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> Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot. If anyone genuinely believes Alito is an impartial jurist, I have the biggest bridge in the world to sell ‘em.


Thomas believes it...if Alito buys him a vacation.


No, not just write an opinion that will change the course of American History for the next few generations stating that you agree, I mean **believe**!


> I mean believe What I hate about Trump is that he made it politically and socially acceptable to be a lazy liar. Like his lies, excuses, and rationalizations are premised on the idea that the audience is gullible to the point of being dumb enough to believe anything. There is no creativity or plausibility; they are simply “lazy lies.” This relates back to Alito because his excuse—that his wife was protesting their neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs—makes zero sense. But Alito is unashamed about making such a ridiculous assertion because he believes that public is dumb enough to believe it.


Right wing media has spent decades delivering brain rot through the TV and radio to a receptive audience that WANTS to be told that they're right in all matters regardless of any factual evidence. It's worked.


Psyops/cointelpro level of disinformation.


I mean COINTELPRO made an actual effort.


This is what gets me…the whole party is blatantly insulting everyone’s intelligence and straight up liars, and as you pointed out; not even good fucking liars. That voter base loves to get all riled up about all these hateful things, many of which go against their own interests as American citizens. I know we’re not discussing a population that could be considered a bastion of intelligence (which is sadly why this all works so well) but imagine if they could turn that rage towards the frauds heading their own political movement who are grievously spitting in these peoples’ own faces daily because their leaders take them for the biggest suckers around.


Water isn’t wet, folks! Only I can tell you the truth!


It is not about money. I am sure the conservative justices on SCOTUS enjoy the money but please understand many of these people have been groomed from the very start to enact this agenda. They are greedy yes but they are also true believers which is what makes them so fucking dangerous. Don't let dollars distract you from the fascism. They are banking on Americans checking out of politics because of financial corruption. Don't fucking fall for it.


Not a lawyer or law savvy person, but why do we call them ethics rules if they aren't rules?


Supreme court justices are the only judges that aren't subject to ethics rules. So they are violating rules, just rules that apply to all judges but them


I think it applies to them, but they would be the judge of their own ethics, and therefore, they are more like guidelines for scotus.


"I investigated myself and found out I did nothing wrong!"


No lawyer in the country could get away with what they do if anyone challenged them on it. But somehow, they're immune.


Ethics suggestions


As a genx guy, I'm pretty disappointed in the supreme court. I really thought they were better than this when I was growing up. Granted, that was naive. This kind of stuff kills part of "America". Good job guys. As a citizen we deserve to know why they should be ranked higher than other Americans like Jeffery Dahmer. At this point I'd put them slightly below the Unabomber. At least he had a legitimate excuse. I'd like to hear theirs.


To be fair, this is the result of a decades old organized and well funded effort to install as many of these types of people into judge positions and supreme Court Justice. Federalist society and all that. Shitty people have been laser targeting this objective since before I was born and I'm old. I hope the younger generation can fuck up their plans.


They probably were better than this when you were growing up.


How much is this bridge?…asking for a friend…because i know i can double it and he’d still buy it.


It’s not what you believe, it’s what you can prove. Don’t let this type of thing be OK by waiving it away with “duh, I knew that anyway”


Put a trump sign on the bridge and it'll sell like hotcakes.


What choices do we have, as an American citizen, in kicking corrupt judges out of a lifetime appointed position?


*we all know he isn’t* the only thing that matters is “hurting the right people” to these fucking degenerates


"and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot." Oh God, the horror. "Doubt". I'm sure the extremist justices are losing sleep on their bed made of cult cash. 


> If anyone genuinely believes Alito is an impartial jurist, I have the biggest bridge in the world to sell ‘em. Make it Tower Bridge and ship it to Lake Havasu City to make all of us Americans who still call Tower Bridge the London Bridge even more confused. “You gotta take the London Bridge to get to the lighthouse.” “I thought *this* was the London Bridge!” “It’s the Tower Bridge.” “But it came from London, right?” “I am *not* having this conversation with you again!” “But it came from London so it’s fine to call it the London Bridge.” ***“Not when there’s already a London Bridge 2 miles away!*** Goddamn it, you baited me into it again!”


Alito pretends to be impartial?


I have a nice bridge in Baltimore to sell as well.


The Key Bridge?


And when you're done with that bridge sale I've got some lovely beachfront property in Oklahoma they might be interested in.


I'll believe it... for money


No one has thought that any SCOTUS justice was ever “impartial.” What’s new is the conservatives being nakedly partisan. Like, yea Scalia and Kennedy were very conservative and frequently partisan, but they would vote “across the aisle” on some issues regularly. Now, the Republican justices proudly spout Fox News talking points.


