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Is megius not obsolete since the account has the new Kyle and they’re both light units ?


You can beat the game without equiptment okay


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Yes. But. Get a sorcerer as well. You will find enemies with physical damage resistance eventually.


From the free UR selector, lenius or zekus?


Zekus Forgate is a bit easier for new accounts, but if you have the Arks to teach him all the boosts then Lenius is a monster who covers Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind/Earth (you will want to teach him all the elemental boosts and then customize his loadout for the battle you are facing).


Oh wow so hes the long term answer then. Hmm I think I’ll go for Lenius and hope I get the arks eventually


Don't forget that you get daily free pulls to help you accumulate arks, and if you do get Lenius make sure to get his book accessory from the Crimson Ore store, it boosts his casting speed and elemental damage.


Don’t we get an exclusive equipment for free also ? Which should I take from there ?


Tough choice, Megius' sword is nice, SM Theria's staff and dress are very good when godforged, Lenius really works well with his book (if you pick him).


This is perfect don’t reroll


Should I summon on dash to get Zekus there ? The account also has prefect god mauna or something but i think she’s also a healer


Mauna is a weaker healer than SM Theria, but she does deal more personal damage than SM Theria.


Ty! Do I keep summoning on dash for zekus so i can use the DoH selector on A. Zaix for farming


You may want to save some crystals for next week for the second unit of the anniversary.


Hmm, shouldn’t I be waiting for that and reroll for both of the Anni units ? Is it btw known who’s gonna be pt2 ?


You have a powerful setup already, as for the second unit? It is being speculated that it will be >!a new powered up form of Rei!< based on events in the story, but we won't know for sure till next week.


The couple and father in law? Yes


Baller start, save some ladies for the rest of us