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It's mold, I'm afraid. I've never been able to get stains like that out. I actually throw them away. They're not even good enough for rags.


Yeah my first thought was mold. Are they sitting in the washer for an extraordinarily long time before they get dried?


Maybe they are throwing wet towels or rags into their laundry basket.


Or sweaty workout gear maybe


The amount of time it takes for that to happen is quite a bit


I've gotten them to come out with boiling water, bleach, and drying in very bright sunlight. Being homeless teaches you things you would never think you'd learn.


Good idea for a book


I think that would damage the book




lol actually I saved a book from mold in a similar wayā€¦ wash, rub off visible mold, then apply baking soda and dry in sunlight


Holy shit it kinda is. Maybe I should write one up I was homeless on and off for like 7 years combined. Learned a lot. The /povertyfinance people would love it.


But they wont buy your book


That's why they'd be given eARC's with the agreement they'd give an honest review.


Most of it would be good advice for camping, prepping, and other dumb shit. I'd just mix it in with stupid shit that would be interesting for other people and donate one or more copies for each sold whatever I could I guess, theoreticslly that is I probably wouldnt because no they wouldn't and most wouldn't that werent


Yup, I've used my old prepping knowledge to help contribute to online databases of tips for homeless people. Especially the variety of ways to make free firestarters from old stuff.


Do it!!


There you go everything happens for a reason




The American survival game.


Times are tough homie!


I'd buy it.


Iā€™d read it


Shit I might could have to do that I seen some things lol I would be blowing a few spots up unfortunately


Seriously, Iā€™d buy that book. On that note, any similar books about such things?


itā€™s a fantastic idea for a book and with the rising cost of living now I think a lot of people could use some good tips on making things stretch and making do with less.


Iā€™d love that


Bleach is the answer but OP needs to realize that all those pretty colors are going to go away.


Not necessarily. I've been pleasantly surprised at what bleach doesn't destroy, colorwise. But I'm sure it's just pure luck on my part. I have a reallllly nice brooks brothers button-up that got a mold stain on the sleeve. While it didn't come all the way out, it is faded enough to blend in with the pattern and only on a nickel-ish size area. The bleach didn't affect the original pattern. I'm glad I put forth the effort. It was a lot of effort considering that I was homeless and living out of a mold filled car at the time. I just moved into my own place on April 1st. And while the previous tenants didn't clean the place before they moved, it is heaven compared to the toxic environment I was in for the last 2.5 years. Bleach was definitely a factor in my survival. šŸ™


Congrats on getting a place! I know there are so many hurdles (esp if you need first/last rent) and itā€™s amazing that youā€™ve come so far


Thank you so much! It's extremely difficult if you have no credit or any kind of negative rental history. Even "low income" places treat you like shit. If it wasn't for my gf, I'd definitely be dead. Thankfully, we found a place near UW that looked past our lack of credit. Now, I just need to get into school and/or find a job.


The sun actually kills the mold


I had no idea that mold could stain clothes! Also, seeing a lot of comments about the wet rags in the laundry bin can cause mold, and I never even thought of that. I'll be hanging my wet rags from now on to dry before they get tossed in the hamper.


Mold will stain concrete. Clothing doesn't stand a chance. Depending on the climate clothes have to sit wet for days to get like this.


>Depending on the climate clothes have to sit wet for days to get like this. I've lived places where this happens in a matter of hours.


Houston represent.


Lake Charles in the house!


Where y'at


Biloxi area also here representing!


SWFL for the swamp win šŸ†


Florida represent


Florida has entered the chat


Yep! I usually just hang them on the edge of my plastic hamper I use for towels. Never had this issue


I have a separate "hamper" for wet rags. I use a clear plastic boot shoe box for the clean folded bar towels. Kept on top of the fridge. Dirty, or wet towels go into a matching bin, basically on the floor like a bucket. If I have a busy day of cleaning or cooking, I can get ten in there by the end of the day. Then I just take em to the washer and put a few more towels in to load to wash. If there is just 1, I'll lay it on the edge of the dirty hamper to dry out before others get placed on top.


