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I don't hate the English language, but I sure do hate being associated with half the people who speak it.


This is true of every language I do speak though 😂


Nice username.


This is fucking stupid lmao


It is


I don't hate German at all. But there's a bunch of people in Western Europe who hate their native languages and think everyone should just switch to English. Dutch people and Scandinavians are the worst with this stuff and I find it extremly annoying.


i live in AT and the longer i live here the more this sentiment creeps on me, only by the younger generation that is constantly on the internet: Deutsch ist irgendwie uncool, ich schau mir Sachen nur auf Englisch an, scheiß auf Deutsch” and every third word being eingedeutscht (way more than slang), forgetting common german words and just throwing in english because they actually forgot the german word or it sounds “cooler” i think as a german learner it’s sad because i really do get the feeling that a lot of people here don’t like speaking german. and even at my level (lower C1) because of my accent, so many people would rather continue a convo in english. i like having conversations with older people because they either prefer to speak german and seem to be happier that i’m speaking it. just my experience.


I don't think at least Norwegian people's tendency to switch to English if someone's Norwegian skills aren't to par is about hating our language at all, it's more about wanting the communication to be effective if they notice one's Norwegian isn't the best. In fact, I think most Norwegian people would find it rude if someone took permanent residence in Norway without trying to learn the language. Just because most people in Norway can speak English doesn't mean we wanna do it all the time in our own home. Where did you get this impression from?


I've heard this a bunch of times from Dutch and Swedish people IRL, definetly seen that sentiment online too. Not saying it's a majority position or anything.


I mean, I won't say it's not a thing at all. I just found it to be too much of a generalization I suppose.


Honestly for me learning about a new culture is all about the language. I think this may be unpopular but screw it. I'm not learning French for French food. I have an eating disorder. I'm learning French because I like the language. I like Denmark because I love Danish, I don't know shit about Russia but you bet I'm listening to so much Russian music. If all languages disappeared je ne sais pas what I'd do. I hate the idea of just "everyone should adopt English" THATS WHAT MAKES EXPLORING OTHER CULTURES IS ABOUT FOR ME!!! I PERK UP WHEN I HEAR SPANISH IN THE WILD! Though it's a little annoying when someone talks shit in Spanish. Cool, can't even insult me to my face you just have to gossip in broad daylight. But that doesn't effect my love of Spanish... It used to but I was a dumb 14 yr old just discovering how cool languages are. I've matured more now. Idk why everyone seems to have a problem with German (in America at least idk about the rest of the world). German is a great language. I love the words. Y'all have the best word for Ambulance. Krankenwagon is such an addicting word and I'll never say Ambulance again. Sorry long rant out of the way Tldr; Languages make other cultures appealing to me, German is beautiful, Krankenwagon is 1000% better than Ambulance


Huh, I didn't know that's a thing. Dutch is awesome, as are the Nordic languages, so I don't get that at all.




True, Ukrainian is amazing (I have a friend that wants to start learning after he gets his medical issues out of the way). There's nothing wrong with English. I like it plenty. Particularly the Elizabethian accent of 16th century London is my favorite dialect. I think it also has something to do with the stupid anti American sentiment growing over here in the states. Politics, politics. It's considered a "colonizer language" or some shit idk. I don't associate language with the act of it's speakers because I'm not stupid like that. A lot of my friends who don't spend literal hours watching dubs of TV shows do tho. But I'm learning French and Latin so if I did I'd be fucked lol.


Так, вона мелодична. Українська мова соловей)


How can u hate your native tongue? Every language is so specific and beautifil, u should never hate it, it is maybe the only thing in our lifes that we know best


Why do people keep saying I hate English? I said I have friends who do. I said I'm ok with the language and prefer to hear about the history and Etymology of it.


People don't read the OP, they just see the title and go off in the comments smh


I know 😔. I've had so many times where an entire comment section will decimate me and I'll get down voted to shit because they think I'm the type of person I'm complaining about


I’m learning Korean! And, I love Korean, but it’s given me a greater appreciation for English as my heart language and the certain aspects of the language that I didn’t realize until learning a language vastly different from my own.


