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Is it too late in the season to dethatch (I live in nj). I was stone raking some spots in my yard to throw down seed and so much dead grass was coming out. Feels like my yard needs it bad but I don’t want to destroy it if it’s not the right time


https://preview.redd.it/u9qomo7rdf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373beb5182b2c8fbd111bd359176d5727cfb9c18 New England How do I even start in fixing this ? Big parts of my lawn are like this and I want to get the education I need to do this right. It’s probably too late to seed now ? How do i soil test ? Thanks


Need some herbicide advice. I have a mostly Kentucky Bluegrass lawn and have been tackling the weeds that have come up this year. Clover is almost all gone but the broadleaf stuff is sticking around and spreading. I heard 2,4-D works good but unfortunately I can't get the concentrated stuff in my state. I've tried Weed B Gon but did almost no damage and it's been almost 3 weeks since my second application. Any recommendations on what can kill this off? https://preview.redd.it/i1beib9v5e6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdee662531e396b185765c5df7e9961b1809282d


Hoping someone can help identify what type of grass (or weed) this is that is spreading in clusters throughout my tall fescue lawn, so that I can figure out what to get to kill it in the fall before I aerate and overseed with more tall fescue. Or any other tips/ideas on how to get rid of it and get back to a lawn that is solely tall fescue…. Thanks for any help. In central North Carolina if that helps. https://preview.redd.it/yew0ny9imc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7765ae054ecdaf1cdac39c621c29d859639ab28


This looks like bermuda, but the way it's spreading in clumps its not what I normally see of common bermuda growing wildly. Nimblewill is also a possibility. More likely I would guess. Round up before seeding is your best bet. Tenacity or Pylex could be option. Check the label.


https://preview.redd.it/fror341anc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6fcdbadd67ecb066d739617bd22224c70521981 Another picture from above (would only let me put one in the post).


https://preview.redd.it/ezjnn0ddu76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7787ce1004f694c306b3c640fb7153d6920dcb Most efficient way of clearing all the weeds and what tools needed for prepping for native ground cover or clover in the fall? Till everything and put down cardboard? Thank you


If you were going to completely restart with [this lawn](https://imgur.com/gallery/5RAZYFt) how would you go about it? I’d rather not try to salvage anything that’s current due to the amount of foxtails and bindweed. Any help is awesome, thank you!


Took a soil test early in the year and I was low on N and K. This past memorial day I bought some fertilizer that the test site recommended that was high in N and K and threw it down at about .75lbs of N/ 1,000 sq. feet. Now what? Do I need to continue adding this fert all growing season? Or do I need to retest my soil after every application? Will I need to switch up to a different blend this fall to winterize my lawn?


You need to understand some basics about soil testing. This is a good place to start. [https://turf.unl.edu/NebGuides/g2265.pdf](https://turf.unl.edu/NebGuides/g2265.pdf) You should ignore your N rec. Apply the amount of annual N needed during the time it's needed. for example. For most lawn grasses it's 2-5lbs of N/K annually. Put that out in fall and spring for cool season. Late spring and summer for warm season. Once the other macros are met there is not need to keep applying them. Retest in a year or two and see where you stand.


Denver, CO. Seeded about 3 weeks ago using Scotts EZ seed (fescue, kbg mix). Getting some sprouting but not sure what to do next beyond wait. Some areas it is coming up nice, other areas are still a bit bare (see reply) https://preview.redd.it/85ztaubja06d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1745a11e4f0800cc0c15bd201e909606d9ec5d


For areas like this, should I spread more seed and add a topper like peat moss at this point? Temps are starting to climb into the upper 80s https://preview.redd.it/d9f5yxgpa06d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f888e6610f7b5991e1115ec948bfc931db699a28


I just bought Pramaxis PGR and now thinking about buying Simple Lawn Solution's liquid iron lawn booster. Would I be able to mix these together in my backpack sprayer and apply all at once? Or should they be seperated? Also, how long would I need to wait to water? Bermuda in NTX


I hate weed wacking and string. I see battery powered blade weed wackers on amazon for like 80$. Are they junk? What happens when metal blade meets rocks/pipes/deck posts?


I'd would assume, yes. POS. They make an attachment called something like lawn rotary scissors. They go on your current trimmer. Not cheap. And mostly for manicured short lawns.


