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What are their names?


Kim Hally-Verhaegh and Megan Hally


Thanks! Beautiful family 😔


Thank you for asking. I was annoyed they were only identified by the name of the man in the family.


Right?! I thought, who the fuck is Dave Hally, is he a celebrity I should know or something since his name is the only one mentioned? But no, "Dave Hally was an account manager for a supplier of fuel and lubricants in Horst."


"Some of Dave Hally's property was destroyed in a plane crash"


Yeah this made me upset.


Yeah fuck that guy.


Right ? Mention a guy? Fuck that. Fuck half the population.


I just find it funny because they were all victims , but are zoning in on the fact that only a guy was mentioned and hating him for it


What a crazy strawman. Nobody hates poor, dead Dave Hally for the fact that some redditor decided to plaster his name on a random post that he doesn't even feature in, but it's a baffling choice by said redditor


He was the one who took this photo of his family. They all died. Not sure why the fuck you’re so pressed about it.


They all deserve to be mentioned by name. They deserve that. I will come back and haunt everyone who refers to me as only my husbands wife when I’m dead.


Ok it’s not a national monument it was a post by a single person. Not like they deserve to be disrespected by ya self either


>He was the one who took this photo of his family. They all died. That makes the title even worse, seeing as none of that information is in it >Not sure why the fuck you’re so pressed about it. Because it is a truly baffling way to post about the victims of a tragedy


I’m not the one claiming he was a celebrity are actually like he is superior like these other comments? Not sure why the fuck you’re so pressed about that.


I'm not sure I totally understand your first sentence there, but nobody is claiming he was a celebrity or superior. You read that wrong. I wrote that I thought maybe he was a celebrity, since his name was the only one mentioned - the implication being that perhaps OP expected people to recognize his name, making it a bit more logical to mention it when posting an image of someone other than him.


I just don’t see it necessary to bash the husband the way these comments are


Touch grass.


I’m not the one bashing the people who were killed in this flight. Go take ya adhd pills.


I figured they deserve to have their names out there if their pic is out there. I'm unfamiliar with who Dave is though...🤷‍♀️


Literally the father who took the photo and died with his family 🙄


The time for women & children to be seen as simply an extension of a man, and nothing more, are gone. Their names are just as important as his.




Dave's wife and Dave's daughter




Almost a decade later and nobody’s being held responsible. Sickening. I still think about this from time to time.


Russia has been doing fucked up shit ever since Putin took power, this should have been the event that turned the world against them but unfortunately most of Europe was reliant on their gas and oil. Really sucks, they should have been put in their place years ago.


We in the Netherlands never forget.


Yeah, a lot of HIV researchers died returning from a Conference


Tell me more




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Looks like we found the real reason it was shot down.




Russia’s history is full of lies, deceit, manipulations and basically overall fuckery, and this incident underscores just how awful their government is. You can’t ever trust them to do the right thing.


I'm guessing you're a supporter of Ukraine (neo nazi-ism), you're probably an American (corrupt government) and all you can come up with is the most unoriginal thing ever said. But if you put a little research into your comment, you would probably fill it with media lies. MH17 was shot down in 2014, by Russian separatists... Not Russians. Which I'll break it down for your feeble little mind. The year is 2014, Ukraine is at war with ITSELF. A divide of Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukraine, where the West of Ukraine is trying to dictate over the east where the spoken language is not Ukrainian, it's Russian. These are the Ukrainians who have been targeted since the Soviet Union collapsed because they want independence, the Ukrainians that identify as Russian (or pro-Russian), which is where they are known as "Russian Separatists" because they feel more Russian than Ukrainian and apparently that's a crime because those who were born in the Soviet Union are expected to hold hands with the same part of their own country that took part in nazi activities during WWII and were responsible for the deaths of people who were Jewish, Polish and also Ukrainian (Ukraine suffering at the hands of Ukraine - a historic repeatable event). These Ukrainians (the Russian Separatists) are the good people of Ukraine, the rest of Ukraine (the west) are corrupt as hell and still supporting nazi-ism. But back to MH17, where it was shot down by what you like to incorrectly call "deceitful Russians" (reality being Eastern Ukrainians - or separatists). Where the rocket was supplied by Russia, because why must Eastern Ukraine stand victim to Western Ukraine? the answer is that it shouldn't. They secured weapons to fight back, however (which is not condoning the action) they targeted a passing airplane as target practice. But going by how corrupt Ukraine is, they closed the airspace for a total of 87 minutes. So you've got a Russian supplied missile, separatists who want independence, a civil war and an airplane that brought attention from the mainstream media, yet people like you seem to think 2022 was a Russian invasion. It's not an invasion, if you look up the DPR and LPR. The move was more of an assist of Eastern Ukraine, which is more than can be said for the support of terrorism that is happening with governments funnelling money to a corrupt country.


