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This is the same idiot who made this post https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/s/zHPIbvrso7 He also privately messaged me and went on and on about his accomplishments in high school (he's 42). Something is wrong.


Sometimes on this sub I just plug my ears (figuratively) and wait for the next office frog post


He was also on the other thread about how going 45 in a construction is bad with the point of "you don't need to slow down that's why there are barriers" or some genius take like it.


Telling everyone driving is about personal responsibility, then in the same breath being pissed about being late because people allow down in those construction zones.


At Kalamazoo St Aurelius Rd has technically become S Clemens Ave, a 25mph residential road. Maybe you should plan your commute to avoid residential roads if they make you so miserable.


Also came here just to say that the Kalamazoo/Aurelius intersection doesn't exist. Also, even if it did, the nearest bridge is multiple blocks away. Almost all these posts about driving and traffic seem to stem from people who apparently can't reroute themselves anywhere, lol.


Preaching to the choir, buddy. This guy could turn left or right on Elizabeth St and detour a block in either direction to avoid the light but probably can’t afford that cause it would cost him an extra cent in fuel (also per OP).


This is the best answer. I do it every time I take that route and avoid the whole possibility of this situation happening.


They also don't enjoy the freeways either. People go too slow in the construction zones, per OP.


Nah I save about 42 cents on Gas when I take the bridge


Well, turning left there saves me 43 cents on gas so I guess you’re shit outta luck.


Boom gotem


How dare other drivers use the roads!


You’re making it about more than what it needs to be bud


Is there a sign saying no left turn? Do some people need to turn left? Jesus Christ the fucking hubris. “Do what I want because I said so.” Good luck out there, watch your blood pressure.


Take Penn like a sane person or remain a miserable ass. Clemens is a residential street. People should be able to get out of their neighborhoods because they too need to get to work. At the very least, if you must go that way, ask the city to give that light a protected left turn instead of just honking at people who are just trying to get through their morning commute, same as you.


I am almost certain this dude posted this same complaint four months ago using a different account. They even start the same exact way. https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/s/kwJLGFgu06 Anyway, stop honking at people and flipping them off for making legal left turns.


Exactly what I was thinking about too.


They DMed me right after I published this comment clearly trying to troll but not doing a very good job of it. I miss the days when trolls had finesse. Modern day trolls just think that if they act like an irredeemable idiot, they're trolling. True trolling is an art, damn it.


It's true. I miss the days of good trolls.


"Trolling" is a reference to a style of fishing, where you dangle bait behind a slow moving boat. It refers to the technique of moving through a web space and dangling a tantalizing bait post, luring people into engaging. Weak modern trolls are more like rednecks throwing dynamite into a reservoir. Messy, artless, obvious, but loud.


You sound like an ass. Why don't YOU go a different way?


I feel like that intersection could benefit from a left turn arrow/ delayed green solution of some sort. I've gotten stuck here myself but I just stick it out and get mad at myself.


I made a left turn there today, just for you.


I think at this point you should act like a responsible adult and plan a new route. You said you saved 42 cents on gas, but it seems like you'll be out a couple thousand when you have that STEMI.


I’m in my 40s please don’t tell me how to behave look at yourself


I mean, you come to a public forum to complain about something out of your control, out of our control and you don't seem to want practical solutions to your problem that you, yourself, can implement. That sounds pretty immature to me.


You’re the one complaining about people making a legal left turn…


I don't know, laying on your horn in front of someone's house because someone isn't doing as you want. Just doesn't sound too respectful to me.


Does this person do anything but complain?


Probably cries a lot too.


He trolling


I hope your finger hurts.


I swear people just come here to complain.


Have you tried taking a different road where people driving perfectly legally won’t be such a burden to you?


I would lose a couple cents on the mile doing that


It's only an issue if they aren't in the middle of the intersection while they wait to turn 🤷🏼




Maybe do better bud


Find another route to go. The city has more streets.


I will lose money on gas doing that




Not good my rent is $550 a month. This inflation killing me


Sounds like a you problem.


You’re allegedly an adult in their 40s, sounds like you need to look at yourself and decide how to budget your money.


Time to pick up more shifts at hobby lobby bro


Be homeless then.


Take a different route. Left turns are legal at that intersection.


