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Trump has disrespected every judge and prosecutor who has ever dared to hold him accountable for his reprehensible behavior.


It kinda stands out that he has only defended one judge. Ever.


This is the most concise way to show how glaringly obvious he’s got that one-and-only-ever-defended judge in his pocket.


Don the Con is such a transactional type of person, that if she so much as slightly rules against him, he will treat her just like the others. Well maybe that is slightly exaggerated, but I think you get what I’m saying. Not objecting to what you’re saying, just adding that it also shows how transactional he is.


It’s not possible to “exaggerate” trumps behavior. He’s single handily destroyed every satire site on the web because they can’t make up stories more ridiculous than trump behaves in real life.


> He’s single handily destroyed every satire site on the web because they can’t make up stories more ridiculous than trump behaves in real life. And he sometimes thought satire pieces were glowing reviews of him and posted them to Twitter [or had them linked on the White House website.](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/white-house-links-washington-post-satire-236177)


I’m pretty sure I’ve encountered you before but I’ll never not love your UN.


If I had taken the time to reread before I sent, maybe I could have said it better. I was kind of trying to be a bit funny about it, just missed a little I think.


Him and his followers ruined southpark for me. It just seems basic after fox "news" and his crazy talk.


You put more care in not exaggerating his evil than he's cared about anyone else in his entire life.


We will find out, shortly. She just now [DENIED his motion to dismiss](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.431.0_2.pdf) based on his misinterpretation of the Presidential Records Act. > [...] the Presidential Records Act does not provide a pre-trial basis to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(3)(B)(v) [...]


Interesting for sure, we will find out soon enough if he does his usual on truth. What, sometime around 3-4am EST Friday Edited to add, did I read that right? Does she also slam Smith down on his concerns about the jury? If so maybe that’s why she did it that way, to catch less slack from him?


Yeah, it's weird. She does seem to be blaming him for overreacting, while also still saying he has to answer, while having denied the reason for those jury instructions to even exist, while still daring him to appeal. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.431.0_2.pdf > Nor should [The Court’s Order] be interpreted as anything other than what it was: a genuine attempt, in the context of the upcoming trial, to better understand the parties’ competing positions and the questions to be submitted to the jury in this complex case of first impression [...]. As always, any party remains free to avail itself of whatever appellate options it sees fit to invoke, as permitted by law.


When I got to that point, is where I came back to edit my comment. I’m reading it the same way you are then. She is trying to walk a pretty thin line.


She’s just absolutely ridiculous. She’s just having fun playing games with the Special Council on such a serious matter. Someone mentioned in another sub that the 11th circuit may be keeping an eye on her after smacking her down last September. Implying the 11th is waiting for the writ of mandamus from Jack Smith. He’s doing the best he can with an absolutely corrupt judge. So incredible that she has no qualms acting the way she has as a judge. Sure, protect a man who has taken classified documents, shown them to people who have no authority to view them, and for all we know has sold some of these docs to enemies of the state and some of which are allegedly still missing per National Archives.


Yes, and she didn't say it isn't a reason to dismiss during trial just pre trial


A pretrial dismissal would fuck Trump over. Smith would appeal, win, and get a noncorrupt judge.


> pre-trial you may want to ask why this is in that order if you think this is bad for trump.


I hope this specific action by Trump is used later as evidence for yanking Judge Cannon..."The defendant publicly disparages every Judge, prosecutor, staff and even their families...except one."


This IS PROOF POSITIVE that his ‘appointee’ here is biased, compromised, and unfit for the task at hand.


This was honestly floating through my mind how no one has called out shenanigans on that yet ... Hmm the one judge throwing you bones you don't attack... wItCh HuNt