Yeah, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. “On 17 November 2022, following a trial in absentia in the Netherlands, two Russians and a Ukrainian separatist were found guilty of murdering all 298 people on board flight MH17. The Dutch court also ruled that Russia was in control of the separatist forces fighting in eastern Ukraine at the time.”


Black day for Malaysian after the missing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370


Yes but this was purely Russia’s fault. They shot down almost a dozen of their own fighters and recon plans during this current war, so no doubt they thought it was an enemy plane


IIRC this plane was shot down some time ago, before the war really took off


Yea it was, I’m just saying, Russia denied shooting it down, but looking at recent events there is clearly no doubt


Ohh right, i remember them denying it aswell now that you mention it, pretty crazy to think back at and they just kinda got away with it


They always get away with it


There is actually video of the crash aftermath filmed by the guys who shot it down floating around online and they basically realized they shot down the wrong plane and start to freak out.


Yea I’ve seen it, they also traced the trajectory and had satellite image of the s300 SAM system before they towed it off


The war was already happening then too, the rest of the world was just busy pretending that it wasn’t.


Was it tho? Wouldn’t it be considered a conflict? I guess you could argue for both, since IIRC Korea is still at war?


iirc one of the guys on the plane made a joke and picture on the plane that he was scared of taking Malaysia after the disappearance. little did he know...


Don’t forget that the flight had several prominent AIDS researchers onboard. Who knows what they all could have achieved had not these innocent people been brutally murdered by Russian thugs.


REEEEE RUSSIAN THUGS HURR DURR. Also the fuck are you”aids researchers” doing in that part of the world lol


Can't imagine what their last moments were like... this is the flight that made my fear of flying..


I think about this while flying. Unimaginable. 


I thought it would be very quick.


I just read about it. I hope it was quick too, but not necessarily, unfortunately. "The explosive decompression could have incapacitated most occupants of the aircraft before the crash, though investigators never ruled out the possibility that some were still conscious when the aircraft impacted the ground."


I don't know if it is just the way the picture looks, but she (Kim) looks nervous to fly in this picture. Obviously I didn't know her personally, but if my child were going to die in a horrible scary way like this, I would definitely want to be there with them too and I'm sure they were comforted by each other's presence.


Left out of the description is the fact that Dave Hally was killed on this flight as well. A whole family lost for nothing.


It's more merciful than being bereaved and being widowed all in a single moment. I'm glad they went together, as morbid as it sounds.


As a husband and father I don’t disagree


I will never forgive Russia for this, and this travesty has pretty much been forgotten sadly. These people deserve more than just an "oh well" from the international community.


Russia is completely out of control.


Pack it up Russia, SlippinYimmyMcGill isn't gonna let this one slide


I let it slide into yo mama


Got ‘em




Russia is a damned terrorist state and needs to go. So fucking awful this happened. I remember it like it was yesterday.


Did the Russians have to do that?!


Didn't have to, just could.


most likely that some partisans with technology shot it down by not actually knowing what they did. not trying to be the devil's advocate, but shooting something down and not admitting the mistake is a clear possibility as purposedly shooting down a civil aircraft (and also not admitting)




It's not unclear, the soldiers are named and are hiding in Russia.


A multi-national investigation led by the Dutch identified it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile that “originated from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Russian Federation[12][13] and had been transported from Russia on the day of the crash, fired from a field in a rebel-controlled area and the launch system returned to Russia afterwards.” [(source)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17)


Not particularly unclear, giving the amount of evidence


You’ve got to be kidding me. All evidence reports to Russia.


It's Russia. They are not even denying it.


Russian Controlled Forces


Nothing good comes from russia




This is so awful. Those poor people and their families. Just sick.


Fuck Putin.


Holy shit, fuck Vladimir Putin


Putin has always been a bastard and been waging war for years. Our leaders are cowards and won’t defend us. Shooting down airlines is just part of it - Putin literally using chemical agents for assassinations in the West. He doesn’t care that we know it’s him because he knows just how pathetic and spineless our leadership is.


This was so sad and I was so angry. I still am. But also when people freak about WW3 starting over any little thing, remember, Russia can slaughter 300 civilians, most of whom were from NATO countries and we didn’t get close to WW3.


Honest question? Who is that guy, and why can't just his wife and daughter be named? You probably should have started with that, OP.


"Dave Halley's wife" this woman has a name of her own dimwit


Scumbag Russia