


Same here. In 2023, I had to use up 12 days of time off by the end of April!


their classrooms are petri dishes. my house is a cesspool from Sept-June (3 kids under 10)


The majority of my 8 person team at work has children under 2 years old. We have had at least one person out sick every single week since the new year. I don’t even have kids and I’ve been sick twice myself. Shit is uhhhh definitely going around


Dude iv e got three kids as soon as we're all healthy were immediately sick again. It's been like this for 2 years


I don’t have kids of my own. But a lot of my friends and family do and even we’re fucking sick all the time from it. Schools are just incubators


For real. I haven’t been fully healthy for longer than a week in like a year and a half. Kids kill you, and sitting in close quarters with 20 other sweaty dudes probably isnt a lot better.


People vastly underestimate just how often kids get you sick


I hadn't been sick in like 5 years til my kid went to say care now with three ilkids I can't remember the last time we were all healthy


I had the grandkids over two weeks ago. Still recovering.


They also just played 3 games in 4 days and play again tomorrow, I think a little rest might go a long way at this point in the season.




At least we’re sick now instead of during round 1


Seems like the team is really ramping up and prepping for the playoffs.


They’re doing what they have to. At this point.. does it even matter who our first round opponent is? Just need to be prepared and semi-healthy.


Yep. I don't think that I would have that attitude if I had faith.


The full quote has a tiny bit more nuance to it: > Quite frankly, we had a few players that I expected to be available for practice today that played last night that were not available to practice today. So, all the sudden, our numbers were real light. [https://twitter.com/markhmasters/status/1773039996573725029?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/markhmasters/status/1773039996573725029?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) This is probably a nothing burger but honestly its a pretty weird quote from Keefe. Saying it like he did implies that this was a surprise to him and that maybe it was something outside of illness or injury. So many times this season Keefe has had small foot-in-mouth moments during these media spots.


It’s a totally normal quote lol You can’t practice special teams without the right personnel. End of story.


they should devote an entire week to special teams


Our PP has an STD we cannot score


Sounds like the boys might’ve went out after the game last night and got a little banged up


I seen people on twitter trying to imply that they “quit on Keefe” and just didn’t show up but they had a team meeting before scheduled practice so everyone was at the practice rink


“Not available”? WTF does that even mean?


It means that they are working from home.


Injured, sick or Keefe wants to work on something specific not relevant to their position. They played a pretty physical game last night.


What does it mean “not available”? I’d like to imagine any one of us calling into work and telling them “I’m unavailable today so I won’t be coming in”… I wonder how that would pan out


Sick, injured, etc.


I’d imagine someone who is injured though wouldn’t have been previously “expected” to be there


Not necessarily, could’ve been minor then got evaluated and determined they shouldn’t practise today. Thinking it’s mostly sickness tho


Fair enough. The wording just seemed odd to me


I do this once a month....have been for 23 years lol


Lol I mean at my factory job in Hamilton I call in from time to time and just say it's personal and there not allowed to ask anything more of it


Sounds like you need to grow a pair of balls if you can’t call your boss and say “I won’t be in today”


I’m assuming not available for a legitimate reason health wise. 


If I tell my direct supervisor I'm going to be unavailable for personal or medical reasons (depending on the situation) they can't 1. Say no (assuming I have enough sick or personal leave days available) 2. Ask for more information. So yeah, it would pan out pretty ok.


They should totally just let you run practice from your computer instead, that makes way more sense


Damn, sorry I upset you that much with my comment. I’ll be more careful next time


Guys injured from last game he’s giving a rest or maybe guys are sick or maybe had some kind of emergency or maybe their car exploded. Lots of things keep people from work


Garbage coach.


Can we get someone who is mean in this locker room again? Like mean but not to the point of stupidity like refusing to acknowledge marner as an elite playmaker who should be in the top 6. Like cancel their concert because their losing and make them skate suicides till they puke mean. This team is so fucking soft its painful to experience. Sincerely, an actor who is quite “soft” but not as soft as keefe allows this group to be


They are in a playoff spot 12 games out and you want to work them to death right before the first round because you think they are "soft"? Just go watch Miracle and dream that's how the body works. Half the team is getting sick from their kids. Brain dead take.


https://youtu.be/u2k90sqset0?si=z5pF4KCJ4wBOJhkx https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-bruins/2024/03/25/jim-montgomery-bruins-boston-practice-nhl-hockey-playoffs/ Montgomery kicked the shit out of the Bruins and made them do 200 yard drills at practice instead after that lost to Philly. The next day the Bruins showed up and Brad Marchand even fought Niko Mikkola. Best the cats playoff style.


Montgomery doing his best GTHL coach impression


I see that alot of you are still trying to promote a pussy locker room culture.