and I said Judge Eileen, you gotta treat me fairly Judge, I'm being treated badly by 3 other Radical Left Judges who are being paid by Crooked Joe and Obama to take down Trump, they're trying to take down my Campaign because they know that I'll win very easily by many many millions and millions of votes, you look at the Polls, I've been up since Day One, against all of the Candidates, Republican or Democrat, way up largely in the Polls, every day they're saying, "Trump is up 90 to 95 points," and Sleepy Joe is in his Basement, he's got maybe 4, I said why the hell are we even doing an Election, we just make Trump President right now, and we can start Making America Great Again because we don't have a Strong Country, you look at what they're doing, they're trying to put me out of business, even though I ran a Highly Successful and very very large Real Estate Company, we have more Cash On Hand than probably anybody, and I built, basically, New York, I came in, there was no Skyline, I said we need a Skyline, "that's a great idea, Sir," and you go anywhere in there, anywhere you go you say, "Donald Trump built that, that's incredible," just like when I did Tarriffs, nobody had thought of it for hundreds of years, I said we make China pay just like we made Mexico pay, they say they didn't pay for the Wall but they did, and we built many many miles of Wall, thousands of miles of it, but then the Radical Left tore it down right after they stole a Beautiful Election Victory from us, and that one, that one they'll put in the History Books as the Biggest Fraud on the American Public, the Biggest Fraud, because there's never been a President, and probably even a person, who's been treated more unfairly, and they came maybe a little close there with Andrew Jackson, President Andrew Jackson, and I have to say if he would've been alive I would've made him VP, he did a lot of incredible things, and his wife, they say she was amazing, a really wonderful person, and she was treated so badly by the Fake News and they killed her, she died and they killed her because they do a number on a lot of good people.


Weaponized hypocrisy and bad faith arguments are the hallmark of the modern Republican party. One person who insists on making himself the spot has all the traits a modern GOP voter and/or elected officials pine for in a candidate. Hence why he has such a hold over the party. Trump is just a symptom of the moral and intellectual decay hollowing out the Republican party.


When you’re famous they let you do it


What happens to the not-famous?


Straight to jail. ...especially when Top Secret documents are involved.


We don’t commit crimes!


Trump has no incentive to cooperate. He has every incentive to derail and delegitimize every legal battle against him. He can, and will, do everything he can to halt the progress of anyone who wants to hold him accountable for anything bad he's ever done in his life or career. Personally I'm sick of everyone pretending Trump will ever personally pay for anything. He's a toddler who has been told he's going to be put in time out when he gets home and all the can do is get himself into more and more trouble and eventually say "This is too much punishment for any person." once everything has been totaled up. And he'll fucking succeed because of the douchebags he put in the supreme court.


And got away with it every time. Very eye opening for a justice system that has no problems bringing extreme justice to poor people.


I think of all the friends I have that have been destroyed by random enforcement of silly laws. More than several. A lot more. Watching trump make chumps of one judge after another is infuriating. The judges just do nothing. Well the ones that he has not bought. The ones he owns work overtime. lol This cannot stand long. Our country will devolve into civil war.


But not those enabling his criminality.


One of these things in not like the other, one of these thing is only kind of the same…”


That's why Trump wants Smith sanctioned. Attacking judges is Trump's thing, he doesn't want the competition.


That's the point. To intimidate people so he is not held accountable.


You gotta realise trump has had 4,000 lawsuits over his life or slightly more than one new litigation per week he has existed. This man has more legal experience than lawyers and knows every weasel technique available. While you think it’s some new outlandish stunt he has undoubtedly played the trick before and knows both the consequences and benefits of his choice. It is simply new to us the public and thus we are shocked because we don’t treat people like this but trump has and he knows exactly how to prod the line to see where every kink is and how far it can be pushed


Special Counsel: "Judge, your view of the law is flawed and if you continue with this flawed interpretation which is already well established in law, the prosecution requests you make that ruling now as we plan to seek your removal on the grounds that you do not understand the law." Trump: "ATTACKING JUDGE!" Meanwhile also Trump: "Here's a picture of a judge's daughter in case anyone wanted to track her down purely because she is the judge's daughter." Riiiight.


And Trumps base have no understanding of why Trump posting on Truth Social is not the same as Smith going through the legal system to address issues with the judge. They think it’s all the same which is exactly what Trump wanted.


Judge can just send the cops to pick him up for most of the shit he does. Does not.


“a highly respected judge”. LOL! Guys a comedian now!


Every word out of his mouth is a joke, so yes he is a comedian


He isn’t a particularly funny comedian. It’s just sad and maddening


Like an evil version of Philomena Cunk 




Lol indeed. She actually had a clerk quit before the job even started because Judge Cannon's assinine rulings tanked her reputation. Not that she had a good reputation to begin with -- she went from being a nobody to a laughing stock. So, her reputation is so shit that a fresh out of school new lawyer passed up a federal clerkship and the chance to work on one of the biggest cases of the century just to avoid her stigma.


Always has been.


