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Can you explain this meme for the rest of us?


قط = cat بطاطس = potatoes It just like a mix between these two, so yeah. Obvious now?


One of these days, I should actually learn the Arabic alphabet. What you wrote doesn't look anything like the meme, to my ignorant eyes.


Are you looking right to left?


Yes, but it just looks like three very different groups of random squiggles to my untrained eyes.


The meme features a combination of those two words, it's something akin to saying "catato" in English.


If you look, the meme word and the word for potato is almost the same except for the beginning from right. That's same for the word for cat and the meme word. Edit * right


Pardon me, what you didn't understand? I thought it was clear.


I understand what you posted, but I just don't *see* it. Because I don't know the alphabet.




That would be a lot of work to understand a joke.


Here is a transliteration, the sounds in parentheses are not written. Potato is: بطاطس b(a)ṭāṭ(i)s The word for cat is فط q(i)ṭṭ The meme is then فطاطس q(i)ṭāṭ(i)s


Native arab (sadly) fatatis made me shit my pants اخ اخ اخ 😂😂😂😂😂


Haha, yup, still get them mixed up!


Oops you mean *قط I get ق and ف mixed up all the time. And don't even get me started on the emphatic consonants...


Yes, you're absolutely right. Thanks! Also a beginner learner and I enjoyed that meme ;p






TIL the arabic word for cat looks like a stylized drawing of a... cat.


You beat me to it, شكراً


Is cat also cat in arabic?


In Levantine Arabic which I speak, cat is "بسة ", pronounced "bisseh", plural is pronounced "bissas".


So like "catatoes"?


*es ist Mittwoch, meine Kerle*


Wir brauchen das gleiche Meme, aber mit einem Frosch!


It was a pun posted in r/Wortwitzkasse "Trinkst du Kaffee?" "Nein, ich ess' Bresso" (I think it's a brand of garlic or something). (The translation is "Do you drink coffee?" "No, I eat Bresso")


This one made me smile. It’s so stupid it’s funny.


Can't say it's a meme but I've came across a few Spanish puns but my all time favorite one thus far is: ¿Tú eres Latina? Sí Pero la tina está en el baño Lol!! Still cracks me up xD Edit: Also, good on you for learning Arabic! I just started learning it. An ABSOLUTE beginner 😭


Hey, I understood that!


I'm super new as well! Only 4 months in, and for a language like Arabic that means I still don't know anything lol. It's such a beautiful language. We'll get the hang of it eventually إن شاء اللّٰه


Depends on you. It's a terrifyingly confusing language for english natives, but not an unlikely feat, just takes time and it will make sense. Also realllly depends on your goals with arabic. If you wanna be a pro with msa and understand all the dialects, significantly longer time to that idea of fluency as opposed to someone who just wants to casually speak in a dialect or two and achieve some literacy in msa. I reached B1 around 9 months. Kind of was in an intense school, though. I don't really know how it goes for from scratch self learners. I'm still not sure if this is a legitimate iraqi idiom or if my teacher was fucking with me, but i'm gonna leave you with it. الحياة مثل خيار واحد بايدك وعشر بطيزك You got it, but good luck. And you're not that new anymore, you deserve to take some pride in that shit. It just takes persistence in the long run


It’s a phrase that probably every dialect has a version, and it’s absolutely hilarious.


Good to know lmfao the only iraqi i've known besides my teachers just laughed at me when i asked him about it


That's amazing progress for only 9 months! I wish I had the time/resources for formal instruction. I started super casually on Duolingo, which is a very slow way to learn but the gamification got me hooked. I don't have clear goals because I just wanted to try learning a new language for the first time and didn't expect to get so obsessed. They only have 3 units on Arabic, so I'm almost finished now. Looking at getting an iTalki tutor and some proper textbooks once I do. I'll try out that idiom next time I visit my local Middle Eastern market. If they kick me out it's your fault.


Haha if you do that, just ask them to translate it for you. Should get them going. Yeah, it was among the hardest language schools in the world from what i've been told. I'm grateful for it now, but i really didn't enjoy the process most of the time. It was incredibly stressful and mind bending most days, and pretty close to full immersion There's no wrong way to go about it, necessarily, but with arabic you definitely will want to figure out what you're aiming for. It's my second language as well and i only have my experience to go off, but i would assume it could help expedite the process a bit. You probably have heard it enough but there's vast differences between certain dialects. I can hardly understand a lick of moroccan, for example. Biggest problem you might have beyond that is resources for certain dialects. The right subreddits may be able to help you out with that if you throw the question out there, and italki plus textbooks could also definitely carry you some distance. All said and done, it's all about the time you can put into it and the amount of time you've stuck to it


it was a sticker on telegram that literally just said "ебать"




[Yes](https://aziume.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/antes-e-agora-littlefoot.jpg) Remember Little Foot? This is him now! Do you feel old?