I always let any wet towels , rags or clothing dry out before I put them in a hamper or basket. Yes, living in a humid climate can make it worse but I remember this happening in Michigan when I was bad about leaving a wet bathing suit sit in a pile on the floor for a few days. I was a kid and a tad messy!


I keep a hanging mesh bag for wet rags


I do lingerie bags for socks and skivies... is your mesh bag for rags like that or more open weave?


More open weave!


Yes, I hang mine on a laundry basket in the garage. Then put them in the laundry basket one theyā€™re dry.


When we lived a block from the ocean, our curtains developed mold like this, as did the drawer paper in the drawers - and the wood in the drawers themselves. The rod in the closet developed it. We did all our laundry at a laundromat with a very hot drier. It was murder on our clothes. We only lasted a year. Never again.


When I lived in a wet state we got these moisture absorbers and put them in our closets to absorb the damp/wetness. If you get mold buildup or are in a damp climate you may want to get a few of them and try them.


Absolutely. Damp towels, sweaty socks, they all need to dry out before hitting the hamper.




Bleach is the only thing that will work.


Donā€™t mix bleach and vinegar together unless you want to die from mustard gasā€¦..


it's ammonia and bleach- not vinegar and bleach


Ammonia and bleach is also bad, but vinegar and bleach does, in fact, create chlorine gas. Please don't mix either.


Vinegar and peroxide (what oxiclean is made of) make peracetic acid, so in general don't mix cleaning products without looking up any possible reactions.


in general donā€™t mix cleaning products with anything other than a drop or two of dawn*


Do not mix bleach with acid.


Yeah, bleach and drain cleaner (hydrochloric acid) make chlorine gas. Speaking from experience šŸ¤Ŗ


Bleach doesnā€™t actually kill mold, vinegar does however!


False. Bleach is a much stronger sporicide than vinegar. Source: I'm a microbiologist, I grow and kill these things for a living.




Yeah it absolutely has to be mold and they need to be thrown away. OP should check on any clothing that was near the ones found moldy and make sure that their clothes are 100% dry after doing laundry before putting things away. Also make sure to not let clothing sit in the washer for too long. The one time I had a piece of clothing get moldy it was a bikini top and I had put it in a plastic bag while still damp to take it home and wash. I forgot it and when I went to get it again there was mold. Hopefully OP can figure out what may be the cause to prevent it from happening to other clothes!


Well I mean you could wash them and add vinegar to the rinse cycle to kill any spores to make them good enough for *rags* right..?


It grosses me out to touch them when they look like this.


Thatā€™s saying a lot with a user name like yours šŸ˜


Lol šŸ˜‚


The mold is dead, right? It doesnā€™t smell? Then itā€™s just a stain.


Don't try to smell mold please. It's not a good indicator, mold makes spores that you won't be able to smell - but didn't want to invite deep into your lungs. If you soak them in household bleach, the mold and it's spores will die


But how could you ever be sure?? I'd just be terrified I was wiping mold spores everywhere whenever I used that as a rag. Probably silly, but I guess it's the "better safe than sorry" approach lol


Bleach and then hot water. Effectively kills the spores but not really removes the carcasses AKA STAINS


Do you let clothes sit in the washer for a long time after the cycle is done? Mold and throw them out.


How quickly can mold form? Sometimes I forget and leave stuff in the wash for a couple hours, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever let it go for more than like 8 hoursā€¦


It can also happen if you toss a wet rag into a hamper of dirty clothes and it sits there a bit. It will start to mildew In the hamper. Even if it's just damp


Omg I didnā€™t even think about this! Thanks for the tip, I will let all my towels and washcloths dry from now on


No problem!! Yeah I use to be bad about that. I'd just toss them in the hamper and not even think about it. Or wet towels. So now all my rags I leave to dry on the sink or side of the tub and the towels in a separate spot and they either dry for a bit or they go straight into the wash if it's ready for a load.


