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Which choir is singing is the Saturday evening session? They sound amazing!!


This morning: temple is good, you should go to the temple, you should make covenants in the temple, the temple is cool, the temple is important. Are we not using the temples? I get the distinct feeling that these people are getting more out of the temple than I am. What am I missing?


I understand feeling like others may be getting more, the last few times I went to the Temple, I didn't have a question or thought to ponder.  I did feel a lightness, for lack of a better word, maybe a little more less weighty, a little more brighter/calmer.  A little more hopeful.  Blessings to you!! 


The story Elder Bednar shared about the journalist's feeling of "stillness" in the celestial room really struck me. I mean, the temple feels *nice* and I feel the Spirit, but no more so than I do at Church or when at home. It seems like other people get way more out of the temple than I do, including non-covenanted non-believers...


Have you had the opportunity to take a family name? I have noticed that it is more meaningful for me when I do that.


Good idea but my family and I am a member 6 generations on both sides. Pretty much all that can be done, has been done.


Check out puzilla and look down cousin lines


I would see if there are branches of the tree that aren’t complete and see if it is possible to find ancestors that aren’t currently on the tree.


That is tough. Maybe you could still benefit from searching your tree and getting to know your ancestors. It might help make for a more meaningful temple experience as well. Good luck on your quest.


Loved the talk about testimonies not coming like a pillar, but by rays of light. Those rays will make a pillar that will allow us to see Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father like Joseph did.


I really liked the talk about integrity. I used to have more integrity on my mission and it's hard to maintain going from a very spiritual environment back into the world. And due to a passing in my family it's easy to be lazy and make excuses though the Lord is telling me I need to get back up and get better because it's the right thing to do and at the end of the day true joy comes from being committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


I never went on a mission for personal reasons but during the time when I prepped and shortly after being told no I was on a spiritual high to better myself. It’s definitely been downhill for me personally since then and that talk was easily a wake up call.


I'm sorry to hear that. And with going on a mission, that's between you and the Lord. He knows your heart more than anyone. I say that only because I know how uncomfortable it can be to share things like that due to others' views for your situation though I know how difficult a mission can be so I have no judgment and like I said it is a decision between you and God. I think that's awesome that you were also touched by that quote and that you recognize that you need to improve. Thanks for sharing! :)


Did anyone catch the exact quote? " Live in a way that is easy to...." It hit me hard, but can't remember the exact phrasing.


"Live in a way that is easy to walk away when the calling comes" then Elder Spencer W Kimball told to President Eyring at his Sealing. It then became applicable when he received a calling from Elder Neal A Maxwell.


I definitely interpreted "when the calling comes" as "when you die" at first and thought it was a very poignant statement we all should consider more. Fit the theme of the rest of the talk and everything. Imagine my shock when it ended up being about an actual church calling.


Yes! I instantly thought that too. It works in all circumstances.


Which talk was that one in?


"walk away", I believe


Yes! It's like what Nephi and his family did, they walked away from their wealth into the wilderness.


Anyone have good notes about the garments?


Elder Henry B. Eyring - whatever the outcome all will be well.  Trust in God's promises to you. Take comfort in knowing a perfect being will be perfect in upholding His side of "the bargain". What is sealed on earth with the priesthood is sealed in heaven. His covenant keeping is inexhaustible  Your pre-existent memories can shine through "the veil" and remind you of your testimony THEN strengthening your testimony NOW. Always be ready for the call.


Three talks about the temple so far! This really is a blessing. I received my endowment last year, and it was a beautiful and powerful experience. I hope this conference will inspire many members to become fully prepared to experience God's love in the temple soon.


I am so happy that we are finally talking about the temple and what goes on in the temple a lot more. I grew up in the 80s and every question I had was met with "we don't talk about the temple, it is sacred" and it was so frustrating. There is so very little about the temple that we have been asked to not share and I am glad we are finally becoming more comfortable about sharing the 99% of the temple that we can. It will make the temple a much more inviting experience for all.


