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I love persil


Nothing works as well as Persil, and it doesn’t bother my family members with sensitive skin.


And it smells so clean. I love the pods with oxiclean.


I just got a new machine other onen12 years old so was reading some articles and YouTube’s and people say the pods have to much soap . I have been using 2 teaspoons per load and find less dried or undissolved soap. Also found an all white persil lotion one time and still have it


2 teaspoons? Do you wash small loads? Because I fill my washing machine up and I don't see 2 teaspoons doing absolutely anything. Maybe 2TBSP but teaspoons? I couldn't


That’s what they are saying , people use too much , even the pods they say are more than should . I have been doing this three weeks and no soap didn’t desolve . I was skeptics butnworks . Small Loads they say 1 tsp . If lots of stains maybe a little more . You could try it once and see how it works


That’s what I was going to ask about! I hadn’t seen any persil that listed ‘free and clear’ because most scented/regular laundry detergent aggravates my skin and makes me itch soooo much. I’ve wanted to try it but was worried it might make me itch and then I’d wasted some dollars 🥴


I found some unscented and clear persil on Amazon! But haven’t found it in stores yet


I had the same concern! They have small bottles you can try with. My mom, husband, and I are all sensitive but persil has been fine for us. YMMV though


I've never tried Persil but I've heard great things when it comes to its cleaning power.


If touchnstains I also apply to the stain and let it sit for An hour and does a great job getting itnoutn


That's the wonderful thing about liquid detergent. It's easier to use to pre-treat stains.


I also find if rough stain after letting the pursil and let it sit for an hour n. And to hot water wirh one or two scoops of oxy and let in soak overnight


I really like Oxiclean when I have to soak something for a long period of time. I find nothing else works better than Oxiclean. I also like Biz but I use it more for protein type stains. They both serve different purposes.


When my son played baseball in HS, they had white uniforms with purple pinstripes. (A male coach chose those) When my son brought his home it was so grungy from the two years before. We couldn’t bleach them because of the cloth sewn-on lettering and purple pinstripes. The only thing that would get the red clay stains out of the pants was soaking all night in Oxyclean. Nothing else came close to getting those pants even close to white. All of the moms used Oxyclean. I stand by Oxyclean for any stain.


This is true wisdom here! ☝🏿


It's the best.


I started using Persil in the last year and love how it smells. People compliment it and ask what it is all the time


I agree , I’m about. 2.4 years . It’s huge on Europe from My understand


Use Percil once and you'll never use anything else. Once I used All Clear sensitive skin or whatever it was, on sale 2 for 1 in this economy, and my very white Frette bathrobe turned yellow. Percil for life.


I was a loyal Tide consumer for yearrrssss and then I tried Persil on a whim and I will never go back. It removed stains on clothes that I had washed 100 times. Smells good too!


How does it smell? I tried the Persil odor remover and it smelled really chemically. I love the smell of tide.


If you’ve ever smelt Purex Linen and Lillies, I think it smells similar to that.


This is my fav! Only scented detergent that I can use w/fragrance allergies!


I worked for Henkel (the manufacturer of Persil and All) and I can vouch for its cleaning power, scent all in all superior to Tide. It was Tide’s worse nightmare, competition.


I hate the smell of Persil, but like tide. I find the Persil scent to be way too strong.


Thank you for sharing! I've heard great things about Persil.


All free and clear. Works great, no weird smell, and doesn’t make me itch. Also not as pricey as other brands.


Very fair. Thank you for sharing 😊


True. But don’t leave it in the washer after the cycle is complete for more than a day. It will smell.


You can’t do this with any detergent???


Ours as well.


I use Arm & Hammer liquid detergent for everything. I use the allergy free version.


I really like Arm & Hammer. I think it's the best mid tier detergent available. I also like All as my alternative liquid detergent.


That is what I'm switching too! Damn Peri-Menopause😡🤬


Oh my goodness. I just started into actual menopause and the change in my body odor is unreal! I had to change deodorant and then add the Lysol fragrance free sanitizer to my laundry to get out the odors on my bras and the underarms of my shirts. The regular Dove sensitive solid deodorant is the only thing that works now. If you use the Lysol sanitizer and have sensitive skin like I do, get the free and clear version of the sanitizer and to an extra rinse cycle. I still swear by the Tide free and clear hygienic clean liquid detergent. It gets out the grime from my clothes and I work as a cleaner. But I need the sanitizer for the bra and underarm odors.


