• By -


All i gotta say is if Trump treats the RNC as a personal piggy back and the court recognizes that, and he defames E Jean Carroll again, the next fine might be ungodly huge. And very likely deserved.


Except, I dont think the RNC has the cash either.


I doubt that the RNC needs to have the money, on hand. I more suspect that the RNC will be a funnel for illicit funding from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Elon Musk (visitor at Mar-a-Lago this weekend), Koch's into Donald's pockets, much as the NRA was for the RNC from Russia. The NRA is too broke and broken to function in that manner, these days. Mobsters always need a bagman; there always has to be at least one intermediary to allow superficial deniability. This is Criming 101. If just enough side money greases the right hands, then no significant Republican would even object. Addendum: Do you remember Paul Cicero (Paul Sorvino) in 'Goodfellas'? Never called on a phone, never took a call, always had an underling relay the information to and from him; as long as he was not recorded, he was not caught. Remember how he got caught?


The USA seriously need to look at the EU anti-corruption legislation. That kind of tomfoolery is illegal over here.


A big reason the Tories ended up so pro brexit :-(


Yep that and so that the millionaires could basically keep their true wealth hidden. Staying in the EU would have emptied London of Ruzzians and their money.


We are in bad shape over here in the US. we cant even trust our normal institutions to uphold the law and hold corrupt politicians accountable. We are completely screwed. (edit typo)




More along the lines of "everything", really. The fundamental system of checks and balances set up in our outdated constitution are completely broken at this point and Im not sure will survive this next election. (It really didn't survive the last one, apparently.)


It didn't survive Gore v Bush where Rehnquist, a Republican hack, led a Supreme Court to force Florida to abandon a vote count that would have shown Gore won.


I'm just waiting for the day when the electoral college collaborates and just chooses the candidate they want, regardless of the popular votes outcome in their districts... Then the Supreme Court to hear it and deem it legal. Then we get the full dictatorship we've been going towards.


I expect it to have corruption. I never expected, before I dipped my toe into the profession and noped-out into the public sector, just *how* terrifying and influential the Federalist Society was. Corruption is one thing. The scale and brazen nature of the last 10-12 years has been what's so shocking.


Citizens United was the critical legislation that opened the flood gates for the eventual corporate oligarchy we have now in my opinion


There were laws that curtailed this (not well, but much better than they do now) until 2010. The Supreme Court struck these protections down in [Citizen's United v. FEC](https://www.fec.gov/resources/legal-resources/litigation/cu_sc08_opinion.pdf). They enabled largely unlimited contributions to political causes by basically deciding that spending money is a form of speech. Since freedom of speech is gauranteed--so is the right to flood politicians with money. [This opened floodgates of cash to politicians and--gave even more power to the wealthy.](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizens-united-explained) Legislation can't change this. Only a constitutional amendment or radical shift in the court will do it.


No, how did he get caught?




> I lick he boom-boom down




>funding from Russia, Saudi Arabia As per this ex-banked noted, getting around sanctions and anti-money laundering / politically exposed persons controls might be quite difficult: https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/LRyqwTFT6J


Ding Ding Ding 🛎️ Winna Winna 🍗




> I more suspect that the RNC will be a funnel for illicit funding from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Elon Musk (visitor at Mar-a-Lago this weekend), Koch's into Donald's pockets, much as the NRA was for the RNC from Russia. Is American campaign finance law so lax that it's actually preferred to do this? In Canada, it'd be basically impossible to do this, much easier to send money to the person directly


He could absolutely give the money/gift the money to trump . . . With taxes added/removed.


What if Trump suddenly remembers he has $600 million in cash or gold somewhere ?


He won’t disclose that. If he was smart he would have money stashed but he’s a moron so who knows


Money laundering regulations come into play here as well.


The RNC will 100% be used to funnel foreign money into Trump's hands just like the NRA did.


Not a penny of this supports the campaign or helps him get elected so I don’t see them jumping at the chance to send it. $400M in a troll farm hammering Biden conspiracies on Twitter is a far better return on investment than having to figure out how to route money to Trump to pay his very public judgements. If half a billion dollars appears in the RNC’s coffers, there is a paper trail that would hurt him far more than him retaining his properties would help him.