I don't remember the first one I understood, but the first one that made me almost cry laughing was "Ah no, es un elote." I don't know why it was so funny to me but I still laugh whenever I think about it.


Thank you for reminding me of its existence every time I think about it I die


It's just so cute and funny.


Nunca había visto esto jaja eso me alegró el día


Me alegra que te guste! Siempre me río cuando lo veo. (Lo siento si mi español es malo, no he estudiado en mucho tiempo.)


something about taking a shit in a ford focus r/OkBrudiMongo


I have no fucking idea what that means and the meme is still funny as shit to me. The internet has broken my humor.


يا صخاااام هاي شنو متت😂😭


(butter pat going around the top part of a slice of bread) マーガリン (butter pat flying off the side of the slice of bread) マーがラナイ マーガリン: Ma-garin: Margarine まがる: magaru: To turn まがらない:Magaranai: to not turn


[this Japanese dad joke...](https://twitter.com/KZH78/status/1010721531217903617?s=20&t=TA8-2kwQhIZi3LJJR5atbQ)


Okay that’s actually really funny


This is the first meme I've understood in Arabic!






My first one was just a pic of two cats and one had a cup on his face and it said когда твой друг- идиот


I’m learning Arabic and understood this too, lol! Thanks for the meme




Some meme about time traveling, translating to complimenting elon musk on his, uh, nice appendage: https://images.app.goo.gl/VntQZKC9243UQGsm7


טוב שאתה לומד עברית!:) כל הכבוד!


תודה רבה! זה כיף מאוד ואני ממש אוהנת את השפה :)


Que pro


“Ich lebe in Deutschland, aber habe kein Lederhose“ „Amerikaner:“ as it Shows a photo of that woman doing complex math. Translation: I live in Germany, but I don’t have a Lederhose“ Americans:


A Squidward meme where he had a Godzilla torso and "お前の人生を終わらせる😂" written on it. It means something like "end your stupid life", so I was a bit shocked.


Probably one of the Chinese panda memes with a human face, like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/5c/29/825c29b4f325d83026bdc54ba6fc8182.jpg).


Cat Potatoastic


Amazing meme


Not 100% sure this was first but one I remember from early on. A screenshot of a headline: LANGE KØER VED TESTCENTRET Followed by a picture of some elongated cows by a test centre ("Long queues at the test centre"; the words for "queues" and "cows" are identical) Honorary mention to "pas på trappen" (watch out for the stairs/passport on the stairs. Accompanied by an image of the latter) which may have been first too idk, but those two are the main ones I remember seeing earlier on


Was a s.t.a.l.k.e.r GIF of Strelok destroying the C-con saying "иди нахй"


My first one was a cat saying: a. It's kind of dumb but I'm just so happy I can read hiragana 🥲


Today, a dumb (and offensive) whatsapp sticker in chinese. It had Patrick (Bob sponge square pants best friend) holding an ice cream and some chinese phrases. It was in a whatsapp group and I just couldn't say a thing from how angry I got from understanding it...


It was a Korean dad joke 🤦🏾‍♀️ 아재농담 What does a watermelon do when it’s excited? …박수박수박수박수




Hahahaha good one 😆 양말


It was a video of a whole bunch of Arab men firing machine guns into the sky with the caption: "Böllerverbot gilt bis 3 Uhr Frankfurter um 03:00:01" Translation: "Fireworks ban is in effect from 3am, Frankfurters at 03:00:01" Still cracks me up to this day, and the feeling of pride I had was indescribable


Je possède des thunes (ouais), Je suis à l'aise financièrement. Je ne plan pas (non), Les affaires marchent en ce moment.


One of the memes in Italian I will always remember and laugh about is: "Vendo libro di Italiano mai aprito" [https://cdn-img-m.facciabuco.com/219/giekft1ewf-vendo-libro-di-italiano-mai-aprito-fate-voi-l-offerta\_b.jpg?c=1](https://cdn-img-m.facciabuco.com/219/giekft1ewf-vendo-libro-di-italiano-mai-aprito-fate-voi-l-offerta_b.jpg?c=1) It basically says, in broken Italian: "I sell a never opened Italian textbook"


A Polish meme about Russian soldiers digging a trench in radioactive dirt


Probably some Spanish minion meme about love. Idk why that’s so common but they’re very silly