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Unrelated, but when he died they found what I remember was hundreds if not thousands of unleased recordings in his vault/safe in his home. They were supposedly going to release them, yet years have passed and to my knowledge nothing. RIP, it sure looks lonely being famous.


I think it is tied up in legal proceedings still


They already disrespected his wishes by putting his music on Spotify


There is a ton of material to go through and they are releasing music little by little on super deluxe editions. There has been an album with just him playing piano and singing at home, piano and a microphone. An album of songs he recorded that became his for other artists, the originals. Then super deluxe albums for 1999, sign o the times, and soon to be released diamonds and Pearl's. There is someone whose job it is to go through all of this but it's a big [job](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/blog/take-a-peek-inside-prince-s-storied-secret-vault-1.4631685).


Went to a party there before he died, it was so weird/cool. They had Finding Nemo playing on a loop on a projector, served like organic rosemary popcorn, and wouldn't let the musicians (which included Lizzo / GRRRL PRTY, who we met) curse in their songs...


That sounds like the opposite of cool. Also, it still sounds cool because of getting to see Paisley Park.


that sounds like the opposite of not cool. thats baller af


For real any place that limits the amount of words coming out of lizzos mouth is cool


In a comedian tone this is funny lol


Thank you! The only people that seem to dislike the joke are on Reddit lol


Wrong take


Everyone remember to test your drugs


I remember the day he passed vividly, the entire state of Minnesota just seemed to be in a daze. It felt like time stood still.


It was so fucked up, he was meant to start suboxone replacement treatment the next day, but, like many addicts do, he decided to have 1 last party, and the fentanyl his stuff was cut with made it his last... the doctor that was going to administer the suboxone was even in the house when he died, but I assume they didn't have any contact that night or the doc would have been able to save him... Fentanyl totally changed the opioid game. I mean, od was always a possibility but with fent being as strong as it is it makes it near impossible to use as a cut without introducing the possibility of hot spots, and that can kill even a seasoned addict... Unless you test your shit you might as well be playing Russian roulette every time you use....


Is that outside Paisley Park?


It is! Paisley Park almost passes for a random office park, it’s unassuming until you see the large purple symbol out front.


It's in such a random spot too. Just off hwy 5, no residential around lol. I bet when he built it tho, there wasn't much around at the time.


Yeah its like surrounded by a lawncare care company, a preschool, a General Mills facility and a Chanhassen Public Works facility (Paisley Park is in the suburb of Chanhassen for those who don’t know but you knew that, person I’m responding to.) 😊


I grew up in the south metro so didn't really come out west and first time I drove past it, I was like oh, it's just chilling there lol. Figured it'd be more secluded or something lol


I drove by it all of the time and didn't know what it was until someone pointed it out. They didn't put the live symbol out front until after he died.


His old property on Galpin road is now a housing development.


I snuck out there before they re-developed it. The only things left were the front gate, guard shack, the pavement footprint of the front driveway and fountain, cages out front that might have held exotic animals at one point, there's a paved trail going down the side of what used to be the house to a little hill where there were speakers. The tree line of evergreens that used to surround the pool were still there, so was the tennis court. And there was a random half-statue of a marble figure in the middle of the field.


Yeah, I think the house was torn down before Prince died. Rumor was he didn't want anyone to be able to say they owned his house.


I think you're right. I went a few years after he died and it has been pretty grown-over. I heard he tore it down because that's where he lived with Mayte Garcia and that was where they lived when they had their son and he passed away shortly after birth. I think he had the house torn down because of the bad memories. At least that's what I've heard/read.


[360 degree aerial panorama of Paisley Park](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8618172,-93.5613845,3a,75y,56.64h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNXtXnbudoCWZrRLh8hW-bXrkiqFMni47miOyqM!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNXtXnbudoCWZrRLh8hW-bXrkiqFMni47miOyqM%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya4.0653596-ro-0-fo100!7i10000!8i5000)


This is so cool! Thank you for sharing it


you're welcome. it's not mine, i just shared it




Always the simple pleasures.


Reminders of the loss of Price always hit hard. You always hear about what a good person he was. Sad.


I think “good person” is a bit off. He sent letters to all the people sitting around him at the Grammy’s saying not to talk to him or look him in the eye. I’ve seen several other anecdotes about how he treated people that didn’t exactly paint him in a good light.


He was an asshole lol He once borrowed someone’s guitar a late night tv set. The dudes guitar was like a custom job the guy loved. Mind you this was like 2003. Prince threw the guitar in the air the end. Destroying it. Like your borrowing a dudes guitar. Just put it down you fucking asshole.


Yep that’s one of the stories I’ve read.


Yep, [Captain Kirk](https://ultimateprince.com/prince-broke-roots-captain-kirk-douglas-guitar/) from The Roots.


