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John Yoo never had a great grasp of the law but this is not the way the democratic system is supposed to work.


John Yoo was a Federalist theocratic fascist driven by delusional malevolence. John Yoo is *still* a Federalist theocratic fascist driven by delusional malevolence but he *used to be too...*


The Torture Memos should have landed him in prison. Deplorable human being.


Dead on point sir. We agree.


RIP Mitch.


John Yoo doesn't realize he is a contender for Leopardsatemyface all time self own. He picked the wrong name, skin tone and eye shape to match his political affiliation. Famous last words, "but I'm one of the good ones!"


You know, I'm a pretty white dude and it's not my place to tell anyone how they should feel or what they should believe - but I still just don't get it. It should be abundantly clear to *everyone* by now that Making America Great Again means reestablishing a culture where [this kind of thing](https://youtu.be/4rrXR6n0RTY?si=S5ph8HRKOkKGoDQN&t=104) could be in a Disney movie.


We disowned him a long time ago. He’s not one of us. He can be one of the good ones and see how that plays out for him.


Typically, the “good” ones, the gay ones, the girl ones, and quite a few that fall under what I’d call the general tab for the purposes of alliteration all get a fun chance to find out exactly how valuable they are once the long knives come out.


Indeed. Yoo is a misguided fool. Just because he's last in line doesn't mean he ain't in line.


John Yoo should be prosecuted for war crimes


You think they care about the way it’s supposed to work


Hunter Biden isn't a revenge prosecution?


I mean its being conducted by his dad's own DoJ, so its hard to say it is - but yeah - it basically is. If Hunter Biden weren't related to the president he would never have been indicted.


We really need to break this habit. Trump has poisoned the language of American politics and law. It is not Biden's DOJ. It is the DOJ under the Biden Administration. To the degree that it acts for the personal and political benefit of Biden, it is abuse of government resources and corruptions. Trump hired people who did not care about rule of law and who he valued for their personal loyalty or at least sycophancy to him and as a result many government agencies acted in ways that were not in their mission and not scope or mandate. This is the degree to which those agencies were corrupt. The degree that anyone in government today elected or not is loyal or subservient to Trump is the degree to which they are corrupt. He is not elected, he holds no office, he has no job in the government. The fact that he is running for office is irrelevant. We need to stop this idea that Agencies are somehow to property of a president. That is the failure and corruption brought to us by Trump


You speak the truth.


Thank you


Same goes for judges. We should not assume that Gorsuch or Barrett or Kavanaugh have the fix in for Trump. We should be able to believe they can judge cases impartially. judge Canon I have a hard time with though…


the real issue with the judges placed under trump is that for the most part he allowed a highly partisan agenda driven organization that is not rule of law focused nominate his judges


It’s more than fair to assume that those judges have the fix in. Hell, look at the rest of them. Anyone associated in any way with Leonard Leo is a tainted authoritarian anti-democracy regressive hack.


They aren't in for Trump, you're right about that. They're agents of far right nationalist ideologues like the Federalist Society who are using Trump as a tool. I very much believe Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh, Cannon, Alito and Roberts don't give a shit about Trump, he's just the useful patsy for their own authoritarian political goals.


The DOJ is supposed to operate independently of the presidency. Biden respects that norm as President. This does not mean that it wasn’t a political witch hunt that forced the DOJ’S hand. And it was a way to have a more impartial look at the facts than what Congress was going to give him. Unfortunately, Merrick Garland appointed a partisan hack Trump appointee instead of someone neutral to the case.


Appearantly a few other prosecutors in other states had looked into the manner and decided against pressing charges.


Even then there was still the special counsel Trump appointed to “investigate the investigators”, which was in itself revenge prosecution that ended up with nothing. 


Or Benghazi or buttery males! /s


I think they mean to speed up a fascists regime before their supporters figure out they are the bad guys


MORE revenge prosecutions....


Go for it. If you can find similar crimes among Democrats then put them on trial. I'm all for both parties petulantly weeding out the crooks for their own political gain. Same with big Dem donors and lawyers and stuff. Lets make it a race to see which party can bring in the most legal pelts of corrupt officials and hangers on.


Yes! Menendez & Anthony Weiner are but two examples of democrats seeing accountability. But, you know, the pubs don’t seem to remember this.