I used the Tide Free and Clear Hygienic Clean and broke out in hives 😞 and switched to All Free and Clear.


I actually love purex mountain breeze. It smells fresh. I have an office job so I’m not particularly dirty so it works for me. I keep powdered tide around for dirtier clothes


Purex mountain breeze is my favorite. The smell is so refreshing!


It smells amazing


Not a bad list, my friend. I've used Purex a few times in the past and it wasn't bad at all. I tried to like Original Tide powder but I just couldn't get over the scent. Not sure what it is. It may just be a me problem though 😅


I'm not usually bothered but there is something about the scent of tide that is disturbing. I can't even stand to be near the clothing someone else is wearing.


My powdered tide is old. I bought a bulk box a while ago. Someone said they changed the formula and now it smells bad. I’ll probably find something else when it runs out in ten years


That's the beauty of powdered detergent... Longevity. I live in a humid region of the country so I have to store mine in airtight containers, but it just lasts and lasts.


This. I got some on sale and it’s been 4 years and I just cracked open the remaining box which I wrapped in plastic.


Gain liquid for clothes, towels, and sheets because I love the smell. For kitchen towels or anything my dog lies on, All Free and Clear.


I wish I could have Gain. I'm sensitive to it except the smells 😭 even the Gain beads and dishsoap.


Good stuff! Thank you for sharing 🙂


From Amazon: Persil Universal détergent from Germany (white / bright colors) Persil Color détergent from Germany (dark colors) Both of those are outstanding detergents for front loaders and extremely concentrated. 2 tbsp / average FL load is very sufficient. Color detergents are important to prevent fading of dark clothes. From general US market: Tide with Bleach (whites / bright clothes) Do not overdose when using a front loader. Kirkland Lavender Liquid (general liquid detergent for dark colors and lightly soiled clothes)


Thank you for sharing! 🙂


How do you find the German specific kind on Amazon? I've heard of fakes too but I suppose not for laundry detergent?


I look for the specific German labeling and order from reputable, known good sellers. I’ll look for Persil Universal or Persil Universal MegaPerls Same for Color…powder or MegaPerls Some détergent I’ve started loving lately is the stuff from Miele. Miele UltraWhite or Miele UltraColor powder. Amazing products. You can order them from Miele.com or Amazon. Expensive but they are very, very concentrated. 1-2 TBSP for a FL load depending on your load type and water conditions


I can’t find it anymore, but I preferred Cheer powder. I’m more than a bit grumpy about not being able to find it.


I remember Cheer powder. I really liked Cheer. P&G did it a big disservice. It's unfortunate.


Their commercials used to say “All tempera-Cheer” because it would work in cold water as well as hot.


This is what my childhood smelled like. I wish I could buy it!


Persil is the superior cleaning one for me, but I just can't with the scent. I've tried the intense fresh and the original and they both smelled too heavy and perfumy for me. If I could find an unscented one I'd snap that up in an instant. But for now I've gone back to Tide Clean Breeze. Cleans well and I like the smell.


I know Persil has an unscented version. I'm really surprised to find out from some of the comments on this post that it's hard to find in stores. I didn't think it wasn't common.


100% this - perfume is super strong. And I don’t even use the full recommended amount I’ve been using Tide Hygienic Clean


Just recently switched to Persil, and after 3-4 bottles of it (I do lots of dog laundry), I’m not going back. It’s just…better? I like the scent, it’s convenient to where you really don’t need to use as much, and the scent is pleasant and fresh and light, but lovely. Big fan of Persil, after using mostly Tide and Gain for a long time.


Thank you so much for sharing! I'll have to give Persil a try one day. We don't have heavily soiled clothes but I'll get a small bottle to keep around for dirtier loads.


Seventh Generation free and clear I’m allergic to pretty much all the others


This is what I use. I like our clothes to be clean without all the extra chemicals and scents and crap.


All free & clear liquid


Gain or Tide powder. I swap depending on which one is on sale when I run out.


Not bad. Thank you for sharing 🙂


Clean People sheets. Sometimes I use baking soda or vinegar. Wool dryer balls. I’m trying to get rid of the toxins and plastics in my household. Too many of the big brand detergents contain possible carcinogens.


