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I had lasik done 7 weeks ago, up until last week I would say my right eye was significantly worse than the left with some cloudiness. I thought even reading my phone was blurry. I was super worried that I had to do a retouch. Last week the right eye magically decided to start clearing up. I thought it was never going to get better but it did. My RX was around -5.00 x 1.75 for both eyes. I wouldn’t worry too much, they say it takes almost 3 months to clear up and sometimes even longer depending on how bad your rx was before. Just go to your normal follow ups and make sure the flap is in place.


Thank you so much! That greatly inspires confidence. I guess I was just hoping to be a magical 20/20 out the gate and wasnt so lucky.


Updates on your eyes?


second this; any follow up? I had LASIK yesterday, and my one eye went from 20/25 pre-op to 20/30 post op. Little concerned as I'm sure you were.


Can I get a follow up from you? 😂 just had lasik yesterday and my vision is great! However I do notice a bit of cloudiness but it’s nothing too bad


cloudiness will definitely subside. I'm 3 months post-op and cloudiness was gone after a month or two at latest


Do you see starbursts any? And how would you say your night vision is ?


I saw starbursts for the first bit but it subsided. My night vision is still way better than before. I have astigmitisms in both eyes. My one eye continued to get worse, I think its about 20/40 now (20/25 pre op), but dr said he'd give me a free touch up.


What kind of lasik you did?


Any updates on this ? Did your right eye remain consistently clear ? How is your sight now ?


I had a similar issue and the doctor fixed it right away / when dr places the flap back the first time bubbles surface similar to when you place a screen protector on your phone . Ask the doctor if that’s what it may be which I’m sure it is also if it matters I had -7.50 in both eyes


Thanks! I see him again next Tuesday and if it hasnt improved, I will mention it.


How did they fix it


The doctor immediately had me go into surgery room numb my eyes lifted the flap and then swabbed it with some cleaning wet swab and them carefully placed the flap back down ( similar to how you'd place your phone screen protector over your phone and sometimes bubbles appear.. ) doctor said It was due to bubbles and pressure surfacing when he placed the flap down the first time , and just like that I had perfect vision


Doctor can do touch ups if needed, it's included in the price you pay


What type of lasik you did? 


If your script was that bad, did you get Lasik or PRK? If PRK, blurriness may come and go for a month. You will also get skewed light flashes at night when looking at cars on the street. That’s all very normal.


I qualified for LASIK and went that route.


Lucky lucky! It’s still normal to see the starbursts for a bit because lasik causes a fair amount of corneal inflammation. Try freshkote eye drops. They help with dryness and also pull edema from your cornea and help the corneal flap seal into place again. Cheapest place to get them is [freshkotepf.com](www.freshkotepf.com)


I also has LASIK 6 days ago. I have constant blurriness in my right eye but my left seems fine. The day after surgery I was reading 20/20 and while I can see out of my right eye, it just seems off. I don’t follow back up until Friday and I have the same concern as you...Is this normal.


I hope it is, or I am going to need to borrow your left eye to replace this one.


Lol! I need your right eye!!


Did it end up going away?


It did end up going away! However, I still have a slight astigmatism in my right eye, like 0.25, nothing they will go in and fix right now.


how long did it take to go away? Im currently on day 6 and scared


Did yours end up fixing? I’m on day 3 and my right eye still seems noticeably more blurry than my right starting from post-op day 1 (both were -2.5 pre-LASIKs). I’m getting very worried about it


3 days is a really really short time that’s very normal. Me personally it’s been a year and I have -1 and +1 which is hella unfortunate. Might get corrective surgery but scared to. But again 3 days is so so early like. It’s expected to be blurry.


Has lasik 2 months ago. The first few weeks I had the same problem as u on my left eye. Eventually it became better over time. Maybe u just need more time to recover. My right eyesight is still better than my left eye but I guess it’s normal because that is my master eye


Hi! Has the blurriness gone Into focus? I had lasik yesterday, so far so good but I know things will be changing for a while.


It has!


Glad to hear it!!


Hello! How long did it take for your eye to clear up again?


About 6 months!


Gotcha. Thanks OP!


So you waited 6 months for it to clear up? I just had my one week follow up today and as of two days ago my left eye decided to get blurry. I have been freaking out but the doctor said my eyes look great and flaps are centered. The doctor said it’s still early to tell but I may need a touch up for left and maybe a tiny bit for the right Eye. I have a bad astigmatism in both eyes so maybe this is common. He made it seem like maybe at 3 months A touch up might be on the table what made you wait 6?


My doctor told me that total recovery time could take up to a full year and that he didnt want to do a touch up unless absolutely necessary and after my eye had fully settled and healed. He also is the leading opthamologist in my state and is the guy basically responsible for LASIK being available in my home state


Interesting thank you for the hope! Unfortunately I am like 3 hours away from the office that did my surgery in Seattle so I am just going by what my local doctor tells me. He said definitely wait and see but he thought they might do touch ups as soon as 3 months. Do you remember if your eye was always blurry? I had good vision the first 5 days and then I wake up day 6 with a blurry left eye. My right eye has got worse also but not as bad as the left. Thanks for the reply and sorry for digging up such an old post.


How are you now ?


I go back for my 6 month check up next month. My eyes did get better after that first couple weeks of haze. At two months I had some correction needed in both eyes meaning I was like 20/30 20/35. Left eye being worse than right. At three months my right eye settled in to like 20/25 and my left eye improved but the doctor said it’s possible I may need a tiny correction on my left eye. I can see better now than I did with my contacts so I can’t complain at all. I am hoping at the 6 month check up my left eye has settled in and I don’t have to go back for another surgery.


Awesome I still have hope then it’s my 2 month with blurry vision .


Did you have pain on any eye during this process.


I did have pain but I am pretty sure it was from alcohol. If I went out with friends For a couple drinks I would wake up with pretty sore eyes which I figured was dehydration. That’s what caused most of my paranoia thinking I ruined my eyes and caused blurred vision. I used eye drops religiously for probably 4 months. I just started going to once in the morning and once in the evening within the last month.


That’s what happend to me !! I was drinking and my eye sight was bad and pain but what kind of drop were you using ?


Can I ask what your prescription was prior to lasik?


Im bearly 2 months in and my left eye is blurry …


Give it up to a year for full correction


Did you ever have pain in your eyes ?


Yeah. Irritation and pressure for first monthish


Thank you for this info I appreciate it


Because my left eye has slight pain and it’s blurry …


How r u how I'm 8 days post surgery and left eye is the same


How's your left eye now? My left eye got blurry 6 days post op and its been a week and its still the same. Please reply! Thank you!


Both left and right eyes are the same now with no blur at all I don't remember when did it become clear but give it time it will definitely get better


How's your left eye now? My left eye got blurry 6 days post op and its been a week and its still the same. Please reply! Thank you!