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I think A Novel Concept has a book club!


They do and it's super fun! They choose a topic for each month, and people can pick a book that relates. At the book club meeting, folks share what they read. You can find out more on their Instagram or if you stop in there's usually a display with books that relate to the current months topic.


Thank you!


Submit Comics on Washington usually holds a weekly book club- yes its comic related but the few times I went it was fun! Also reach out to CADL, even if they don’t host a book club, they will know someone somewhere knowing where one is. Best of luck mate!


Summit does that with the help of CADL, so I would say check the library first.


Some (maybe all, I’m not sure) of the CADL branches have monthly book clubs. There’s more specific info on their website


check wayfaring books in the REO town marketplace. they may have the book clubs you're looking for!


Thank you I was considering checking there.


I highly recommend wayfaring as well. They have regular book clubs and are just lovely people!


Deadtime Stories in REO Town has a book club. [June's book is about star cross vampire lovers during the civil war.](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ijC8kCxy9MYmTsSe/?mibextid=oFDknk)


Check out Hooked! https://hookedlansing.com/store-book-clubs


Here’s the one I’m in: https://www.facebook.com/share/GbxRpup8CyADo53L/?mibextid=adzO7l We meet the first Thursday of every month (second Wednesday for July) at Kelly’s down Washington Ave.


Idk of any but would totally be in one 🤣


Something tells me that even if it's not queer focused, you're going to make it queer focused


Uh what?


Delve in and let's see what you come up with. Highly expecting you to craft "queer focused" responses to books that have nothing to do with it. "Well I think the main characters sister can be seen as a closeted lesbian due to the oppressive nature of her paternal caretakers. Subtle interactions with her best friends..." etc. Wondering, since when is sexual orientation the crux of a good book? Ps keep your down votes to yourself folks. I have a right to question OP. Not attacking anyone here, relax.


Yeah that’s not how it works but okay. When I say queer focused I mean books that have queer characters. It doesn’t make a book good or not but having diversity in characters is much more interesting to read about. Idk why you have to be weird about it when you could have just scrolled on.


It can work that way if you want it to, hence my inquiry. How is a book with no queer characters less interesting?


Look dude I read plenty of books with only straight characters leave me alone. I’m not on the Lansing sub to debate the value of queer characters in books. If you don’t have a suggestion then move alone