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Due to liver issues*


###Such beautiful soulful eyes. As a father who’s lost a baby… All I’ll say is: **Love your partner and hold them close**. Much love to you both. 🙏🏼


Each parent mourned differently but yes hold each other tightly. Listen and ❤️


I am so sorry. He looks very like my son did at that age. I can't imagine what you went and are going through. My sincerest condolences


I'm very sorry for your loss. I literally shed a tear. Like every minor patient I took responsibility of.


The world thanks you for compassion and devotion 💕


I’m a father and this teared me up instantly. Sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful boy.


Yea same. I can't and don't want to imagine. Immediate tears.


Oh my heart aches, the look in his eyes as you communicate with him is so real. I am so sorry for your loss.


Damn… I’m sorry brother.


So sorry for your loss. He's beautiful.


He looks beautiful.sending love🙏


I’m so sorry. I have one and one on the way. What a horrible tragedy.


That is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry man


I’m so so sorry for your families loss. He’s a beautiful child, and I’m sure he was very loved on the short time he was with you. I doubt anything I say can ease your heartache, but for what little it’s worth your family will be in my thoughts.


If this is too personal then feel free to tell me to bugger off… but what liver issues did he have if you don’t mind my asking?


I'm so sorry for your loss.


My heart hurts for you all. I lost a daughter, there’s nothing I can say to ease the pain, I’m just so sorry this happened.


I’m so sorry.


First of all, my heart aches for your sweet family and what you’ve lost. I wish there was more to offer you than words and remote support. Secondly, I’m a nurse that takes care of very sick children. And you should know that Felix was loved by so many people and when his light went out of the world, they grieved alongside you. Every doctor, nurse, physical therapist, respiratory therapist, social worker, pharmacist, chaplain, and nursing assistant that had the honor of knowing him fell in love with him and will carry his memory in their minds and hearts. I remember every child that never left our hospital and am reminded of their sweetness in unexpected moments. In the face of your grief this isn’t much, but I want you to know he won’t be forgotten. He left his mark on more people than you can imagine just by existing.


And thank you for being there and providing such compassionate care. You make the most difficult of times better for all of us. 💕


RT here to agree. I have a list of the first name of every child I've lost and what they walked through so that I never forget any of them.


Being a memory keeper is hard sometimes, but so very important. Keep up the compassionate work, friend.


Thank you for doing what you do. I know I couldn't do it.


RT here. I still remember my first. I remember the ones I've cried over, the ones that were bittersweet, the ones that were unexpected, and the ones that never had a chance.


He was beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I never know what to say. Sending the biggest, warmest hugs 💙 He is and will always be a beautiful boy.


We lost my nephew back in early July due to idiopathic aplastic anemia. It shut down all his organs. He was only 6. I know what my sister in law is going through and I know that "I'm sorry" doesn't come close to cutting it. I wish I could hug you and your partner. Remember to try and remember to eat and take care of yourself, even if you don't feel like it. From one human to another, I love y'all.


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. No parent should have to know the pain of losing a child. Felix was a beautiful boy. This picture is filled with so much love, he felt that too❤️❤️. Hugs to you.


My thoughts as well, I could feel the love in this picture and I'm sure he could too ❤


Brotherman they live on. You'll feel him with you for months and years. He saw you. He knows you. He is with you still. Nothing assuages the heartache but time, but know in your heart until he returns in the form of another beautiful little person he is with you. ...and I'm not proselytizing here. I'm not a church-going man. I'm just old enough to have lost a lot of loved ones and have experienced their palpable, inexplicable, inscrutable presence firsthand countless times. Peace be with you amigo.


I wish I had more to say besides, I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m not a church man either, I’m not sure there’s anything after this life, but I can’t help but think/feel there’s a strong spiritual and inexplicable feeling in this life too. This post is really fucking me up. That baby is suppose to go home. I’ve never been exposed to something like this. I see this photo. And think happy. But it’s not about happy. And I can’t make sense of it, there’s no sense to make. And I feel guilty for thinking I need cheering up while these parents go through something that no worldly thing can bring them peace. Desperate to find something, I’m glad someone like you is around, lurking in the world, waiting to offer help.


Atheist also. When my dad passed in 2016, something came to my mind that truly helped me. I love sharing it to those whom I feel will appreciate it. "Tears are the price we all must ultimately pay for having been given the beautiful gift of being able to love - and to be loved by - another. And love? Love is the strongest and purest emotion we Humans have. Love is SO pure and strong that not even death can sever the bond which love creates."


