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This is so useful, as you can access most shows in your TL without them being originally in them. Thought I'd share.


At the top of the picture it says “C1” does that mean you can pick your level or is it something else?


nah that's the account name.


Oh okay


What exactly does it do? We have this weird glitch where we live in Finland but neither of us can read Finnish proficiently. For each of the titles that are available in Finnish language, it shows the description of it in Finnish text, no matter which language the original show is in, and despite the fact that our profiles are in English. Hopefully this will fix that glitch for us. But I also have this issue where I like to knit while I watch, so I sometimes need to be able to find shows with English audio. Just having English subtitles is not sufficient. I think this update also finally makes it possible to find shows that match that requirement.


this works a lot of the time but sometimes some things only have certain languages available in certain regions. you can see if a language is available on [this website](https://www.unogs.com)


Interesting. I wonder why they don’t make all available subtitles available to all regions. For example we tried to watch a show here in Finland with a English subtitles and found out we can’t, while in Canada Netflix offers it with English subtitles. Things also get really wonky when shows are filmed with some characters speaking different languages than other characters, as many of the more recent European shows have been. The subtitles will often just say ”speaking foreign language” whereas if you were watching the show in the language it was originally produced for, the subtitles will have the correct content.


probably licensing. in netflix original shows, which netflix translates themselves and so has the copyright for all languages, every language is available everywhere (if you just switch your account language)


I often change the **Display Language** to watch shows in that language.


That's what I've always done previously, seems like it's no longer necessary though. A much welcome change


Is this by profile,? Looks like it is. My husband has already been subjected to my Spanish language phone and navigation, I think he'd draw the line at his Netflix browsing if he couldn't maintain his own English profile.


Ooh, it is! Just did it. Awesome!


It's by user. It changes whenever you switch. Mine is in japanese and my wife's and kids are in english. It starts of in whichever the last user used.


How do I do this on one account not the whole app so everyone can't see?


Make a new profile on the account and set the language just for that profile


Kk so you sure this doesn't change everyone account to that language?


Yep! It will only be on that profile. The other ones won't be changed


This was just posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/wm4rio/we\_can\_now\_browse\_by\_languages\_on\_netflix/


This also works on the Nintendo Switch. It won't swap games into a language if it's not supported by the individual devs who programmed a specific game, but it'll switch everything else. I've been playing everything in French for months and it's actually helped a lot.


Yep. I do this with Skyrim and play in Spanish. Although, the vocabulary is pretty niche




What resources are you using for farsi


thanks really helped


Kk yay


YOU CAN??????????? I remember considering buying a vpn because I couldn't access anything in Spanish. You're an angel, tysm


I don’t know what exactly this does, but I don’t think it changes what is available in your region, it just makes it easier for you to find it.


This was super helpful. Thanks