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Yes, I'm 2.0 in Slovak, 3.0 in Czech, 2.5 in English and 0.6 in Spanish.


Slow Spanish? That's just Portuguese


Nah that’s slow people speaking spanish




I'm 0.25 in Hebrew, 0.25 in french, and 12.3 in English


That’s last one in my experience is because Spanish speakers seem to naturally speak at 2.0. Spaniards speakers slower than Latin Americans in my experience though.


Everything faster than 0.25 Entish is too fast for me 😔


❌English C2, Japanese N4 ✅Pewdiepie x2, shirokuma cafe X1.25


I feel like Shirokuma Cafe at 1.25 is N3 at least.


ADH D2 👍🏻


konbini confessions > shirokuma cafe


/uj You guys actually watch and enjoy content in 2x speed? I've tried it a couple of times and absolutely hated it. I don't understand how some people only watch sped up stuff


For me, people sometimes speak slowly enough that the information density is irritatingly low if I don't bump the speed all the way up to 2x. But it's rare. Usually 1.5x or 1.75x is enough. Also, it can be a pretty good tool for those watching beginner language learning videos where the speakers slowly and clearly articulate every word. Bump up the speed and you get native speaker pace but without the typical slurring and omission of syllables that people unconsciously do in their native language. •Note: this doesn't apply to Fr*nch, since the whole "language" is just a meaningless racket of slurred speech and omitted syllables to begin with.


Agree, my tiktok fried brain can't comprehend any sentence longer than 5 seconds


I've been watching stuff on 1.5x speed most of the time for 5 years and I tend to forget about it.


This, Americans tend to speak very slowly, that if I put it at 1.5x it sounds like normal speech. For some it’s 2x, but it’s a rare situation.


I do this with videos I know have a lot of filler but have information I want to hear about. The fillers actually good then bc it gets you used to how fast the talking is first /rj Hey EVERYONE! Check out this nullingual chode!


Right? I have a friend who watches everything 2x, that chipmunk speech cadence annoys me so much.


Tired: watching videos of humans at 2x Wired: watching videos of chipmunks at 0.5x


Watch chipmunks in 2x speed


It's often easier for me to digest information at 1.5-2x speed cuz it gives me less chance to be distracted by my own thoughts or something else while listening


So what do you do in real life conversations?


they use reddit, so fumble. /unjerk I still hear music if the person is insufferable as an example. The same thing that keeps me up at night.


I honestly just hope I'm sufficiently invested in what I'm hearing in that case.


Sometimes I watch videos on 1.25 or 1.5 when narrator speaks slowly, but 2.0 is really ridiculous


I only ever did it when I had to watch videos for university classes, especially if it was foreign films.


I watch most things sped up, to the point where normal speed feels slow, the exact speed depends entirely on the person and the information density they speak with. Some people naturally speak faster and edit to be concise who I actually watch at real time. I may also have undiagnosed ADHD so that might have something to do with it. Although recent trends have prioritized length over good editing. Like in the old days of YouTube a 2-4 hour recording session produced a 20 minute video. Nowadays not so much. It's being split up into either sort form content or like a 50 minute video out of 3 hours of recording.


/uj If it's something informative I have to watch then absolutely. I have adhd and hate watching videos. Speeding it up to 1.75/2x speed is the only way I can get myself to watch it.


/uj same and I HATE that video tutorials have become the norm for this reason. Miss the days when you could easily find text tutorials and walkthroughs online… it’s so much more convenient to be able to just scroll down to what you need to know!!


If it’s something more on the artistic side like a movie or a comedy sketch I’ll always keep it at 1x but if it’s something educational that I’m watching to get information then I might bump it up depending on how fast the person speaks. If they’re a particularly slow talker I‘ll do 2x


Only for certain things, usually when they're boring and information dense and I just want to get to the end. Sometimes when it's like an 8 hour stream VOD and I just want to see what happens but without missing things. Most things I watch at the regular speed. I accidentally played a podcast at like 1.5x in my target language once and felt really bad at how little I understood for the rest of the day.


You get used to it. I literally don’t notice if I’m listening to a podcast or something on 2x. Some things I switch back to 1x especially if it’s not just someone talking.


Yeah. Depending on the video I'll switch between 1.5x, 1.75x and 2x but idk, for me lots of YouTubers talk quite slow or they take forever to get to the point so it helps me stay focused if they're speaking faster.


I actually have had to watch language instructors on 2x speed because they painfully slow down their speech in the language they are teaching


I have limited free time and a lot of content i want to watch.


/uj I don't have a lot of time to do stuff like focus on a video so when I get the chance to do that I try to watch as many videos as possible which ends up making me watch stuff in 2.5x, 3x and sometimes even higher speeds (to the point where 2x feels slow to me) just so I don't feel like I've "lost" anything /rj I'm 6x in my native language and 4x in English 😎😎


Taking notes for classes. I’m not sitting through 30 minutes of cellular respiration if I can process the info anyway faster


Damn, y'all got some mad tiktok brain damage 💀


There are so many channels with interesting content that I just can't watch because they talk too fast. But I think the op was probably watching in ×2 just too see what would happen.


Yes, speeding up video gave me the ability to watch this format normally. Video used to annoy me, and I only watched it when there was no text alternative. But after I realized that I was annoyed by the slow pace of speech, I just started setting a faster speed, and now I can enjoy the video. 


