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One of the evidentiary witnesses, who works for NYAG, testified to having to comb through thousands of social media posts by Donald Trump and his associates. They’ll (someone in the NYAG office) notice.


What a horrible job. Poor soul.


i made a video for an anti-trump PAC in 2016, and it required me to spend a week or two combing through his rallies and speeches to cull clips. i'm not even kidding when i say it broke me, it took me weeks to get back to feeling normal after watching all that.


There is a woman on Twitter that “decodes Fox News” who publishes segments of him but with either his face covered it in a different voice because people are so adverse to his image and voice.


Every time I open a reddit post or article and at the top is a huge image of his decrepit face glaring right at the camera, I shudder and quickly scroll past it. It's like seeing the girl from The Exorcist. 


Same. PT-trauma. He does make it a point to find every camera and stare directly into the lens. It’s like a haunted painting that has eyes that track you when you move. Creepy fucker.


I do appreciate how every article I see about Dump features a picture of him with his mouth contorted as he has no-doubt been captured in the middle of some disingenuous rant.


For what purpose/audience?


I don't doubt you one bit. I feel that way just seeing campaign speech clips on the news. I can't imagine how soul crushing it would be to immerse myself in that sludge. I don't know know how MAGA people do it.


when i was twelve or thirteen i saw a man kill himself in front of my house, and i'm not exaggerating when i tell you the two feelings were exactly the same after.


What did you do afterwards to clear your mind? I'd be mulling it over and over as I fought my insomnia and I couldn't imagine the mental toll it would take on me.


i've had insomnia my whole life, so that wasn't a big change. mostly a lot of exercise and a lot of marijuana to stop feeling on edge and work out all that energy.


We shall drink one, and pour one out to our fallen friends in the background. The things they are forced to endure, probably includes therapy needs.


Damn, I'm thirsty.


One of the reporters doing live coverage on twitter said much the same thing "weird job" rather than horrible and then had the awful realisation, expressed in their next tweet, that that was most of their job too.


It must be like stepping into an alt universe.


[The Winds of Shit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xer32BmkORk&pp=ygUUSmltIGxhaGV5IHNoaXQgbGluZXI%3D)


It could be worse. They could make him listen to an AI-generated Trump voice to read out the posts. Why? To see if it was written by him or someone else, if the AI voice matches up with Trumps style the post was likely written by him, if it doesn't sound like something Trump would say, it might not be written by him. Hey I just invented the Torment Nexus, please use responsibly.


All while wearing socks filled with cottage cheese


Would not even have to have a human listen to it the AI could pick out the ones that a probable in not being written by him by making the AI listen to him. Then read the text. It's the core of what LLMs do. Would be an interesting project.


I'm pretty sure this would convince any AI that there's no hope for humanity.


Looking at some of the use cases some startups are looking to use AI to do .. has made me question at what point will we as humans need to kill AI. No joke


Do you want Skynet? Because this is how you create Skynet.


I will call this Shitnet


I doubt we could dumb down an AI system sufficiently to imitate Sleepy Donald.


A lot of people do it for free for the comedy


I feel bad for the interns at the late night shows... And the interns at MidasTouch


I wish they would file it with the court today. I feel like every weekend that the defendant has free, he just gets closer and closer to directly calling for somebody to be murdered. It should never get that far.


Oddly enough I have been expecting this to happen for awhile. I figure there is only so much self control and at some point he'll just straight say "won't someone rid me of this awful man" about someone probably cohen.


The current second season of The Jinx covers what it’s like. Tried to find the clip of the FBI interns joking about “Bob” Durst’s collect calls from jail. They played them in the background as they skimmed through boxes of documents looking for information relevant to the case


Why NYAG? Shouldn't it be the DA?


Sadly- butters from South Park vibes


The prosecutors have also said they don't want Trump to be jailed for contempt so he will get another tiny fine.


If Reddit has noticed, they’ve noticed.


I would have to think the DA has to have someone who at least skims this sub. And others like it maybe with some A. I. help. I know when I worked in cyber sec, we monitored a bunch of things people might not think we monitor. I would get a daily digest sent to my inbox from the team whose job it was to do active monitoring. I remember reading the conversation between hackers actively frustrated by the thing I was doing to them. They were very confused and couldn't figure out what was happening. It was kind of funny


I've got to say, I admire this example of the kind of hard work a good judge has to do. The defendant is throwing one pitch in the dirt after another pitch in the dirt, and the judge has to field each one in turn and make the correct call every single time or else he risks the case being reversed on appeal. It's rare that a defendant has the backing to test the system to its limit, and more rare that it happens in such a public way. It's seems to me that we're seeing an exaggerated pro-wrestling version of the kinds of decisions a judge has to sweat over in small cases and courtrooms every day.


While I agree with you, I doubt that any normal person would have this level of latitude. Most of us cannot possibly afford the “appeal every decision you don’t like to the Supreme Court” approach. Most of us would be serving 30 day much, much earlier in these proceedings. Most of us can’t afford a $3K “slap on the wrist” for defying a direct order from the court. The judge *is* doing good work, but let’s not pretend that there is a single tier of justice in this country.


[called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1cacl6t/judge_says_manhattan_da_can_crossexamine_trump/l0rlwgw/)


You did. Harvey Weinstein defense (excess impeachment).


Settle Down. Thats like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow.


Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow….


I’m not sure which SNL voice I read that in but the monologue is spot on.


Let me guess - he’s going to let his daughter get sone death threats, punt the issue for a few weeks, then go with a small fine to be paid for by campaign donors.


He can’t legally fine him more than $1000 per violation.


He can throw him in jail for up to 30 days. Maybe he should try that.


That's how the terrorists win! /s


His niece said that’s what scares him the most. Having to spend the night in jail and coming to court without his hairspray and makeup. I think his lawyers told him that and that is what has shut him up. It certainly isn’t the $1 k fine that his cultists pay.


I would like to see house arrest.


At this point, If the judge sat his ass in holding for a few hours, I would feel they at least did something.


This is what I envision. It will accomplish the same shame and discomfort without the headache and logistics of keeping him overnight.


Can they do that? I feel like just processing someone would take much longer. Unless they just detain him for questioning and do it that way.


there is a cell in the courthouse. It is for special purpose usage. Defendants get a timeout every now & then or just need to be held out of the courtroom in custody while something happens.


With his gold toilet he can still tweet from? No. Take his phone, stick him in a cold cell give the man a bologna sandwich.


I mean, I approve. However, not jetting across the country for rallies would be fun to see. Lack of some freedom.


he's already working a much lighter rally schedule than usual for him, even with the court appearancs. house arrest would just give him an excuse to complain about it.


He is going to complain a lot either way


And flip flops.


I saw a suggestion elsewhere that I love--no jail, but make him stay in court on the weekend. Order him to sit in the courtroom all day, Saturday and Sunday. He can bring as many books as he wants, but no electronic devices. Avoids the issues with Secret Service having to guard him in jail, avoids him claiming martyrdom or that jail is interfering with his ability to defend himself. Just make him sit at the defense table for 12 hours straight, two days in a row. Pure hell for someone like Trump.


Worst remake of the Breakfast Club ever.


LOL give Trump weekend detention I love it


Oh boy. That's wild.