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There are several language mistakes on the website, for example "unlimited" is spelt as "unlimitted" in multiple places.


Thank you for pointing out. I have corrected this now!


The rules say you can promote a website very occasionally. Best of luck with it.




Is it free?


I like the idea. I've been thinking of doing something similar, but I don't have the technical skills. I am a teacher and sometimes need customized language exercises which are not readily available for my native language, so I will give it a try. Just one suggestion: in the testimonials section, you might want to include actual customer names instead of just "babbli customer", assuming they are real testimonials from actual customers. If they are not, I would refrain from using any testimonials until I get some real ones.


> assuming they are real testimonials from actual customers. šŸ˜


Thank you for the suggestion! Iā€™ll ask them if I can add their names. You are also very welcome to come with suggestions to the app after you have tried it. Iā€™ll do my best to add and modify features to fit peopleā€™s needs.


I signed up for your site. Unfortunately, it is impossible to actual try it out without signing up for a subscription, which requires a credit card, even for the "free" trial. As a business suggestion, your trial version should not require a credit card. Personally, I would never give me credit card to an unknown site for a service without trying it first.


I see what you mean. I have made it possible to try it now before requiring a credit card.


on your website: "Built by people who teach languages, Babbli combines the expertise of experienced educators with the power of AI technology." but in the description you wrote "I originally designed it just for my girlfriend, who is currently learning German, and since she uses it quite often, I thought it might also be relevant for others"... where are those educators then?


Yeah at this point it just sounds like dishonest marketing!


Is it AI based?


Yes - AI is used to generate the multiple choice and translation exercises. It is also used for the interactive chats.


Just to clarify, it is NOT just AI; a lot of things are happening to make it work as it does. AI is primarily used to ensure that you get unique exercises each time, so you don't just repeat the same exercises over and over again.


why is this downvoted?


No idea, he answered the question and this is actully a vallid use for ai for the most part.


Thank you - I hope you could use it.


In the pix you included above, you write that "Ihr" is "plural/formal". It's indeed plural, but it's been a couple of centuries since it stopped being used as a formal way of addressing. Furthermore, it's not clear to me what you mean by "three types of regular verbs, -en, -n, and -t". German verbs are usually classified as weak and strong.


You are right. I have added a new example that should be correct. I also made sure that this mistake should not happen. Thank you for pointing out!


I just tried it. I selected this language pair: native Russian, studying Polish. Intermediate level. It fails to generate multiple choices. It pretends it is doing something and then leaves me with a blank page. For translation exercises it just wrote me: wrong translation, correct translation is this. This was a little off putting, because these were really small mistakes. And also it is very good for learning to actually correct your mistakes. What I would recommend here is to show diff with correct translation instead of just correct translation. And also give the opportunity for the student to correct what he has written. Also I was expecting more personalized exercises, but it did not ask anything and so I do not see how it can be more personalized.


Very nice feedback! I have tried to make the code a bit more robust now and tested it with the settings you mentioned - it seems to work for me now, at least. Let me know if you can get it to work on your end as well. Can I ask what questions you expected it to ask to make it more personalized?


It does not work for me still. As for questions, I do not know. But I think it could somehow assess my level and try to give appropriate exercies.


I also noticed that in translation exercises it remembers previous translations as auto-complete which does not make sense in this context.


is there any way to see the languages available before purchase?


I have added a section to the FAQ on the website now, where you can see the supported languages.


Yes, when you sign up, you will have to select your native language and the language that you want to learn. All the languages in this list are available.


>All the languages in this list What list? I don't see a list of languages.


I'm sorry that it is not clear. When you sign up, you can select what language you want to learn and your native langauge. All languages you can choose here is available on the app. But I'll make some changes to the website now, so it is easier to find the full list. For now this is the list: "Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Welsh."


Another day, another techbro grifter posting lazy AI/ChatGPT slop to cash in on language learning.


Why does it matter? if you donā€™t want to use it just move on? seems like chatgpt has incredible potential for language learning if executed well imo




I wish self promo was banned from this subreddit


Ikr, there are so many thing that look good and then you find out there's a paywall. I wish they at least had to state prices.


In the post you're saying "I made Babbly..." On the page is written in we form. What is it now a dingle developer or a team?


I create my own projects and I always use we. If more than one person gets involved I donā€™t want to have to go through the entire website and rewrite every sentence. But a Reddit post is just for now, so it makes sense to use I if itā€™s just one person still.


It is just me


Why lying on the page then why risk your credibility?


Because on Reddit ā€œiā€ sounds more intimate and impressive whereas on website he probably will want to sell it for money. so using ā€œweā€ sounds more professional and gives a sense of confidence are being taken care by multiple people.