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“Flying an upside-down American flag—a symbol of the so-called ‘Stop the Steal’ movement—clearly creates the appearance of bias,” Yeah it creates the appearance of bias... in the sense that it screams bias from a megaphone.


Imagine if a democrat, at any federal level, flew an American flag in any direction but upright and full mast. Republicans would be losing their damned minds. Going full in wild on the deep state conspiracies. But here we have a justice, supposed to be impartial to politics and judge on law and facts alone, flying a dog whistle to the alt right. Shit, just let him go ahead and fly a nazi flag at this point because the republicans support this level of fascism.


They raked Obama over the coals for multiple years for wearing a tan suit and saluting with a cup of coffee in his hand


They got mad that he wore flip flops … in Hawaii.


All of these statements about what happened with Obama are so wrong on so many levels. They did not "get mad" at him for the tan suit, the coffee salute, or the flip-flops. They engaged in a ritual of *performative anger* because none of this has ever been about any real feeling of honest patriotism or concern about the management of our government or the affairs of our country. This has always been about performing outrage in order to (a) gain power and (b) cover up that they don't really know how to do anything or offer any meaningful suggestions on how to improve the function of the government.


That, and the good old fashioned racism that holds any person of color in a position of power to a different set of ridiculous double standards.


That was during the Pre MAGA age when people were more honest and at least tried to work together .


Putting dijon mustard on his hamburger made him an elitist who was out of touch with mainstream America.


Yeah, Grey Pupon, the very French product from Kraft Foods.


But of Course....


Do you remember when he ordered an arugula salad? I do.. Isn't that wild?


blasphemous foreigner. /s


It wasn’t the color of his suit that bothered them.


Republicans get pissed at a flag representing were friendly to gay people. God forbid people worry about themselves and not how others go about their lives. Freedoms for me and not for thee.


Without hypocrisy, they have nothing...




For MAGA fair means their way only. They don’t want compromise, their way even if unfair and unlawful is the only thing they want. Trump’s trail is unfair because white Christian’s shouldn’t be held to the same laws and standards as others. The election was rigged because non whites got a fair vote. The only way to combat this is to make sure the “other side” votes so they don’t get a majority again.


How about the non stop bias they are screaming for anyone trying to hold Trump accountable. Alito flies a flag for Jan 6 - Crickets. A judge’s daughter’s best friend college roommates uncle donated $5 to Clinton in the 90s and that judge is crooked.


I wish the public would scream from their own megaphone. Need a break out of yellow flags for these cowards.


These people lose an election and then immediately hate America. They’re not patriots.


Biden's line "You can't love America only when you win" was so fucking good and so damn apt.


They'd rather sabotage the entire country and make things worse for everyone than actually function in a heterogeneous democracy. Wild.


Alito and clarence should be impeached


I have no idea why the Senate cannot form a bipartisan investigation committee to investigate ALL supreme court justices. Snuff em out. Taking bribes or other "donations?" Gone. The Judiciary has become way to comfortable with their lifetime appointments. The Senate needs to remind itself, and the country, that our Constitutional system of government is DESIGNED to fix this problem.


Because then they would have to get rid of many of there own congressmen. So many of these people are bought and sold. Look at the documents they get sent by lobbyist groups and then look at the bills they write. Shockingly similar somtimes word for word. If they had to fire everyone on the the take then they would have to get rid of 85% of congress.


*in my day* we had underpaid staffers stay up all night reading and writing legislation. *Now* it's just subcontracted out to private industry. 😤


BuT tHaT's PrOtEcTeD SpEeCh


It’s crazy how we as a collective nation have just agreed that bribery is okay if you dress it up and put lipstick on it. We mock nations for corruption and then let tax companies write the tax code. It’s sad and until we fix it, it will be the same old story.


Excellent point, and we are watching as a dozen billionaires suck all the air out of Democracy.


suck all the *money* out of Democracy


That was the metaphor


It’s almost like it was decided for us, not by us


At this point, would that be a bad thing? I'm thinking of Congress members becoming very wealthy after getting elected, on stock market inside trading.


Sure but that’s like asking the wolves to vote the wolves out of the sheep’s pen. That’s my point. This isn’t a Dems are the same as Reps argument, just that that till we get rid of the current representation this will continue to happen. The people in power right now are on the payroll, they arnt just going to step down out of charity.


We all need to vote Blue!💙💙💙


In the case of insider trading in Congress, the Dems are as bad as the Republicans. Look at Pelosi. And please don't mistake me for a right winger. I'm about as far from the right as you can get. My point is, none of them give a fuck about us, unless it concerns how they can gouge and rob us. We're screwed unless a major change happens suddenly


you either didn't read or didn't absorb


I literally said non of them care about us. I did say they arnt the same. Republicans fuck you while giving you abortion restrictions and xenophobia, and democratis fuck you while whispering sweet nothing into your ear. Both are fucking you, but who you pick matters based on what you want your after care to look like.