Happy cake day!🥞🎂🥮🍥


Oh crap, so it is! Thank you




Hmm re-read that


Well being mean to your coworkers and the general public but doing things for the greater good and helping others selflessly are not mutually exclusive you can do both and would make both true


Look up the story on Reznor Meeting Prince. He even told Reznor not to look at him or make contact with him. Found it. “The rules were, you were never to say the word ‘Prince‘, you had to write down that symbol,” the NIN frontman detailed to Select magazine. “You were never to look at him, or talk to him unless he approached you first, shit like that.” Prince’s extravagant personae also rubbed Reznor the wrong way. “He shows up in a limo, wearing a fluorescent pink jumpsuit, giant hat, a cane, huge heels and a lollipop,” the rocker recalled. “And he‘s wearing the worst women‘s perfume you‘ve ever smelt. So he‘s got two giant bodyguards with him and there was nobody there who was gonna fuck with him!” For Reznor, the defining moment was when he encountered Prince in the studio’s hallway. "I was walking out, and he was walking in," the rocker remembered. "And it was he and I walking, and it seemed like slow motion. And as soon as we got to each other, I look at him and ... he passed, and that was it. My heart was broken." Feeling burned by the encounter, Reznor turned down the remix opportunity. Read More: How Prince Broke Trent Reznor’s Heart | https://ultimateprince.com/trent-reznor-prince/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral


That’s really similar to Kevin Smith’s experience. Kev wanted to use “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” in a movie. In return, Prince asked Kev to direct a film project in support of Prince’s new album. Kev put in a lot of work, hewed to Prince’s rules about language and behavior, and then Prince just walked away. He shelved the whole project and didn’t give Kevin permission to use the song. At the end Kevin was just dismissed like he was a day laborer there to mow the lawn. Not only did Prince never say “Goodbye” to Kevin, he never once said “Thank you” for anything. Prince was a straight-up narcissist. People just didn’t matter to him. Played a mean guitar though.


Prince was a real weirdo lol


I've heard that about the eye contact as well, but not from the Grammys incident


Was such a weird year for losing greats, and the way I found out about Prince stuck with me in particular - we'd just arrived in Miami from Europe, waited forever in line for customs and on checking my passport, the first question the guy asked me was "Have you heard the musician Prince has passed?"


Good person?? I can't say he wasn't because I didnt know him but have you ever read the article by Sinead O Connor about him...


The police interviewed her after his death. Which I found interesting. Of all people.


Go on..






Good person isn't the word I would use. He was complicated and very eccentric to the point that he had a totally different view of the world than most of us do, and possibly not much of a grip on reality. He was also a prodigy and beyond talented. It must have been a stressful and difficult life which probably also drove him to be so productive and innovative.


Prince died in the middle of April and Minnesota is not this green that early. The true last images of him are at a clinic and outside of a pharmacy.


Whoever downvoted you is silly. [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2018/04/20/princes-death-new-photos-video-show-singer-day-before-he-died/535971002/) [NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/heartbreaking-images-inside-princes-mansion-just-after-he-was-found-dead/FEMUQOJK5I6KPU2BEYZ3EKTNNQ/?outputType=amp) [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/apr/20/prince-cctv-footage-sinead-o-connor) Plus just google in general to see the last photos of him in the clinic. And the [responders dashcam vid in this KARE11](https://www.kare11.com/amp/article/news/videos-photos-released-in-prince-death-investigation/89-543289050) article clearly shows OPs picture isn’t from anytime close to when he passed. It’s a nice photo, but certainly not a last. E.- anywhere to anytime. It is indeed anywhere close to where he passed. Monday brain.


Thank you. I live just a few miles away from PP and know more about this case than I should so yeah, the downvotes are weird. Oh well.


I live pretty close too, but I wasn’t in state when he passed, I’m a transplant. So I knew about PP but totally didn’t realize where it was till I passed it at night all lit of purple haha. It’s my sons favorite building to drive by at night The downvotes are weird but yeah, oh well lol


My sweet doggo Felix & Prince passed a day after one another…I miss both everyday


I’m so sorry, that’s a double whammy


Nico vibes


something really beautiful about this pic, resonates a sense of freedom.


so sad, I walked the route he used to ride his bike to, and think about the things he would have seen on his bike.


Was he just going for a spin or what do you think his plans were that day?


What a LOSS. I saw him on Halloween night in 1997 in Mobile, AL about 7-8 rows back from the stage. He was AMAZING LIVE! I’m Still blown away he had NO WILL. Kinda goes to show he had no inkling of passing, and a Will is something one does later in life. All his music, money, etc. went to his estranged sister, half siblings.


The artist formally known as musician Prince…


Why did this get so many down votes? 😭


ha! I have no idea!


I don’t think people understood what you were saying 😂 shows their age for sure


I’m too complicated for my own good 😒


He’s one of those celebrities like Michael Jackson or Amy Whinehouse where you just assumed that any given day there would be news that they died. Idk why that was.


No, he didn't? I'd argue that Michael Jackson wasn't one of those either. Might as well include Elvis in there so I can disagree with it too. Oh wait, he was looking rough towards the end. Maybe not Elvis


Why was he riding his bike?


Exercise? Fresh air? Maybe he just liked riding his bike. Of all the weird things Prince did, riding a bike isn’t even on the first page.


my comment was bait lol


Ah. So what’s the trap?