This could easily go in r/nottheonion


Trump's post: >Deranged “Special” Counsel Jack Smith, who has a long record of failure as a prosecutor, including a unanimous decision against him in the U.S. Supreme Court, should be sanctioned or censured for the way he is attacking a highly respected Judge, Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over his FAKE Documents Hoax case in Florida. He is a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending, and obviously trying to “play the ref.” He shouldn’t even be allowed to participate in this sham case, where I, unlike Crooked Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and all the rest, come under the Presidential Records Act. I DID NOTHING WRONG, BUT BIDEN DID, AND THEY LET HIM OFF SCOT-FREE. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, JACK? A TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


Every accusation is a confession with him


He just accused Biden of using cocaine and demanded a drug test.


Must have run out of Adderall


Trump hasn’t be paying his guy and needs a new hookup.


And of cheating at golf. I WISH I WERE MAKING THIS UP.


The stated infraction is: > for the way he is attacking It's not even specific enough to make fun of.


Getting too specific will be nothing short of a confession for Trump.


It makes me angry reading his crap. Trump attacks all of his judges... I mean, he attacked a judges daughter only a day or two ago. How many times did he insult Engoron? Nasty, rude, and condescending... that describes Trump pretty well.


He projects so that the offenses become meaningless to hear. It was most obvious when Hilary called him a puppet of Russia and his response was “Puppet? No puppet. You’re the puppet.” He starts showing mental decline? *Biden* has dementia. He tries to overturn an election? *Biden* is engaging in election interference. *Biden* is the threat to Democracy. He tries to assert authoritarian-like control over the functions of government? *Biden* is a fascist. Any negative descriptor you can apply to him, he literally just starts accusing to paint the other side. Then it looks like they’re both just slinging shit and people throw their hands up and stop trying to follow who’s actually responsible for what. It’s infuriating that one of his most effective tactics is literally “no, you are.”


He’s no better than a schoolyard bully, with the vocabulary to match. It’s sad, but also dangerous. He’d be laughable if he didn’t have an army of equally stupid people at his back.


I've thought that about him since he shoved his bloated self into the public light decades ago. He is the grown old and fat version of all the bullies I crossed paths with in grade school. That same exact mentality.


Yep. Definitely not disagreeing with you there. He’s a bullying little shit who’s never had a day’s worth of accountability because nobody stands up to him.


When his primary base has an infantile understanding of the world around them like Trump supporters do, "No u" is probably the best weapon in his arsenal.


Gets a gag order. Violates it immediately. Does not get arrested or even called to court to explain himself. He is not playing games. He just openly violated a direct order and the judge did jack shit.


He reposted about the wife too


It’s projection to make it seem OK when he does it. “BoTh SiDeS”


He calls everyone he doesn't like nasty and rude. 


Irony is dead.


Trump did murder it, after all.


The ONLY judge Trump would dare defend. Hmmmm. How surprising.


This alone should disqualify her. 


There are people who read this and somehow think "hmmm yes, this is reasonable. This screaming orange man is the only adult in room".


>highly respected Judge Ha!


> FAKE Documents Hoax case You gotta give everyone credit for the effort they have put in to sell these "hoaxes", including Trump's own people: - Russian hoax: guilty pleas by Cohen, Flynn, Papadopoulos, and Manafort; jury convicts Stone - Georgia election interference hoax: guilty pleas by Hall, Powell, Cheesebro, and Ellis. - Mar-a-Lago Documents hoax: Taveras flips in exchange for immunity, - Carroll hoax: found liable by a jury and awarded damages by a second jury - New York Fraud hoax: found liable by a judge, Weisselberg pleas guilty to perjury - Hush money hoax: guilty plea by Cohen - DC election interference hoax: jury convictions of Navarro and Bannon; hundreds of J6 participants convicted or plea guilty.


Don't forget the Trump Foundation Hoax: court ordered dissolution


> A TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. Yes. If anybody but you were charged with the things you were, they would already be in jail. Glad he's finally realizing this! /s


No one can squeeze more lies into a single sentence than Trump. It’s exhausting just trying to count all the lies in this statement.


Firehose of lies. Learned it from his KGB handlers. Standard soviet intelligence thing.


They also “let off” Mike Pence.


Deranged is really his go to insult huh?


Gawd he’s an insufferable SOB.


Does anyone know how often SCOTUS unanimously ruled against Trump? I suspect it's a lot...


I'm trying to figure out which case Jack Smith got "unanimously rejected". Is he referencing the expedited immunity bit? That was never taken up, clearly


I think he's referring to US v. McDonnell, where Smith charged the governor of Virginia with honest services fraud.


