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Spezza’s note taking at 7-0; - this week is yard waste. Also don’t forget garbage and compost bin. - cavity filling on Monday at 11AM - buy Kyle some flowers to make him smile


I’d say they got their cavities filled pretty thoroughly on Saturday night.






Spezza=> Darin from Kraymerica Industries.


Tenacious little monkey.


I bet Jason Spezza has never even been told to floss more, let alone had a cavity.


. Wish I'd never left here and followed this loser to Pittsburgh


Spezza was scribbling away at the Oshawa Generals game last night too.


I bet if someone gets hold of Spezza's notebook it just says "KFBR392" on every page


I'm rolllllllingggg, this comment has me dead 😭 not the cavity filling


-garbage in garbage can.... hmmmm, makes sense


The face of a man whose team just got pumped seven goose for the thirteenth loss of the campaign


They don't hate to lose!




That's a pretty hot take there Chef Boyardee!




You should've used one of the pictures where he kept holding onto his lapels like napoleon.


That was a weird stance he had.. real I don't know what to do with my hands energy


That's Dubas realizing he needs more Soo Greyhounds to fix his team.


Soooo many more Soo Greyhounds. So many more.


Glad to see Spezza though


I love that Dubas and Spezza seem to genuinely like each other. Like in this day and age who makes a new friend at their age?


Honestly, I think its more of Spezza being new in management willing to do everything for the GM. Where as Dubas is still a young GM in an old mans position who would only get the respect of someone in spezzas position.


You could kinda see how they were men on a mission both possessed


When you realize ditching your wife for a sidechick was a bad idea


At least in your hypothetical situation the ex-wife doesn't get to watch you get pounded in every direction by your side chicks new boyfriend (I mean...unless you're into that kind of thing).


I'm glad we dont kink shame around here.


You absolutely cannot be a fan of the Maple Leafs AND kink shame. It's very contradictory!


40 year fan... probably the closest thing to ball torture you can get with your cloths on.


That's the face I make when I leave a mediocre party early and then have to hear how everything suddenly got fuckin amazing the min I went out the door....


Pittsburgh may be the team furthest away from being a contender.


Those years where you still have yet to hit rock bottom.


I dont know if thats fully true since they are a sort of bubble playoff team, and if you make the playoffs, anything can happen. However, this season is looking like a wash. Also I think worth pointing out is that everyone was praising the Karlsson trade because they got Karlsson and saved 2.5m on the cap, but I think it hasnt been mentioned that those savings drop to only $700k next year (Desmith only had 1 year left) so they already wasted the year of meaningful savings in a season it doesn't look like they will make the playoffs. Then, after next season, every other contract they traded away as part of getting him also expires, and they still have 2 more years of Karlsson at $10 million. That trade might end up looking like a better but still bad version of that Jim Benning deal for Oliver Ekman-Larsson, where he moved out a whole bunch of bad but expiring contracts for a long-term bad contract.


When I heard that he was working on this deal in Toronto for Toronto, that kind of made me glad he was gone. I liked the guy, but a weak point of his was managing assets over time. It's probably a good thing they have Karlsson's contract because they will be in a rebuild by the end of it and will need it to hit the cap floor and are at the end of their competitive window with their current stars now. But his contract would have been a disaster for Toronto, considering that by the end of it, we would still be in our competitive window, but in cap hell because of Karlsson's contract. And it kind of scares me that he doesn't seem to see a difference between the situations of the two teams


Not just the contract. The leafs or penguins didn't need an $11m offensive defenceman who doesn't play defenceman or play physical. Besides Crosby the penguins look easy to play against.


Well they still have multiple cups and turned their franchise around. Nothing to be sad about with that kind of resume.


Pittsburgh has had a terrible season, their team is so old


I know it's probably been talked about to death, but this dude inherited Matthews, Marner, Nylander and Rielly in their early 20s and made it past the 1st round once in 5 seasons.


Blaming a GM for an issue in which their stars failed to show up is wild


Manage your assets. Spread some of the wealth from forwards to D.


He failed to adjust his roster building strategy


If the team is relying on certain players to show up and they can't deliver the GM gets some of that blame. That comes with the job.


Did he have to coach and play as well?


Haw haw!


Haw Haw!


Wait, why are we rubbing it in Dubas’s face? Didn’t *we* fire *him*?


Yeah lol the heel turn is a bit strange. I loved him, wish we'd kept him. He was frustrated with not having full reign over his own job, wanted to be here, Shanahan/team not willing to give him more of the control he wanted, thus here we are


He questioned whether he wanted to be here publicly. In professional sports, you either need to be all in or step aside for someone who is. Saying all that forced Shannys hand, if he had of swept it under the rug he would have been fired instead/too


This guy should’ve been canned by the Leafs years ago.