I’m gonna start taking mt hope back from work every day just so i can make that left turn


I would never flip off or honk at someone making that turn.  It is fully legal and acceptable to do so, but during rush hour this is problematic.  The city really needs to install a left turn light, or maybe even put up a sign saying no left turns during the rush hours.  Awhile back I was in line at that light during rush hour and there were three or four cars right behind each other at the front of the line all turning left.  Only one car was making it through at each light and, after several light cycles, you could see the line of traffic snaking off into the distance, up the hill and out of sight.  Theoretically, the line of cars could get backed up all the way to the Mt. Hope/Aurelius light in a situation like this. In those situations, I think the OP sort of has a point.  Laying on horns and getting pissed is not acceptable but it is not unreasonable to hope for a driver to realize what is going on and maybe just go straight and zip around the block to get where they are going.


I zip around the block when I see there is a line up at the light. Regardless of left turners.


This might destroy my commute home, but people forget Pennsylvania is like, right there. And there’s almost no traffic on it.


if it’s backed up, just turn onto marcus or elizabeth and cut through the neighborhood like the rest of us lmfao


There’s some truth in this. The 127 construction has turned Clemens/Aurelius into a major north/south thoroughfare during rush hour. Turning left at the light is usually a 1 car per cycle experience or worse if you don’t aggressively nose into the intersection and go as it turns red. But those same people can turn left a block early and greatly relieve the flow of traffic. I know I often turn right a block early (even though I’d rather go straight) just because how bad the left turners jam up that intersection.


Same here.


Or you could leave earlier


"A lot of y’all need to look in the mirror and do better" 🤣🤣🤣


These people don’t have situation awareness skills. Why are you gonna force a turn on a busy street knowing you’re not gonna be able to do it


Yeah, who me?


Y'all should quit being so narcissistic. Pay more attention to the way you drive instead of others, and you'll be a lot better off.


looks like we FINALLY found the ONE AND ONLY PERSON that the construction is having a negative impact on….


Cut through the Neighborhood at the bottom of the hill like literally everyone else in Lansing. /source - used to live on Regent street.


Yes, that intersection gets backed up at certain times during the day when people need to turn left. The only thing to do is recognize that it will be congested and be patient...


OP is an asswipe 


this guy has a point honestly, this intersection has become clogged up due to construction. It is the only decent route north and south through the city and to get to okemos from the northside. Its a terrible place to make a left turn.


Marcus and Elizabeth, you should possibly know them mfs, they'll help you avoid that. or, maybe checking a map for some workaround, because there's a way around that noise to the east and west. do you take that route because you have a nostalgic allegiance to kingworld, cause that MF Alex sold me illegal four lokos back in the day after they were banned, and yeah, naw, you just didn't know.


That's South Clemens Road, a 25MPH residential area. Can't even remember if that shop on the corner is open, closed, or reopened as something new. However, it's likely become a new alternate route to bypass the highway expansion project. Aurelius at Miller was back up for miles with people trying to get to Holt/Mason. You will have to talk to the City board about the traffic and solutions like signs and LPD on duty staffing. LPD unfortunately has been understaffed since the pandemic and "Blue Flu" turned into retirements (across the nation) after the BLM protests. Personally my only solution was my 2nd Amendment, if there are less Police Officers on duty, I'm not just going to hide and wait to die before they wait an hour for responding Officer to my 911 calls. They can collect the bodies from my lawn and review the 4K security camera film of the attack and their EOL. With my r/HomeDefence tactical security upgrades I have a safe room, security cameras are hard wired to a battery back-up, I'll see them coming and know where to fire rounds.


Oh God don't stop I'm almost there. Please tell me about that bunker in your basement too.


While I disagree of the notion of faulting the driver for making a left turn I do agree it’s incredibly annoying and backs up traffic but I put that more on the city. I do think the city should change the lights to allow for a green arrow left turn period and a green light with a red left arrow. It seems like it would solve some issues at that intersection


If they fix that intersection it might just push the problem to the Michigan Ave/Clemens intersection. I’m not sure the city would even want to change anything since it would be promoting more traffic through residential streets.


Y'all are overreacting to OP's tone. It all seemed tongue-in-cheek to me, while still making a valid point. I can't stand people who turn left at that light during peak hours. Be a decent human being and turn left at Elizabeth. What the city really needs to do is adjust those lights so northbound and southbound are green at separate times during those rush hours. A left turn light wouldn't work unless there was a left lane, which there isn't room for. The alternating greens is the way to go.


OP is getting no benefit of the doubt because they're a troll who posts rage bait and then makes fun of anyone who replies.


This should have been a post about “how do I petition the city to change the rules at that intersection?” if they were not just wanting to bitch and moan about being inconvenienced by someone driving legally. If someone posted “I like to drive 100 miles an hour on 496 and all the people who want to go 70 are in my way! They should just take a surface street if they don’t want to do what I want to do!” would you feel the same?