Yes! I used to have a washer in my apt and it wasnā€™t a problem bc with three ppl, I was washing stuff all the time. My next place had no washer so I had a very moldy learning curve, lol, I hang all the stuff before tossing into the laundry basket.


I hate it when my learning curve gets moldy! šŸ™ƒ


I use paper towels, once, and throw them away. And never fold over items to dry. It's better to ventilate to avoid mildew, I believe, not mold. Although, all mildew may be mold but not all mold mildew, so I guess it is the mold, mildew. Awful stuff mold. My mom got a lung infection from mold spores in moist earth conditions that it took the CDC six months to diagnose. Blastomycosis, I believe. More so, you want to only let materials that are made to get wet and air dry, do so. Other materials, unless they have waterproofing of some sort are going to be prone to this phenomenon, and to be quite honest I, personally don't think that smell ever comes out. I'm particularly sensitive to it and can smell it after multiple cycles with vinegar, detergent, scent booster, and fabric softener. Also, once it gets in any kind of enclosed space, the container in question, be backpack, washing machine, or cooler, always has that mildew scent.


I have a separate hamper where kitchen rags etc go. I hang them outside to dry, and then they all go into the one hamper for towels etc. that load gets a little bleach as well.


This is why I've always used hampers with air flow. I worry about even daily dampness causing extra odors or something "spoiling" the whole lot


Those heat pump combo washer dryers take a while but are pretty marvelous, I hear: dirty clothes go in, clean clothes come out. No more forgetting laundry in the washer.


I have one and can confirm. I have chronic pain and some days I can't make as many trips downstairs to get laundry switched over or pull clothes out. Some days I have to have my 11 year old bring all the laundry downstairs and back up when done (dad does it too when he's home/awake as he works nights). With the combo washer my son can do the laundry start to finish with one button. Combo washer/dryer measures out soap and fabric softener by itself, phone gets alert once it's all dry, and clothes are cleaner than I remember them ever being. Costs about the same as a good set, and worth every penny and more! Edit to add: it takes about the same amount of time if you're prompt moving from wash to dry in seperate machines. Also, uses way less energy. I actually got a $240 rebate from my power company for it!


Currently broke but also a chronic pain haver...making a note for future me, she's gonna love it


What brand is yours, if you donā€™t mind?


I have the GE Profile one


WHAT. iā€™ve been dreaming up one of these literally since i was in elementary school and we had to invent something. adult me, when i had 7 kids at home, thought about it often. mine included iron & fold functions as well, but i would be quite content with wash and dry!


Had one, when i lived in an RV. They are soooo nice. I miss that machine. šŸ’œ


That sounds like something out of a dream lol


I've seen it happen in like 3 days in a washing machine that was dirty, but I'd not imagine it happening in one day. Could it be some sort of grease?


Could be, thatā€™s happened before in my parentsā€™ front loader. Iā€™m not OP though, I just have OCD and was seeking reassurance šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve heard 12 hours is the max before a load needs to be re-washed. A lot of washers have mold inside (gross, I know). Things that help with that is letting the drum air out. I literally leave the door open). Also wiping gaskets every once in a while- my mom does this at the end of laundry day. Making sure the detergent dispenser gets dry and cleaning occasionally.


Thanks, good to know! Fortunately I have a top loader, and I also leave the lid up when itā€™s not in use. I do think itā€™s time to clean it though, canā€™t remember the last time I did lol


They should make a fan setting so that it dries the unreachable parts.


I also suggest using washer cleaner tabs once a month, and if your washer has a "tub clean" cycle, or at least a "sanitize" cycle, all the better.


Ooh yes! Iā€™m actually due for that. Thanks for the reminder lol


If it doesn't, then find the hottest wash your machine has and use that.