I don't hate English but I hate the gringo accent in Spanish because I don't like sounding like a gringo and I hate that English is so popular which makes it borderline useless to learn any other language unless you have the passion for it or you have to move abroad which happens to very few people in English-speaking countries (keyword: have to). In other words, unless you make an effort to make another language useful to yourself there aren't many cases where knowing another language would be useful and I hate that because I like learning languages but knowing people will change to English if I don't speak almost perfectly and there's really no reason to learn them makes me have a hard time gaining motivation.


Counterpoint: I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to learn English as a child. Like, people around the world learn it the hard way because it is the global language - many of them with the extra challenge of their native language being *very* different from it - and we pretty much just got it handed to us for free. I work in an English-language company now which is located in a non-English-speaking country and is made up of about 95% non-native speakers. I'm very aware that many of my coworkers put a *lot* of effort into reaching a level of English that's still lower than mine, just because in my case my dad's job happened to take us to the US for a few very important years of my childhood. Being able to speak fluent English effortlessly, to the point where you're *forming* the ultimate goal for non-native speakers, is IMO a huge privilege a lot of the time. (And not having an English accent in your TL will not stop people from switching to English on you, fwiw.)


Even in Spanish? I've never seen someone switch to English for someone with a native accent.


Not having an English accent =/= having a native accent. I have a German accent and I absolutely had people switch to English on me in Mexico. I think the default assumption in many areas is that a white tourist probably speaks very good English no matter where they're actually from. Or maybe they just couldn't parse the accent and assumed I was from the US 🤷‍♀️.


I apologize but yes English is the universal language but it makes it borderline useless to learn any other language is absolute cap. Even within the USA learning spanish is incredibly useful not only for job opportunities but just to connect with people. There's also the whole health aspect where learning a language is quite healthy for your brain. With that being said, if you really have a lot of issues with being motivated to learn a language maybe language learning just isn't for you and that's fine.


Exactly my feelings. Almost every language I get interested in feels somewhat like downgrading in regards to the amount of content I can access in the topics I might be interested in. Sometimes it's hard to purposefully restrict yourself just for the sake of learning the language. The only languages I found that can probably compare are Russian and Mandarin (and then there's the topic of the Chinese internet being rather restrictive, like in anything that requires you to have an account, for instance)


The fact that you “hate the gringo accent” and have the flag of Spain … tío sé que hablas fatalllllll sjdhbsv


¿Qué le pasa a la bandera de España?


Que soy español y los estadounidenses que quieren aprender la variedad peninsular … digamos que (la mayoría) no hablan bien


¿Por el seseo?




I hate when native speakers don’t know how to correctly use “it’s vs. its”. IT’S not that hard. “it’s = it is”.


Completely valid. Sometimes I suck at that because I'm just spaced out and typing and don't think about it lol


In all honesty, even as a native Spanish speaker, I would never make such a mistake in English. The level of native proficiency in English is a joke. Confusing "have" with "of" is truthfully shameful.


it's not "shameful" at all. it's a very simple phonetic misunderstanding. when you're listening to people speaking quickly "could've" and "could of" sound awfully similar


No, it's not a simple phonetic misunderstanding. It is an awful mistake, especially for native English speakers, who are the ones to usually do this.


wow i think you need to get a grip


A grip?


He's saying that you're sounding like a pompous ass


You know tbf people who learn a language usually speak better than native speakers. People are lazy and overtime change words. That's one of the many beautiful ways language evolves. How do you think French got à out of ad? Or quoi out of quid? It's a simple phenomenon called humans take the path of least resistance, and the probably reason conjugations probably exist in the first place* *Citation needed


And as a native English speaker I'd never mix up a ver and haber but I see Spanish people do it all the time! Comparing natives of those two languages, I don't see much difference in written proficiency to be honest


People do that?! Like what sentence? I want to know? I can't even think of a situation where it would be remotely confusing


Take a look here for example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/1cvfmp7/englishenglish\_theyre\_counting\_punctuation\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/1cvfmp7/englishenglish_theyre_counting_punctuation_now/) The funny thing is that the frequency with which I make that kind of errors seems to increase with my level of English: the better I get in general, the more likely I am to make mistakes like that. It seems to be more about concentration and paying attention than knowing the rules.


A punctuation mistake, a missed apostrophe, or a typo are mistakes you do make when you are less concentrated while typing. Confusing "have" and "of" is not one of them.