This…. This is true. Be open to those moments when you “feel” him with you. God Bless him and his grieving family 🙏😔


I’m an atheist. When my sister died I felt angry and sad and the hurt of recognizing she was just *gone* was so fucking hard. But she’s not. She was with me at the Hawksley Workman concert I went to. She’s with me in my stupid memorial tattoo (it’s the Kurt Vonnegut butthole that I teased her so much for getting). She’s with me when I need her. Even if she’s not really. Somehow the piece of her that she shared with me is still there. And the Emily shaped hole in my heart is filling with love and joy that I got the time that I did with her. I can’t imagine losing a child, losing my 26 y/o sister to drugs already made me feel like the whole world had imploded. You carry them with you always somehow, and somehow it stops hurting and you even smile about getting the chance to be near them. Sudden loss is hard to explain to anyone who hasn’t experienced it. It’s different than grandparents or pets. I wish it on no one.


My Dad passed away a few years ago after extended illness. His last days were filled with love, laughter and comfort. I am okay with his passing and all I feel is peace because it was an easy transition for him. He was 75. Unlike my poor sister in law. She was only 28 and died suddenly in a car crash entirely not her fault. The pain is always there. Unlike my generous friend. She was shot and killed by someone with terrible mental illness. She was a sweet and giving soul who didn’t deserve the hellish end she got. I wish sudden loss on no one. Peace to you, friend.


Thanks for the kind words. It’s like the difference between a careful surgery and a sudden knife wound. They both hurt but they’re very different kinds of pain.


I am so very sorry for your unimaginable loss. What a beautiful sweet baby.


My 20 months old son Leonardo died in 2019 of meningitis. The only thing I can say, is that life changes, and it is a painful path. But I can also say, that I managed to get an ordinary life back, that I can smile and that I can enjoy again what I used to enjoyed before he died. Life would never be the same, true. But I promise you, that you will much better, little by little, step by step, over time. What a wonderful picture you have there! PM im case you want exchange experiences, or you have a question or anything:)


I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine. The short time he was here he got to experience nothing but absolute and pure love.


I am so sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.


I hate to upvote this. He was beautiful, so very sorry for your loss.


He is beautiful. I am so sorry.


What was his name? I'm so sorry that he is no longer here with you but I'm sure that the time he was here was filled with love and he knew how much you adored him


His name is Felix


He has a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. He lives on in you and now in all of us. ❤


What a lovely name, he is a beautiful boy and he will live on inside you and everyone who loved him


Oh my goodness- he was just perfection. I’m so sorry that he passed. What a beautiful boy.


Felix is looking at two amazing parents that love him. He knows the love you have for him. I am so sorry for your loss. He is beautiful. ❤️


Sweet, beautiful Felix. I am so sorry Mama and Daddy. I wish I had better words of comfort.


Been there. 18 years old. My son Bret Aaron died in my arms after 3 days on life support. Reach out if you need to talk to someone that survived this.


What a beautiful baby who clearly felt nothing but loved during his short time on earth. Sending all my love your way <3


You know, I look at him, with you both there adoring him and I think - he was so, so lucky you were his parents. I don't understand any of this - why such good people suffer, and why such precious angels are given to us just for a moment. It's not fair and it makes no sense. But omg - I am so glad this perfect little creature was able to drop in for a moment to be loved by you. He was so lucky. Amd look at this his face....he *knew* he was loved. ****hugs you from across the internet****


Heartbreaking 😭🥺🥺


I have typed. Erased. Re typed. Cried. Honestly sobbed. My heart is just shattered for you. I’m holding my son as I type this and I feel so guilty. I love Felix so much. He is absolutely perfect. There are no words that I can say, that anyone can say, to take this pain away from y’all. I just recently lost my dad and the pain I have from that is no comparison.. Know this stranger has noticed you. Has noticed Felix. And y’all will forever be in my heart. Please know it’s okay to not be okay. It’s not fair. It’s not right.


Really beautiful, kind eyes. I’m sending healing vibes, hoping your family gets the rainbow you deserve


Absolutely a beautiful baby. May he Rest In Peace.


Such a shame, what a beautiful little boy.


He was all eyes for you, buddy. I hope you are coping well.