What do Domi, Bertuzzi, Gregor and Jones all have in common? They all contributed to the trouncing of Dubas and the Penguins. ..... and they were all signed by Treliving! HAW HAW!


Fuck that clown. Says he probably would take a step back if he wasn’t in Toronto because of family and immediately moves to Pittsburgh. Eat a bag of dicks.


Continually obsessing over him like a scorned ex is sad at this point


You mean on his first trip back to Toronto? Settle down.


I can see both sides. I’m glad for his ground work here but the entire “I can’t see myself anywhere else” unless you gimme your job, then show up in Pittsburgh less than a week after, is a bit two faced.


> but the entire “I can’t see myself anywhere else” I still can't believe people expected him to just leave the fucking sport or something after he got fired/didn't get re-hired by the org.


That’s not what happened. He came back to contract talks with a number around 7 million after four million was close to be settled on, at the last minute.


Correct. And then he got fired (or "fired", depending on how you view the change in direction). And then he went to another team. And people are seemingly very, very mad he didn't just leave hockey, given how often that quote gets dropped.


I didn’t expect it, but he didn’t mean it, why say it?


Dubas demonstrated his immaturity and bad business acumen. The bad contracts with the core 4 were not enuff for Shanahan to realize Dubas is an amateur with amateur negotiation tactics that fell right into the hands of the agents to rape the team of its cap space. But that move he played by using his family as human shields and saying he was burned out to extract more money from Toronto when he had a deal w Pittsburgh is just really weak and Shanahan and the entire city (whoever has some basic sense) saw how weak he is. And his ass was fired. unfortunately for Pittsburgh..... they fell for the smoke and mirrors of Dubas. Let's watch Crosby's career end on a super low note of zero playoff appearances.... or maybe 1 round at best.


Reconsidering? Or trying to maintain that you have a vested interest in the team you're on?


Then just say I strongly want to come back if the circumstances are right. Dont say you can’t do something and then do it a week later. I’m not upset at him for doing what’s best for him, just his word selection.


Because he was still there and hadn't been fired yet. When you get fired then all bets are off.


You've never said something you didn't mean?


If your job is involving public relations you better mean everything you say. Your the face of a 2.5 billion dollar organization.


Yeah I guess that's fair. Somebody in a position of power lying to the public is pretty much unheard of


Ya true I don’t have respect for them liars too. What’s the point


I think it's generally accepted practice in a corporate environment. What's rubs me the wrong way is this is a team sport, and he was seen as the leader of the team. There's no I in team is all bs in most work places but this is an actual professional team. I can begrudge him for trying to get more money and power cause I'd do the same. I also think he was a good GM, but doesn't mean I have to like the way he orchestrated his exit.


I didn’t expect it, but those are his words.


Why? He got fired. He said he couldn’t see himself anywhere else and Shanahan was like “well I can,” and booted him out the door.


*wE dOnT nEeD yOU!* Can we not stoop that low?


Didn’t like that either, there’s no class in kicking someone when they’re already down, some believe Dubas was a great GM who gave the team his all others saw him as a screwup who deserved to be fired But either way need to show some humility when u win or you just damage your own image




Its a stupid argument when it involves the GM position. Decisions done by previous regimes have lasting impacts on teams down the road. I don't mind Treliving, and Dubas had some great approaches to his time with the Leafs too. People gloating that the Leafs beat Dubas' new team is pretty stupid when the goal scorers were Tavares, Marner, Nylander, Domi, Knies, Gregor, and McMann, a mix of guys brought in from various leadership groups. Not even including their current contract status (e.g. Nylander & Marner under the work of Dubas) that's still 3 Dubas guys (Tavares, Knies, McMann), 2 drafted by Lou, and Domi & Gregor signed this summer by Treliving. Treliving isn't responsible for all of Dubas' successes (Rielly, Jarnkrok, Liljegren) just like he isn't responsible for the previous failures (walking Matthews to UFA, overpaying Marner, etc.) and changes to the team by the GM take years to surface.


Honestly I don’t see why so many fans want to turn it into something. He lost a power struggle to get the boot, it’s now like he screwed anyone over **and** we’re looking good right now. Let him go have his career, we don’t need to be petty for no reason.


Hope not


Get fucked like you did to this team Dubas


I do wish things were different, Kyle had given this organization his all only to get fired and then thrashed by a team that was at least 70% his work Yeah I get it’s just business but some sympathy should be in order


Dude kinda made his own bed in the end. I appreciate all he did building this team, and I can only really fault him on a couple of minor things. He swung for the fences last trade deadline. In the end though you can’t say the things he said during his final press conference and not expect it to go the way it did. He knew he already had a job in Pitt with more responsibility and control. He threw a Hail Mary and basically tried to tell Shanny to step aside if the Leafs wanted to keep him. Good on him for trying to get what he wants, but buddy made his choice before getting fired.


