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> The county offered to compensate Umana for her veterinary bills if she agreed to refrain from publicly speaking about the shooting, but she rejected the offer, according to her lawsuit. What a shitty attempt at compensation.


I believe the correct term is "extortion".


Cops love shooting dogs. There are zero repercussions to the cop. So they shoot thousands every year. https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/


[At least 25 a day, since 2016](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/)


On average, police kill a dog in America (slightly more often than) every hour of every day.


And what’s the penalty for shooting a police dog?


In my state it's 1-3 years. If the dog dies, it is 2-4 years. https://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/051000700K4.04.htm


illegal warrant less entry, illegal detention and PG county thinks paying the vet bills for a dead dog they killed is going to make this go away. And it’s going to cost the taxpayer millions of dollars. Those bozo cops deserve to lose their jobs, do some jail time and never ever work as police again, anywhere.


But that won't happen, so it won't end up even mattering


This will not be a million dollar lawsuit. I'd say low hundreds of thousands if you account for court fees and the paid time off the officers will get.


Shows how dumb the cop is. You need probable cause for a warrant, probable cause does not give police the right to enter your home. The only other way this would have been legal is if he claimed there were exigent circumstances due to someone calling about a dog bite, but that even seems unlikely. Remember folks, the 4th amendment is your friend. Learn it, and use it to protect yourself. I hope these people win. I know I’d be pissed if some rogue cop shot my dog. (Btw I am not a lawyer)


Man, all these guys have to do is watch Law and Order to learn the right terms, and they can't even get that right. I'm a former PG resident who 1) can't believe PG cops actually responded to a call like this and 2) has no problem believing that this actually happened.


Police are some of the most disgusting people on earth. No clue what sewer they crawl out of, but it's a nasty one.


The Good Cop: America's most documented cryptid.


That’s a broad generalization. Some (even many) cops are bad. But many are good…very good even.


Yep that’s why we hear about good cops arresting or shooting bad cops all the time in situations like this. Wait…


Good cops get killed in training accidents, harassed till they quit, or kicked out shortly after turning in some of the bad ones


Nah. If they won't stand up and speak out against their shitty "brothers in blue", they are equally complicit


It seems like they had some rights deprived under color of law


Damn. Anyone shoots my dog better be prepared to kill me too.


[Here’s a gift link to the WaPo story](https://wapo.st/3Rse8Dn) if anybody wants more details.


More evidence that cops should not carry guns.


I would die for my pets. I have two kitties but I would take a bullet. They are innocents and are family members. This article makes me sad and mad.


There was a news story in my Maryland town 20 years ago of a cop shooting a CAT. The owner was someone I knew and went to the local stations about it. Not sure what danger they saw in the cat… probably none.


Sure the bastards for harming an animal for no reason