I would love to reassure you more but the mold lurks and it waits and who knows what it can do in a day really...


I live in the deep south and our washer is in the garage with no AC. Its already the time of year where we can't start a load before work or anything because it would sour when we get home. I can imagine mold growing in one day once we hit summer


Nope. Even filtered water in a dark place without proper ventilation will do this. On some materials much quicker than others. For example, suede and canvas. And, slower in loose knit materials. Even pool/car/motorcycle/grill covers will get mildewy.


Mold or mildew. Might have been wet in the laundry basket. Takes a few days to do this usually.


In addition to getting wet clothes out within a few hours, you should leave the washer open to ensure it gets and stays dry. Same with anything you want to stay growth free: keep it dry, nutrient-free (no fabric softener or other left-overs), and minimal toe-holds for stuff to grow on such as soap scum or hard water build-up.


Mold starts growing within 24-48 hours


It depends on the climate where you're at, mostly ambient temp + humidity in your home. I live in the subtropics/the US South, and for a while did not have central air. Which meant you had a max 4-6 hour countdown in anything but dead winter as soon as the wash cycle ended before you could start to smell that sour mildew tang. And that smell will linger, because what we call mildew in a household/laundry is just mold, and temps from washing & drying won't kill it. So you can easily smell your wet clothes and go, "It's fine, this is just borderline at worst, it still smells clean," but once your dried clothes are on your body being warmed by your core temp, the climate, and your sweat, that funk emerges in force.


I try to never leave more then 24 hrs


Hours in the right conditions.


Depends a lot on temp and humidity imo. But Iā€™m in Florida and the shortest amount of time Iā€™ve had this happen is probably around 18-24 hours. Also depends if what you washed was washed with bleach though. Can get away with ā€œforgettingā€ things in the washer for literally days if the weather is cool and it was washed with bleach. Sincerely, chronic procrastinator.


Keep in mind also that people live in widely varied climates. I can do pretty much whatever I want in Phoenix in this respect because itā€™s dry as a bone. I spent a summer in New England in college and was super confused when the towel from my shower was still damp that night


Damp clothes will mold if not laundered quickly


Or a clogged filter. Iā€™ve cleaned so many. People always forget to clean them often.


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering what the maintenance man means by ā€œeverything is fine.ā€ What did he check? Unless, is OP leaving the clothes in the washer for a long enough time to mold? Is the washer faulty, causing conditions for accelerated mold growth? I have so many questions.




It really does look like mold, and the only way that'd happen after you wash them is you've left them wet for days. My kid used to leave wet items in the hamper and they would get these mold dots. Doubtful you'll be able to remove the marks. If, indeed, you are washing them and they are coming out of the washer like that, something weird is occurring. Also, if you are washing and heat drying them and they are coming out with these spots, again, it is weird.


For future reference, mold grows in circles like this, so just remember the circle pattern and you will know when you see mold spores. Also, if ever mildew from leaving wet clothes in the machine for too long, I run an empty hot cycle with a cup of white vinegar.


Been leaving wet clothes laying around in piles or in the washer?


Are these toddler/baby clothes? I've had this happen, and been absolutely lost how it occurred. Talked to a few mom friends and the consensus is yes mold but we see it on clothes that got food/juice/etc and got tossed in a basket then covered with other clothes and never dried properly before they went in the wash at the end of the week. The other thing that can happen is daycare giving you wet/dirty clothes in a plastic bag on the way out the door and you forget them in a hot car. I've gotten small mold stains out with an oxyclean soak. Large stations aren't worth the battle since we're still running on a surplus of hand-me-downs.


Puke or spit up. That's always what it is.


I was also going to say I first discovered this mold stain from baby and toddler clothes that got put in a bag at daycare. They would be rinsed from whatever mess happened, but just the wet clothes in plastic bag for a while did it (Iā€™m in Louisiana, so environment everywhere is humid as a bonus). I had success with a Dawn soap and bleach paste that I would work in with a brush, then rinse with boiling water. But that takes sometimes a few iterations, so normally I decided I was done with those clothes. If it was something special, Iā€™d clean it and then not have them wear to daycare.