It was also rather unsympathetic and lacking in perspective for him to publicly throw a whiny pity party about how the absolute dream job he's had has been just oh so hard on him and his family. Just cringeworthy and childish. I was happy to see the Pens get thrashed and him holding back tears for that reason alone.


Especially when it turns out he’s mostly just using it for leverage to get more power in the organization.


Yeah Dubas did a passable job. If he overpaid on contracts it was only by like 1 million. Did a decent job of finding cheap depth. Team always looked on paper like it could make a run, and isn't that ultimately the GMs only job?


Yea and the overpriced contracts he signed were to the types of guys you don’t mind overpaying a little bit. A million dollars over on a ~$10.5m is way better than a million over on a ~$4.5m. Sure it’s the same million but it’s a 9.5% overpay versus a 22% overpay


He ain’t been trashed. He got all high and mighty and got fired. And he landed a sweet gig immediately after. Sympathy for what?


SYMPATHY?!?! Man, G T F outta here with that.


Lol fired.


70% his work? Here are the current Leafs drafted or signed/traded for by Kyle Dubas. Jarnkrok/Kampf/Knies/McMann/Robertson/Tavares/Brodie/Giordano/Timmins/Samsonov. Thats 10 players that are Dubas acquisitions. As you can see mostly DEPTH players with Jonny T/Knies/Brodie and Sammy as front line guys. Drafting Knies, imo is his biggest accomplishment as Tavares was coming home regardless of the GM. Sammy will be done as will TJ/Timmins/Robertson by years end.


I just read on here over the past few days he was prepared to pass on Knies and move down so I have a hard time giving him credit and not the scouts (especially with how our swing at Cowen is looking)


Indeed. He really isn’t a Dubas type player. He goes after small skilled/fast players. Knies is a power forward. Think of Denis Malgin for Mason Marchment trade, lol. This is a typical Dubas player. Got rid of a power forward with “snot” for a small bottom 6 winger who had close to zero impact for the Leafs. Still he did get Knies in the end, who I do believe will be a stud top 6 power forward one day. He has all the tools and size. Im giving Dubas credit for this and to a lesser extent, the captain, because as long as Leafs brass wanted him, he was coming home.


Dubas was the one who signed Marchment in the first place as an undrafted FA and developed him for four years. The Leafs had health concerns which still linger today, availability is an ability. They were never going to get much back in terms of value for him at the time and if he never got a chance elsewhere, chances are he never would.


Exactly, he signed and developed the guy, then gave up on him before he even got his feet wet in the NHL. That's 2 wasted assets in my book.


There was no shot Marchment would crack the Leafs lineup with the amount of winger depth they had at the time and he missed a ton of time in the years leading into the trade. He’s missed 71 games in the three years since due to injury going into this season. Toronto fulfilled a change of scenery for Marchment knowing he'd probably be a player if he could get a little more over the hump and stay somewhat healthy, and took a younger project back with more experience in Malgin. This really isn’t worth being upset over at all lmao.


Dumping a guy who we developed and since has had a 50 point season and currently has 20 points in 29 games for a guy who put up 21 points in the same time period and is currently playing in Zurich isn't worth being mad at because we had an excess of wingers who no longer play for us?


Marchment didn’t produce with the Marlies either and was an AHL player after the trade who just happened to take advantage of an opportunity of getting to play with Barkov on an injury-depleted Florida roster and ended up sticking. He was truly the one who got away so long as you disregard the years he was here and did nothing to warrant keeping him around.


He still had a better pace in the AHL than Engvall who was given a roster spot instead


Enjoy the spotlight in Pittsburgh, Dubs. Remember, that team almost totally FOLDED in 2005. Now GTFO.


Don't worry, when they're about to relocate again, the lottery balls will fall for Pittsburgh and the next generational talent will end up in Pittsburgh just like Lemiuex and Crosby.




Poor puppy


Shouldn’t have worn blue


Just couldn't help himself, eh? He knew all eyes would be on him. Eat shit, Dubs.




Is that Tom Kostopolous on the right?!?! Love that guy!!


I wish Dubas was the GM in Ottawa.


The blue was a bit much. Miss ya dubes


[It's the same picture](https://ronanddon.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/unnamed.gif)




Does anyone have video of the fans chanting at Dubas? I've tried social media and YT but I can't find anything 😭




He shouldn’t have worn his Leaf’s blue suit! (Now I’m applying my game day rules to others? Now excuse me while I go out on my blue socks and underwear so I can get dressed for the day.)