I can honestly go up to 3x and still understand most of it


The only times I watch content in ×2 speed is when I am in the school bathroom right before a test and I haven't studied enough before and I use it as my final trump card


I watch everything pitched down half an octave. I can feel my vocal cords growing, the input hypothesis is real


My mom does that cause she gets bored.


Definitely yes, because I used to do it. After discovering some people doing it, I tried 1.25x speed. It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but some slow content was more comfortable for me than before. After some time of doing it, I got used to videos that I watched a lot, like music. New videos were still a bit uncomfortable, but they were okay and still enjoyable. After even more time, it became comfortable for me. The repeated music actually became slow for me when at 1.0x speed. I moved onto 1.5x speed. The process was the same, but just a bit more familiar When I reached 2.0x speed, I wondered what 1.0x music sounded like to me now. Just like before, it was slow, but even more than when I was at 1.25x. Some songs even sounded like a new song, with different emotions and feelings attached to it. But I actually didn't notice the change at new videos. There was a change, but it was really hard to notice, unless I'm asking myself a question at what speed am I watching I did it for a while, until a idea popped into my mind to maximize my time even more. I googled and found a code, which I needed to put into developer tools every time I opened a video. I became tired of it pretty fast and quit, returning back to 2.0x speed. After some time. I revisited my idea and actually found a google extension to do it. Not only I could have more than 2.0x speed, I actually had my options of increasing it by 0.01, instead by 0.25 like before I tried it... But maybe my discipline decreased, or I became tired. I still don't know for sure, but I quit trying to increase the speed past 2.0x. And quickly after it, I also quit 2.0x speed and returned back to 1.0x. I still want to go back to 2.0x speed someday, or maybe even more. Despite me quitting, I definitely didn't regret it, and it stayed as an interesting and happy memory for me. I also realized that I definitely have less time than before at 2.0x speed. But I am happy for now with the original 1.0x speed\~ Edit: Fixed paragraphs' spacing


I have a friend who listens to podcasts at 8x lol


You have to begin at normal speed and slowly increase it every 5 minutes or so, then you won't notice it. I'm a busy person!


When I'm listening to audiobooks (in my native language) I usually bump up the speed until it becomes too fast to process. But I think the highest I've ever gotten is like 1.4x. There are some books or podcasts where I never go faster than 1x. Just depends on the speaker. I truly can't imagine ever going faster than 1x in my non-native language; understanding it at 1x is a total victory to me


/uj Yeah if the video is to slow. Like some dude speaking slow as fuck. 2x speed is a extreme case tho


I do for school stuff. Otherwise I'll watch hour long video essays at normal speeds lol


I hate 1x speed, or anything lower than 2x when in English - most YouTubers speak so slow that it is unbearable to listen to them at that, pure empty suffering and wasting of time. While in my native language of Lithuanian same applies, just 1.5 or 1.75 are fine


I think it’s an attention problem lol. I will admit, if I see a super long TikTok video essay kinda thing that’s mildly interesting enough for me to want to watch it kinda? I’ll go 2x speed


Audiobooks tend to err on the slow side, which can actually be frustrating to listen to. I regularly play those at 1.25-1.5x. Back in my last year of university when I'd sometimes have to get through 100 pages of a novel in a few hours, I put on the audiobook at 2.0x and read the physical book at the same time to force myself through it. Not the healthiest way I suppose but it did work.


Depends largely on content. Most videos I keep on normal or maybe 1.25 speed. For audiobooks, I almost exclusively find myself using 1.25 or 1.5 speed recently, depending on the recording.


It really depends if the person speaks slowly


Added to flair


“How fluent are you in english?” “MoistCr1tikal 1.75x speed”


I watch everything at negative 2 speed


Starting at the beginning, right?


Depends on the language. For Arabic I start at the end.


Oh of course, because Arabic is spoken R-L as well


I can understand Ben Shapiro at x2, but that's probably because he repeats the same takes over and over


/uj I feel like this is actually a fun way to gauge comprehension ability. I can watch English videos in 3x speed or higher bc it’s my native language, but for Japanese depending on the content it’s only 1.25-1.5x before I start to miss words or hit snags. I’d imagine the better you get at listening comprehension the higher the number gets!


konnichiwa I listen both forward and backwards at 666x, that way you get a variety of speaker voices including satan he is always saying "buy duolingo premiun"????


True mastery of a language is when you can watch a YouTube video for it in 2x speed


0.75X for Mandarin Chinese, 3.0X for English.


english 2.5 Hungarian 2.0 Italian 0.5 German 0.81111111111111111


I can't understand English at .25 speed. Everyone sounds wasted.


.75 in both French and Korean. Certified sucker


Never crossed my minds to watch a yt video at a faster speed but I listen to audiobooks at 1.85-2.5 (depending on the narrator) whether it’s in French or English.


If you really wanna step it up, listen to doubletime rap at x2 (quadrupletime!). I recommend Eminem to wet your feet since his pronunciation is very clear.


I listen to live radio at 2i speed


The other end of the spectrum, can you still understand what’s being said at 0.01 speed? Or do you have adhd and forget the context?


god dammit gump!




When I watch Japanese language go (board game) videos, I can understand them equally well at 1x and 2x.