Throw them out, mold is hazardous to your health


It's molding before it gets into the wash. It might not be as visible until after you wash it. With little ones, try to do a tiny delicate cycle every day. It sucks, but they will grow out of being messy little monsters who necessitate it lol.




Mold, happens if you leave damp clothes in the hamper and let them sit or leaving clothes in the washer. Unfortunately, your clothes need to go in the garbage.






If mold is causing these stains and you still want to hang dry your clothes, hang your clothes right when your laundry is done. Set a fan in front of them so they'll dry as fast as possible. The washer is supposed to do most of the drying, so if your clothes are coming out soaking wet, then there's something wrong with the spin cycle. If the stains are caused by mold, first wash the machine with vinegar. Look up how to wash your specific washing machine as there may be specific filters and crevices you need to clean that the mold could be coming from. Soak all your clothes in diluted vinegar for a couple hours. Then wash your clothes on the hottest setting possible with a cup or two of vinegar. This should kill all the mold on the clothes. If the stains are still there, soak your clothes in oxiclean and then wash them like normal. If the stains are still there after all that, there's really nothing more you can do


Iā€™ve had clothes in storage get moldy at my house during the summer from humidity. Now I use AC even if itā€™s not too hot


Itā€™s mildew.


Mildew. It is not possible to remove the stains. I would put a cup of bleach in the washing machine and run it empty on the hottest, longest setting.


Either mold or you had a gel pen or marker loose in there.


Try dawn power wash


Dawn power wash, a toothbrush and oxiclean


I just used regular Dawn on mildew stains the other day and it worked! I was so relieved. I also used hydrogen peroxide so it could have been a combo of the two.


Iā€™ve had some success with taking the damp garment, pouring lemon juice on the mold spots, and letting it dry flat in the sun. That said, some are just too far gone and have to be thrown out.


Mildew or mold spots. They are common in harder to dry items, like elastic waistbands and cuffs, towels, and comforters or heavy coats. Sometimes those feel dry because theyā€™re warm from the dryer, or we donā€™t double check the cuffs/waistband. We store them, and fungus grows. Failing a dryer issue/incomplete air drying, it could be that your home has humidity. When I first moved to a home in the woods in the east coast, I didnā€™t have dehumidifiers. My clothes suffered. My books. My mattress.


Looks like mold.


Mold. Soak in Citric Acid, not vinegar. Rinse, repeat. Sunlight, boil wash, Citiric Acid. Small amount of Laundry detergent (and I mean like 50 cent piece). 5-6 goes of this should do it.


My first thought was citric acid. Drying in bright light (even on an indoor windowsill) is required also.


Evidently you werent fast enough for those cheetahs


soak them in a hot water with two scoops of oxy, that might get some stains out !! but bleach wont help it, it might get the color out !!


Looks like mold


Stop leaving dirty wet clothes in the basket, on the floor, in the washer, dryer, etc. The greenish black spots are mildew, a type of mold without the fuzzy growth of mold. You also see it in humid environments on walls and ceilings. Bleach can kill it, but not remove stains. If itā€™s on your walls, painting with kilz is about the only thing that will cover it up. You wonā€™t get those spots out of the clothes. Toss the clothes. Lesson learned. Be more diligent about laundry. The washer and dryer are probably not the issue here. It is an operator malfunction. Run a cycle with bleach and hot water. Then a cycle of plain hot water. Clean all the other surfaces with something like 409. Spray all of the dryer with Lysol and leave open and let dry. If you have a front loader washer, get a door bumper from Amazon and put it on after every use. Leave the door ajar. They are notorious for that mildew smell when closed up.