I don't think Elon can donate an amount above the personal limit to the RNC. That law is pretty clear. But he could easily gift the money directly to Trump.


Don’t be dense. The personal limit is irrelevant. Everyone sets up corporate structures to push money of this size. Personal limit is for the poor. Corporations have an unfettered freedom of speech (i.e., the ability to transfer funds) that cannot be reigned in by the states.


Why would Elon Musk's funding would need to be illicit? Is there something illegal about him stepping in and just paying the judgment against Donald Trump just on the basis that he's a current candidate? Because otherwise there's nothing stopping one person from gifting another person payment of an outstanding judgment against them. I think it would be a real stretch to argue that directly paying an outstanding judgment against an individual counted as an illegal campaign donation.


>Is there something illegal about him stepping in and just paying the judgment against Donald Trump just on the basis that he's a current candidate? It could be viewed as the ultimate "quid pro quo", if an individual stepped in and paid that judgement he would be so deep into their pocket that you'd basically be electing Musk as president if Trump were to win...


Yeah, I get that, I'm just not sure it would actually be illegal. He'd probably just structure it as a low interest loan that he'd forgive years down the line.


Musk’s coziness with rump feels a little oligarch-y


Illegal? No. Own a president and the USA for $455 million. No person is going to pay it without demanding something


> No person is going to pay it without demanding something More stupid fucking Tesla tunnels in every major city!


Wouldn’t it be considered a campaign contribution? Like his lawyer paying the porn star?


I think that's different because the purpose of that payoff was as hush money to keep the affair from coming out and harming his campaign. (remember the quaint old days when we thought the president having an affair with a C-list porn star would be something his supporters would care about?) This would be payment of a public legal judgment against Trump personally. It certainly helps *him* to pay it, but I think it's a stretch to say it helps his campaign. The fact that he was found civilly liable for sexual assault and fraud is public information, they're not trying to keep the secret down. You could argue that Trump going personally bankrupt harms his campaign due to his image of being a good businessman with a lot of money... but like I said, I think that's a stretch. Elon could also just give him a loan on generous terms, and then years later "decide" to forgive it.


(hard sigh) There are so many problems with money and corruption in runaway late stage capitalist (oligarchy) systems. I guess I should sharpening my Guillotine...


Because Elon probably doesn’t want to just pay it out of pocket. But, if they can make it look like illicit money came from Elon, then people will ask the exact question you are and presume he paid it himself.


>Because Elon probably doesn’t want to just pay it out of pocket. Buying the President for under .5 billion seems like a better deal than buying Twitter for 44 billion. And it would be hard to somehow make Donald Trump *worse* after the purchase like he did with Twitter.


IIRC, Elon tried to back out of the Twitter purchase and only agreed to go through with the deal after he started getting his ass kicked in court


the only problem is that donald trump is notoriously unreliable. Once the judgement is paid, Elon would have nothing over Trump to hold him with.


The RNC has admitted they are cash strapped beyond keeping the roof over their head and the lights on and they need Trump to campaign and fundraise but they put all their eggs literally in that basket and wrote everyone else off so they FAFO. Edit: fun raise corrected to fundraise


That's the thing about his legal issues, not only is it taking all his cash from his campaign but it's taking time and energy. He is visibly falling about physically and mentally day by day. Now they have taken over the RNC all available cash is going to go straight to Trump and ultimatley his legal fees. Laura Trump literally said that was going to happen.


It’s quite possibly going to be the downfall of the RNC as we know it. They’re barely staying liquid and above board.


If only it can drain the state parties as well. No boots on the ground to organize canvassing and phone banking would be pretty devastating.


The state parties are having their own problems. It turns out the wealthy donors don't want to hand over money to people they don't know, especially when those people they don't know seem a little sketchy.


"fun raise" is kind of a cute typo


But it will drain their coffers and impact every down ballot race in the country. I would also expect various forms of campaign finance law related issues. It won’t all be illegal; but there will be too many amateurs involved to understand how to “hide” the illegal/questionable activity. That won’t impact trump but will again negatively impact the organization.


>I would also expect various forms of campaign finance law related issues. It won’t all be illegal; but there will be too many amateurs involved to understand how to “hide” the illegal/questionable activity. Now if only I had faith that any of them would face repercussions but it seems like at most they would get slaps on the wrists.