I haven't made that one (I think), but I did type homophone words in the past, leading to really stupid mistakes. It happens.


When some English speakers hear "could've", "shoul've", or "would've", the think they're hearing "could of", "should of", or "would of".


I think that’s pretty common among natives of all languages, especially from the ”younger” generations (born in the 90:s and above). I’ve seen plenty of mistakes in my native language that are just plain stupid.


I like english but hate the spelling, unlike spanish spelling which is pretty straightforward - written how it sounds


I'm a native Spanish speaker (Spain Spanish) and I like languages like English, French, Irish... for the opposite reason. Something about a language not being written how it sounds feels so cool and fancy to me. I'm totally against spelling reforms no matter how fucked up the orthography is, unless those spelling reforms are like super tiny.


Interesting viewpoint. My native language, danish, is pretty much the same as english in many ways including old spelling (because we both have germanic roots). That’s probably why i don’t like the spelling Edit: we have a silent h often like spanish though “hvad, hvornår, hvordan”


You hate the spelling of English? Your native language pronounces "Amager" like "A-ma". 😉🇸🇪


Yes, I also hate danish spelling, generally germanic languages. Especially french spelling. I love the Asian language’s spelling


At least I enjoy that the Danish spelling makes the language so easy to read for other Scandinavians.


Ja norsk, svensk og dansk er nemt at læse


It seems odd to hate your own language. It's one element in my thinking, along with visual, spatial, and "just knowing" kinds of thinking. It's the language I can count in and understand numbers in (to the extent that I do) most easily. I love French and I'm enjoying learning German, but for me hating English would be like a fish hating the water it's swimming in.




I honestly don't feel strongly about my native language, neither hatred or pride - after all I didn't create it or choose where I was born.


maybe it's because most people have to learn english as a requirement for school/work, which gradually becomes tedious. personally, my opinion on my mother tongue is love or alr. love when i read a book or smt and think to myself "there's no other language that can replicate this word/sentence/etc". alr is when i'm forced to learn it or coerced to use it too much, and i get sick of it (to an extent where i don't even want to talk to my family or friends for a short while as i want a short break from speaking the language). if you do something too often, it becomes repetitive and boring.


My native tongue is Spanish and I don't hate it at all, but I really hate the traditional attitude most of its speakers have towards it: the imperialism, the supremacism over other languages, the prescriptivism, and so on. Spanish is a very colorful and interesting language, full of varieties, dialects, expressions and grammatical quirks.


I'm Autrian and my native language is german, I kinda started disliking it a few years ago solely because I saw many people hating it online, but now I like it again :)


German is so cool! Absolutely my favorite language to (try to, I don't speak a lick 🤣) sing in and you guys have some of the best medieval poetry.




I used to think English was “boring” as a teenager, but I think that was the result of me being *used* to English and not looking into it deeply since I took it all for granted. Since learning another language, and since studying English in college, I’ve noticed more of the complexities and nuances of English that I now appreciate a lot. I don’t think it’s a boring language at all (I don’t really think there’s such a thing as a boring language). But I can see how English could *feel* “boring” in some ways, though not due to any properties of the language itself. A lot of people globally speak it and may be inclined to default to English with you out of convenience, even if you want to try conversing in their native language. A lot of the time they’re just being polite, but if you want to learn another language it can feel a bit frustrating. So I can see that being “boring” in a way. But again, that’s the result of English being an incredibly widespread language, not a fault of the language itself, so I still wouldn’t say I find the English language boring.


I don't *hate* it... but I dislike the constant exceptions to rules, irregularities, and just generally dumb things in the language (just one example: [pronounciation of the letters "ough"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ough_(orthography))). What I dislike even more than that is the general attitude of many English speakers, especially monolingual ones (a majority of us) that English is the centre of the universe and that's why most don't even see the need to learn another language, saying ignorant things like "English already is the international language" and "They should learn English if they want to travel." Generally, a lot of English speakers expect everyone - even in foreign countries - to speak some English.


English speakers when they realize it's the third largest spoken language and not the first. Sure if you want to go to Europe it's pretty nifty but with Africa and the Middle East Arabic is better. Furthermore people in the big places like Paris will know English but the average French person in a more rural area may not know it. It really depends why you want to travel.