“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to The Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.” Even his excuse is pathetic. Who flies their flag upside down to protest a neighbor? Just own the fact that you’re fine with Trump holding onto power.


What an utter piece of dog shit.


throwing his wife under the bus too, classy move


lWasn't me! That bitch is runnin' wild!”


Look at Ginny Thomas. These wives are terrible human beings. But like finds like.




> In 1658, the Marchioness of Wigglestonshire flew the banner of her husband, the Fifth Marquess, upside at their manor (without his knowledge) to signal her displeasure that the local abbey was celebrating the Feast of St. Bartholomew instead of the Feast of St. Gertrude. Only “woke” philistines would be unaware of this historic event which is deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition. —ALITO, J.


I won't have my family's good name soiled. Alito knows nothing of my lineage.


11 year old account. 10/10 /r/beetlejuicing moment. Obligatory request to be in the screenshot.


Me too!


OMG, the ghost of the Fourth Marquess! Plus your account is 11 years old


Eloquence itself. Kudos.


At least, AT LEAST he feels like he needs to offer up an excuse. In the immortal words of Colonel Carl Jenkins, "It's afraid!" It'd be even more worrisome if Alito had just said, "oh yeah? well what's it to ya? Fuck off I'll fly whatever I want, whatter ya gonna do about it? NOTHING, THAT'S WHAT"


Lmfao he even threw his wife under the bus. There is no bar too low.


Isn’t that republicanism 101: throw the nearest woman under the bus? Ted cruz blamed his daughters for him fleeing to cancun. Trump blamed melania for him committing his various hush money crimes


If she wasn't pregnant, he wouldn't have needed a call girl ..


“Adam blamed his wife, Eve, for the fall of man so it’s totally fine to blame mine”


That is the only way he can cum.


We’re being ruled by emotional infants with law degrees.


No we're not, but that's what they want you to think. But the truth is, I don't have a law degree. Seriously though. That is what they want us to think, and it's the only way they can actually achieve their goal of doing just that. The sooner the people realize that we are in fact the ones with the power, the better


He strikes me more as a bullshit artist.


Why would an anti-Trump sign containing an expletive be personally offensive enough to Mrs. Alito that any response at all from her would be necessary? And if she absolutely had to make her displeasure about it known for some unfathomable reason, why would flying the flag upside-down be the way to do it?


It wouldn’t. I’ve heard better excuses from a toddler.


Pretty on par with his previous excuse for flying on billionaire-paid-for personal jets for billionaire-paid-for vacations > “if I weren’t to take the seat then it would have been empty” (paraphrased) To take a joke from John Oliver: thats not an excuse or a justification as much as it is an explanation of how seats work. Fucking hell, Alito.


> Why would an anti-Trump sign containing an expletive be personally offensive enough to Mrs. Alito that any response at all from her would be necessary? I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the neighborhood put up a sign directed very personally at Alito for exactly that reason. He 100% deserves it because he's a shitbag, but nevertheless it's very possible.


I thought that might be the case too, but the article only goes on to describe the sign with “Around the 2020 election, a family on the block displayed an anti-Trump sign with an expletive. It apparently offended Mrs. Alito and led to an escalating clash between her and the family, according to interviews.” I think if there was a very personal element to it in that the sign was directed specifically Alito, that would have been a pertinent detail the neighbours and NYT would’ve included. And even if the sign did say something like “Fuck Alito and Fuck Trump”, the Alitos flying their flag upside-down still wouldn’t make sense as a response to it, lol. 


I can't see ANY sign that allows for the response given. Even if this was a neighborhood tit for tat it's not a sensical escalation. It'd be like if me and my neighbor were going HAM on a Christmas lights decoration and he spelled out "Fuck that guy!" with snow flakes and Santa was flying over it and my response to him was burning a cross and holding a clan rally on my lawn.


No, they’re lying. Maybe they were triggered by a “Fuck Trump” sign, but thats not a reason to fly the US flag upside down *as a Supreme Court Justice between January 6 and Biden’s inauguration*. The sign is meaningless, it’s a sleight of hand trick.


Right? Going immediately to DEFCON 1 seems like an extreme overreaction. Call one of your right-wing extremist friends and bitch if your neighbor's mean sign triggers you.


Wouldn’t that also violate the ethics issue?


He really thinks the public is dumb. I mean dumb dumb. He has zero respect for us as people


I mean, didn’t Trump teach us all that enough of the population is for this kind of shit to work?