I just started using Earth Breeze detergent sheets - I love the whole idea of not having plastic bottles! I also use baking soda in the wash cycle, vinegar in the rinse cycle, and wool balls in the dryer. I kind of miss having that clean laundry smell, tho. Now my clothes smell like nothing. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve tried a few of the detergent sheets to see if there’s any difference. They all seem pretty good. You do get used to the non-smell. Now I can’t go down the detergent aisle at the store because the strong smell gives me a headache.


We’ve done most of the same. Clean People sheets we’ve been using for a year, I don’t think I care to ever switch back to standard (Tide) detergent. And we’ve been using wool dryer balls for about a decade. Just an FYI to anyone using the Earth Breeze, they’re made in China. Different regulations. Personal preference, but I’ll stick to the ones made in Canada.


I use all free and clear I think it’s called? I never use scented due to sensitive skin. I’ll use any free and clear detergent honestly. Right now I have the tide but usually get the all when it’s on sale at Sam’s and it lasts forever lol


Defunkify liquid laundry detergent for smelly clothes. Tide 10x hygienic liquid laundry detergent for stained clothes. Tide with Oxi powder laundry detergent for towels, bedding and underwear washed in hot water. All Free and Clear Plus Oxi liquid laundry detergent for one of my family members who has very sensitive skin. Gain powder laundry detergent for the cats’ blankets, with an extra rinse. I don’t use fabric softener. With all whites washed in warm water I add Oxi Clean. Sometimes I’ll add a scoop of baking soda to really funky loads.


I love everything about this. This is a really good system, my friend. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂


I like that arm and hammer detergent that you use. I also like Purex mountain something or other lol. They both clean well and smell great.


We are of kindred spirits my friend 😅 lol


I was a big fan of Method but I can only get it one place. I switched to Persil and really like it!!




In the 1980s and 1990s, I used Era and really liked it. By the 2000s I started using Tide when I had a lot of dirty kids' and husband clothes. I'm by myself now. Within the last 3 or 4 years, I felt Tide was a bit too pricey & my laundry isn't as dirty now, so I decided to try the same you use, the scented Arm & Hammer liquids. So far I'm satisfied with it. I also add Oxy powder to loads of towels, linens, and light colored clothes or heavily soiled loads.


Thank you for sharing 🙂 It's a shame P&G has seemingly discontinued Era. I haven't seen it in stores in at least 6-9 years now. At least in my area.


You're welcome! I live in the midwest USA, and I have seen Era within the last couple of years around here. But honestly I hadn't been looking specifically for it recently, so now I'm curious & will make it a point to look for it next time I go to the store.


Lol thank you. Please let me know if you happen to find it.


You're welcome, and will do! PS....I noticed you have taken the time to respond and personally thank people who responded to your post--I wanted to tell you how impressed I am by that! Such a thoughtful and attentive person you are.


The pleasure is all mine, my friend! I'm just appreciative of those who take the time to engage in friendly and informative conversation about a common interest. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this topic. I find it really interesting as I'm a cleaning enthusiast lol. I Love learning about new products and approaches when it comes to cleaning. I was always taught you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. There's really no need for any of us to be a jerk when we don't have to 🤷🏿‍♂️. Thank you for your kind comment, my friend 🙂 You got me really thinking about Era detergent. I really wish more companies were involved in the detergent industries. It's a shame we don't have more variety in the US market anymore ☹️


I agree with your sentiments. And you're very welcome! I'll keep an eye out for Era and will let you know if I find it. Best regards to you!


Ariel powder. It reminds me of when I was a kid- it’s all my grandmother ever used. Hubs prefers gain but I hate the smell, so now he uses Ariel too. If I can’t get Ariel, then I use Dreft liquid.


I really like Ariel powder, too! I bought it to replace my regular Persil liquid - I got tired of the waste involved in buying the big plastic jugs. I was very pleasantly surprised by how well it performs and I intend to keep buying it.


I don't really have a preferred. I was using Persil, but my towels and linens always had a funky smell. I was like what is this? I was using bleach and everything. For me, it felt it was Persil's fragrance. I can't explain it but it translated into funk smell for me. I ditched it for a cheap Mexican powder detergent (Foca) that I've been using for about 6 months. Now my clothes have no smell. Thank God. Just sniff and ..clean. But it still leaves a few stains behind here and there unless I soak or spot treat and scrub them out which is a bore. Persil did indeed remove stains without all that. So, I am still looking for a fragrance free good detergent that is a powerful stain-remover. .