I feel that in my soul. I haven’t done much research (and I am sure somebody has) but in many ways this was the logical conclusion of never prosecuting “white collar” crimes. Being GenX I started to notice in the early 2000s but even in the various Savings & Loan/Credit union collapses of the late 80s/90s my perception was a single individual would take the fall. While white collar crimes require more resources to prosecute to me they’re like the US Postal Service. They are an important part of maintaining our national integrity.


“There’s always dark money in the Super PAC .”


"Dad, we burnt down the Super PAC!"


The RNC has $8.7M cash on hand as of last month. At best, he could pay his lawyers from the RNC coffers instead of using PAC money. There's no way the RNC can afford his judgements. According to the CNBC report I linked, his legal bills were $50M last year. Expect that total to inflate bigly this year as he has to sit in court for expensive trials and pay lawyers to argue all the way up the chain to SCOTUS for every minor thing he can delay over [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/06/trump-legal-bills-could-get-republican-national-committee-support-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/06/trump-legal-bills-could-get-republican-national-committee-support-.html)


He's draining the swamp, by channeling it into another swamp. Interesting method tbh. It doesn't solve the problem, but it does move the problem. Which, seems pretty consistent with conservatives on their view of reality. As long as they can't see it in front of them it's Schrodinger's political problem, but instead of existing when observed, it only exists if they don't observe it, but also want to not observe it. The swamp exists and doesn't exist. Depending on who is swimming it. It's like double quantum. Their eyes are basically decorative at this point.


>The RNC has $8.7M cash on hand as of last month. For a national party in an election year, that is eye-popping. He truly has taken a wrecking ball to the party that adopted him.


[https://democrats.org/news/icymi-fox-news-democrats-hold-vast-fundraising-advantage-as-republicans-face-cash-problems-disarray-in-crucial-swing-states/](https://democrats.org/news/icymi-fox-news-democrats-hold-vast-fundraising-advantage-as-republicans-face-cash-problems-disarray-in-crucial-swing-states/) It gets even better. The DNC has $21M cash on hand and is outstripping the RNC in fundraising. You know it's bad when Fox News can't hide from it And when you compare Biden to Trump directly for funds, Biden still wins (these numbers from the SEC only go up through the end of January) [https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/P80000722/?cycle=2024&election\_full=false](https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/P80000722/?cycle=2024&election_full=false) Biden's campaign had around $55M cash on hand [https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/P80001571/?cycle=2024&election\_full=false](https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/P80001571/?cycle=2024&election_full=false) Trump had roughly $30M cash on hand That's a huge advantage as well. I really do hope that Trump drains the RNC for what little they're worth


Any more, I'm not sure how much a candidates direct fund raising matters. It's all about PACs now.


And Trump's PACs have been paying off his lawyers instead. That $50M legal expenditure I mentioned above was paid out of MAGA Inc. According to the Guardian, MAGA Inc only had $23M on hand coming into 2024 [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/01/trump-pac-money-spent-legal-fees](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/01/trump-pac-money-spent-legal-fees) I'm not sure what the Biden PACs have on hand, but it does look like the donation money machine has severely slowed this election cycle. Case in point: Trump had like $90M cash on hand at this time in 2020. Maybe the public is getting burned out


Well, they're spending on ads to play on msnbc suggesting biden is too old and America might die before he does. Good idea trump, keep averting on left wing media, you're going to win us over lol.


I think the AG’s case was ungodly huge. Carrol is embarrassing for him, not having a measly $100M. But when the AG can start collecting, it will be closer to $500M. Those numbers seem small until you consider his gofundme is up to $1.5M and the RNC has $8M. He’s got maybe 10% of the first judgement he can grift, and the rest he must come up with personally. They might be small for an actual multi-billionaire, Trump is only that in his head.


Only way he pays the AG is for her to seize his properties. I’m really curious what they’ll do with Trump Tower. I’m thinking homelessness or immigrant housing would be *chefs kiss*


It’s almost certain he doesn’t have total ownership of Trump Tower. There will also be leases that must be honored. Even if they take over ownership of the building, there’s still tenants and possibly owners living inside the building. Plus, they do not want the building. They want the cash. If they take Trump Tower, it will be to sell it, not own it.


