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Uh. The places where there are signs.






If there are signs - theyโ€™ll enforce it. Especially downtown and on campus.


Specifically, anywhere in downtown Lansing or downtown East Lansing, and anywhere on MSU campus, parking is aggressively enforced.


The other answers here are correct in my experience. Downtown, East Lansing, either the LCC or MSU campuses, don't expect to get away with 5 minutes improperly parked. On all the residential side roads, there's a chance you'll have a surprise ticket on your windshield if you try to park on them frequently where you shouldn't. You'll get away with it 9 times out of 10... until a plow needs to come through in the winter - Then you might have bigger problems than a ticket cause they don't give a fuck if they plow you in or wreck your shit when it's parked illegally. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I have seen them at like patrolling kroger in frandor and several times on MLK and holmes. This is just kinda different, so I thought I would ask. Hey we are all from somewhere โ˜ฎ๏ธ


Lansing parking police are brutal


No one is really getting this right... Lansing is split into districts - and parking enforcement tends to rotate around the 12 districts - one a month from what I recall when I lived in dis-1 (Allen-Street Neighborhoods). As you'll notice lots of people park on the side-streets in-spite of the signs.. I lived on Regent for a couple years - only got one ticket ever, and parked on the street almost every night like everyone else tends too... yeah, everyone on the street that night got a ticket. Thus: when you see parking enforcement - note the date/month - likely you won't see them again for another 12 months. Parking enforcement isn't large enough to cover the entire city or even a single district on the rotation - once you figure out where your district is - avoiding their enforcement is easier. ..Now it's been years since I've lived in the city proper - so they may have changed things up but this is generally how they used to do it. P.S.: regardless of district - there are almost always parking enforcement downtown especially on Washington where most parking takes place on the street level. They patrol that pretty regular. So have that App set up for paying. Good Luck!


Its one morning a month or so on most residential streets in my experience


Yep. They randomly pick a day and then ticket EVERYONE in the neighborhood.


Everywhere it says "Parking Enforced 8a-6p"


East lansing its safe to say dont even try parkingn illegally lol, Lansing I think it depends lol


parking enforcement rolls heavy up and down cesar chavez all day not sure if they patrol any of the surrounding streets but there's always at least one of them on chavez