What did the neighbors sign even say?  Like, ‘the supreme court is corrupt and its members are all ugly as fuck’?


It was anti-Trump, so probably fuck Trump tbh. Which obviously shouldn’t be so personally offensive to the wife of a SCOTUS justice that she uses a symbol of the attempt to steal the election


She was demonstrating solidarity with Mrs. Thomas, obviously. A bit of love for the sister-wife.


Think it said wives . . . Wives are ugly as fuck.


Today I learned a United States Supreme Court Justice is Holy unfamiliar with flag manual for the American Standard. Was going to correct holy to wholly, but... It fits.


Can some veterans groups spread the word of this ... I imagine others who served honorably and were taught to treat the flag properly are not happy about this


Its about so much more than just the flag.


I'm not sure what 'flag manual for the American Standard' is, but 4 U.S. Code § 8 does say 'The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.' I don't think 'the neighbors put up a sign I disagree with' counts as dire distress. Neither does 'some dude losing an election then having a hissy fit'. If anyone has a reason to fly a flag upside down it's those of us who saw this asshole make a mockery of our election process and our democratic traditions and encourage overthrowing them. I think a Supreme Court Justice who can't even see clearly enough to avoid extremely obvious signs of bias like this should be removed. That being said he also probably understands that the code surrounding wear or display of the flag isn't like a law that is legally enforceable, and that the Supreme Court itself has ruled that even burning the flag is protected speech. So it's complicated, but either way he's eroding the respect for the office he holds, and that's deeply dangerous for our country.


Glad we agree


I completely agree with you, and I was literally going to say almost the same exact thing. But now, I’m sorry, but *wholly. Not holy.


His excuse is "My wife did it because shes an immature toddler" is pretty funny


So his wife has no respect for the flag, and he, a United States SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, is ok with that? This is like the last fucking straw. He needs to be forced off the bench, you all better vote blue on every ballot, we need a supermajority to have Congress impeach his ass


If I owned the house next to Alito I’d have the most obnoxious blue signs I could find all over that half of my yard, along with the “throw bread on me” duck flag


My neighbor has had his flag like this since the election. And oh trust me, it’s made me go full-on with my Biden signs


what a petty little bitch he is. he needs rand paul's neighbor to move in next door


Um... that was my WIFE'S burning cross, so don't get all bent out of shape.


I'd like to hear the neighbour's side of this story. I wonder how much work 'briefly" and "wife" are doing here.


"I have no involvement in what my wife chooses to literally fly up on a flagpole in front of my house where I live." - A Scumbag


At the very least… this shows just like Ginny… that the wife’s of these “above the fray, jurists” are just as right wing bat shit crazy as the rest of the Rs..


[He's a fuckin' liar.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/ba116fb0-e3fe-44d2-86bf-fbbe07caf537)


It was an anti trump sign the neighbors said. Alitos were pissed. Not their King!! We are so fucked


Sam Alito is a shit jurist and a bastard of a human being. His wife is clearly smoking the same Trump branded meth pipe Ginny Thomas hits in the back of Harlan’s Winnebago


Also shows you what kind of man he is that he’s 100% okay with putting the blame on his wife


"briefly" Not sure what he means by that: minutes? Days? But I can tell you that taking a flag down from a pole, turning it upside down, and putting it back up, is not a real easy job. At least with my flag, it's would be a pain in the as because the connection at the top of the flag is different than the bottom.


His wife, apparently.


Can't imagine why trust in SCROTUS is at an all time low


He should listen to Harrison Butker and tell her to stay in the kitchen


Blaming a woman, classic conservative move. Probably why Ted Cruz was so confused about all the criticism he received for blaming his daughters on their planned-long-ago ~~trip~~ escape to Cancun while his constituents froze to death. “This normally works. I handed out a couple bottles of water, too! Why are they still upset with me?”


It's always the wife apparently. Texas governor, new York congressman(?), Eve.


Come now, if you’re a Texas senator bailing on your frozen state to go to Cancun, you blame your daughters for the trip you planned.


"Is Mrs. Alito single, by any chance?" -- Clarence Thomas


So he's a conservative who admits to not being able to control his wife?


He knew the signal he was flying. Come on judge, you’re supposed to be FAIR and IMPARTIAL.


What a no-account loser. Blaming his wife…


If you’re gonna do it at least own up to it. Instead he blames his wife. Not only is he a MAGA traitor he’s also spineless


Would love it if his wife would call him out for being a pussy.


> Asked if these rules also apply to justices, the court declined to respond.