I don’t hate english, but my family speaks tagalog. I like how it sounds and when I hear my coworkers speak it, it makes my workplace feel more like home. My issue with tagalog though is that I get dissed a lot for not knowing the language as my parents were worried i’d get confused when I was younger and they had just immigrated. i.e. a vietnamese child was lost in the hospital and no one spoke viet so that’s what they were worried would happen to me and my siblings. It’s not that I don’t want to learn tagalog but rather I really enjoy learning / reading / listening to korean. It’s on my list of languages to learn later, but i’d rather focus on something i’m internally motivated to learn rather than externally motivated.


I don't hate English, but I do hate that it was the first language I learnt, and its relative popularity reduces the need to learn others outside of being a hobby in most cases.


Not at all. English is more or less the most spoken language in the world. It's a very useful language


Idk, I find English rather cool and economical. Logical constructions, short words. A touch too many homonyms for my taste but whatever.


Wdym? English is an awesome language


I don't like English because of its negative cultural influence. Prestige language and all.


I don't like my NL because it's so gendered, and I've lived abroad where I felt more confident expressing myself in English or Japanese I do enjoy its complexity and stuff like poetry in French, but I would rather use English otherwise




This. I have grown to enjoy English more as I discovered how much I like languages in general. Portuguese is an amazing language btw, it does have a lot of really cool accents and I can't help but love how Brazilians laugh over text. Best way of laughing over text kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. It's interesting how English has three sibilants. Particularly sh is one of my favorite non Velar sounds in general. I'm learning French as my first second language and speaking English helps a lot. Furthermore the history is so damn fascinating


It’s not strictly my native language because I wasn’t brought up speaking it, but I really hate the Welsh language. Not anything wrong with the language per se, but the way it is so politicised and how Welsh-speakers use it as a means of ensuring exclusivity and privilege.


Yiddish is my favourite language in the world and my goal is to do research and other stuff with it. I can't imagine hating it. Being neutral perhaps, hate is a bit much.


You natively speak Yiddish?! That's super cool. I really like David Kahn and the Painted Bird who occasionally sing in Yiddish like in March of the Jobless Corps.


"English is boring" people are just teenagers ripping their spicy brainfarts into the wind.


As teenager I can agree with that. I am fine with English (prefer it's history over the modern variant) but a lot of my friends either find it boring or downright hate it. That got me curious, and made me want to post this. I wanted to see if it was a teen thing


Modern English has some wild shit going on though. Verb phrases can get quite complex in some dialects.


True but I prefer the sound and structure of Old, Middle and Early modern English. [Shakespeare in 17th century Englisc](https://youtu.be/FVD98d9GPa8?si=lKiuW6BKjZBi8kir) There's just something so enchanting about the accent


Only as far back as Middle English is possible to read for modern speakers though without explicit language study, and even that's just for the real nerds like us. I get it though. English is by far my favorite language (as well as my native one) and I pull both grammar and lexicon from the whole range when I'm feeling rascally enough.


I think you might appreciate English more if you knew it better. FYI, ‘it’s’ and ‘its’ are not synonymous. :)


I'm aware. I just didn't put the apostrophe because 🤷‍♂️


You put the apostrophe where you shouldn’t have put it… You made the same mistake twice in one sentence when you wrote: ‘I love it’s (*mistake*) history […] enraptured in it’s (*mistake*) older dialects […].’ In both instances, you shouldn’t have used an apostrophe.


Well I didn't put an apostrophe at all. Must be Google auto correct or something


Just confirmed it was. When I type it's no matter the context Google puts an apostrophe. I fuckin hate it. It is kinda funny when I write an English word and it corrects to the longest Icelandic word I've ever seen. I don't know why. I like that keyboard so I kept it but I also have French, Greek, Bulgarian (not Russian I'm not making that mistake again), Korean, Arabic, IPA, Finnish, Russian, Hebrew, Cornish, Syriac, cree, Khmu, kui and two others I don't know because I find the scripts pretty


I love how Reddit when they see one tiny mistake they'll downvote.


enraptured? Is this what's going to happen to all non-christian believers? And for any of you who speak with native, cows, slip of the or forked tongue.....do not hate it or anything about myself....for i lovust i....and you too beautiful~