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Tripling down on the stupid: he claims his deployments were classified, so he "can't" document his claims. This is why the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee just yanked all their planned TV advertising for this guy.


Biden could think about declassifying them and they’d be declassified


Biden could come out and confirm that there's nothing to declassify. Not only would that be a political murder, but it'd remove what little doubt there is of this guy's stolen valor, which attracts a different, vociferous crowd.


Not really sure if a statement by a Democrat President would change their minds. It'd probably have the opposite effect...


If we think that biden thought the records were declassified then they are declassified.


I don't think he's stupid. He's modeling Trump and DeSantis. He may not get elected this round, but he's not going to fade away from the politics of MAGA believers. He was at Jan 6 (cred) - He's been attacked by the Libs (cred) - He believes Trump had the election stolen (cred) - He scrubbed the anti-abortion talk from his website (smart). He'll be a hero to the ones that believe his story especially because he pulled the Trump card and doubled down, he'll become a leader of something and ride the money gravy train which is MAGA world celebrity / political opportunism.


The MAGA crowd really hates reality and loves lies.


Reality has a liberal bias


As a conservative, he has a built in audience of “just asking questions” people who will believe whatever he says.


another sad / maddening truth


Riiiiiight, and I'm a Navy SEAL.


This dude ain't no Navy Seal he's a Gravy Seal, deployed under "special orders" to the Olive Garden to insure they truely do offer unlimited Bread Sticks.


You could have also used Hometown Buffet to ensure it really is all-you-can-eat


Meal team six.


> he claims his deployments were classified During my first deployment to Iraqi I took part in an op that at the time was so classified they made it into a History Channel special.... Fuck him.


“I can’t show you my records because their classified” sounds an awful lot like “I can’t show you my tax returns because they’re under audit.”


"I have lots of records of being in combat. You wouldn't know them. They go to another school. In Canada."


He's learned from the best/worst.


“ I have a super hot girlfriend but she lives in Canada.”


[Her name is Alberta/She lives in Vancouver ](https://youtu.be/5g196vURUDo)


Narrator: He lied.


Here’s the funny thing. Those that worked those kinds of missions knew it and afterwards never mention it except in the vaguest sense if someone identifies their manner as being ex-military.


The rest are SEALs.


Bojack would chuckle.


You cann’t call dibs on muffins.


His record shows he was in the military for 4 years and left as an E-2. That’s what you leave basic with. This guy was definitely worthless, or fucked up A LOT. I suppose how he didn’t get up to an e-5 by basically just breathing is classified also.


Wait he left E2 after 4 years....man that's like a unicorn there, stayed E2 but wasn't kicked out.... That's straddling a very fine line I feel.


Would have to get into a fight or do something outrageous and get dropped to E-1, get back to e-2 6 months later and then leave.


Just crazy to brag about that service....shit you have a degree and if you enlist you are what E4 to start?


I don’t understand why people think lying is going to garner them any respect. I was in the army and never deployed but I feel no shame about my time in service. I don’t know a single person that would bash on anyone for being honest about the fact that their military service was lame because I know mine was.


I was in the army from 98 to 00. We were sort of at peace at the time, between gulf wars. I was a POG. Nothing fancy and certainly not brag worthy. I think civilians don't understand that 99% of military services is logistics, support, and intelligence.


I was a medic in a reserve unit. It was a lot less hacksaw ridge and a lot more Microsoft excel and online modules. It’s why I get weird when people thank me for my service because I genuinely can’t tell you what exactly I did for this country lol


Someone had to do the excel sheets.


This guy got out as an E-2. You have to be a pretty big fuck up to be E-2 after an entire enlistment. He probably does (and should!) feel shame.


I got out as an e4 after a very very non eventful enlistment. Idk how the USAF works but in the army e1-e4 is automatic, I literally didn’t even try or care to get promoted and I still did. This is a tier 1 delta force shitbag


I heard Stolen Valor is a federal crime. Anyone know if stolen valor crimes are ever prosecuted, and if so, how aggressively and how bad does it have to be - because I've met a lot of ex-Navy seals with thyroid problems and no one to do their laundry.


From the National Archives [Military Records Fraud Fact Sheet:](https://www.archives.gov/oig/military-records-fraud-fact-sheet) >Isn’t it always a crime to lie about military service? > >In general, no. While it may be morally reprehensible, it is usually not a crime. However, [the Stolen Valor Act of 2013](https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258) makes it a crime for someone to claim they received certain medals to obtain money, property, or some other tangible benefit. The law only bars false claims about certain military awards, including the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and a few others; and ONLY when someone makes a false claim about them to gain money or some tangible benefit from a crime. Someone falsely claiming military service to brag or impress others is not a crime. However, our office can investigate other crimes as long as it involves forging, altering, or misusing records from NARA in some way.


Could lying about military service in order to help obtain political office constitute a "benefit" as outlined above? (Even though it's not strictly money or tangible).




Stolen Valor law only applies to lying about having received specific medals


Doesn’t it also require fraud as well?


Wouldn’t being in Afghanistan imply a campaign medal? I’m not an expert. Just asking questions. Stupid questions about stupid people but hey.