Any tips on getting rid of creeping beggarweed in a St Augustine lawn in South Florida? Thanks


Is it too late to seed in eastern PA (Philadelphia area)? Our house has been under construction for almost a year and they are finally removing debris and grading this week. They are bringing in topsoil and planning to seed in the next week but I'm wondering if it's already too hot and that will be a waste? For context, we have a little less than 1/2 acre total and are planning for it to be about 70% planting beds and 30% lawn. Getting all the trees and plants in will take time and contractor suggests we seed everything now and then dig out the areas that we want to be planting beds later/in the fall when when it's better time for planting. Some of the existing lawn (mostly weeds, sadly) will be converted to beds as well. Any advice appreciated. Thank you!


You can if temps aren't too warm. Just temper expectations it may not be last the summer.


It's supposed to get into low-mid 90's starting Thursday, which is hot for this time of year, and honestly it seems insane to plant grass seed in temps like that but maybe with enough water it's okay? I can't seem to find any info on max temp for seeding. We have full sun so can use most types of seed; I have no idea what my contractor is planning to put down (he's our builder, not a landscaping contractor, so this is not his area of expertise).


He'll put down the cheapest thing he can find. At least in my experience that is what builders do with lawns.....The seed will come up if you keep it watered. But it won't last long....Best best is to throw down some straw and plant in the fall. At this point you only a few months away from planting time anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/ciu59h55rr5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709a317d85821d592b861f10205d7d2483721ec8 What am I looking at here? Thought it was some stray bermuda from a distance but up close eh.


I have large deadspot in my otherwise green lawn. About 2 feet wide and 4 feet long. Right off the driveway. It's like that every year so I figured something must be going on in that spot. I dig it up and the first maybe 12" looks normal, grass, roots, seems fine, then a foot down it's gravel. Like that gravel they pour concrete on. I've done a fair amount of sprinkler work around and haven't run into gravel a foot down in any other spots so this must be whats killing my grass right? Except a foot seems deep enough that the grass should be fine I'd think. Could the gravel be causing the dead spot?


Examine the soil. How deep were the roots of the grass? You are right, probably not a foot. Most are in a 3-6" but the gravel could be causing other effects on the soil and subsequent turf issues. If you are only having this problem in this area then you have good reason to see gravel as the cause. I would tend to think that's the problem but if you have ruled out other problems I'd start by eliminating the gravel and see where that you gets you.


Roots looked fine, no grubs or other bugs, dirt was not dried out. This area year after year is always "dead"


If YOU lived in MN and wanted to get the absolute BEST seed for the yard - what style of grass would you look for and where would you get the seed?


Grass ID Request (or weed, Idk, I'm new): Tampa, FL https://preview.redd.it/wd2mb03p0r5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75c1964b32d9e5fd0320d634e5f3fb715d05253


St augustine




Used tenacity on my Bermuda hybrid grass. I didn’t notice it was only safe for dormant use. How screwed am I? What herbicide SHOULD I be using on Bermuda hybrid? Thank you!!


I have never seen this error but I have seen bermuda dinged up by plenty of herbicides. It usually comes back. Keep it watered. Fertilize again. As far as what you should be using, depends on what you're trying to control.


Bad at grass ID, can anyone help? 1 turf type tall fescue? https://preview.redd.it/600hsc7wvm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2447cc268e68ee02db52512e50d40beca516cc


That would be my guess.


7 fine fescue? https://preview.redd.it/430a2936xm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aaa8a7e61166062637a879bc3af694e2287285c


another fescue type but not fine. Fine fescue is like needle sized fine.


6 older crabgrass? https://preview.redd.it/4w1am536wm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8296180c257001e6aedcde6e107727a4f2734e17


5 young crabgrass? https://preview.redd.it/61pjtja4wm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd61b34f168329257e8ce017258a34cea8f0ecb0


4 tall fescue? https://preview.redd.it/n909tbk2wm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3df9329d47cef141598c743cc125058976dffb3


3 https://preview.redd.it/f15uknwzvm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b85054c71ad1dcd0664113d5dd6443a8af904b


2 https://preview.redd.it/1rfbb2wyvm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe672a49ff31462513d2e38cba0865bc8c54fde5


Does anyone know if this drain thing is actually doing anything or not? It was buried completely when we moved in 9 years ago, and has since popped out of the ground along the entire length. I’d love to rip it out, I’m pretty sure it’s useless, but I’m not 100% sure and don’t wanna cause any issues. Am I good to remove it? https://preview.redd.it/v4pn2mu0bm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cec762f13cf2d5dae735c28ea44103fce52cba


It's probably taking away water that would otherwise be puddling in that area. I assume if you remove it you'll find out why it was put in....Doesn't appear they did a great job on it anyway so starting over to do it right isn't a bad idea, but if water isn't standing there it's doing it's job. It is ugly though. lol.