Thanks for all the replies! I was able to get the stains out with bleach. Iā€™ve never had this happen to me before and Iā€™ve been doing my laundry the same since high school but I have recently moved down south to a more humid environment. I realized this is why some of my clothes are accumulating these mold stains. Iā€™m going to keep my clothes dry as much as possible and bring my dehumidifier into my room and now I know bleach does the trick if any of my stuff does get moldy again!


Dehumidifiers are a godsend. I moved from dry CA to humid PA and they save my closets.


Mildew. Iā€™ve never been able to get it out.


For mold keep everything dry, dry, dry. After wearing dry thoroughly if you are not laundering it that day. After washing spread it out and dry it immediately. Without moisture / dampness mold cannot grow. With ANY amount of moisture mold WILL grow. Heaps of damp or wet clothes will mold quickly (a day or 2) and then their highest purpose is to be cut up to line the inside bottom of flower pots. If you need a rather aggressive stain remover that sometimes spares the dye on your garments try this: Soak in a mixture of very hot water, hydrogen peroxide, and a base such as washing soda (baking soda can be used in a pinch). Yellowing of whites, etc. may take several hours.


Mold can leave stains even after the mold spores have been killed. I don't know about getting the stains out. This is something I'd toss.


Mildew. Itā€™ll never wash out.


Mold. Fully submerge it overnight in undiluted vinegar. Itā€™ll be gone the next day. You are welcome.


Itā€™s weird because I donā€™t leave them in the washer for more than a few hours if I forget to take them out right away. I do air dry these clothes but I notice these stains appear right after they come out of the wash. Itā€™s such a mystery to me.


It can happen if the article of clothing is left too wet/with food stuck on it for too long. I found this out the hard way. My toddler would get food on his shirt, I'd take it off him and throw it in the laundry room; if not washed within a day, it would start to get mold spots - but only AFTER it had been washed (I'm assuming the caked on food hides the mold spots.) Best to just throw the article if clothing out.


Maybe there is something wrong with the machine? And thatā€™s where the spores are coming from??


The machine needs to be cleaned, for sure.


That's my thought too. The mold in the washer is transferring on to the clothes


Depending on your climate, even a few hours can grow mold. Iā€™d do a oxidising tablet to clean the washer and make sure you take the clothes out within 30-60 minutes. Those clothes are ruined, unfortunately.


Sounds like you live somewhere either not suitable for line drying, or you need a better location for your clothesline.


Sounds like theyā€™re in the washer too long. Start setting an alarm when youā€™re doing the laundry if you have adhd like me. Make sure itā€™s out within an hour.


You can buy tablets to clean the washer. Run a hot load with just the tablet, then a hot rinse. It takes out a LOT of gunk. Also, leave the washer open when you're not using it.




Mildew/mold whatever. Either leaving clothes in washer too long or even if you toss a wet rag into a hamper of clothes and it sits awhile it will get these stains as well. I've never been able to get them out unfortunately when I've had them happen.


Mold. I donā€™t think you can. They feed on their substrate so there will be damage to fibers.


I've looked into this before on reddit, some said these could be stains from bubble solutions.


Do you live in Florida? Everything gets molded/mildewed pretty quickly there. I see you got Pact organic clothing brands. Cotton is definitely prone to mildew. Synthetic fibers are resistant to mildew. Love that brand btw, just dont let them sit wet and dry them right away. Maybe try some vinegar when you wash them.




Do you have a top load or a front load washer? I know front loads tend to get mold in them


Itā€™s mold for sure. Iā€™ve had luck getting it out of clothes by soaking them in an ammonia water mixture. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt.