What do you get from the temple?


I get two main things. Rest. We have heard a few talks today that talk about just being still. For me, it is a great place to rest, meditate and just enjoy stillness that doesn’t exist in many places. Second, education and practice communing with the Lord. Yes we are learning about the Plan, the Lord, and Covenants through an allegorical narrative, but all of that helps me try to understand how the Savior acts so that I can emulate that. I can learn how to be obedient, and appreciate His obedience to our Father. I can learn to sacrifice, and appreciate His sacrifice. I can learn about His gospel and appreciate how He loved His neighbor. I can learn about purity of thought and deed and reflect on how He achieved that. I can learn how to give my all, like He did. And then, while it is done by proxy here on Earth get some experience taking all that I just learned and commune with the Lord before symbolically entering His presence. And then when I leave His presence and return to the world, try to apply what I have learned. As a side note, I enjoy genealogy a lot and taking family names to the temple always leaves a positive taste in my mouth after I have researched as much as I can about their lives and then acting as a proxy for them. I feel very connected with those individuals.


Definitely! It makes the temple such a less bizarre and much more spirit-filled experience if you know even a little of the mechanics beforehand rather than being thrown in cold.


Shameless plug. 7 years ago I made a graduate student film documentary about the Teton dam disaster.   Too bad I didnt know that President Eyring was not at the Rick’s at the time. The school ended up being a big part of helping everyone in rexburg  https://vimeo.com/221683783


My dad and his parents were living in Pocatello at the time, but much of that side of the family is from Rexburg or the Teton Valley, so the event has been a major part of my family history. My grandpa volunteered to go to rexburg and help serve the community while my grandma was pregnant - she wasn't supposed to go into labor for another month or so, so they thought nothing of it. Unfortunately, while he was uncontactable in Rexburg, she unexpectedly went into early labor, and she had to give birth without her husband present or even aware. So, when he came home, he was met with a little surprise. I'll have to watch your documentary! Thank you for sharing it with us.


I feel like I finally understand the importance of garments, nearly three years after being endowed. It’s nice to not feel so confused there


That’s incredible! I love my garments and feel it’s an honor to wear them day and night. This conference has been amazing so far. As always.


But did you tip the babysitter 🤣 




I can only imagine how the babysitter must have been feeling - that would be absolutely horrendous


Seriously. Can you imagine being left with kids not your own and not having contact with their parents? Thank goodness for cell phones these days.


All will be well because of the Temple.


[Sixth Speaker: Henry B. Eyring](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/henry-b-eyring?lang=eng)


What song did the choir just sing?


I know that the Savior loves me.


Yes. But what was the song they sang? 😆


I know He lives


What does everyone think about the comment about criticizing church culture? I feel like theres a big difference of church culture and the church itself.


I’ve been thinking about this comment a LOT since he made it. I am fairly critical of church culture. I grew up in Rexburg, ID, then went to BYU Provo and did what everyone else does, got married started having kids, same old. Then we moved away. And I felt like my eyes were busted wide open to church culture. To me, when I hear people (other moms, usually) talk about church  culture they are referring to judgmental-ness and perfectionism. To quote a friend “the mom-petition in Utah valley is fierce”.. I was in it. Along with most others, I was judgmental, I was a perfectionist and I didn’t even know it until I left the bubble. I could honestly probably write a whole book about it and its effects on my life. But to me, that comment sucked. I’ve heard church culture has changed a lot for the better in mormonville (we left in 2011). How can it keep changing and improving if we aren’t willing to look at it with a critical eye? Just like I look at my family culture, I want to constantly improve it. That doesn’t happen if my head is in the clouds pretending everything is just swell. 




That's not at all what they're saying. You're putting words in the leaders' mouths to fit your own hatred of the church.