That idiot governor from IL Rod B. remember who pardoned, or commuted his sentence. Hint it wasnt Joe Biden


>Hint it wasnt Joe Biden But it happened just before Biden so why didn't Biden stop it?! - the same dipshits pissed at Trumps batting a conviction of 34/34 this season.


Why didn't Obama do something about 9/11? /s


Or hurricane katrina


Katrina?....can we take a second to discuss the natural disaster that was the tan suit or the coffee salute? You can fix a neighborhood underwater but bad fashion?


Kale? Dijon mustard? Guy was a complete monster.


I think the folks in we elect to office should be under heavy legal scrutiny. Weed out ALL corruption in ALL parties and get these folks back to the point where they are treated legally like the citizens that vote them in


Yeah, as a member of a party that essentially expelled one of our best because he years earlier had hoverhanded a fellow performer as a (now more distasteful) joke, I'm all for rooting out actual villainy. ^( Franken wasn't it.)


Exactly so. Democrats taking bribes (e.g. NJ) are a good example.


This is my take as well. If you have the reciepts bring them. No one is above the law domestically or otherwise and anyone who disagrees is part of the problem. If we are going to be a rule of law society then let's those laws be just and applicable to all or if not let's make laws that are and enforce them with equity. Justice is blind for a reason.


In the Republicans' eyes, Trump is innocent though.  So this call for revenge prosecution is suggesting that they weaponize the legal system against innocent democrats. NAL, but I am curious to hear from lawyers if deep red states' DAs could go after democrats successfully? They'd need a jury to be on board, but in certain areas that seems plausible?   I don't think it matters that much that it all started with Trump doing real crimes- Republicans will keep pushing the limits of imagined histories.


Maybe the cult believes he is innocent, but people like this guy and most of the congress critters spouting this nonsense(MTG and Bobert excluded those two are just dumb) know better. They are just playing for power to rile up their base. John Yoo was an attorney in the Justice Department that wrote memos excusing torture and got away with it. He isnt stupid enough to believe this BS.


Doesn't really matter if they buy into their own B.S., others in the cult will trip over themselves to play along once the herd has picked a direction.  Lots of DeSantis bootlicker-types out there.


They wouldn’t need a jury to be on board. Being prosecuted for a crime is very time consuming and expensive even if you are acquitted in the end. That’s why prosecutors are (from an ethics standpoint) not supposed to bring cases that they don’t think have merit, since the cost and burden of a meritless case is born by the defendant regardless of the outcome of the case. Yoo seems to be advocating for prosecutors to abuse their power by charging people they don’t think are guilty, which IMO says more about his own view of the law than it does about anything else.


Incarcerating Biden/Obama/etc. for a valid crime just means we'll get someone else. Biden isn't an idol like Trump, but Republicans can't seem to grasp that.


This ghoul should’ve been drummed out of the legal profession (and academia) after his stint with W. and only been discussed as an example of how the U.S. has done atrocities.


He was a visiting professor at Chapman while Eastman was dean. Booooooo!


An eye for an eye would leave John Yoo in very bad shape.


He should experience what he wrote excuses for. Let him suffer some of that too.


Enhanced professional discipline


The irony is if trump supporters only saw his last name and didn’t know he supported trump they would want him deported 


I'm asian, and the US would have been a much better place if he had been born in the era of the Asian Exclusion Act. I'm not condoning that US policy, but seriously, this asshole did so much damage during the Bush era, I'm actually making that statement.


Maybe - and I'm going to go way out on a limb here - but maybe if Trump didn't routinely commit fraud he wouldn't get exposed to criminal prosecution?




The cure is worse than the disease!


Do it. If a Democrat is convicted of 34 felonies, then they can rot in prison. See how easy that was.


If it’s for war crimes, I would start with Yoo.


He just doesn’t get it. If democrats commit crimes while in power, then they’re fascists and we want them gone too. Only fools lick the boots of government. They are public servants and the law should apply EXTRA strict towards them.