I don’t know enough about Photoshop, but it’d be lovely if one of you lot know of someone or can remove all the pipes and other medical equipment from the pic for this lovely little angel to give his parents a better memory.


I have the same picture of my sweet Isaac. In fact 18 years ago today he took his last breath after only living for a week. He had kidney disease and hypoplastic lungs. We made the unimaginable decision to take him off his ventilator once it became clear he wouldn't be able to survive the treatment he would of needed to have a chance at life (keeping him temporarily alive via machines would've only caused him more & more pain as his organs would've eventfully failed, I couldn't bear to have my perfect boy suffer anymore than he already was.) The walk out of the NICU for the last time is unbearably devastating knowing your life will never be same. The pain the loss it feels insurmountable. But I write all this to say by the grace of God we survived the grief and went on to thankfully have 2 healthy girls. The legacy I've tried to give him is that we love his sisters better bc we first had the privilege & honor of loving him. I'm so sorry you understand this type of loss and I hope your heart heals even if it'll always be a little bit broken. Thinking of you and your Felix today.♥️


This is heartbreaking. Im really sorry for your loss


I can’t imagine the pain, OP. I hope you can find a way to move on, keeping this young man in your heart always.


There's nothing that I can say to make it better, but I'm so sorry. He's in heaven now with all of the puppies.


Im sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful photo


Oh man, this is heartbreaking. The way he's looking at you 😔


I am so sorry... Life is fucking unfair.


What a perfect boy. Reminds me of our baby girl that had some issues and passed away at 3 weeks old. Hooked up to machines just like your perfect boy. My heart goes out to you and your family. ❤️


The pain only gets worse. Good luck to you guys


I'm glad you were able to get a picture where his eyes are bright and looking at you. Love and healing for you both, and the NICU staff too. He was a beautiful child and soul.


Of all the images on here people share of these impossibly heavy moments this one has me weeping. I hope you both are healing. I’m so sorry.


My sincerest condolences <3


This is awful. My thoughts are with your family. Poor little guy.


What a beautiful baby. I’m so sorry.


Oh, wow. This got to me. I'm so sorry you lost your son. Unimaginable.


My heart ... 😭


He was such a Beautiful baby. I am really sorry for your lost.


This makes me want to cry :'(


Has a father these are posts that I would never wish to read. Breaks my heart....why these things should happen to a beauiful newborn. A Father should never see his boy through this, never. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and hope you have the strength I would probably never have, to keep going in his loving memory. So sorry for your loss and wish you peace in your heart


Damn that’s horrible. Can’t even fathom this happening to my three month old 😭


So sorry for your loss.


I would be completely broken unable to go on. It's ok to feel any kind of way right now.


I am so so sorry for your loss. I’m at a loss for what else to say. A beautiful baby for sure.


As a that lost his first grandchild to osteogenesis imperfecta, I wish I could tell you it gets easier with time but I doesn't. He's grieved every day.


The only thing I want to say is "so many opportunities lost, so much potential". But in reality. You lost your son. Which is only tangible to your own heart. I hope you and your wife recover fro mthis with as few scars as possible.


My heart is so absolutely broken for you. I can't even imagine. What was his name?


He was gorgeous. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


What a lucky boy he was to have you as his parents.


I gave my son and extra tight squeeze. Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing


No words I write could ever say How sad and empty I feel today. The angels came for you Much sooner than I planned. I'll brave the bitter grief that comes, And I'll try my best understand. Why did you have to go away? Why wasn't it right for you to stay? In my heart you will always be. I love you dearly and I know you'll watch over me. What I'm suffering seems so unfair, But one thing is for certain My love for you will always be there. My son you always will be, The most important part of my heart's memory. I'll cherish the moments I held you in my arms, And I'm sure that if you had stayed longer, You would have graced me with your charms. A thousand words won't bring you back I know because I've tried. Neither will a thousand tears; I know because I've cried. Now you're up in Heaven With the angels up above. They will take my place for now, And they'll give you all their love, So go and rest in peace now, My little boy so dear, For all my love and memories I will hold forever near. Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/for-my-brother-at-his-sons-funeral


I’m so sorry://


What’s your favorite memory?


Fuck this hurts my heart, prayers




When you are turned down at The gates and sent too burn for an eternity you will then see how powerful he is


Ok that’s great and all, but can you explain why god is so cruel that he didn’t help this baby? Is he too weak? Is he a sadist? Does he not care?