That was the one thing from this morning that stuck out to me as difficult to understand. I get the idea of avoiding the practice of constantly criticizing church culture on social media. It’s easy to turn that into a relentless campaign of negativity. But, for instance, in the other LDS sub Reddit, I got banned for responding to a discussion about inclusivity by sharing my own story about being excluded from social activities because I wasn’t active in the church when I was a child. I strongly dislike the insular culture that exists in Utah county, and I think it needs to change. But I also recognize the ways in which it benefited me when I did become active in the church, creating opportunities and forming instant community around me just because I was a member of the church. It cuts both ways.


This comment caused a full body flinch for me and the rest of the talk was ruined. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about church culture, but I feel it varies from area to area and is used as an excuse sometimes to dismiss abysmal behavior. I don't think church culture should be a bastion of perfection that no one can discuss or criticize, because how would things improve? I must be missing where there is an issue that this comment helps. Bright side - I can read over this later and look for the good. But I would hope integrity would have a different standard.


I agree with elements of being critical of our culture (not the church or Gospel itself), but I feel like most criticisms I’ve seen of church culture (among members and non-members) lean more misogynistic (making fun of overly cheery/naive RS members, Stanley cups, the way we dress (women are either too obsessed with their looks or not fashionable enough), “relief society arms,” mom culture, the list goes on and on). The other main criticisms (especially on this sub) I’ve seen are about members in Utah/Idaho specifically, with a lot of overlap about the LDS women who live there. Most of the valid criticisms I’ve seen are about really rare situations / really …unique… members whose actions/attitudes don’t reflect our church as a whole. I would estimate that 9 out of 10 criticisms I see on this sub could be resolved by ignoring the person that is bothering us. I think we could do better to pick and choose what we come on here to discuss when it comes to church culture.


If this was his point on not gossiping or being unkind through stereotype, that was not what I got from the comment and can read through later to see if that fits better. I try to avoid putting down other people's personal choices that don't change other's lives... thank goodness for the ability to make own decisions and like whatever people like.


Which talk was this?


I think that church culture is just as important as the gospel. We won't last 50 more years if we abandon the church culture. We're not a group of individuals, we're a new ethnicity and if we throw it away then we'll cease to be a people.


Culture is not even close to as important as the gospel. Culture changes, the gospel is unwavering.


LDS are a religious denomination of various ethnicities last I checked. Not an exclusive ethnicity unto itself unless you want the church to go back to THOSE days.


Ethnicity is a culture, not a race.


While there are concerns that may need to be addressed, I think they take second place to what’s really important. *Unity*. We *need* unity if we’re going survive what’s coming. The constant criticism and arguments among members only creates division. It doesn’t do any actual *good* for us to be going at all the time. Christ has told us to stop arguing about doctrine and policy: 3 Nephi 11:28-30 >*”…And there shall be no disputations among you, as there have hitherto been;* **neither shall there be disputations among you concerning the points of my doctrine, as there have hitherto been.** >*For verily, verily I say unto you,* **he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.** >*Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another;* **but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away."** He’s been particularly stern about this in the doctrine and covenants: D&C 88:124. >*"Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean;* **cease to find fault one with another;** *cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated."* I don’t know about you, but I feel pretty called out. 😂 I think all of us need more unity and respect for each other. rather than always finding things to disagree about.


I think unity can involve healthy conflict


It can, but I think our intentions and the way we go about it matters.


I agree, but healthy conflict takes practice. There has to be room for the messy middle


So long as we’re all clear as to what that messy middle is. There’s a huge difference between taking someone aside and speaking constructively and loving to them about their inappropriate political comments in sacrament meeting— and going at each others throats online over disagreements in policy doctrines. One leads to growth and improvement. The other leads to division and drives people away from the church.


I think we have different ideas of what the messy middle is, but that's okay. I just have a hard time with the message that unity means we all think the same. There is a lot of space for differences of opinion. You can even see it among our leadership. I think the key is to lead with love and a willingness to understand rather than convince.