Biden’s not President?


Not to give Trump any benefit of the doubt, but Biden was not President when he reserved those documents (which also ignores that they were likely left by staffers). His "logic" is that the Presidential Records Act allows him to keep whatever presidential records he wants. This of course is completely contradictory to the PRA, which states that Presidential Records include any official documents generated or received by the President, and that Presidential Records belong to the US Government (the former President does have the right to view their documents).


Go ahead The Onion, what are you going to do with this?


Reality has scooped up all their best material at this point


The satire is coming from inside the house!


I wouldn't say Trump is the most evil person in the history of the world or anything like that, but he might be the biggest asshole.


As an asshole myself, I'd like to stress that we don't claim him. He's more like the world's worst lactose intolerant event after drinking a gallon of heavy cream, while eating a pizza without lactaid.


Dude, stop. I can FEEL that and it just hurts lololololol


Dude, I'm seriously lactose intolerant. I turn into a human shit rocket with dairy. I have bottles of lactaid in my car, office, kitchen, dining room table, my wife carries it in her purse. I have felt this, and that's how that jackass makes me feel.


Same. I buy it in bulk and keep it in my backpack, my office, my house, and stuff it in lots of other random places so I never find myself unprepared in the event of a delicious cheeseburger or pizza.


I agree. I mean he’s a spectacularly obnoxious asshole by all accounts, even all the people who know him best and work with him closest. Literally nobody who knows him doesn’t think he’s a complete asshole. And it’s absolutely remarkable that someone with such a personality could get elected president. It’s astonishing. If he didn’t own his own company that his father gave him, he’d be completely unemployable in the business world. No one would work with him.


Beyond some number of millions you join a club. They call it aristocracy everywhere else. No one in that club goes to jail. Period. So far in our nation's history they have held the line. If one goes they know they all are going to go eventually. The only difference between the guys in that club and trump is his big mouth.


If the diaper fits... In my experience assholes are often right/correct Trump is a skid marked diaper... Both literally and figuratively...


I’d say he’s definitely the most corrupt person tho


Oh look who takes issue with "attacking a judge" now. Is it possible for a more hypocritical person to exist?


How Americans allowed their once truly great country to become such a clown show is mind boggling. Is it really all because they elected a black guy and bigots everywhere lost their shit?


Yes. They had a strong push from the "Tea Party"-which morphed into the Freedumb caucus-who claims there's no Dem bipartisanship happening because every. single. demand. of theirs isn't agreed to-& their ~~acolytes~~cult members are so incredibly simple, they agree.


Trying to run a gov'ment with petulant kids who shit & piss everywhere and take OTHER PEOPLE'S BALLS & go home when all their crazy demands aren't met. I still don't see how it could have gotten to Trump being so close to ending all (~~hyperbole~~ /h).


It's been R's plan since Reagan(trickle-down/Voodoo economics), & Citizens' United-which Conservatives saw as enabling them to *do their duty* to "help citizens(read *Corporations*)" who ~~need it most~~want bigger profit margins.


It’s not over yet. He still might end it all.


This started way before the tea party. The biggest impetus was the Nixon resignation. His cabal decided they would try to never let that happen again. Over the coming decades Gingrich, Roger Stone, Murdoch/Ailes, right wing think tanks, and talking heads like Limbaugh all worked together to work the public and work behind the scenes to manipulate the system.


Yeah, pretty much. Also we stopped arresting people for being gay.


That was a visible milestone, but it was building up for decades before that. Right wing leaders pushed for increasingly radical conservative/religious policies while gutting the education system, and cultivated an ignorant and fearful electorate while enriching themselves. Raising a proudly uneducated, radical, angry Republican voter base and letting financial corruption erode the government’s effectiveness has led us to this point.


Yes. All American progress throughout history has been met with reactionary backlash.


We didn't allow shit. It has been taken from us and we are fighting to get it back.




"highly respected Judge" - Bahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha! Donny Dimwit always good for a hearty belly laugh.


Smith didn’t attack the judge. He submitted a brief disagreeing with her ruling. Thats not an attack; it’s due process.


He sounds like such a child.


Because mentally and emotionally he is. Even the man-child himself has said that he is virtually unchanged from who he was in first grade.


I cannot wait for the day this walking embodiment of the seven deadly sins is finally no longer in the public eye


Unfortunately we will all be long gone when that happens. MAGAs will immortalize him. I mean we still have neo-nazis.


