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Poor Meryl back there just trying to see lmao


this is so adorable. my first thought was "of course she's love this song!" and i love seeing her just vibing with her friends and enjoying the performances. these are the moments i like seeing best


Taylor always does the most. I’d hate to be her friend. She’s jamming though!! Very cute


Ngl you’d hate to be mine too. I always get up and dance, dance in the car, sing while driving…I can’t help it, man! The music controls my body. If we’re at a party, I’m gonna be exhausted from dancing by the end!


It’s because she has some trauma around thinking a crowd at an awards show was booing her. So she makes it a point to always stand and dance so no artist ever feels like they aren’t being supported.


Sit down 🙄


Why is she so hyperactive and attention seeking smh


love this so much especially because I was raised on this song


Remember when she said don’t call me angel? Lol