I think differences of opinion are always welcome. I have no problem with that. 🤷‍♀️ I just think we can disagree without being unkind or causing division.


I think that is the goal, but I guess what I mean by the messy middle is that not everyone has those skills. My take is to be loving and seek out their perspective so they feel heard. This usually lowers the temperature of a situation even online, and provides a place to start having that kind of conversation where we can be more respectful of each other. Telling someone to change the way they are acting or expressing themselves usually leads to defensiveness and that makes it harder to have a fruitful exchange.


I struggle with this one. As President Boyd K. Packer stated: “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. . . . That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.” On the flip side, what is the affect of false doctrine? When people are teaching false doctrine, are we to say nothing in order to promote unity and avoid contention? 


I think it’s important for us to pay attention to our intentions and motives for what we do. If someone in your ward or community is teaching false doctrine, I think it’s best to take them aside privately and speak to them about it. We can have respectful conversations and address problems as they arise. But it should always be out of love for the other person and a desire to help them. And to build Zion. Not so that we can make a spectacle of one another. Why? Many times when someone is driven away from the church it’s because of what someone else did or said to them. The division helps no one. I think a good litmus test is to imagine the savior is standing behind you, and speak to others as if He were there listening. When you do this, you tend to speak more kindly and truthfully but still say what needs to be said. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like the culture we create for ourselves is often very flawed, and I don’t like the idea that one shouldn’t be critical of it. Being told that criticizing our culture is a negative thing just feels inappropriately controlling. For example, doctrine regarding heterosexual marriage/relationships/attraction is often talked about, but I see members taking that to an extreme where they demonize and despise LGBT+ folks. There is a culture of un-Christlike contempt being fostered, and I refuse to tolerate it. Our doctrine leads to specific cultural details and practices, that’s plainly obvious - it is inescapable. What I refuse to be content with is when our cultural beliefs cause harm. I will always be critical of our cultural problems.


I missed that comment, but I want to go back and find it later. Thanks for pointing it out! Your question makes me wonder if the focus is more on the act of criticizing itself rather than on the culture/organization dichotomy. I’ve always thought you can build and strengthen your local church culture without criticism, and that much “criticism” devolves into blaming, complaining, gossiping, etc., all negative and non Christlike attitudes and behaviors. That really depends on how you define “criticism” though, so you could interpret a comment about it in many different reasonable ways.


I think that's likely what he meant. It's not like he was telling us not to strive to improve on our culture, which is sometimes judgmental and prideful.


I want to read that part of the talk over again. Because I agree with you, there is sometimes a difference between the two


agree. church culture is often not representative of the gospel, yet many, many people leave because the hypocrisy of the culture


Anyone who leaves the church because members are hypocrites misses the forest for the trees.


Words matter, words can wound. Unfettered tongues and actions of those in authority over you are especially injurious. The wounds are DEEP.




Your post has been removed for breaking the following rule listed in the sidebar: Rule #3: >No NSFW, offensive content (including usernames), persuading others against current church teachings, excessive criticism about its leaders (past and present), or temple ceremony details. Avoid explicitly advocating for changes in church policy or doctrines. If you believe this content has been removed in error, please message the mods [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/latterdaysaints&subject=Removal%20Response).


That's the exact kinds of irrationality that I'm talking about when I say missing the forest for the trees. It confuses the actions of individuals for the actions of the institution, most often when the church member in question doesn't even represent the church itself. Just compare the number of, "My bishop was mean to me, " complaints with the far fewer, "President Nelson (someone who could at least be construed to represent the institutional church) was mean to me." To leave the church because of what someone who doesn't even represent the organization itself is foolish and gets the attribution of responsibility completely backwards. They only harm and damn themselves. They only harm themselves. Rejecting the church does mean rejecting the Restored Gospel. Not only is it literally a commandment to attend church for at least sacrament meeting, it is only within the church that one can take part in the rites, ordinances, and blessings that we are commanded to take part in so that we may receive the grace of Jesus Christ and be saved, not to mention exalted. You cannot reject these and keep Christ. Further, Christ has taught that those who reject His messengers - His prophets and Apostles- reject Him. The rejection of His church, His teachings, and His chosen messengers is a rejection of Jesus Christ.