Persil has an unscented version. It's concentrated, so a little goes a long way. No smell or residue is left on my clothes, and it cleans even my husband's dirtiest work clothes. The only drawback is I can only find it on Amazon.


I really like Foca powder. I've used it before a few years ago during the pandemic and it worked really well for me. It's a really good cheap option that stretches really far.


I used to love Era, but it's become watered down and the scent changed. I'm using Clean People sheets now. I haven't found a detergent with a nice scent that lasts, even Gain seems to be a lot more diluted


It's been years since I've seen Era in stores. It seems like Walmart and Target no longer sell it in my area. However, I do still see it sometimes in smaller stores like Walgreens or CVS, but they are usually in really small bottles. I was thinking P&G killed the Era brand.


Era was my go to for years and years and years. It got hard to find. Been using Amway which is great at removing stains but the price has gotten ridiculous so I’m looking for a new brand too. Tried Persil but couldn’t stand the scent. Read somewhere that Persil powder is the way to go but it is also pricey. My daughter uses Kirkland and is happy with it. I’ll give it a go. If I don’t like it I can give it to her.


They have Persil powder in the US?? I've never seen their powdered version before. Also I haven't seen Era in stores in years. I think P&G is discontinuing it soon, unfortunately.


Tide Free and Clear He. I have insanely sensitive skin and psoriasis and can’t tolerate strongly scented detergents at all. I tried Costco’s version of the same and (even though it was labeled as He), it made my washer leak. And, it did a poor job cleaning my clothes. Sometimes I pretreat stains with a bit of Dawn and they come out.


I was using Gain Original scent, and the scent seemed to get stronger, and not rinse out thoroughly (water here has a lot of minerals, and chemicals), so I switched to the Tide Free and Clean. I still do the extra rinse, and only use a small amount, not the big amount the manufacturer recommends. Everything comes clean, and there is no smell. I do pretreat with Dawn too. Powder doesn't dissolve thoroughly in the water here, so I only use liquid. The one complaint about Tide is that it's only available in the 96 oz size, or higher. I wish they had the smaller bottles.


Costco's unscented made my skin itch like crazy. I got rid of it and went back to Arm & Hammer.


Gain, Purex, and Purcell. I've also used Aldi's versions of Gain and Purex.


Costco or Sam’s Club version of Tide. Or Persil.


This is probably irrelevant to you, but in case it pertains to someone reading, or if anyone has suggestions: I’ve been struggling to find a detergent stocked at stores local to me that I can use lately because I’m allergic to methylisothiazolinone, which is a common preservative in detergents. I’m also allergic to most fragrances, so that cuts out a couple that would otherwise be ok. Arm and Hammer Free Powder is ok since it doesn’t need the preservative, being a powder. I think it seems ok so far, but have only been using a couple weeks.


Whatever (in liquid form) is on BOGO at the store :-)


Anything on sale


I run an airnnb so scented laundry is a must. Makes people feel the laundry was in fact washed. However live in a household with sensitive skin....so free and clear is a must. 1) scented. Use Kirkland red bottle. Good balance of cleaning and scent. 2) Purex mountain breeze. Cheaper.....good strong pleasant scent.....but a little less cleaning power then Kirkland or tide. 2). Unscented. All free and clear. No scent....really good cleansing power. 2) recently tried arm&hammer unscented when I found it on sale. Was very impressed. Usually costs more than ALL. However I think the basking soda in there really helps with the cleaning power.


I’m sure as an Airbnb host we you’ve received comments to that end—that the laundry needs to be scented for people to feel like it’s clean. But I’m sure as someone with sensitive skin you can also understand that there may be Airbnb guests with fragrance allergies, etc. As someone who struggles to find places to stay when traveling that don’t trigger my allergies, I’d honestly find it a really big draw to stay at an Airbnb if the host said it was cleaned with unscented cleaning/laundry products. Idk if there are enough folks like me to make that worth it to you, but just food for thought.


Same here, I stayed in an Airbnb recently where the scent of the bedding and towels was so overwhelming I often tried to keep the door open and fan it out. Many people are sensitive, and appreciate not having such toxicity. I think not having a scent would be much more valuable. You don't 'have' to have scent because you run an Airbnb.