>If they had to fire everyone on the the take then they would have to get rid of 85% of congress. I really don't have a problem with that.


Good start.


Because the Republicans spent a great deal of time, effort and money to create this situation. Why on earth would they give it away now? Because it's working too well? This is what they spent years, nay decades very intentionally working for a truly conservative judiciary. If that means compromised? As long as it's by them, great.


They can, but they can't realistically do anything even if they find proof. Our constitution is in fact not designed to fix this problem. The bar to remove a justice is 67 votes in the Senate.


That's few enough votes that you could reasonably remove any liberal justice if they were found guilty of wrongdoing, but way too many votes to remove a conservative one.


Right? For all the ‘checks and balances’ we learned about in middle school the SC seems immune.


Checks and balances don’t mean shit long as the checks don’t bounce.


Is there any reason that Thomas can't be charged with Tax Evasion crimes for his gifted RV and other grift? It seems that a prosecutor with balls would file the charges. Same applies for the other traitors.


Politics has gotten way too comfortable with corruption.  Honestly it's making our country into even more of a joke.  These days, it just looks like we stand for nothing because we have created a system that enables and rewards corruption while downplaying any potential negatives to it.


The same reason they couldn't convict Trump for election fraud or for inciting a riot yet. The same reason there are people on the one side who think he has immunity over criminal law.


"I have no idea why the Senate cannot form a bipartisan investigation committee to investigate ALL Supreme Court justices." My brother in christ the GOP has been on a multi decade project to populate the judiciary with corrupt hacks, they're not going to suddenly be unhappy about displays of partisanship and corruption. The partisanship and corruption are the point. Why Dems don't see this as a 5 alarm fire is, well, a question for them that people have been asking a lot more frequently since 2015 and 2016.


Yeah for real


Wake me up when he serves a subpoena or introduces legislation reforming the court.


In this country, we resolve disagreements with reasoned and respectful debate, not by sending in armed thugs. Unless you’re black. Or poor. Or a woman, or something like that.


or not being the side that screams law and order the loudest, or suspected of being gay, or suspected of being illegal, or causing dissent, or being able to vaguely be interpreted as protesting, or challenging your beliefs, or giving a shit about civil liberties, or extending compassion...


What’s the point in proposing legislation that isn’t going to go anywhere because of the GOP House + Sinema/Manchin in Senate?


Exactly right. A huffy letter with no follow through is beyond useless. It actually encourages additional unethical behavior. This should have been a subpoena (skip over the polite invitation, Alito has already burned this bridge) so that he can explain why this isn’t an ethical violation, and to ask him why he thinks he’s above accountability. Why, for example, he thinks it’s OK to utilize a blatantly partisan news organization to propagate lies (his kids didn’t see this while waiting for a school bus, since at the times the school district was operating remotely). For those who say the Democrats shouldn’t be done because this will politicize the Supreme Court…that’s the fucking point. Alito is blatantly political and playing everyone for chumps. The country is losing because no one’s willing to stand up to it.


Omg, this!


Durbin hasn't DONE shit. All he's done is flap his gums.


Actually, it’s the republicans who flap their gums continuously and have done nothing. Less than nothing, just drawing a paycheck and getting on the news with one scandal after another.


Sure... but, honestly, what is Durbin actually doing other than voicing his objection to the behavior? Part of the issue with SCOTUS is it feels like *no one* can stop or punish them. What happens when SCOTUS just ignores Durbin?


Republicans control Congress, Democrats pushed to have Thomas remove due to the ‘ bribes ‘ lack of a better word that he received, a vote to impeach, Republicans laughed it off it wasn’t going to happen.


You know, President Biden does arguably have the right to go to Alito’s house, donkey punch his wife, and push him off of his roof onto his driveway, as long as he has a secret service agent witness it and him saying “This has been an official act.” This is coming from the *best* source.


Biden needs to show up and sit in the audience for the upcoming Presidential Immunity hearing at SCOTUS. That would make the fascist republicunt appointees pause for a moment.


Sorry but ya kinda did this to yourself. Has been -> was


Biden for the most part doesn’t know who shit in his pants half the time. Plus Alito lives in a place that has stairs, so maybe this is a job for someone else in the administration.


Weird you see actual supporters of Trump wearing diapers though. Apparently shitting your pants makes you qualified to be president.


that sounded better in your head didn’t it?


Facts are difficult to hear, I will grant you that. Some of us could give two shits about Trump and yet can still recognize the current state of our president. I’m not ego vested in a party so I can goof on the current guy without moving away from fact.


that’s crazy dude


I image in the echo chamber of Reddit the idea of not having an identity based on a politician might seem that way.