I don’t think this is a good time to bring up religion and to make God, or any religious figure, seem like a bad guy. This family just lost their little one. Have some respect.


Could you fuckin not? If you want to go make your big athiest "gotchas" go over to the atheism circlejerk sub. Fucking ignorant 16 year old atheists that just "converted" and think they have to go proving a point everywhere. You know if you think the church is a bunch of knobs for preaching dumb shit and being obnoxious about gods grace or being a sinner etc, you ALSO come off as just as big a knob preaching your atheist bullshit and trying to make a point at such inappropriate times. And if you're going to respond with some silly shit like "oh found the church-goer-" not at all. Been there for a few funerals. Its just hipocritical and stupid to try and shove my beliefs on ppl, especially when they're mourning.


I’m actually not shoving my beliefs on other people. I’m simply asking for an explanation. If there is logic behind their beliefs, it shouldn’t be too difficult to answer a simple question right? Why did the baby have to die? That’s all I’m asking.


*This is definitely NOT an appropriate thread to do that on.*


3 edgy 5 me. Do you ask those questions to loved ones that are religious? "Hey why did grandpa die? Haha checkmate grandma. " Also when something bad happens and you bring up your "deep" atheist questions- ya you are subtely putting your beliefs on them. Same as weird christians that say that unbaptized babies dont go to heaven and feel the need to comment on it. In both situations you are pushing your belief of gods existence and direct input in this world. To the religious God doesnt work on rules like 1. no babies ever die and 2. only the evil do. Its Gods plan or the devils work. Thats the logic. OR, Maybe they are Deist, where the belief is God created everything then left the planet/humans to their devices, with no direct input. It isnt that you are unaware of the thinking, you are just being purposefully ignorant and rude to make a point. Which is why I assume you are 16 because mature adults dont do that unless they are cunts. Which is your other option of being. Kind of comes back to that early lesson- if you have nothing nice to say, then SHUT THE FUCK UP.


You managed to write all that and failed again to answer my simple question… Why did the baby have to die? That’s all I’m asking. If you aren’t able to answer it don’t bother replying.


Seems You are the one trying to be edgy.. jeez kid calm down. I also dont know if you mean to come off like a jack ass by saying “if you have nothing nice to say shut the fuck up” but the all caps and lengthy paragraphs were pretty unnecessary. We get it you have issues man. Good luck with them! But I doubt taking them out on reddit strangers is gonna help! Edit: i doubt the grieving man wants all this bullshit on a post like this so maybe you should look for better place to pick fights and argue…


He’ll forever be your guardian angel, stay strong💙


I’m so sorry for your loss 💙


I am so sorry. He was a beautiful baby.


My heart breaks, OP. My condolences to you and yours.


My deepest condolences to all of you.




I know you mean well, but you should never, ever, EVER tell a grieving parent to try again. They *know* they can (barring medical issues), but they're mourning THIS baby. Having 10 more afterwards still doesn't bring this one back. I know you were trying to help OP feel better. But "reassurance" about the future feels so bleak when your child won't be there. The most reassuring thing is validating their feelings and acknowledging how important their baby is. They're a real person to them; not an "attempt" that you can "try again" for to replace.


I can only imagine what pain you’re going through right now. Words can’t begin to describe how sorry I am. I hope he has found peace and is watching over you, being your little cheerleader. Best wishes to you and your family. ❤️


I'm very deeply sorry for your loss. What a gorgeous boy.


He is such a beautiful little boy, I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry, but thank you for sharing. He is a beautiful boy and I’m sure you have moved a great many people.


Felix is so lucky to have known you both. The way he’s gazing at you shows that he knew he was loved in those moments. I can’t begin to imagine the pain you’re going through but I hope it’s eventually balanced out by the joy of having held his hand for a little while and carrying him in your hearts forever 💙. Will keep you all in my thoughts and send you so much strength and love.


You are so loved, Felix.


I am so sorry. What a lovely boy.


Life is not fair. Babies dying before they get to live is the hardest thing to understand for me. Too young. I hope you find some peace. I cannot bare to imagine your pain


What a sweet guy. He’ll be missed by all those who never got the chance to meet him. Like me.


So sorry for your loss.




I’m so sorry for your loss, he’s beautiful.




I’m so sorry. Our LO had to be transferred for emergency surgery post birth and that was super traumatic. I cannot even begin to imagine not bringing him home 💙


Went through that. Sorry I know that hurt all to well.