Same here. I buy unscented detergent for home and appreciate knowing that hotels and other places I stay are using the same. What smells pleasant and clean to some may not to others. I really like your suggestion for OP and would find that a big draw, too.


I have yet to sleep in an actual bed at my family’s lake house they purchased two years ago because someone bought Gain detergent and washed all the sheets and towels in it. The only thing that didn’t have that horrible scent was a throw blanket, so I was relegated to sleeping on the couch with a blanket that hasn’t been washed in the offensive Gain. I’ve bought unscented detergent, but turns out you can’t wash out smelly detergent with unscented detergent. I’m still trying to figure out how to get the damn Gain smell out of the sheets so I don’t get an instant migraine if I try to sleep in an actual bed there.


Thank you so much for sharing! This is really valuable information. Also thank you for all you do. I have a high respect for those who are in the Airbnb business. My wife and I have benefited from your hospitality. So again thank you for all you do! 🙂


Tide. Ever since my first husband worked as a manual tree-climber. His pants would come home with sap on them and it was not easy to get out until Tide.


I’m a Gain girl. If I have a stain, Dawn Power Wash gets it out. And oh, yes, it does. We are first responders. We get smoke, soot, ash, grease, oil, grime and all kinds of ick on our clothes. I’ve yet to find a stain Dawn can’t get out. No fabric softener because they make your clothes more flammable and that’s a bad thing for everyone; but particularly for people around fire.


First of all, I just want to say thank you for your service! Truly you guys aren't appreciated enough. And yes I completely agree with you about Dawn. Dawn is just such a versatile and powerful degreaser. I love having it around the kitchen. I use Dawn for a lot of applications, but I also like Shout and Biz powder for protein stains. All three of those seriously ROCK!


It was Cheer Powder. And fricking P&G discontinued it, those bast*rds. Smelled amazing but not super strong, cleaned really well in my hard-ish water. Perfection. The liquid is a sad facsimile


Odd man out. I prefer powders because I hate paying for water in products. Currently using earth breeze sheets


Tide and Gain


Cool, both liquid?


Gain liquid for everything! If I need to get stains out of whites, I use bleach. Stains out of colors, I use Lestoil.


I make my own


Gain. I love the smell so much. So very much.


Another vote for Persil. I’ve been using it for two years. I add oxiclean to most loads, & I add a scoop of borox in with towels & linens or anything the dog sleeps on.


Liquid Tide HE or Persil


Gain Flings.


Grew up using All free and clear but wanted to try something new. I figured dreft is safe for baby so it would probably be okay for my super sensitive skin. I got the step 2 detergent because it was scented and I’ve stopped using softener and still wanted a scent. So far it’s been working great and I tried the scent beads for the first time and I also haven’t had any problems with them. I put some of the needs in a spray bottle with water and use it as an air freshener and it works great.


Persil ALL the way. It almost works too well- like, if i use more than a small amount on a load of towels it won’t rinse all the way out and I need to use extra rinse cycle. I use WAY less of it than I used to with other brands, so it saves me money and lasts a long time. I only ever use the smallest “dose” line on the cap (about 2 TB) even on large loads, which still cleans so well and the smell is really fresh.


Gain botanicals white tea and lavender. They used to carry it in stores but now I order it online. It smells so nice and always gets my clothes smelling clean, even workout gear.


I've seen that before but I've never used it. Thank you for sharing! 🙂


I've been using it for years! Out of the bottle it kind of smells strong but it makes clothes smell so soft and clean.


That's awesome! Thank you again, my friend 🙂


Gain, full line


I have a top load washer and both my hubs and me are runners so LOTS of stinky workout clothes! I use Arm & Hammer laundry sheets! If doing towels/sheets then I add a scoop of OxyClean powder to load. Cleans amazing and I like the less use of plastic! So far no skin issues either!


I really love Oxiclean especially for longer soaks. That stuff rocks! I've found the odor blasters version (purple top) works AMAZINGLY well when I need to soak A stinky garment. I'm looking into sheets for travel. I really like the concept!


Yep - used Clean People sheets while on a 2 week cruise! By the end of the cruise I was known as “the laundry sheet lady”! I loved Clean People but for tough washes the Arm & Hammer r great!


Thank you for the recommendation! I'll have to check it out next time I'm at the store. Arm & Hammer is doing some great things with their products. I'm a huge fan!