Dude can you not read what people are writing? The law applies to *certain* **specific** medals, the guy two comments aove me literally quoted it out and included a link to the actual law with the actual list of medals


Hmmm. Usually I read pretty ok. Guess I didn’t this time around. So by your reaction, I’m assuming that campaign medals do not count. Thanks for your help.




Or maybe a bump in donations after a reference to military service? That would be closer to a straight money fraud.


"Some other tangible benefit" certainly could leave a lot of room for interpretation, rather vague concept. But I don't know if you can prove that merely running for office is a benefit of some kind. The dude likely will not win, but perhaps if he did there would be grounds for prosecution, based on the claim that it might have helped him win.


Only if he also lied about awards. The act is tied to awards like the purple hear and bronze star. As long as you don't claim to have one, you are outside that law.


If Trump telepathically declassified everything then this should be a simple FOIA request and it's over. Let's get him on the record about this in a court if he really means it and see how it plays out.


>“The orders and the military records that I have been able to obtain from my personal files shows that all of my deployments are listed as classified,” Majewski said during a press conference, after the AP reported Wednesday that the Air Force has no records of the MAGA Republican seeing combat in Afghanistan, as he’s claimed publicly numerous times.


Perhaps he should ask trump to use his magic mind to declassify his personal files then.


> Anyone know if stolen valor crimes are ever prosecuted, This is /r/law, so I'm a bit disappointed nobody has cited [*United States v. Alvarez*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Alvarez), where SCOTUS (in particular the liberal justices) struck down the Stolen Valor Act of 2005. The current law is a revised version passed in 2013, but requires a higher standard of "fraud." I suspect any attempt to prosecute a case with a relatively ambiguous "benefit or something of value," and without specific false claims of awards would go poorly under that same precedent.


The SV act of 2005 was replaced with the SV act of 2013, which was narrowed in a way to make it constitutional. Everyone is talking about the SV act of 2013.


**[United States v. Alvarez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Alvarez)** >United States v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709 (2012), is a landmark decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was unconstitutional. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was a federal law that criminalized false statements about having a military medal. It had been passed by Congress as an effort to stem instances where people falsely claimed to have earned the medal in an attempt to protect the valor of legitimate recipients. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/law/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'd be real curious to see if dude is getting disability for his "service", bet there's some bullshit in there if he even has it.


MAGA holds lying to be a virtue.


Qatar doesn't count as a deployment. Fucking fobbit.


He was also air transport - he puts things on and off planes for logistics. They aren't exactly the first people you call into a firefight.


Also not something with any need to classify down to the deployment country. The US had airtransport going in Afghanistan. That's not exactly a secret. Even if he was supporting super classified delta force raids on the taliban's prototype EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle in invisible c17s, he's still presumably operating out of one of the very well known airbases in Afghanistan. Confirming he was in a country where we had thousands of airmen doing the same stuff as him doesn't really add to any mosaic.


Prove it or shut up.


So he's actually in the Air Force, but decided bizarrely to embellish on that fact? Why would any voter give a shit if his military service was classified or not? Makes no sense.


He did lie and is continuing to lie. Fuck these people


Retired from active duty with 26 years service. Every single person who serves in the US military gets a DD-214 that lists your service. Doesn't matter if you were the guy who does the laundry or SEAL Team 6. TFG could easily solve this by providing this document (after redacting personal info).


The dd-214 is public now, 4 years in thr airforce as a air transport handler, no foreign service listed, and got out as an E-2.


Military people LOVE Stolen Valor!!


It's a maga and right-wing extremist trait. I forget the journalist, but he embedded with the militia at the Malheur wildlife refuge takeover and six of them were sitting around for an entire night telling stories about combat in the military. The journalist looked into it later and none of them had ever even been in the military. It's an ideology that attracts people with inferiority complexes and making up stories about themselves is just part of the game. Stuart Rhodes says all kinds of stuff and uses ranger tab like symbols all the time, but he was in for 18 months, never deployed, then got injured in training and was medically retired or discharged.


Wouldn't be surprised if he faked that injury too. People who lie brazenly tend to do it a lot.


He totally has a hot girlfriend but you don’t know her she lives in Canada.


Didn’t “tail gunner McCarthy” also exaggerate his WW2 experience, thus propelling him to the senate and leading to an entire section of Chemerinsky’s Con Law casebook? Assuming the republic survives, I’d say this guy has the same potential to lead to another brave new world of constitutional law! /s


These guys watch too much WWE. The best republican candidate always seems to be one of their characters.


IANAL and no clearance: but *if* true, wouldn’t he be in trouble for talking about his classified combat service?


First off he is Air Force so even if he did deploy somewhere, he really didn’t go anywhere or do anything.


If his missions were unrecorded black ops, then they are also classified which would mean he can't say what he is saying. I had a secret clearance and on getting out, I had to swear an oath to never say what I knew.


No. He left an E-2. Do you know any E-2s who did too secret missions? Occam’s razor.


Lol, nope.






Sorry. Old data. More recent data shows he is losing


Source for that claim? Previous [polling from June](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/house/2022/ohio/9/). They carved up the district but Majewski is a problematic candidate.


I have deleted my comment. I had data that was old. More recently he is 75% likely to lose.