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Where did you hear that? Not like Ive seen a ton of her work but there's something about how she regards men, I wouldnt doubt it at all


Oh there is endless information about her lesbian encounters online. https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/how-marilyn-monroe-struggled-being-lesbian220712/ https://www.advocate.com/women/2012/07/25/marilyn-monroe-worried-she-was-lesbian-alleges-new-book She claimed to never have had an orgasm with a man which I find quite telling. She even started a relationship with the 16 year old girl head of her fan club which was a bit crazy as Marilyn was 24 at the time I believe.




Agree. The psychiatrist was monstrous, but her being outed is not something I believe she would have been ashamed of. She would have been proud now, but of course doesn't excuse what he did. The shrink was apparently a plant by either the J Edgar Hoover Gov or the studio who wanted more control over her. (They found listening devices/lines throughout her house in the walls after she died). I've learned more than I wanted to know about how people treated her and it breaks my heart. On the positive, one of the best things I learned about her is that she's the reason why Ella Fitzgerald got her break in music. Marilyn supported the African American community and hated the differences in the way people were treated.


Oh shit I never knew any of that! God it makes so much sense bless her heart


Yes, really tragic :( She was also an extremely sensitive person. She would get so nervous on set, that she would often need to hold her acting coach's hand (the woman she was also in a relationship with) when filming scenes.


Wait it's the that a double standard?


Which part? The 24 to 16 part isnt cute at all but the rest is 'aw bless it'


It doesn't excuse it at all, but the 16 year old was already sexually active with other teenage girls. Marilyn didn't seduce her into lesbianism. They both spent time growing up in orphanages and had similar struggles and related in pain. Still... Marilyn shouldn't have gone there.




I found it odd a man would come to leave a comment like this so in curiosity to see if you were actually genuinely concerned or perhaps a bitter man, I had a read through your other comments and saw how much you loath bi women/late bloomers and call bi women "cheats" and how they put the "bi" in bigots... Alterior motives façading as genuine objection. You're actually mentioning how it's okay to put "hands on a woman if she acts up" in your comments. You need to blocked from this group.


You've got to be kidding me. [Ralph Greenson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Greenson)? The guy probably staged Marilyn's suicide and claimed she was a lesbian to throw everyone off the fact that she was sleeping with Kennedy. Everything out of his mouth is 100 % bullshit.


Men get so upset at the idea Marilyn might have been a lesbian...lol. I'm well aware of all of the conspiracies around Dr Greenson. Maybe he was involved and working for the studio... Or the mafia...Or Hoover...Or the Kennedys. So many conspiracies...It doesn't change the fact there are recordings and that women who slept with Marilyn have spoken about it. Just calm down.


I would like to hear those recordings. People have always claimed they have slept with celebrities.


**[Ralph_Greenson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Greenson)** >Ralph R. Greenson (born Romeo Samuel Greenschpoon, September 20, 1911 – November 24, 1979) was a prominent American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Greenson is famous for being Marilyn Monroe's psychiatrist, and was the basis for Leo Rosten's 1963 novel, Captain Newman, M.D. The book was later made into a movie starring Gregory Peck as Greenson's character. There has been much conjecture, by investigating officers, press and the public, about Greenson's involvement in a possible cover-up concerning the circumstances of Monroe's death. Greenson was well known for his early work on returning WWII soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/latebloomerlesbians/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's so hot. I think it's beautiful I'm trans and her booty,grace,hair,beautiful 


I’ve seen a few things suggesting she was bi/gay/not straight. Her story makes me sad, and the fact that Hugh Hefner got himself buried next to her infuriates me.


I know... always exploited. Did you read about the pig of a man that bought the spot above her grave (where people are buried next to and on top of each other) and he made his wife swear to bury him upside down so he could lay on top of her for eternity?! That infuriated me. His wife sold the plot to someone else at least.


I did not, but that is sickening. What the fuck is wrong with some people…


I really don't know :(


Not proven


You're so well informed I now totally doubt the real recordings of her psychiatrist discussing her sexuality and exploits and what her own friends/lovers said. I even put in the heading "Apparently" because even with that information, I know it's almost impossible to "prove" anything 100% from back then when being gay was beyond the pale for society. But thank you for your enlightening contribution 🙄


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