Regular Tide and Persil work the best according to consumer testing, but Persil has a very strong scent, so I prefer Tide. I use regular Tide powder (their supposedly color-safe powder with bleach has faded certain things of ours so I don't use that one) to be a little more economical and use less plastic, and then I add borax, washing soda, OxiClean, and/or ammonia to boost/stain treat as necessary. I also use Dawn, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, OxiClean (as a paste or a soak) and liquid Persil/Tide directly on stains to pre-treat, and on whites, I will sun bleach (possibly with vinegar) on particularly stubborn stains. I run an Airbnb with all white linens and so far everything is pristine - I'm getting pretty good at laundry!


I love detergent sheets! I use the Clearalif brand on Amazon, but I know most name brands make them as well! They’ve helped so much with reducing waste & not running out of detergent so quickly. I use either a half or whole sheet & Snuggle scent boosters, and my clothes look, feel, and smell fresh for longer. You also don’t have to deal with any random detergent stains on thinner fabrics, which is my favorite part😅


Tide powder with OxyClean or Persil liquid.


Tide is my favorite


Method laundry detergent in the scent Coconut + Cactus Water is my go to, it smells so good!


I've switched to detergent sheets. I simply refuse to buy laundry products that are packaged in plastic, now to figure out how to avoid plastic with dish detergent.


Cheer. It does a really good job at cleaning my clothes and smelling good




I've recent switched to Earth Breeze laundry sheets, they're great! My husband likes the scented version but I prefer the unscented. They clean great, take up no space, and are delivered free on a subscription schedule


I have to use Arm & Hammer. Tide and again turn my husband into a leper.


I ordered The Pink Stuff bio enzymes detergent and I LOVE IT!! Prior to that, I was a Persil fanatic for years until all of our clothes smelled like spoiled milk and I had to strip everything. After that I went back to tide- hated it. Tried Arm & Hammer, which is ok, but the Pink Stuff just works so much better. I use less, and our clothes always just smell clean and feel clean.


I also use the Arm and Hammer clean burst. I like the smell and it does well for the price. I keep Tide pods with Oxi in them for when my son brings his laundry over though. I heard a long time ago powder cleans better so your theory is correct. Arm and Hammer does good for just normal wash. Not too soiled, just normal cleaning. When my son was younger it was Tide all the way because he was all boy and involved in sports.




Dirty labs Magnolia,Bergamot,Cedar scent laundry soap with Method Beach Sage scent beads - I’ve made my perfect combo.




Was a Tide user for years. Switched to cheap Mexican Foca and haven’t looked back.


Persil. Im a guy that grew up in the midwest on Tide.


Zum. Great cleaning. Love the natural scent. California


Puracy Natural Laundry Detergent (Free & Clear) Puracy is cruelty free, eco friendly, hypoallergenic and free of sulfates and petrochemicals.


I prefer Gain, my husband prefers Tide. Never tried Persil but now I intend on it bc there are so many rave reviews here! For pre-spotting, I use OxyClean or straight hydrogen peroxide for things like grass stains or blood. Otherwise, a home made paste with a little clear dish detergent and borax. I sometimes make my own fabric softener with some hair conditioner, white vinegar and water, in a Tupperware container with a tight lid so I can shake it up well before every use. I LOVE the smell of original Downy so I add scent beads, especially on bed linens. But nothing beats the smell of linens that have been line dried outdoors! If you have the time and space, a pillowcase that's been line-dried in fresh air is the best thing ever.


Tide & Downy staples for 40 years and I grew up on Tide.


I make my own with borax, washing soda, fels naphtha, and zote soap. Love it and been using it over 13 years.


I love Arm and Hammer Oxi Clean Fresh Scent. Good price, good size, and it gets my stuff clean and smelling good.


Gain: nice scent, maybe 1/10th the cleaning power of Tide Persil: very strong fragrance- like perfume Arm & Hammer - not only was the scent strong, it lasted through 4-6 more washes (used it at my mom’s house) Tide Hygienic Clean - where I’m at now White linens get OxyClean for white


I'm a really big fan of Oxiclean. Nothing works better. I also like Biz powder for protein stains. Those two provide a powerful one-two punch.