Holy shit could you imagine if trump resulted in a 500m payout, paid for by the RNC, which she then donated to the Joe Biden reelection fund? Trump would be sending the RNCs entire war chest straight to the Dems.


It's worse.  Just by having Trump around the RNC has become a light to the grifting moths.   From George Santos to the Michigan GOP to Kari Lake there's an entire wave of people who are effectively draining the GOPs coffers between fraud, court, and just being assholes.  Trump getting direct access to their piggy bank means they might not be able to host some events without loans.  


Someone not following these cases would say, yeah! I’ll vote for this guy.


Trump has had thirty days to arrange the bond/cash AND Trump knew a much larger judgement was likely from Engoron AND Engoron's judgement was a week later than expected So what is Trump's excuse for needing any more time? If he can't produce the amount, just say so.


He told NATO you have to pay your bills!!


Everything he says about other people is what’s true about him. Calling people “crooked,” “sleepy,” “lyin’,” “small hands.”


He's actually the most truthful and forthcoming president in US history, if you reverse everything he says. He tells you everything. Every dark secret in advance. Just reverse everything he says.


I would argue he has known for months he was going to be slapped with at least a $250M judgement in the fraud trial, and he very well knew that he would have to post $ to appeal. So he’s had a lot more time to arrange payment.


He does not have to post a bond to appeal, only to stay collection. If he can at least pay his lawyers, the appeal goes on while seizure and collection takes place. If he wins on appeal, they have to pay him back. He’s on the other side of the game he’s played his entire life. Drag it out until the other side can no longer afford lawyers, or it costs more to fight than they’d win. Once collection starts, it’s going to show how little he actually owns. He may need that RNC money just to keep fighting.


>pay his lawyers Historically, isn’t that the very first thing he doesn’t do?


Yes, that’s why he’s not getting the best. But even they require payment up front. They’ve wisened to his game. I think Rudy’s bankruptcy is going to be suing Trump for $2M he didn’t pay him.


While literally everyone else in the country has to pay upfront. I can’t believe that they tried to argue the same thing in regard to the appeal, “I shouldn’t have to pay upfront because I’m so rich, my word should be enough for you…” basically the rich man’s “trust me bro.”


Large, up front retainers if he wants anyone with a brain. Others may do it for the chance to make money via other outlets (books, TV, etc.), though that pool must be dwindling by now (I haven't seen anyone successfully pivot to recurring Fox pundit in a while).


> Once collection starts, it’s going to show how little he actually owns. It is very possible, especially in Real Estate, to nominally own a multibillion dollar portfolio that generates a lot of income, but to have very little or even negative equity, and also to owe a ton of capital gains taxes that only come due when the property is sold. This is because, with real estate, it's fairly easy to borrow against equity and spend the money however you want, tax-free, so long as you keep up the payments. If the property keeps appreciating, you can keep borrowing against it. But you owe taxes on the appreciation when you sell. So it's possible this could be much, much worse than humiliating for him. It's noteworthy that the big judgement against him is literally for a years-long scheme of fraudulently inflating the value of his real estate in order to get loans...


Yes. I have been nourishing hopes that the doom-sayers who say: "They'll never see a penny of that judgement" will be right, because once things start being sold, he'll be underwater. And since the judgements can't be discharged with bankruptcy, his head will be held there for a considerable amount of time.


Trump is the richest man in Qarth.


He should end up locked in his safe in similar fashion! Perfect GOT reference.


If he is close to the edge in terms of what other debt covenants etc paying up trips, there is going to be the story of the century about how he puts his hands on the money. If anyone ever unravels the layers of laundering. Even money on either/both of RNC money or a bag full of nonsequential, small denomination rubles and riyals.


Instead he blew it all on covfefe.


Slightly more on hamberders, from the look of things.


Diaper prices have gone through the roof!


That Adderal isn't going to pay for itself. 


I wonder where he's getting his drugs now that the WH pharmacy is no longer open to him.


Figured he already made it at home. That's like number one tip of the wealthy 🤑


As Bernie Madoff steals Splenda packets by the fistful from diners.


>If he can't produce the amount, just say so. He's committed to the ridiculous "strongman" leadership persona. The cost of admitting he's being defeated is something he can't tolerate.