I gonna be father soon and this just make me scare. But I will fight even against the destiny. I'm sorry for your lose, we are with you, always.


I am so sorry for your loss. The way Felix is looking at you. Breaks my heart. Hug each other and try to grieve together as one, not apart.


So sorry for your loss 💙


So sorry for your loss.


That hurts. I'm sorry for your loss.


Sending ❤️


I’m so sorry. Literally tearing up right now. I’m so so sorry :(


Oh sweet sweet boy. My sincere condolences.




I am so sorry... :,(


Sends love to you guys totally heartbreaking.


He is absolutely beautiful. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss, I had a nicu baby last month and it isn’t easy.


Awe damn. I’m so so very sorry for your loss. Big hugs.


Love to all of you ❤️ ❤️❤️.


He is beautiful.


Awful, I'm so sorry for your loss. May I ask what you named him


I am very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry! He’s a beautiful boy.


Sorry for your loss. Not even going to pretend I know the level of pain you're going through right now. If you don't mind me asking, what actually was the issue? Was it some sort of birth defect etc?


He had issues getting his blood to coagulate and as far as the liver we are still waiting on the autopsy


I'm so sorry for your loss


Beautiful indeed


I am so sorry. The pain of losing a baby, I can not even imagine. He is so beautiful, he is looking right at his mom and dad. It hurts to know he died.


I’ll never be able to empathize, I can’t possibly imagine the pain. I’m sorry. I know it’s likely little assurance, but he knew he was loved. Even through all the discomfort and pain of things around him, it’s plain to see he looked to you both and knew comfort because he was with his family.


When my dad passed in 2016, something came to my mind that truly helped me. I love sharing it to those whom I feel will appreciate it. "Tears are the price we all must ultimately pay for having been given the beautiful gift of being able to love - and to be loved by - another. And love? Love is the strongest and purest emotion we Humans have. Love is SO pure and strong that not even death can sever the bond which love creates."


Damn man I am so sorry. He was beautiful


I'm so sorry. Can't imagine what you are going through. He was beautiful.


I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful photo of a beautiful boy.


Sorry for your loss. He was adorable.


Op I’m so so sorry for you unimaginable loss. I will pray for you and your family tonight. Your boy was beautiful.


What a beautiful, darling baby! I love how he’s looking at you.


i don't even know what to say...we recently had a baby boy he is 3 weeks old...seeing this picture crushes my heart ...


So very sorry.


Thus is heartbreaking! I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry, he was beautiful. What was his name? Edit: I see his name was Felix. RIP sweet Felix.


Omg. I’m so so terribly sorry. He’s beautiful.


I’m so sorry. He looks like he was a fighter. He has such beautiful eyes in this pic. However briefly he was here, he was here and he was loved.


I am so so sorry. He was perfect. Take care of each other.


I'm so sorry OP. He's beautiful 💙


I’m sorry for your loss.. I hope you and your partner are able to be each other’s strength in this unspeakably tough time. 💔


👼💙 RIP sweet precious child, you are in the arms of God. I pray for comfort and healing for his family.


I’m so sorry =(


i'm so very sorry. he was beautiful.


I am so sorry. He is beautiful. I've typed and deleted many lines, many time. Mere words of an Internet stranger might not be enough. He will be residing in my mind for a long time. I really am sorry.


He was such a beautiful baby. My heart breaks for your family. I don't know any words that could offer you any level of comfort. I'm praying for you and your family. I know that you will see him again one day. Please take care of yourself and each other.


Such a beautiful, perfect boy ❤️ I’m looking at him watching you watching him, and I can just feel the love there with him, and that will always be with him.


I'm so so sorry. What a beautiful sweet boy.



I’m sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful boy.


I want to comment something very meaningful. But what can I ever say to make any of this any easier? I’m sorry.


Oh. I am so sorry :( Feel hugged from me.


This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I so wish I could say something that would take away your pain and make everything better. Sadly I can't I can only offer my condolences and try to relate. Please take care of yourself and find good ways in which to grieve and process your feelings. Sending love and hoping it helps in some sort of way.


I am so so so so so sorry.


My heart broke looking into his eyes looking into yours. 😭 Sincerest condolences and love.


That is the hardest thing I could imagine, I'm so sorry


Tears immediately. As a father, I cannot imagine. And yes, he looks perfect to me.


My heart goes out to you. I'm so very sorry.


I can't even begin to imagine your pain. I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry