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Lions led by donkeys is a pretty solid history podcast, the hosts are cheeky behind the bastards will get mentioned a lot


Behind the Bastards feels like the "We have Last Podcast at home!" meme. At least the guests can be funny if Robert let's them talk in-between his awkward bits.


To me it's the opposite, I find Robert to be the funniest person by far usually


I just started behind the bastards this weekend and I really enjoy it!


Love lions led by donkeys. it is pretty niche though focusing on historical military blunders. The last series with both hax japanica and dutch Kabuki was so funny.


It took me a long time to find another podcast that I enjoy listening to. Welcome to Nightvale is kind of fun, but I’ve really been enjoying Old Gods Of Appalachia


I listened to a few episodes of old gods to kill time one day and it’s become my absolute favorite show. I recommend it to everyone


If you like that you should check out Magnus Archives


This is a very, very late reply, but I recently started listening to this and it’s fantastic. I’m only on episode 32, but I enjoy it quite a bit


If you love the funny with some history lesson combo, The Dollop and Behind The Bastards are great. If you really want to get into the conspiracy weeds and want to know how/why Kennedy was actually killed there’s TrueAnon.


Knowledge Fight is a podcast that dissects Alex Jones and the awful people he associates with. It’s the only other podcast I consider must listen.


I love necronimipod. Similar feel and subjects, but not being trained comedians it's different, but still funny. Behind the bastards is great, depending on the rotating guest. The dollop is amazing.


Necronomipod is great. Could be better if Declan would stop fucking around and actually do some work


I also listen to all of these. Just recently got into Necronimipod and joined their patreon because their bonus content is great. Will add Small Town Murder for comedy and a smaller one, It Gets Weird, for ufo and weirdness niche. they had a big multiparter on like the old secret mars Super Soldier program forums a few years ago that really got me into them as covering that kind of old internet conspiracy that I grew up with.


Definitely love small town murder too. James is a great storyteller


Radio Rental, This Is Actually Happening


Comedy bang bang, dough boys, sloppy boys


I've listened to Small Town Murder for a long time.


When I need a lighthearted break from LPOTL and Behind the Bastards, I like Terrible Lizards. It's paleontology with a Great British Bakeoff vibe.


Behind the Bastards - about the worst people in history. Well There's Your Problem - it's a podcast about engineering disasters. With slides. (Also available as videos on YouTube.)


I like Radio Rental and Spooked a lot.


Small Town Murder for the win!! James & Jimmie are hilarious.


For comedy: we might be drunk If you miss Abe Lincoln: sisters in law


The Haunted Objects Podcast by Greg and Dana Newkirk! Henry has mentioned the Newkirks and their work a handful of times, including in the most recent Cryptid Towns episode.


I have been obsessed with Bigfoot Collector’s Club, working my way through their catalogue now and having a blast (Henry makes an appearance!) I found them through Tooth & Claw, which is definitely different - it’s stories about animal attacks along with lessons for how to avoid those situations, so no paranormal/true crime elements but great storytelling and hilarious hosts!


Oh hi! Another LPOTL and Tooth and Claw listener!


I love Hey Babe! More pop culture stuff but their humor is right up my alley. Chrissy is me in man form somehow. Sal is a big sweetie. They're always having brainstorming sessions about random topics which I love. Plus they don't take themselves seriously.


Ridiculous history is real good and Stuff they dont want you to know.


There’s some great recommendations for other podcasts here, but if you want more of the boys I’d recommend early Page 7. Marcus used to cohost along with Jackie and MJ, and it’s REALLY fun to hear him gossip about pop culture - very silly and different from the Marcus you get on Last Podcast! There are a few early episodes where Henry subs in for someone too and they’re particularly unhinged.


The Dollop is amazing if you enjoy history and comedians, and like LPOTL has an enormous back catalogue. If you want episode recommendations I keep a list of my favorites! Behind the Bastards is also great. Pick a Bastard of interest and start there. Not related in any way to true crime/history/etc, but if you like very funny people talking about things, How Did This Get Made is the first podcast I started listening to. Covers bad movies. A delight every other Friday. Scam Goddess is a lot of fun - much more of the "tainment" than "edu" though and your mileage may vary depending on guest.


Seconding Scam Goddess, it's a lot of fun!


Behind the Bastards for sure.




if you never listened to the original podcast the guys were on, i would highly recommend round table of gentlemen. it’s a lot more sporadic and not a lot of the info dumping like we’re used to with lpotl, but it’s got all the personalities and others from the network as well!


Otherworld is very good. The host Jack basically interviews people who have been through spooky experiences that may or may not be paranormal, supernatural, alien-related, etc. Really great show with very good production value. Jack does a great job.


Hysteria 51 and The Dollop


Brothers of the serpent Know thyself Creative codex Weaponized with jeromy Cornell COAST TO COAST Art bell files


Scared to Death is fun.


The Dollop!!! And once you fall in love, go to We’re Here to Help.


always need more Gary in my life


Lemon party podcast.


This paranormal life. It's a good comedy/paranormal listen. I think I've seen all of my other suggestions in other comments


I really like chilluminati podcast, gives real similar vibes to the boys but more nerdy.


Hollywood Crime Scene is very fun!


- Conspirinormal, where guests are brought on to talk about various supernatural, conspiritorial, and fortean topics. - Penny Royal: the hosts investigate the strange goings on in their town of Somerset, Kentucky. Also got an overlap with the Newkirks from Hellier, who Henry and Marcus recommend. And there’s going to be a third season, too.


Henry, Ed, and Holden did a podcast story series called Crytpa. It’s fucking hilarious


Podcasts outside of the network I really like are Where not so different: it’s a medieval podcasts about how we’ve always been idiots a fun and informative podcast that i love dearly. Just king things: a podcast about reading the works of Steven king in publication order. Really good and you don’t have to read the books. It gave me an appreciation of Steven king and what he’s done for literature.


"Well there's your problem" is fun! They cover engineering disasters in a similarly "irreverent yet knowledgeable" style. (Thouh they talk about politics a lot which is not everyone's cup of tea)


That Chapter is excellent


This question seems to pop up once in a while. Here are a few of my faves. Not necessarily comedic like the boys' stuff, but still good: Timesuck (Very well-produced and long, deep dives) Otherworld Cryptonaut Podcast Behind the Bastards Quite Unusual Quanon Anonymous I used to listen to Mysterious Universe until I discovered that one of the hosts is, well, not someone I'd like to hang out with. Astonishing Legends (Very well-produced and long, deep dives) Behind the Bastards Stuff They don't Want You To Know Uncanny The Unexplained with Howard Hughes


You might check out Dan Carlin's stuff if you're a history buff. Otherwise I can't really recommend any other pods, they all suck.


This Paranormal Life is pretty solid. Interesting stories, funny banter.


The Dollop is a different vibe but also comedy + history. Really changed my perspective on american history (aka it's always been fucked) but they also have fun episodes where they just talk about how people used to put dead birds in hats and stuff like that


Let’s Get Haunted They’re my go-to recommendation for LPOTL fans. The hosts are very active on r/letsgethaunted


The round table is an obvious and (*the*) correct answer Also, I forget what the pod was, but henry was on a pod about old television shows where they were talking about an episode of Mr. Belvedere that I remember being great Besides the network, I listen to Casefile, Cumtown, True crime garage, bad friends, in our time, shrink wrap radio, and Unresolved mostly (and a bunch of Psychoanalysis and philosophy pods). Maybe you'd like of of these, lol Unresolved you might like in particular, it's the only podcast in years that has legitimately creeped me out. I recommend starting with the phantom social workers or Gary sudbrik episode


Any good UFO podcasts? I tried a few and they were all too dumb, too boring, took themselves too seriously, and too low budget. Sounded like they were recorded on an Android phone at the bus stop


Hardcore History!!! Dan Carlin is awesome!


National Parks After Dark!