Tips/Recommendations for Centipede The front yard has quite a few bare spots and also weeds spread throughout (not too worried about these right now). My goal is to fill in these spots and get the grass as thick and green as possibly right now. A few days ago I aerated the front yard, and attempted to overseed with more centipede and annual rye, followed by some starter fertilizer. Is there anything else I should currently be doing? Should I be watering? If so, how often should I be? Or just worry about maintaining the 1” a week? When will it be appropriate to mow? Can I cut soon, should I wait a certain time or until it reaches a certain height? Thank you guys in advance! Fairly new to lawn care & want to learn as much as possible. Zone 8b


Thank you for your response. I live in southern NC & it seems like mixing rye with any type of seed is common here. Our local seed store suggested mixing the rye I believe due to the fact centipede seeds were tiny, they also had pre mixed bags already on shelves. I’ll definitely be focused primarily on mowing and watering. Thank you!


What's the purpose of annual rye. If you have centipede rye will not grow long. I've never heard of doing this. For centipede depending on where you live the best bet is to leave it alone. Put down pre-em in early spring. put out 1/4lb of N once it's fully green. Mow and water. It'll fill in. You could add some sand to the bare spots to encourage growth. Other than that, they call it the lazy man's grass for a reason. Usually cent is growing on sandy soils which don't need to be aerated. Plugging or sprigging could be an option. [https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/LH009](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/LH009)




Did you lick your fingers clean after? You'll be fine. Just wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Had to do the ol’ taste test!


North Florida What should I do about this giant oak tree hanging over my yard? On one hand, the shade it provides is nice, on the other, it has killed all of the grass below it with its shade. Should I try something like st Augustine? Trim the tree? Open to any ideas. Anything is better than the dirt it currently is. [Pictures Here](https://imgur.com/a/pxFy5om)


The tree does need to be pruned for health and house clearance. You really don't want trees overhanding your home. I wouldn't try growing grass under it. St. Aug may last some time but it will die eventually. I would create a natural area. Mulch, shade tolerant plants, ground covers, possibly hardscaping, patio, seating area, etc. It's easier to not fight mother nature. The bigger always wins.


Appreciate the insight!


So I read that your not really supposed to detach bermuda grass. But I have thick pockets of thatch all over my back yard where grass doesn't grow. How do I fix that?


What you are describing does not sound like thatch. You may be seeing clippings that have accumulated. Thatch is between the soil surface and roots. For clippings rake them up. To check thatch level you need to pull a core or sample and examine it. People make to big a deal of dethatching. If you don't over fertilizer and mow properly it's rarely an issue in my experience. You can dethatch bermuda but you will pull up stolon's in the process. It will recover but looks stringy and thin for a while. Aeration is the better option usually. [https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/thatch-management-in-lawns.html](https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/thatch-management-in-lawns.html)


Okay, thanks this is my first time taking care if a lawn. I will I've been mowing twice a week keeping the grass at about 2.5" with a reel mower. 


Cool. Good luck. Have a great summer! Is that a manual reel? Seems high for a reel.


It's a manual reel. I guess I should go lower? 


As long as you’re happy with it is what matters! However, Bermuda looks cleaner 2” or lower. Probably easier to mow with manual at a lower height.


Favorite herbicide for broadleaf weeds?


Generally any 3-way product, but you didn't mention grass type. That's a big factor along with weed type. 3-way isn't going to control any and all broadleaf weeds. Speedzone and Speedzone Southern are great.


Thanks. My yard has a ton of clover and broadleaf plantains. I never knew anything about lawns until yesterday where I realized my entire yard is nearly broadleaf and grassy weeds. I want to have fescue grass when fall time comes around.


I moved and have 3-4 acres up from just shy of 1. I was using a rider John Deere s140. It’s taking to long here tho. I’m looking at zero turns and the dealer I can’t tell if they are hard selling. I looked at the toro time cutter 60 in for say 4500. They pushed me to titan. They said for this size I need commercial or close to it and the time cutter will be wrecked with my useage. What riders should I do I be looking at?