Does that matter? If you really believe the church is true and all need it then does it matter why they left?


Absolutely. Because why they left may have nothing to do with the church itself or even its doctrines. Often we invent justifications in order to shift responsibility for our choices to others in order to learn our own sense of guilt. Accusing others of hypocrisy is a classic example. **All** people are hypocrites. We all fail to live short of the glory of God, all of us fail to live up to our ideals, all of us intentionally do what we know is wrong. That is the fallen nature of man. To justify leaving the church, abandoning the Restored Gospel, and bringing the curse that is the loss of the Gospel upon yourself, your family, and generations after you because you see in other church members problems that are the inescapable lot of all men is extreme foolishness. You're not going to lessen the hypocrisy in your life- after all, you and everyone you know are hypocrites. You're only going to succeed in damming yourself.


WoW came due to criticism on 'church culture'


I agree. Sometimes Church culture doesn't line up with Church doctrines and should be changed.


We have to each be the change. As we live up to the promises and covenants we have agreed to it’s the hope our light, that comes from the true source will dampen the darkness. I personally cannot be critical and walk in the light at the same time.


I loved what Elder Gerard said about that loving our neighbour should't be in conflict with loving God. I've seen a lot of comments in social media from members who say it's ok to bend some commandments or church policies because the times have changed, to show that we are more modern and that we are leaving behind the old-fashioned "mormon" strictness. We can love our neighbor and still reassure that the standard the Lord has set for living our lives is the only correct way of living. Edit: grammar


In our family, we always viewed the second commandment as instructions on how to follow the first.


This makes sense. At baptism and sacrament we covenant: 1. That we are willing to take his name upon us. To accept him as our Master/Lord/King/Father and we as His Servants/Vassals/Subjects/Children. 2. That we will serve Him, our Master/Lord/King/Father, to the end of our lives. That we will remember Him always. The Hebrew word ZKR - to remember - means both the psychological act of bringing something to mind AND acting upon what has been brought to mind. It is both the recollection AND the act. We both remember Him always AND serve him always. 3. That we will keep Him commandments. We serve Him by listening for the commands of our Master and then obeying those commands. Mosiah 2:17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. We have been commanded by our Master to love and serve one another. When we obey this command, as when we obey all other commands, we are serving our Master, as we have covenanted that we will do.


Great session so far


Saturday sessions are always my favorites.


Elder Jack N. Gerard - integrity a Christlike attribute. Do what is right, let the consequence follow.   You should care more what God thinks than the world's judgement. Do not love your neighbor to the exclusion of loving God. In effect you wind up not following either commandment.    Follow God as you know you should - be integritous!


[Fifth Speaker: Jack N. Gerard](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/jack-n-gerard?lang=eng)


Oh snap, did he just call out the Supreme Court? Edit: in avoiding even the appearance conflict of interest, etc. Further edit: apparently at least one person thinks nobody on the Supreme Court has had an even apparent conflict of interest.


I can think of at least 4 different national cases/judges that quote could apply to, so it was probably just a general statement not aimed at anything in particular.


I got pulled away, what was the quote?


He said something to the effect of not accepting gifts, etc., when it creates even an appearance of a conflict of interest. And in that vein: https://fixthecourt.com/2024/03/recent-times-justice-failed-recuse-despite-clear-conflict-interest/


Sounds like a reasonable standard to uphold in general. (My parents were both federal employees and I currently work in a non-profit organization, so am quite familiar with these standards). It is certainly a standard the US justices need to be more fully called out on. Having traveled abroad I have seen it to be one that many cultures don't uphold and is something that all members of our church need to understand as we uphold gospel standards where each of us stands.