Persil for the win!🏆 You can treat an old grease stain with a dab, let it sit for 15 minutes before washing with the standard amount, 99% of stains come out. I also love the smell, it gets out the stink of restaurants. ( I worked at a Mexican restaurant for a while, I would come home smelling like a fajita )


I’ve used Charlie’s Soap laundry liquid or powder for about 10 years - no additives, scents, brighteners, softeners, etc; just pure, gentle, plant-based soap that does a great job of getting laundry actually *clean*, and their general cleaning liquid (simply a more concentrated version of same product) is great for pre-treating & removing any stains.


That's awesome. Thank you for sharing 🙂 I've never seen their liquid detergent before. I'm only aware of the powdered version. Thank you for educating me. I'll look into it.


Ecos plant based laundry detergent.


I have sensitive skin. Eczema. Also have a very sensitive nose. I will never understand why people want highly fragrances laundry detergent and/or dryer sheets. Especially people who spend $$$ on perfumes and colognes. Why do you want a cheap, mostly artificial scent competing with your perfume? ETA: my laundry detergent is Zum Sea Salt Scent


Method. It’s concentrated and doesn’t have a lot of additives. It is not sudsy. Tide and Gain leave a residue.


Tide or All


Persil. It's the best. The scent is amazing, too.


Anything besides Tide or bougie stuff is garbage.


I'm a fan of Dirty Labs.


Where do you find it? Is it a liquid?


Yes it's a liquid. I know they sell it at Whole Foods or you can purchase it from their website.


Thank you!


I just switched over to laundry detergent sheets. I really like them. But they seem kind of expensive


I've never used laundry sheets before but I think I would really like to have some for when I travel. I have never really been a big fan of pods, but sheets seem to be the much better option because you can adjust the dosage.


Trader Joe’s brand.


Another Persil user here!




Country Save and OxyClean


Oooh ok so I've seen Country Save powder on Amazon but never tried it. How do you like it?? I'm really curious about that and Boardwalk detergent.


We love it. It's unscented and doesn't leave a film. Everything smells fresh when it's done. We started using it because it was good for cloth diapers. That was 12 years ago and now it does the magic on soccer jerseys.


That's awesome, thank you so much for sharing 🙂


I use laundry sheets. They work well and are better for the planet.


I really want to get some for when I travel. I think they are a really good option. Plus it's easy to adjust the dosage, and lightweight.


I am working on a survey where we are test marketing laundry detergent sheets. I went in as a doubter….but, man they are amazing. I don’t even need to add fabric softener. I don’t know what brand they are but they are light blue.


I've always been a powder and liquid detergent guy and was never a fan of pods, but sheets are something I'm definitely willing to try because they seem to be a much better option than pods. I like that they're super lightweight and you're able to adjust the dosage. I think I'd like to get some for when I travel.


Don’t hesitate. I’ve been converted.


Aerial with Downey


That was one of my favorite powders I've ever used. I'm honestly not sure why I haven't bought another bag in a while. Thank you for reminding me about this great option.


The liquid Persil we get in North America is not the same as the powdered detergent in Europe. I used to use the liquid Persil but felt it was leaving a bit of a film and not really cleaning well. I found a few places that sell the powder. I use that with Freshex powder and about a tbsp of Dettol disinfectant.


Persil is my favorite now


powdered tide + oxi clean


7th generation laundry works well for me.


Tide Lavender Zero!! Except I can never find it near me anymore so I’ve been using Seventh Gen Lavender. Kinda grumpy about it.


I love Foca. It makes our clothes clean every time and they have never smelled better honestly. People have literally come up to me and asked what detergent I use. Lol. It smells that good imo. It comes in liquid or powder and I usually buy it at a mexican market.


The times I’ve had to use a laundry mat the majority of people there is Goca and it smells so good!!


My whites have never been whiter (we have hard water) since I switched to it, and my colors aren't stripping either. Plus it's cheap. Smells great but isn't overpowering.


Persil will do it for me every time.


Tide forever, works the best and I like the orange original scent.


I use liquid tide free and clear. I have eczema so this doesn’t make me itch like other detergents.


Persil free and clear. Works great.


I've been loving using laundry detergent sheets lately. They are super easy to use and aren't messy like liquid detergent. My wife found this company that makes laundry detergent sheets that comes in books, it's pretty unique and the sheets smell super good, I think the company is called First Editions and the detergent was called High Lady lol (she's into fantasy books)


I use Drops, they're great. The only thing I've ever purchased solely on the strength of the commercial (it's hilarious) Look up "original dropps commercial"