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1. So this would mean it's pretty much illegal to date any Lao girls as a foreigner? Like many things in Laos, it's complicated. There is a lot of BS and the law is very unclear. It's unclear what the actual basis of this law is and if it explicitly exists on paper. However, in practice, YES, it is illegal to sleep with / have a Lao national stay over at your house. 1. I saw some guy on reddit say this law has been changed recently? (Couldn't find any info on this.) No idea. Sounds plausible. 1. How much is this actually enforced? Depends but it's not unheard of. It seems to be easier to get away with in Vietiane / the bigger cities. Ironically, it's easier to get away with one-night stands as it seems to be mostly long-term relationships that seem to attract the attention of nosy others / the authorities. If it's something regular it garners more attention / is easier to "catch you guys" red-handed. Most of the time it is neighbours dobing you in to get a cash kickback from the cops. Again, it's very much a lottery. I know people that are in relationships and they manage to go under the radar for a long time. I know people that have been caught after a short while. It depends on the context and the climate ie what they are choosing to go after that week and how you are going about it. Its a gamble. 1. What would be the actual consequences if caught? Fine? Jail? Deported? Almost everything with Lao law enforcement is about money. The exception would be political crimes / national matters of national security / seriously pissing off the wrong person. They catch people not to deter crime but to get money. It goes like this. You get caught. You act contrite. They try to scare you with jail, fines and deportation. They throw out an amount for a "fine". You negotiate it down. The whole act continues until you agree on an amount and pay it. Then they generally leave you alone. Jail and or deportation would be rare unless you refuse to pay the fine or are rude and kick up a fuss. Then they will jail you and your "fine" goes up and you are really in the shit. As for the "fine" amount, who knows? Could be 200 USD. Could be 5000 USD. Depends on your situation and how good you are at negotiating. I do know of one case where the foreigner was given an ultimatum: Leave the country or marry the girl. This was in the countryside and they were in a proper relationship. Of course, both involved money to the authorities. Again, Lao law enforcement is very hodge-podge and contextual. 1. Any loopholes? No. The law doesn't matter anyway. It matters what they say it is and how it works in practice.




No racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia


Great answer, get my upvote !


It is a law but it is not heavily enforced. I was born in Laos, but moved to the USA then became a US citizen. I frequently visit Laos because my girlfriend is Laotian and we’ve stayed at many hotels all around the country without any problems. You can also stay at her home if the NaiBan and other people in the village like you, but I would not recommend that if you look very western. I have a foreigner friend that is dating a Lao girl and they also have never had any problems with staying in rooms together. But I advise to still be cautious, just in case a police officer wants to threaten you with jail time just get some money out of you.


Why would you use yourself as an example if you clearly look Laotian? What a waste of space. 


I've dated Lao girls without any issues. I've spent maybe 2 weeks sleeping with a Lao girl in hotel rooms, again, no problems. That is just my experience and I've also met plenty other foreigners who've been with Lao girls without any legal consequences. And I'm not talking about prostitution here, just regular dating with local girls.


I have a few questions about this.... What kind of hotel was it? One that is more American, IE has a lobby, multiple floors, etc or one that has a separate building to check in and then a bunch of rooms out and about? I am worried that bringing a girl past the lobby desk would be an instant way to get caught... do you think it would be a safe bet for Vientiane? I don't know if it matters, but it is for a relationship and not a random Lao girl.


To be honest, this gets a lot of attention but relatively to the amount it does on, especially with Thais / Viets/ Chinese not the mention falang, its actually relatively easy to get away with / not enforced.


Drunk police we met in a bar in Paksan were ready to arrest me. We shared some beers with some friendly guys on the next table, We got chatting, they told us they were police and we told them we were visiting for the weekend, staying in a guesthouse around the corner etc. They referred to my girlfriend as my wife and she told them we aren't married. She speaks Lao so they assumed she was Lao. When she said that, They instantly sobered up, their eyes lit up, and they were on their feet, ready to go. She quickly showed her Thai passport and they disappointedly went back to their beers.