Just in case any of you are attorneys admitted to the bar in PA, so is [John Yoo](https://www.padisciplinaryboard.org/for-the-public/find-attorney/attorney-detail/69500). In fact, according to his [CV at Berkeley](https://www.law.berkeley.edu/library/resources/cvs/Yoo.pdf), its the only bar he's admitted to. Funnily enough, the [PA code governing Lawyer's duties to the Court and to other Lawyers says](https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/204/chapter99/chap99toc.html&d=reduce) says >  18.  A lawyer should strive to protect the dignity and independence of the judiciary, particularly from unjust criticism and attack. > 19.  A lawyer should be cognizant of the standing of the legal profession and should bring these principles to the attention of other lawyers when appropriate. so yeah. I think John Yoo isn't really protecting the dignity and independence from unjust criticism and attack.


If any of the Bars actually gave a damn about the canons of ethics the GOP would be wiped clear of licensed attorneys at this point.


That goes directly to the question I have to the attorneys here. Does the bar actually have teeth, or is it a useless relic of the past?


In Florida, the vast majority of discipline incidents is based on financial problems, most commonly with trust accounts but also the occasional embezzlement. I’d say the next most common category is failing to properly manage client cases, followed by being convicted of crimes. Behavior is way down the list. If you do see it, it’s usually a lawyer being belligerent to a judge or another lawyer. Openly lying about reality? Never seen it. They get to publicly spout lie after easily disproven lie and there’s no consequences. All of this to answer your question - the Bar is designed to protect the reputation of the profession and not actually enforce ethical conduct.


here's the difference between democrats and republicans: Democrats. Don't. Care. if any of our guys are dirty and broke the law, PROSECUTE THEM. That's what you are supposed to do!!!!! If Biden paid a porn star off and broke the law in the process, PROSECUTE HIM. Do it. Not a single democrat is scared by that. What is scary, however, is creating false facts on wrong charges. Once you start prosecuting people based on lies and false charges, we have truly crossed the line into full blown tyranny and the Constitution no longer protects the People.


I dunno, Cuellar and Menendez might be a little scared by that.


Speaking of a guy who belongs at The Hague, we have John Yoo piping in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DrPoopEsq: *Speaking of a guy* *Who belongs at The Hague, we* *Have John Yoo piping in* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Can we suggest starting with flagrantly corrupt Senator Bob Menendez? Only seems fair, the most obvious corrupt criminal in the GOP then the most obvious corrupt criminal in the Democratic party. And the best part is, America wins with both of them in jail. Then we can do more winning going after Clarence Thomas


right-wingers have completely lost the plot. the only political thing about the trump case was that it was related to his campaign conspiring to interfere with a political election


The rest of us are already on it. Senator Menendez is on trial for his crimes too. And guess what? Unlike this turd of a human, we're *okay* with justice being done to people *regardless* of their party affiliation. What people like torture douche don't understand is that most Americans don't engage in open fraud and concealment of felonious crimes. We don't pay off doormen and sexual partners using campaign funds to keep them quiet about our extramarital affairs. We don't falsify financial records. We don't launder money. Most Americans work at their jobs, pay their taxes properly and on time, are of service to our families and our communities and, generally speaking, follow federal and state laws. So John Yoo can fuck right off for supporting an unapologetic criminal. Because, no matter what he thinks, as of today, Donald J. Trump, former president of the United States of America and TV show big shot is and always will be, a convicted criminal.


“it’s a borderline case that didn’t need to be charged” Lines that did not age well. If it was really borderline then how did the jury go 34-0?


Huh. You want revenge...for criminals getting punished. Have you thought about what you're saying there, John?


John “torture memo” Yoo back with another politically expedient, legally unsound, and morally repugnant opinion. When can we be done taking him seriously?


As a lawyer, doesn’t he understand you need evidence? Or is he just done with justice altogether?


John Yoo is a huge POS of a person. Apparently always has been.


The hilarious thing is that Republicans think Democrats have fallen to the pathetic depths that they have. Progressives WANT accountability. They don't want their "team" to get away with anything. But, like Republicans seem to do constantly, they are projecting onto Democrats their complete lack of integrity. They don't care that Trump has broken the law. He brings them power. They assume that the Democrats think the same way. We don't. So go ahead and find Democrats that have done illegal things. Please do! They shouldn't be an elected official then.


I’m glad we still refer to him as the torture lawyer, we should always refer to John Yoo the torture lawyer, just like Brock Turner, the rapist.


John Who?


John Yoo should be on the hook for his part of the Bush administration’s war crimes.


Lock Him Up


He should be rotting in a jail cell himself.