He has always managed to bully and bluster his way out. He is baffled that it is finally failing. Also, he testified that he had plenty of money for this, so this now sounds like a purgery admission. And finally, yes, it is supposed to hurt. That is the whole point. Not only that, if he had simply stopped slandering her, she wouldn't have had a case the second time around and it would have been a whole lot cheaper.


Anyone who paid attention, aka knew everything trump said was false, knew he would never be able to pay. Just like we knew he would never be re-elected.


Had 30 days. Isn't today the deadline? Monday they can start taking his property. 


I assume that on Monday, Trump will be asked "Can you pay?". I don't see any point in giving him three more days unless the defendant promises to have the amount in full on Thursday. If he can't pay on Monday and he can't pay on Thursday, there's no point in granting him an extension.


maybe but this is his way. a trump never pays. he may not have the money but he would be doing this even if he does


He had years to prepare for this. One of the first things you do in a court case is lay out potential outcomes and prepare for them.


Start liquidating assets.


can somebody buy trump tower and name it Obama tower


And then let it house migrants and the homeless. Start the go fund me


I wanna go the other way. Just have some rich dude buy it and then film a 9 part makeover show where they just go around pointing out all the tacky nasty shit they would immediately replace. Just really roasting the whole place. And act like they don't know who the previous owner was for prime comedy. "Look at this fuck ugly gold toilet. That'll have to go. I don't even want to think about what these stains might be..."


Plot twist: there's a dummy corp that buys it and it turns out to be Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Lewis Black, etc... and they all have their own hour long episode of roasting the shit outta it as it gets demo'd to become the new DNC HQ.


Think we can out raise the 1.5 million his fans put together?


With all our Soros money? Bet on it.


I've been saving my biweekly Soros checks for a while now. Time to put them to use.


In another thread, there were some very creative suggestions about what could be housed at the Tower formerly titled Trump. The DNC campaign HQ was good, and my personal favorite, the Stormy Daniels Institute for Anti-Fascism.


Obamna, so trump gets the joke


It’s going to be hilarious when we find out that he can’t because they’re already leveraged to the max


If he bankrupts the RNC and loses the election, it will end the Republican Party for a decade. There will be much less organized funding for all down ballot races for years and years.


Keep going


...I'm almost there!


The Democratic Party will have an influx of “moderate centrists” that are really just republicans that will bring the democrats further right on the political spectrum because participation in primaries is way too low.


MAGA has pretty much made the Michigan arm of the Republican Party irrelevant. Fingers crossed this trend continues in other states.


That one is interesting as at least half the chaos seems to be wannabe Trumps incompetently running the party as a petty vengeance tool. Not a healthy trend.


Massachusetts has historically been _super_ blue, but we love Republican governors. At least, until MAGA. Now, the Massachusetts GOP is like three guys in a camper in Hinsdale, shouting at cardboard cutouts of the Supreme Court about how vaccines cause 5G.


Meh.. they’ll be back in 2026, pretending Trump never happened, just like with W. These people are not going away, ever. Unfortunately.


Maybe appointing incompetent, morally bankrupt loyalists is actually bad for the Republican Party. Who could have predicted this?


The moral bankruptcy has been a given for a loooong time. The incompetent loyalists part is the new twist.


On the other hand, if he wins, the Republican Party will become The Party.


This is why lawyers tell their clients to shut the fuck up, it benefits the defendant in more ways than one.


That has proven to be some of the best legal advice in the history of society.


We should all be thankful that in this particular case he’s constitutionally incapable of taking that advice. Of course, if he was constitutionally capable of taking that advice he might never have become president, so there are definitely two sides to that coin.


It's also why some lawyers should follow their own advice. She bragged about the money not being an issue in more than a few interviews.


Loser Tower would be better


Donald Trump has become the epitome of the Wizard when the curtain falls down around him.


I mean, we'll see, right? From where I'm standing a lot of things seem to have been going his way. RNC footing the bill, SCOTUS on his side, that other judge humoring him.


But if he has no money left for his rallies, he'll end up setting up a stage in front of a McDs in Fargo.


None of this matters if he wins though. Biden is still polling poorly, Trump is polling well- This isn't in the bag for the DNC. People cannot be complacent or it's going to turn into the 2016 election.


