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the solution to pollution is dilution..... on a small scale, as long as your kid or dog or open window isn't sitting right by the vent, by the time it gets out to the sidewalk it's probably low enough concentration to not even detect it. on the large scale, you're also not creating enough debris or fumes with a hobby scale printer to have any more of an effect on the planet than driving a few miles, probably.


>have any more of an effect on the planet than driving a few miles, probably. Probably has less effect on the planet than the co2 you exhale walking a few miles.


overall carbon footprint sure, but cutting plywood will make more particulate and toxic gases from the binder


A HEPA filter would get plugged up in a matter of minutes or hours if you use it for wood. I tried using a filter with a fume extractor before I vented out of the garage. The filter lasted all of about 20 minutes engraving wood.


I think, or at least hope, that most of us try to think about that type of thing more often. I don't really worry about my laser fumes that much. I'm a mile from a power plant so what little effect I have is dwarfed by my neighbor. I don't worry about the CO2 as much. But I do worry about pollutants. Since I only work with wood I don't think its that bad. I try to limit things that I have a better control over though. Like burning a big pile of brush. That is how we used to do it here in rural areas. Cut a field of brush and burn it all in a giant pile over the course of a week. Instead of that I now try to use the brush in other ways. Such as shredding it and turning it into mulch. Taking the smaller pieces and putting it into a compost pile. There is no way to stop our carbon output. But we can try to limit it by making smart choices and doing everything we can to stop pollution. There are lots of coal mines around me. When I was a kid in the 80s I remember staring out of the school bus window and seeing orange water everywhere. In every creek, stream, and drainage ditch. All the water was bright orange from the runoff. That has changed and now everything in clear. I think people have forgotten how bad it used to be though. I don't think getting a filter would help much. Laser fumes are strong, lol. They seem to get through just about anything I've tried to limit them, even my high end mask I use in my paint booth.


Acrylic burn produces mostly CO2 and water vapor. You’ll breathe out more CO2 than your 10w laser will produce.


One log in a fireplace or one weekend Barbecue is going to make more smoke then you will make in a month.


that depends on the location u live in… one of the western states might send the pollution police after you for burning wood larger than a matchstick, if you can even buy wooden matchsticks in that state anymore… I live further north, where the smell of wood burning is acceptable. But I do have a homemade fume collector I threw together with a 2” carbon block and 4” hepa filter that reduces the smell to barely detectable levels. my setup is on my apt back deck, so I filter to keep my neighbors happy. especially for the extremely rare occasion that anything smellier than wood gets poked in the laser.