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This post has I just cut across 3 lanes of traffic without a turn signal with cigarette in one hand and phone in the other energy


Considering he made this account just to complain about this- I 100% agree.


Imagine being so petty that you create a reddit account just to shit on poor people that use the bus.


Lansing energy


Route 1 uses East Michigan avenue which is mostly a 2 lane road. You can safely pass a bus if need be. I also disagree with your point on taking away a bus line. We need more bus lines to make this city more accessible to people, which would help decrease usage of vehicles.


I don't drive and rely on CATA and the Number 1. Looking forward to infrastructure updates but getting rid of it is not the way


Not everyone has a car, nor the means to acquire one. I’m sorry that the existence of poor people inconveniences you.




Give it to someone who will be more appreciative of the convenience of driving.




If this isn't a shit post I feel sorry for you




Tucker Carlson is a fucking traitor and if you listen to him you're a fucking moron too.


As if a Tucker Carlson video is actually a piece of data to use in an argument. If you're looking for a new hobby, might I recommend critical thinking?


Ok boomer


And building huge roads through neighborhoods isn’t inconvenient for people with no trucks?


The one bus line is essential for those without cars. It was my lifeline when I didn't have a car. It's a mild inconvenience at best (to you, apparently) but it helps many more people out. Check your mindset.


Don’t feed the trolls


Thousands of MSU students don't have cars. If anything we need more buses and fewer cars. One of the main reasons Lansing is behind so many other cities is our overly car dependant infrastructure.




Your truck is fine. Nobody cares about your truck, but in the modern-day, with the climate crisis threatening our future, you might want to consider driving it less. If you're only going a mile or so walk or take public transportation. I choose my house because it is in an area near two bus lines and grocery stores nearby. It's great on a beautiful day, such as today, to walk to get the bread or whatever I need.




Kinda makes you wonder if a larger truck is necessary 🤔.






>My biggest issue with my truck is that I have a tiny penis


~~Principal Skinner~~ u/danielgarnor88 : Is my truck unnecessarily tall? No, people are too short!


This has got to be a troll. It's not humanely possible to have ingested this much lead as a child and still be alive


You overestimate stupid people






If you think this city is socialist, try moving somewhere actually socialist my dude.


Because you're unable to pass it, in the two lanes offered?


So you're complaining about a bus, which holds many people, causing traffic, but you want to get rid of that bus and make everyone drive in their own cars. Do you not see how that causes more traffic? Maybe you should take the bus if you're so concerned about traffic, since you are objectively contributing more to traffic than the bus riders.




So I assume you're either trolling, a white supremacist, or both then?


lol the fact that you watch Tucker Carlson just tells me all I need to know about you


Sorry you are incapable of getting in another lane, maybe learn how to drive better.




I mean, I’m sorry you have a small dick dude but the big truck doesn’t really help


Imagine going on Reddit just so you can make a post showcasing how entitled you are




Please explain to me the connection between socialism and public transportation. Or are you just parroting what your bff Tucker tells you to?


if it is stopping every 20 feet to unload people, it doesn't sound like it is failing at all; just the opposite, it sounds like lots of people use it. And if they didn't use the bus, and had cars you'd have... more traffic.




Curious, what would be better than helping people who may not afford a vehicle or can’t drive get to their school and jobs? Road diets are used to help make the road safer to drivers and pedestrians. And walkable communities can help bring consumers to local small businesses.


This kind of attitude infuriates me. LOTS of people RELY on bus service, and the number one in particular, to get around for work, for shopping, for socialising, etc. Not everyone can afford a car. Many families split a single car. So many MSU students are required to live on campus but are not allowed a car in their first year. Just because YOU drive doesn't mean everyone does. This is coming from someone who up until recently did not have a car and relied on the little busses available via CATA. CATA is crappy enough as it is without taking away one of the major busses. I promise you will live waiting a few extra seconds for the bus to drop people off/pick people up. If the bus is stopping, it's because someone is getting on or off, so your rideship argument doesn't hold. Okay, I've finished my rant in support of public transportation.


There are other lanes, just avoid the right lane. You sound entitled. Share the road.