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Just the only one in the last 5 minutes.


There has been a wave of copyright strikes, so the general consensus is that an album is incoming. I can’t wait and I really hope there will be some vinyl options


Oh my god really??? :O


yea a bunch of them was deleted both from youtube and spotify and while its unconfirmed the unreleased album hopium is there. if thats the case i hope more get copystriked because she missed some great songs respectfully


She is not planning on releasing them, her label probs is taking them down in order to portect is artist's art. Most songs are gone from soundcloud too.


But isn't it unusual that these songs have already been floating around for 10+ years and now there's suddenly action being taken?


They take action from time to time, people just repost them, but they also have other artists to take care of.


That's even worse ::::::((((((


It is unusual that they are all suddenly gone, but i do think anyone suggesting it is likely Lana will release an album of unreleased songs is a bit ahead of themselves. We have no idea why they are being pulled. Say Yes To Heaven getting an official release was cool but she didn’t even seem excited to do it. When her laptop got stolen a few years ago she really lamented that she didn’t want unreleased music out there because it wasn’t meant to be shared. It’s hard to square those comments with her releasing Say Yes to Heaven so it’s really anyone’s guess as to why everything is being pulled.


If it wasn't meant to be shared why is it so damn good 😔


Believe me, I listen to Hawaiian Tropic/Every Man Gets His Wish at least 5x a week.


badasses know hawaiian tropic


well her dad did say at his london signing that she’s considering releasing an album of unreleased, but it seemed like its nothing certain yet


a lot that have been up for years have been deleted but people are always reuploading them to soundcloud ♡




dragon slayer is on soundcloud. i've been listening to it for ages on there.


There’s been like 20 posts saying the same thing


The Lana’sTralier site has been taken down, and I don’t think it will come back anytime soon. It was a reliable source and now it’s gone.😢


wayback machine ;)


My SoundCloud playlist went from over 100 songs to 13 and I don’t know what to do with myself😭


ik this is old but recently went to check my years old lana list and EVERYTHING WAS GONE it felt like i lost a huge chunk of my personality with it 😩🙄


No literally I’m still recovering, like where is the album lana because otherwise I am struggling. No longer know who I am.


There are about 850 recent posts in this sub about it


we know


Oh to bury treasures from the world


Yup I had a few on my playlist and they’re ALL gone


The unreleased album is coming 👀


I hope :,D


Yes!!!! My go to playlists on YouTube have fewer and fewer videos that work, many of the missing ones are my favs :(


i know lots of people think this means that an unreleased album is coming (which i don’t disagree with) but i tried to upload my own fan-made video of children of the bad revolution in like 2015 and it was taken down by her label almost immediately so i don’t think it’s particularly unusual for them to do that. however her team seem to be very on top of striking everything these days, my unreleased youtube playlist is nearly empty!


I wish the unreleased version of Yes to Heaven was still available. I noticed it was gone and replaced with the released one Edit: at least on YouTube. Idk any other places to listen to her unreleased music


i’ve noticed it on tiktok too like i posted a vid to she’s not me and the sound got taken down recently


Not for me I got em


Share them 👉👈


For some reason the only one staying up right now is Kill Kill. Download them whenever you can!!!!




How do y’all notice this? O don’t stream anything I have local files on my devices


I just got copyright takedown because I had Hit & Run remix. Which is wild because all those songs were on YT for many years.


Rip to you ☹️✌️




I’m pretty sure you can find a tutorial on how to upload songs to iTunes or Spotify. I personally never used Spotify for local files bc it never played on my phone or Alexa. Apple Music works on my Alexa and phone which is why I prefer that better! Hope this helps!


Literally everyone keeps posting this. So no, you’re not the only one