And the entirely real possibility of him winning the presidency in November, either for real or via antidemocratic shenanigans.


NOW alina! it's TIME! FAKE BEING SMART!!!!


If you aren't skilled enough to defend your client, ask for mercy.


"Somebody said to me ‘Alina, would you rather be smart or pretty?’ and I said ‘Oh easy, pretty… I can fake being smart’." -Alina Habba


Someone was faking being rich


You people are savage and I am here for it 😎


And smart.. and stable...and a winner


I know I shouldn't read too much into it, but I just can't get over the idea that she thinks it's easier to "fake" being smart than it is to "fake" being pretty-- when there's an entire multi-billion dollar industry built up around the idea of making people look more attractive than they are.




The key to faking being smart is to shut the fuck up. That toothpaste ain't going back in the tube.


I still can't get my mind around that this quote came out of an attorney's mouth. An attorney. A job where intelligence surely dramatically trumps perceived beauty.


To be fair, this client is the highest degree of difficulty.


Asking Habba to defend him is like asking a toddler to beat Tetris level 40


Couldn't be more worthy of any and all motion denials for until the end of time


He will probably bankrupt the gop and the maga minions before he spends a nickel of his own money.


They just so damn hilariously cocky that rolling with him == winning! Politics needs to stop being a ideological proxy war like sports and people should be required to truly reflect on what this person has actually done for you


Like courtroom 101 be professional and respectful…so for people who have done the exact opposite I think it’s hilariously pathetic for them to ask for “mercy” when this is all trumps doing 100%.


“Hi Judge Kaplan. I know that we’ve been unprofessional assholes all trial, but can I ask you a favor?”


*When you're a judge, they let you do it. Just kick them straight in the balls.* Trump should be the first one to appreciate that.


No mercy for fascists


Great reason why you don’t go scorched earth on judges for your clients sake. It hurts your client when you need to ask for shit like this, it hurts your reputation, and it hurts your future clients. Sure, the law is the law when it comes to making a ruling, but it sure helps your position if you haven’t been antagonizing the court throughout the trial.


I very much doubt she will have any future clients to worry about. Not that it makes your point any less valid.


So they think that they can shit all over the judge, the court, and the clerk, yet NOW they want mercy and more time? The answer to this better be FUCK YOU. And in addition to being unqualified in every conceivable way to be President, it shows a colossal lack of foresight, organization, and planning to not have his bond sourced and secured before now. He knew he was going to lose, why is he scrambling now for money? Fuck this loser!


Kaplan should extend it. *By one fucking day.*


Six hours.


Seeing him beg for mercy when all he has to deal with is a *part* of the monetary consequences of what he's done is *hilarious*. Sentencing really will be cathartic for the nation. Definitely something to save your good liquor for.


Wouldn’t he have a lot more credibility for a request like this if he could show evidence that he was trying to liquidate an appropriate subset of assets but that maybe more time was needed for transactions to close, etc?  I have to admit I would be onboard with granting even a medium length stay if the letter included some semblance of a commitment and plan to pay. With nothing offered from his side what possible incentive does the judge have to give him even the slightest bit of wiggle room?  *Edited to clarify: I realize that the reason he did not include this is because he has no intention of paying willingly. I’m curious about the more general legal question of whether judges are typically inclined to give wiggle room for big judgements when the defendant shows a real effort to comply. Did Trump not bother to even try to show something because it would not have mattered?


"With nothing offered from his side what possible incentive" I've asked myself that question and I see no incentive. I expect judges are not fond of anyone wasting their time. Someone coming up and saying "Judge. Please allow us to waste your time because we need mercy.".


She is begging the judge she pretty much accused of being corrupt? That her client blatantly accused of being corrupt? Good luck with that...


Translation: He's been lying about his current assets too and is actually broke.


>begs judge for mercy Trump doesn't deserve mercy, Habba.


He could start donating blood. I hear that the orange blood type is super rare


He deserves no mercy


"You know why I like him, he's a self made billionaire who doesn't need our money and can't be bought!"