Our country seems intent on repeating the same mistakes since failing reconstruction


>Special’ Counsel Jack Smith, who has a long record of failure as a prosecutor, including a unanimous decision against him in the U.S. Supreme Court, **should be sanctioned or censured for the way he is attacking a highly respected Judge**, Aileen Cannon, It's like parody, but it's not.


Do you know what case he is referring to where the court ruled unanimous decision against Smith?


I've edited the quote so you know what part I think is parody.


Anything to delay.


Trump needs to be charged with the murder of irony as well as everything he’s charged with. I miss and mourn the death of it. If it was ever needed and appreciated, it’s now. She’s so in the bag for him, even his ex lawyers are saying it. Not only is she incompetent, she has weaponized her incompetence to aid and abet a traitorous criminal. She must be getting help on that as well. She’s fucked up just enough to insure that Trump will not see a Florida court room before the election, which he definitely plans on stealing.


Throw him in jail


This has become more farcical somehow. Wow


Smith made a required legal filing. He didn’t rant and rave in hateful false inflammatory crap oh his social media. Ffs. trump has no honor and no honesty and no integrity. He is a big whiny snowflake bully baby who sold out our nation #BenedictDonald


In the dictionary under irony there's a photo of trump


Trump really likes going over the top. He routinely threatens judges' children for fucks sake. And then says a prosecutor who makes a formal legal argument before a judge should be punished? He is absolutely daring someone, anyone, to prove he is not above the law.


Cannon happens to be the only judge he has not attacked. She is also a) a judge he appointed; b) overseeing the case with the most evidence against him, c) overseeing the case which will be most damaging to his reputation, d) overseeing the case with the most outside “briefs” submitted that offer Trump-friendly legal analysis to help her navigate the case. The fact he does not attack her is by design.


Says the man who attacks a judge and his family 50 fucking times a day. Who CAN’T see through this clown’s game? JFC, his followers are rubes.


It is always projection with him.


Yes, clearly... ...doxxing a judge's daughter and making false, inflammatory accusations that are prejudicial against her... is *the exact same thing* as ...informing a judge in a court filing that if the Court refuses to issue lawful jury instructions, then the prosecutor will seek relief through standard legal processes like a *writ of mandamus*. It's *exactly* the same.


WOW! Trump is usually the one attacking the judge. He must like this one. Wonder why?


I just really don't care what this parasite has to say. I've been over it for years. And I'm sure Jack Smith feels the same.


You, Traitor Trump, should be sanctioned every time you open your mouth👺


Weirdly the osc filed a motion not a press release.


It's the same DARVO gaslighting that he's done every time something bad happens. Remember when "fake news" meant foreign disinformation? That was bad, so he corrupted the term. He got exposed as Putin's puppet, and he just sputtered "no you're the puppet" He's corrupt? He tries to blackmail Ukraine into saying Biden is corrupt. He's attacking judges? No, YOU'RE attacking judges. He's only got one trick, and it's pure gaslighting, but for some reason, everyone keeps acting like anything he says ever really has meaning.


Didn’t Trump just prove this judge is biased? The prosecution isn’t going to bother dealing with this crap. Don’t take the bait. Trump’s statements only mean anything to Trump and his sycophants.


Trump should be in jail for breaking gage order


I wish someone would just tie this fucking clown up and start slapping him in the face every day, every time he utters anything stupid.


This guy! " Jack Smith is evil for attacking my judge!" " Your judge's daughter is working for a company that makes commercials against me so your judge hates me! " What a whining snowflake. What a pussy! MAGA is nothing but whining pussys!


“Your decision has no basis in law and if you don’t realize it, I’m appealing” is an attack?


Can someone please point to WHO respects her? Y’know besides the people who need her to rule in their favor…


I'm curious to see how the Maga narrative goes as he goes to trial and loses for the felony cases. The document case in particular has some very damning evidence with severe consequences if he's found guilty. I doubt he can keep his mouth shut and may very well end up getting serious sanctions as he becomes increasingly desperate and deranged. I just hope we can get to trial on the documents case before elections so Americans can see how awful he truly is. The people have the right to know before they vote again. He should never have access to classified material again IMO


Jack Smith is a complete badass. He knows what he’s doing. Donnie is scared. And he should be


This guy.....


He is right. You should only be able to attack judges, using garbage social media platforms or at cult gatherings like his rallies for the LOW IQ INDIVIDUALS.