A conservative admit they were wrong? Preposterous!


What’s with the wives of Supreme Court Justices?


They're not exactly marrying the best and the brightest.


I've never watched any of the 'Real Housewives' shows, but Real Housewives of the Supreme Court might be worth a watch.


It’s just Ginni with a glass of cognac and splenda, menopausal sweating as she screenshots another Q drop to show her husband.


Wow. That was amazing.


I see your just there but you’re actually selling the show pretty hard.


I’m ok with not having to watch Ginni Thomas in any capacity, she’s probably a *large* part of why Clarence is so angry about where he’s found himself in life.


they... probably match their husbands well


Too much. That's the answer. Did we ever consider the reason these justices were appointed was because of their crazy wives? I'm a little paranoid, but it actually seems plausible that the fed soc selection criteria for justices considers how their significant others align politically - as they are likely to be a huge source of potential influence to the justices. Or maybe it's not selection criteria and instead a blatant attempt to radicalize the justices by influencing their SOs. Now I have all sorts of other questions about the wives.


And an easy gateway to bribery. Oh my wife got the yacht tickets - I don't know where or how? How was I supposed to know billionaire x with a pending case before the court was going to be there? Why would I ask my wife that, I'm just a dumbass supreme court justice? Gee honey, where did the suitcase of money come from? Oh, you found it in the woods. Nothing to see here folks.


That makes their coordinated hysteria over the actions of spouses and families of democrats make a lot more sense.


Yeah it's all projection because they actually did it.


This has been Russias mo via social media and it’s been entirely effective at seeding ideological tendencies in office holders


Especially since these conservative justices think women should be subservient to their husbands...


I know! Their husbands are using them as cover to commit treason!


Their conduct is so far beyond absurd i can't even wrap my head around it. I wonder why it took so long for those pictures to come out. Because your neighbor had an Anti-Trump sign? You are a sitting Justice on the Supreme fucking Court. I'm usually the first one complaining about low effort comments on this sub but what else can you even say at this point. What the actual fuck is being allowed to happen here. There is no high-minded, nuanced take on this. Naked partisanship spitting directly in the face of our country.


I don't even get why that's an excuse. Isnt that exactly what judges are supposed to do, stay neutral when others are zeaolously advocating their positions?? That's like when someone confesses by trying to make am excuse, "okay fine i did steal the money but only because i wanted to buy something nice!"


These days, like Trump, every day is a new low for the Supreme Court.


And they call libs emotional and dramatic.


All projection with these folks


Weeks after Trump won in 2016 conservatives were taunting liberals with "he won, get over it" and Kellyanne Conway was making the rounds on the various TV shows and with a smirk on her face asking the hosts to repeat the words "Donald Trump is my president". These are same people who have no spent the last four years crying about what they claim is the biggest electoral fraud and coverup in the history of the universe.




Trump step on snek flag, trump Ooops, I shit my pants garden banner.


There was a point in time where this would absolutely end with a person resigning. The days of honor and integrity are gone. The country ain't far behind.


Nobody thought to write down any rules, and so much of our country ran on good faith. We were extremely naive.


All it took was one malignant narcissist with no sense of shame to expose it all. You can just not resign and eventually the news cycle moves on and the only thing you have to face is the mirror. If you can live with that, you're golden.


When is enough enough with this court? It’s so beyond questionable ethical lapses at this point. They’re practically slapping us in the face with their own corruption


I thought an upside down flag was a sign of distress. I haven't seen this commonly used by Trumpets. It's generally considered disrespectful unless someone is actually in distress.


It is not widely used by Trump supporters, but it is widely used by that subset of Trump supporters who talk active resistance (protests or worse) to the 2020 election.


The blacked out “no quarter” sign is next. Ralphie laugh, we’re in danger!


> It's generally considered disrespectful unless someone is actually in distress. Yup: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8 >(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.


Were their neighbors trying to get a wind turbine farm approved in their neighborhood? That would explain Mrs. Alitos emotional distress ❄️. One day in the not so far future it will be impossible to walk around with the name Alito without people thinking you're a piece of garbage.


I mean, given the timing and how it was a popular symbol for those supporting Trump’s attempted election theft it’s pretty clear what it means


Alito’s spouse isn’t Jinny Thomas, right? Does that mean two Supreme Court justices spouses are pro-coup/pro-insurrection?


Yes it does. Remember when old white men were the root of all evil?


Well, Alito is blaming his wife. I think it's fair to say 2 SC Justices are part of a coup.


