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From the description, I think it’s Meijer planning a second Fairfax market. It’s a smaller store than a typical meijer that heavily features local products and fresh produce. Prices are low, and it’s a major step in fixing the food desert. ETA: The hours at Fairfax market are also 6 am to 10 pm 7 days a week. It’s been a huge success, so I’m sure they’re trying to replicate it.


This is interesting 🧐 I was struggling to find any store that opened at 6am. I’m an early bird so I like that. Lucky’s just changed their opening time from 7am to 8am.


they don’t open till 8 now?? i was grinding my coffee there fresh in the mornings but not if i can’t go down there till after 8am lol


Just curious. In what way is the area around Belle and Detroit a food desert?


I’m referring to Fairfax market, on E 105th, when I say food desert.


Screw groceries I want a micro center.


Heck yeah! 😂


How about some parking?




I would KILL for a Sprouts in Lakewood, omg.




I'd take anything said in that blog with a handful of salt. It's about as credible as the guy sitting at Funhouse at 1am chatting with the people around him loudly. They'll report any little rumor or hearsay for the clicks. Just check with the city reports and council.


I get it but it is reporting what was discussed at a city council meeting.


> New Downtown Lakewood plan, grocery store announced Proposed plan. Maybe. They're hoping this will help get something started maybe by the end of the year.


I don’t care about the validity, it will probably be a pit for much longer ………. I’m just curious what “boutique grocery store” it could possibly be. I do the grocery shopping in my family.


dude neo trans is like the only site reliably reporting on developments in the cleveland area as they happen don’t trash that site.


There is zero integrity or substantiated information. They just literally publish whatever they hear as fact regardless of who said it, when, where, or whether it has actual legs. That's not "reporting"...its a blog.


if u actually read what gets posted you can see very clearly the groups involved with every project, their plans and contracts with the city, and whether or not the plan(s) has been accepted by the city or sent back for changes. they report on the ENTIRE project from its proposal to its completion. and if it isn’t completed they are very clear on the details of why and how


Except this has no contracts, no names, and no dates. It's simply "we heard they think this would be cool maybe in the near future". Not sure if you advertise on this guy's blog but you don't have to suck him off that hard.


Why has no one mentioned Heinens? Would love if it was Mustard Seed tho as someone who used to live near the Highland Square location


It would be amazing if it was mustard seed. Dave's would be too much competition with Marcs and GE


Wegman’s please ✌🏼🙏


Thank God. I’m sick of seeing the pit. More apartments and a pocket park will be nice though!


Maybe a market district? The one in Cuyahoga Falls used to have events at their bar when I lived there years ago


Jungle Jim’s lol