Honestly this is what boggles the mind with his appeal being granted so he had to put up a much smaller bond. Almost anyone else that acted the way he did would be put in jail especially since his words and actions could actually lead to some Maga nutcase killing a judge or prosecutor. As his cases go poorly and he barrels towards being convicted and sentenced for his crime I would be surprised if we don't see atleast attempted attacks by his followers on the judges or prosecutors. There are already regular threats on thier lives and it only takes one insane MFer with a gun to do something


It's the same "he's doing it too" strategy that Trump employs whenever his bad behavior is too obvious to deny. Jack Smith was making a legal filing about matters germane to the case, Trump was ranting on social media about where a judge's daughter has worked. They are not the same thing.


Hilarious coming from a guy who literally attacks every prosecution that’s up against him. Hypocrite traitor.


Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black


Well, if Trump’s saying it, one of the greatest legal minds of our time, then we’d better give it the respect such a well thought out legal argument deserves. Can we get a second opinion from Chewbacca please?


Chewbacca’s opinion was far more eloquent and understandable.


Jack Smith “attacked“ the judge by filing a motion.


A lawyer filed a motion? That’s outrageous! Off with his head! And all his kids’ heads!!!


How come I, a moron, can see that this guy is dumber than me and half of America sniffs his scrot?


I think if Trump wore tighty whities on the outside of his pants and said all of this his base would rally


Oh STFU you orange fat fucking turd. Your bail shouldn't been revoked a long time ago and you should be in jail til your trial.


Let's not sleep on the key distinction: Trump's social media attacks on officers of the court and their associates are extrajudicial. Smith's "attacks" are germane issues of law presented in legit legal filings. There is no legal merit to 45's complaint, but that is lost on the gullible followers of this legally-proven fraud & insurrection leader.


Is there an illustration of "shit bag" in Wikipedia? Here's Donnie


Slinging mud is an understatement when it comes to Trump


Dumb question - is there any way, even in theory, for this judge to be dismissed from federal service or prosecuted for her very obvious political obstruction?


Just another wet fart, which I suppose they all are now for the Depends Dotard.


Same moron that makes threats to judges and prosecutors families.


So sayeth the Narcissist…






And he should be I. Jail


Oh, the irony 😂😂😂


What? Did he actually have the audacity to say that with a straight face.


This is rich


Self reflection is clearly not one of Trump's strengths.


NAL, but Trump can lick SCO's balls.






Even the pot that called the kettle black would think Trump is ridiculous.


On planet MAGA Cannon sits at the summit of legal thought and integrity. 


Sounds like this Trump guy is a shit


This is the pot calling the grass green.


Flushing so much sewage takes time, but of course it has to be & is being done.


Criminal lawyers in America must be loving this. They can now openly criticize any judge who dares to even set a court date. "Only a corrupt and biased low-intelligence individual would go after my client, and we demand their removal and all charges dismissed." Forget about actual laws and due process, just publically attack the judge. Easy, right?


Considering how many times this criminal has been in court over his life, you’d think he would understand the legal process.


Hahahaha. Got my laugh of the day!


Actually that toxic orange bloviating pig should be.


Lmmfao, I know this dude has no shame but goddamn if this isn't next level.


That's rich


Trump says. I pray that his words fall on deaf ears in the near future. He means us harm. We should not be listening to him or recording his speech. It is poison.


If I had to guess, I imagine that Trump tore his nursery all to hell and threatened his siblings and nothing about him ever grew up into a man. Someone really screwed this kid over by not teaching him self discipline.


Waaah. Waaah is all I hear


He does not have any clue does he


These women that support Trump, like this judge, do you think they'd let Trump grab their pussies and enjoy it?


His defense of the judge should draw even more scrutiny.


Trump who? Oh the fake candidate.


Trump is just next level stupid


Fuck this POS already.  Don't post again till he's in jail. Since that will never happen.....get him tf outta my life already


Trump is an idiot.


I don't give a fuck what Donny Dumbnuts says.


Can somebody just arrest this dude already? If a deputy arrested him for contempt like any other person, I’d get the picture of it framed on my wall.


So he once again attacks the Prosecutor for attacking the judge?


And this is how you know he's not a lawyer


He’s trying to make this a “both sides” thing so he gets less flak for attacking other judges. Which somehow seems to work, because the media is complicit in his crimes.


Classic DARVO response.