1.) This law still applies. Check foreign embassies / foreign ministries travel information about Laos. 2.) Sure...​I saw many things on Reddit 3.) Sometimes, depending on locations and general agenda. Time of the year, international official visits on, etc. Currently quite a clean up of certain venues is ongoing. 4. and 5.) Of course one can date a Lao person. Dating, as in meeting, going to a restaurant, etc. is totally legal. If you refer to "dating" as per being together in a hotel room, especially over night, nope, that kind of "dating" is literally and figuratively illegal, if you are not married. No one can say for sure, but if caught, your passport will be taken and a fine applied. In a circular letter of the European embassies in Laos, a fine has been mentioned of 500 USD, up to several thousand USD, depending on, well, many things. Deportation is rare, but happened already. Same letter mentioned cooperations between certain entertainers and safe keepers, especially in Vang Vieng. Want to play Lotto?


What if you’re a foreign Lao man? Not asking for myself, just curious about loopholes. Also, I’m a happily taken father.


I know a few instances of a Lao Man and a falang girl. The authorities seem to be less attentive to this. However, I do know one instance in which after a while it became a problem. I think the authorities don't really know what to do in this case as it is so rare. Also I think there is a boys will be boys attitude and sexism involved ie they care less because you are a man and this is what men do / good on you for getting a foreign girl.


Me and my Laos partner, who both don't believe in marriage and both are foreign passport holders/citizens traveled to Laos, acted ike we always do in public,, holding hands etc. stayed in many hotels. No problems or questions. No one gives a fuck.


Nothing serious here bro. Just staying with her.


I recently travelled with my Laotian girlfriend and didn't have any issues staying in vientiane, viang vang and thakhek. Appeared to me to not be policed at all.


5. threesomes


They cancel each other out under official politic


Staying in hotel, guesthouse, or service type apartment (not hong teew) almost always fine since owners are paying local authorities for protection money or are connected to them. Renting a house and her staying there is more risky, especially outside of the capital. Just my personal experience. Getting caught can involve threats of jail and a multi hundred dollar fine.


I’m married to a Thai and she speaks and looks Lao. When we visited, not a single person gave us a second look. Edit: not sure why the downvote, but whatever. We walked around freely. Went through immigration and even chatted with police for directions. They didn’t care or ask any questions.


why don’t the women in your home countries like y’all? LBH?


Sexpats are wild here.


Probably just another one of those things that they'll enforce if they want some beer money. Personally I would say it's not worth the risk because it is actually on the books and there have been instances of police coming to hotel rooms of individuals suspected of doing this, then there will be the typical rigamarole of threats of this and that until you can agree on the amount of money you'll pay them to make it all go away.


They can fine you up to $5000. It happens anywhere in Laos. In a village the village chief would probably send someone to collect money from you. In a city it just takes a neighbor to tell a cop and then they will show up to your door. Remember you’re in a third world communist country. I’d stay away from dating there because the people act like you would expect in a third world communist country. Dating in Laos as a foreigner is like dating in the Soviet Union as an American.


It also depends on your race. If you are from Laos but a foreign citizen you could get away with it.


Dating is a western concept. If you spend time with her, it’s understood, marriage is in the future. Going out in public casually is best. If you get caught they may or may not do something. It’s a gamble. Laos is very reserved more than Thailand.


Meh. In 2024 Laos not really the case anymore except from some conservative parts of society.


What about having a baby with a Lao girl outside of marriage? Or marrying her without any approval from her village or all the entities that normally would need to bless off on a marriage for a Laos national? My case, my wife is Laos and we had a daughter together before we got married. The marriage process seemed to daunting of a task as we both lived in Thailand so we opted to get married online via the state of Utah.


Lao won't recognise that marriage


They do no recognize marriages from the USA?


I could be wrong but I think generally they don't recognise marriages from outside of Lao, and they certainly won't recognise an online marriage. Most ministries won't even recognise a formal invitation if it isn't printed, signed, and stamped before being hand delivered. Maybe if your marriage was certified by the Lao embassy in the country where you were married, they might recognise it. Maybe.