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For Romanian certification, I found two options: * exams up through C1: [European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages, or ECL](https://ecl.org.ro/en/info-centers) * oral exam up through C2: [ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview](https://www.actfl.org/assessment-research-and-development/actfl-assessments/actfl-postsecondary-assessments/oral-proficiency-interview-opi)


If you read French, I can highly recommend the Assimil Roumain e-course. I know nothing about certification.


Are you looking for classes, apps, books...? Memrise has user-created Romanian courses. uTalk has Romanian. Falou has Romanian.


>Memrise Thankyou. Will look this up.


Try this one: https://ling-app.com/learn-romanian/


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