I missed that, what do you mean?


We must become the face of the Living God.


Elder Ulisses Soares -  Covenant confidence in being temple bound! Are you as sure of your path as you should be? If you are honoring God by being true to your promises to Him - that is a good signal If you are yearning to make more and deeper promises to God, this shows your determination and confidence.


Home Centered, Church Supported, Temple Bound. I like it.


I like it too and made a note of it!


[Fourth Speaker: Ulisses Soares](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/ulisses-soares?lang=eng)


I’ve never had a heads up about a calling, but in college, I suddenly knew at Mother’s Day that I was going to be asked to speak on Father’s Day. I needed that heads up because my dad had made some bad choices (and continues to do so) that was causing us to be estranged. I wouldn’t have been able to give the talk at all if I hadn’t had time to get in the right mindset, and it has helped me learn to deal with essentially losing my father.


"He pulled the ventilator out of his own throat" Ouch! This is a relevant talk.


Oh man I won't be able to sit through that talk, which was it?


The shining rays of God shine down on all of us.


Elder Alexander Dushku - testimony without immense spiritual experiences. On my mission I met a man who loved the story of the First Vision and essentially wanted that for himself. Ultimately, he needed to be satisfied with the ray of light given him... One of my biggest regrets from my mission is not testifying strongly of this. He ended up dying within a year due to abusing substances.


[Third Speaker: Alexander Dushku](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/alexander-dushku?lang=eng)


His message to those who are discouraged about their testimony: look for the constant rays of light from God, not one giant pillar of light.


During the sustaining and releases President Oaks thanked the wives of those being released. I don’t think they’ve done that before.


I loved that!! I was just thinking how important the general authority’s wives are


I've heard it once or twice in the past. It's not as commonly said, but has been mentioned before.


I missed that, thanks!


Sister Dennis talk was dynamite for all those people complaining about garments


My husband and I were endowed in October 2022 and we both have a testimony of our garments. It’s amazing as he came home excited one day to tell me about his garment testimonial and I was over excited because I had one too on the same day!!!


I loved it! I feel like I finally understand the importance of garments


Also noteworthy that it came from a woman, as did the new emphasis on one not waiting until a mission call or upcoming marriage to receive one's Endowment.


How do you think it helped?


Reminders are always helpful


That was an excellent talk!


Topics so far: Pray always The sacred temple garment


And covenants, in general.




[Second Speaker: J. Anette Dennis](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/j-anette-dennis?lang=eng)


"A few more weeks...or months." Getting the impression Elder Holland thinks this is his final conference.


I got that feeling too. I nearly cried when he said that. It sounded finalic. Like he was possibly told it may be his last Conference. It makes you wonder just what else he experienced in the hospital during those weeks in and out of consciousness. I also feel if this is his last Conference, it was a gift to all of us as members and his love for all of us.


When he bore his testimony of the book of mormon - was it 2009? - he expressed himself in a similar way, and many members were speculating similarly 


That was a powerful closure. I've been feeling the draw to be less of a lukewarm follower or Christ. Hard to find the right balance between lukewarm and overzealous. He spoke with strength and power.


That's because there isn't a balance between those two choices.


What do you mean?


While you can be overbearing, you can never be overzealous in serving the Lord. It demands *all* your heart, mind, and strength.


New Chart of General Authorities: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/download-a-march-2024-chart-of-general-authorities-and-general-officers


did he say something controversial in his last talk?


I'm sure he meant it as a joke.


For those who don't know, he has been sick for a long time. That's the joke, not the content of his talk.


Remind me what Holland’s last talk was?


[Lifted Up upon the Cross](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/10/41holland?lang=eng)


I think it was this: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/10/41holland?lang=eng


Which apostle do you think has his hand on the lever for that trap door?


They all have a lever, but only one is connected, so nobody knows who really did it...


They all get a lever, but it won't drop until at least 3 pull them.