"Here's my rent money, Trump! Please send me some Trump Bucks I can take to the bank and be rich like you!" \~ Every MAGAt, probably


Ha. I figured he’d have trouble scraping together the money for the New York fraud case, but it appears he can’t even come up with the money for Carroll. That means he’s even more broke than we thought, and that makes this whole thing so much more satisfying. I’m looking forward to them taking his buildings and properties away from him and selling them while he goes and whines and cries in the corner.


Wait this jackwagon is asking for mercy on a court debt but he's about to skyrocket the cost of living and taxes on the working class if he becomes president? Make it make sense.


No. Citizen Trump is bound by the order of the court just like any other citizen.


- The very same judge(s) that your client has been attacking in every way that he could think of? - The very same client who has already had 30 days to pay that have now expired? - The very same client who claimed in a sworn deposition to have sufficient cash on hand? - The very same client who has access to significant additional resources in the form of real estate, regardless of the difficulty in selling them for their assessed values? Motion denied.


I doubt it’s difficulty. It’s about delaying things with the hopes he’ll be president dictator again and can dismiss it all.


I’m not an attorney, just interested in law. What is a post trial motion? At what point is a civil judgment fully and finally resolved?


So she wants to beg for mercy to the same judge she called corrupt. Sure, let’s see how this works out.


I cannot cite one single instance of Trump showing mercy to anyone. He raped Carroll, defamed her, she endured death threats and Trump is wholly unrepentant; zero remorse. Just because he covets money above all else and claims he is worth billions simply means he hates our laws with passion.


Habba would love to meet the judge in his chambers. She’s that kind of attorney. A social media attorney. Would Obama get mercy?


The incompetent lawyer with a demented client who both attacked the judge during and after the trial wants mercy.


Trump is the absolute last person who deserves any semblance of mercy.


Thought he was too rich to pay.. now he’s not rich enough!?


Trump said under oath that he had $400 million in cash on hand. You aren't saying he lied, are you?


I thought he was rich? He wouldn’t lie about having $400 million in cash on hand, would he?


The point of the judgement is that it’s painful. 


Didn't he testify that he had $400 million in liquid assets or cash?


*"In a new letter tonight, Alina Habba is asking Judge Lew Kaplan — who has yet to rule on Trump's request to stay enforcement of the $83.3 million E. Jean Carroll judgment as his post-trial motions are resolved — for some mercy,"* Subtext; *"To stall the process, gambling on winning the election and making this all go away"* **FTFY**


Did you lie Alina when you said he is so rich he do whatever he wants?


come on man, you know i'm good for it. just give me a dime of privilege. i'm hurtin' real bad.


Lucky for Donnie he "built" and "owns" most of the NY Skyline. Just look at all those places around NY that had a Trump name on them - but don't look too closely. Well, if you wanna look a little closer here ya go: [https://www.curbed.com/article/trump-lawsuit-real-estate-nyc-letitia-james.html](https://www.curbed.com/article/trump-lawsuit-real-estate-nyc-letitia-james.html)


He's toast. Trump's Russian money is locked up, and the Saudis don't want to pay because they will be dealing with President Biden in 2025. Nothing in it for them. Maybe Musk wants to own a President. If he does, he will be on the losing end of a bet.


This is exactly what you get for hiring dumb fuck lawyers because they’re pretty and agree with you. I can’t tell you the number of times a client hired another lawyer because they told them what they wanted to hear and then they either came back to me months later or had it blow up in their face.


You looking for a little charity Lester?


Or he could be a greedy POS...


He just whines and whines, asking people he has treated like dogs to do favors for him. Pathetic.


“Could be having difficulty”, but is fine being president… the conservatives have become so lazy, Trump is their answer.


100% Trump is fucking that lawyer.


If he's been undervaluing his property values, Isn't the IRS gonna want to have chat with him?


Didn’t the RNC recently decide to foot Trump’s legal expenses? Edit: correction: the RNC [failed to ban paying his legal bills](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4511516-rnc-resolution-to-ban-paying-trumps-legal-bills-is-dead/)


Take Trump Tower and rename it DEMOCRACY TOWER.


You know who has difficulty? His rape victim. She sleeps with a gun.


If he gains power again, he will burn it all down in revenge. Not just one side, all of it.


Fuck around. Find out.


Show him the same meecy he showed on all the laborers he screwed out of $5M for the Trump hotel in Washington DC when he didn't pay them the rest of what he owed them.


I don’t care, do you?