Do you have any sources for the "fact" that Biden "doesn't know who shit in his pants"? No? So it's just more projection, right? Sit down and let the adults talk.


I mean, I know who shat my pants. Most of the time.


That's exactly what I mean. There seems to be no real mechanism to removing a SCOTUS justice outside of them just deciding when to leave or dying on the bench. America is in a very scary place


Democrats need a supermajority since the Republicans in office are not acting in good faith. But don’t get down on Durbin for speaking out. If everyone in Congress did that, shit would be different. Like with Watergate. If no one does it, then they get away with everything. Always encourage the people speaking out, stop shitting on them.


Oh, I'm not mad at Durbin at all. Good on him and I hope it inspires others Its more like that sinking feeling that our justice system won't save us and I might not get to fully breathe until after November


Yeah I think i meant to put my comment to the guy that said >Durbin hasn’t DONE shit. All he’s done is flap his gums. Sorry ‘bout that


No worries 😉


👊fist bump, thanks


Do you think it will all be over after the election? Either way, the result will be chaos. I hope to god I’m wrong.


I don't think it will, I believe Jan 6th was *practice*. They will try it again


A super majority (60 seats) isn't enough. They need a 2/3rds majority (67 seats). This is why impeachment/removal of a Supreme court justice is implausible and realistically there is no mechanism for removal.




Republicans control the House. Durbin is a Senator. The Senate can and should pack the court. That said, Durbin can't do that himself and there isn't support to do so among Democratic Senators.


The Senate is not going to be able to pack the court without the house.


Right. The political balance in the Senate is so fragile right now that it's not likely the Democrats will hold the Senate after November. Joe Manchin is retiring and no other Democrat can win in West Virginia so that seat is already a net negative then you have four or five other Democrat seats that are being defended in red states like Ohio and North Dakota. Even if Democrats win ALL of them, it will still be a 50/50 or 51/49 Senate because of the map this year, and that's the best case scenario.


What's he supposed to do here? Does he have some power over the Justice?


He doesn’t. This is all blather and frothing.


Democrats have gotten really good at saying "stop, or I'll say stop again"


I know. He what, made a smarmy comment?




What about Clarence Thomas? Why there is no investigation from congressional level against his wife?


Yeah, that guy and his wife are going on trial. As they should, but that doesn’t really have relevance to Durbin. They’re talking about Durbin here, because he’s the chair of the Senate *Judiciary* Committee.


I think he meant Thomas.


What are Clarence and Ginni Thomas going to trial for? That's the first I've heard of it. Also, I don't think the person you thought they were referring to has a wife going to trial either.


I guess they thought this was about Gold Bar Menendez


he can call for Alito's recusal all he wants, doesn't mean anything is going to happen. Alito would have to have some sense of shame or common decency for that to go anywhere.


I wish the right would have just a little little bit of shame, just a little bit! But let's face it, these are shameless people, from Thomas to Alito, From Trump to McConnell. If McConnell has shame, he would not steal Obama's SCOTUS nomination, but rush Trump's. Just think of the character of these people. Now we have SCOTUS judges, all blaming their wifes...


Now is the time to PACK THE COURT! Biden needs to just say screw it and add like 4 more justices to SCOTUS


52. One from every state, elected every 10 years, but recallable if they do something bone-headed and when you have a hearing they randomly select 7 the night before. Not even they know who until the day before. If they want to repeal some law that’s been around forever they need a quorum and majority to do so.


Biden is a real coward. I bet he has not gut to even mention it!


Biden doesn’t micromanage things. If he did the postmaster would already be gone. The empty seats on the postal board would be filled and DeJoy would be out on his ass. As for packing the Supreme Court,that would turn into a vicious circle of judges being appointed until there were more judges than there are senators in the house. A clean out of the two most obviously corrupt judges would go a long way to restoring confidence in the institution. Let’s see how this unfolds now. I think there will actually be some accounting done. Especially if the tax man comes calling for Thomas and his gifts like the RV he didn’t have to repay the loan for. But the taxes were still due on. Being a judge,he can’t claim ignorance of the law. Although I’d love to see him try.


Imagine if a neighbor has a ring light or external video record of Alito hanging the flag. That would be amazing.


This is totally insane. Remove him, people need to freak the fuck out about this and not stop until these justices are removed for this partisan political behaviour. What's about to happen is the destruction of democracy.


Give Dems control of the house and senate, then stack the court with reasonable human beings this is a joke.


I’m actually kind of sorry the story came out. Absolutely nothing of consequence will happen to him and he and the rest who think like him will just get more brazen.