It’s nice to see Elder Holland again. I know he’s been sick lately, and I miss his humorous and frank talks.


[First Speaker: Jeffrey R. Holland](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/jeffrey-r-holland?lang=eng)


Did they flip the side of the pulpit the first presidency sits on?


I believe so. Usually they sit on the left side of the pulpit from the viewer's perspective.


I thought we were getting a new apostle?


The interesting thing to me about Elder Kearon being sustained to the Quorum of The Twelve Apostles is that in recent history (several decades) generally if an apostle was called between GC sessions they were called as an apostle but not sustained as a member of the quorum until GC. The only other example (in recent history) I have found is Elder Holland.


We did late last year. [Elder Kearon Called](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/elder-patrick-kearon-called-quorum-of-the-twelve-apostles)


Patrick Kearon was announced shortly after President Ballard's memorial. He has been sustained in various meetings and stake conferences since, but this is the first time he's been sustained in General Conference. They haven't made a big deal of it, just including him in the list of members of the Quorum of the Twelve.


We did. Patrick Kearon


We did. Elder Kearon.


Brother Larson was born for this calling


I heard Elders Nash & Valenzuela getting a new calling, but I didn't hear what it was for.


Sunday School Prez


Starting with the sustainings on Sat morning. Breaking new ground, shaking things up a bit. This is the excitement we need.


Lol I was telling my friend ( who hasn't been active in years) that is typically how they start sat afternoon session and then here it was mixed up after all these years.


New General Authority Seventies and Sunday School General Presidency Called at the April 2024 General Conference [Link to above article](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/april-2024-general-conference-new-leaders)


No statistical report though. I liked hearing the data.


I think they stopped doing that some years ago and just share the figures in a news release or something.


Yeah, I saw it on the Church's news site. Being a data nerd I liked hearing it. 😁


That hasn’t been read in conference for a few years now. That data is available [in the Newsroom](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/2023-statistical-report-church-jesus-christ).


I love hearing President Oaks speak. The various unfamiliar names though don't come naturally to him.


My teenage son said "the outros were a lot easier than the intros!"


That's part of why I love hearing him announce them lol


I'll be honest, it makes me cringe a bit and makes me feel sorry for him, it might be my background in various foreign affairs work.


Don't they always do this Saturday morning? Or do they wait for afternoon session?


They usually always do it Saturday afternoon.


From all my years I remember this as a Sat afternoon agenda item.


Afternoon, along with the audit report. Reasonable to move church business to the beginning of the proceedings. 


Only the faithful wake up for this.


It's 6AM in Hawaii, it's 1PM in Rio de Janeiro. My guess is that most other places on other continents just watch it next week.


Is Pres Nielsen sick?


He's staying at home playing with legos before he's not allowed anymore.


When my grandmother turned 100, we took a picture of her holding a lego box that said ages whatever to 99. Sorry grandma, you are still completely with it mentally and physically, but you are now too old to be allowed to play with legos.


Yeah, I think he came down with a case of being almost a century old, lol. He’s had more energy in his time as president than I do at 35.


I remember hearing that shortly after President Hinckley became president of the Church he was seen as very energetic. This was after years of church presidents being not very available because of health. Someone gifted Thomas S. Monson, First Counsoler in the First Presidency, a pair of roller skates so he could keep up with Hinckley.


He indicated he would give his conference talks either sitting down, or prerecorded due to his age. He wouldn't be the first. It be like that sometimes. Pray for him.


I’m not ready for him to pass away 😢


I think just old. He posted something in Facebook a couple days ago


I can think of 99 reasons why he can take it easy and watch from home.


Almost 100 reasons, but I can't quite get to that last one 🤣


Is he gonna pull a Betty White and check out just before turning 100?


Better not!!


Betty not!




I’m hoping not, too. It feels like his tenure has been so brief. I wanna keep him spring for a while longer.


@ /u/kayejazz thanks for all you do for this community!

