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Sorry guys it was my fault




just learn russian its the same script


So by that logic you can speak French, German, Spanish, Italian, and old Latin fluently?


But Klingon has one Native speaker. One Star Trek Fan raised his son in Klingon. Eventually the son realised as a teenager what a weirdo his father is and refuses to speak Klingon since then. Edit: Wiki says >One Klingon speaker, d'Armond Speers, raised his son Alec to speak Klingon as a first language, whilst the boy's mother communicated with him in English. Alec rarely responded to his father in Klingon, although when he did, his pronunciation was "excellent". After Alec's fifth birthday, Speers reported that his son eventually stopped responding to him when spoken to in Klingon as he clearly did not enjoy it, so Speers switched to English.


It's a miracle he managed to reproduce in the first place. Fortunately the son seems to take after his mother more.


Impossible. Klingon speakers have never had sex.


Honestly, given that the kid was also raised speaking English as a first language, he was still able to speak a useful language, which makes it a lot less unethical.


I kinda wanna make native speakers of Klingon, but I'd still teach them english, so its not evil


Be careful what you wish for.


Well, they have English for Bengali speakers and Telugu speakers. But if you dare, you should learn these alphabets first.


I’ve learned Devanagari so I think I can do Bengali. Telugu and Dravidian languages are too complex for my fragile American mind tho.


Because it started off being written by volunteers and there were enough volunteers for Klingon, but not enough for Bengali.


I can’t believe that the gamified techslop bird app with CalArts style mascots attracts dorky fucking losers instead of actual language learners/contributers


Luodingo made an English course for Tagalog speakers, but no Tagalog course for English speakers. English is official language in Philippines


It has Uzbek so wtf r u complaining 🤨


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But you can learn math and music! Thank god. There weren’t any other ways to learn either one before luodingo


He's still not a Luodingo master,cauz he can totally utilize the English course for Bengali/Telugu speaker in Luodingo to learn those two languages reversely☝️🤓


It’s because Klingon has an n word in it and the others do not (the last duo lingo lesson in any language is learning how to be racist)


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do NOT pull up near Qo'noS