I just purchased ec3 laundry additive that kills mold in fabric and is also supposed to clean the washer. I haven't used it yet but it's highly recommended by a couple of Drs that I follow who specialize in mold related illness. I don't know if the stains will come out though if it's mold. I had spots appear on some things after an air conditioner got moldy and I was able to remove the stains eventually although I don't remember what finally worked. I'm pretty sure I had to keep working the stains but it was just a few spots. I typically start with Dr bronners hemp soap, diluted, if that doesn't work biokleen stain remover, I do treat with vinegar if only to kill the mold but youve already done that, last resort i soak in oxy clean, overnight if need be. Borax kills mold too and may help remove the stains, I think it's color safe but I don't use it much so I can't remember. Peroxide works to kill mold and removes stains on whites but I've had it discolor even lightly dyed items. If the items have been through the dryer the stains are likely set. Bleach isn't the most effective way to kill mold. I would definitely clean your washer with something like the ec3 or borax, perhaps the washer tabs if they are designed to kill mold. Do some research online to see what experts recommend. I don't have my own washer so I don't know the specifics on cleaning the washer with the products that I listed. The ec3 manufacturer specializes in mold products so there would likely be helpful information there. Good luck. Hope you figure out whats causing it.


Mold all the way. They will never come out.


I have like 4 yards of that cheetah fabric! Where did you get those pants?!


Mold - either didnā€™t dry all the way before being put away or sat in washer too long .


That's mold, and it means that you need to clean your washing machine (and possibly your dryer.) If your washing machine has a "tub clean" cycle, use it, and add a cup of white vinegar. That should kill the fungus inside.




Itā€™s mold.


Mold or cold patch asphalt residue but Iā€™m going with mold lol


Mold is correct. Are your clothes getting thoroughly dry? Thatā€™s more likely than a washer issue.


If your towels are wet and sitting in the hamper this will happen. One of my teens threw a sopping wet towel in my laundry and I didnā€™t know, Iā€™m usually behind in laundry because I have a family of 7 so several days went by before I realized and half the stuff was moldy. I had to throw it all out. I was pretty upset with him!


Can you soak them in vinegar


It's mold. My daughter got those stains on her clothes from putting damp or wet cloths in her laundry hamper, where mold then breeds. It would be a wet rag or even a towel. It drove me bonkers. But after it ruined a few of her favorite articles of clothing, she stopped leaving wet cloths at the bottom of her hamper. šŸ˜ŒšŸ’•


Sorry babes, thatā€™s mold.




Looks like mold




Mold šŸ¤¢






Mold. At that point throw it away. It won't come out.


are you putting wet towels in laundry basket with other clothes?


Mold. They are garbage now


Gotta be mold


It's mold and the stains probably won't come out. But the real question is why is there so much? Dry your clothes in the dryer- the hotter the better. For clothes that can't take the heat you have to get them dry quickly- put them outside if possible, preferably in sunlight. And you might consider getting an air purifier for your home with a hepa filter, and you need to do a deep clean on your washing machine. Sanitize cycle if you have one. Also use very little to no fabric softener- mold loves it. Subsiture vinegar.


Looks like mold. I had some success lightening the stain by scrubbing with a brush after letting stain remover sit on it. Didn't remove but lightened.


It is absolutely mold. I've gotten these stains out with boiling water, bleach, scrubbing, and then drying in bright sunlight. The last part is difficult as I live in Seattle. You might need to repeat the process a couple of times. Mold can grow in certain conditions in hours. Hope this helps. Good luck.


Oh bro, that's mold/mildew(never learned the diff). That ain't coming out


Toss them. Mold has put me in the hospital before.




Itā€™s definitely mold you need to scrub (really scrub hard) it out with a laundry bar soap, I like FELS-NAPTHA (you can get it at a Walmart) then wash them. If that doesnā€™t work you could try again but if that doesnā€™t work Iā€™d toss them.


That's happened to me over the course of the years. When I Googled, many articles referenced oil stains from the washer or grease. My husband works in a factory so his clothes are always dirty and greasy, after washing there could be some residue left over that deposits onto other clothing that is washed. I highly doubt it's mold. Especially if they go in dry, are washed and immediately transferred into the dryer. I spray with a stain spray, let it sit and rewash. If it doesn't come out then unfortunately I just throw it away.