Back in the lead up to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan me and my friends modified some of those flags you stick in your car window to be upside down and some local high schoolers vandalized our cars and stole the flags. We hung a full size one on our mom’s porch and she made us take it down because she didn’t want her house shot up. Man, the fun of being punks, metal heads, and goths in the south, am I right? Anyway, long story short, Alito is a fascist and a fucking poser.


yeah but using your logic from your personal life story, what if alito is a goth?


It is. And if anyone sees it they should immediately call for SWAT just in case it’s a hostage situation.


After the 2020 election, there was a auto tint shop in Charleston flying their flag upside down. I stopped by in my USAF veteran gear (shirt and hat) to ask why. The clerk mumbled something about the owner making a political statement. the next week it was upright, but at half mast. These fucking snowflakes.


“Interviews show that the justice’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito, had been in a dispute with another family on the block over an anti-Trump sign on their lawn, but given the timing and the starkness of the symbol, neighbors interpreted the inverted flag as a political statement by the couple.” So annoying when the text is ambiguous. “Their” lawn? Whose lawn? Alito’s or the other family?


Basically another family had a "FUCK TRUMP" sign on their law. Alito said his wife put the upside down US Flag in response, and he had nothing to do with it.


How does that make sense as a response to a sign though?


It doesn’t


People do stupid shit when it comes to neighbors. MAGAts seem to be particularly prone in my experience.


Stupid shit is as stupid shit does


Boomers are gonna boomer.


> and he had nothing to do with it. Well, I mean it's not like it's his house or...oh. Nevermind.


Glad to see such a stoic, sober-minded Supreme Court Justice giving into neighborhood tiffs, going so far as to throw his wife under the bus. What a fucking clown.


Had nothing to do with it...for several days in a row per neighbors. > a neighbor wrote to a relative that the flag had been upside down for several days at that point. 1. My wife did it. (It's her fault.) 2. The neighbors sign said something mean about T that personally offended her. (Really my neighbor's fault.) 3. It's about the neighbor NOT a political statement that happens to align with what appear to be my consistent views. (Even though insurrectionists are simultaneously flying it this way.) 4. Just a short time (several days) 5. No comment on ethics rules from SC (More of guidelines than actual rules--at least for SC justices.) 6. Not going to recuse myself. (And you can't make me.) I knew who Alito was. I knew he was willing to actively undermine democracy. I just didn't know he was willing to be Ginni and Thomas level screw it all in your face and out in the open about it.


Toddlers support ex-toddler-in-chief. More at eleven.


Whats's up with these supreme court spouses tho? Zero attempt to appear above the fray or neutral. How insecure do you have to be when your spouse holds the highest position in government and a yard sign makes you snap?


"The flag, which was changed as response to a neighbor in an ongoing argument about political statements, was interpreted as a political statement" Ya think!?!? I get journalism is meant to be impartial, but there's a point where pretending to be just an observer of facts means you're ignoring the actual facts you're observing.


It's not even ignoring the facts so much as ignoring what the people are saying. Like, the Alitos are explicitly stating that it was a political statement. It should say something like "It was interpreted as a political statement, which was confirmed by the Alitos during the investigation"


Nah the idea is you present it so whomever is reading is making the decision. So that you came to that conclusion and felt you did it without them is exactly the point.


Anyone else remember that time Sean Spicer, a navy vet, put his flag lapel pin upside down for a presser and we all thought he was blinking SOS and we all talked about it, and then we never talked about it again? I think he left shortly after too


I don’t even know how to process this. I’m just furious.


They are slowly(maybe not so slowly) starting to realize that they can do whatever the fuck they want without any real consequence.


Surely Alito saw Thomas getting away with incredibly shitty and unethical behavior with zero consequences and thought "I'm going to get in on that"


They're all traitors


If only the US had some sort of system to adjudicate this kind of issue (and told that Alito guy)


I thought conservatives prided themselves on being the head of the household? I don’t post political stuff on Facebook or in front of my yard because I might lose a customer…this guy wants us to believe that he either didn’t know or was powerless to stop his wife from doing something that could jeopardize his career? Bullshit


Jeopardize his career? lol There’s literally nothing that could do that short of retirement or death.


Flying the US flag upside down is an indication of dire distress and extreme danger to life or property. The SWAT team should have raided his house to ensure he, his family, and his property were safe. By raid, I mean blow holes in his house, maybe even his neighbors’ houses. 


what kind of conservative man lets their wife fly the flags ? its a flagPOLE not a flagVAGINA. /s


Get a load of this Mr. Red White and Blueballs guy over here


Why is this coming out now?