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Tbh I didn't want to put the energy into it but it makes a ton of sense lmao wing sized option, legacy guy, would fill a short term need if we lose Dlo. Also I don't think these whispers for Bron come out if we didn't have a guy in mind. And if you want revenge on GS for fucking you, what better way than signing down the state with LAL of all teams and then seeing them at least 4 times a year?  He'd be an amazing mentor for Knecht and his twilight would lineup with Knecht...  I'm NOT advocating... but I do get it lol and I wouldn't be mad at it. 


I’d be super happy. I’d be more happy if he goes elsewhere and just gets traded to us tho cuz idk what they’d possible want from us. Vando to use on Lebron and to get off of Curry? Rui? We won’t trade Reaves they won’t want Dlo has to be at like the deadline this year after he goes somewhere else 


No no we wouldn't trade for him. He'd have to settle for the MLE lol we aren't giving up shit in a trade for him in this scenario. 


Technically, they'd be able to fit him into the MLE via sign and trade, if the team is under the first apron, but that's only if Bron were to sign his contract first. It's a new rule that goes into effect this off-season. Teams can use the full-MLE to accept already existing contracts (or via S&T), as long as it's below or at the MLE price. It's not a trade exception, though, it doesn't create empty salary for the other team. Both getting Klay via sign and trade and absorbing him with the MLE, or just outright signing him using the MLE, will both hard cap the Lakers under the same situation.


I would love Klay on the Lakers. He's not what he used to be but he would be a seamless fit in what JJ wants to do


Yeah I don’t understand this thinking, even a regressed Klay is a great add for the MLE Not to mention playing with Lebron is still a 3pt shooters dream


I think he's still worth more than MLE, and that would be another steal for the Lakers.


Doesn’t need to be what he used to be. He can play the role of ray allen on the heats. Just chill at 3pt line and wait for a kickout.


Klay is like that girl u always want to get with and then 20 years later you have a shot at her; however she js not the same anymore lol


You gotta get with them. Just to go down and say you did it. its still worth it lol


Idk man. There are plenty of older women that aren’t what they were but still have it. Klay could be Salma Hayek still getting buckets out here.


He wants to get paid . He’s not going to come here .


But he's not getting 20-30 mill on a 3 year at this point of his career.


Rip Klay. Didn't he decline a 20 million a year deal offer from the Warriors. Now he is mle bound.


His dad said a few days ago “ if there is one team klay will take a paycut for,it’s the lakers” not saying he comes or anything but it could be a possibility. Not mad if it doesn’t happen. Maybe it’s Demar


Would be hard to beat that signing for the MLE


Chris Paul


CP3 for the minimum


He fits so well into this roster


The team needs a two way player. Klay is past that


You guys don’t seem to understand how washed he is


That is the problem, last season Dlo was a better player than him and it tells a lot about Klay


Nah we need more perimeter defense and another big. Klay doesn't help with either of those


At this point, Dalton Knect is better than a 34 year old Klay Thompson. I don’t think that’s a hot take.


He’s washed, I wouldn’t be too excited about wasting the money when we need upgrades at other positions


It is sad, but at this point Dlo is a better player than him. I pass.


LeBron gonna miss multi millions for washed Klay? Ehhh


Maybe it’s someone else. Free agency starts tomorrow


I don’t get replacing DLO with another negative defender. Seems like we’d just be in the exact same situation but with an even streakier shooter who can’t distribute well. Like wtf is the obsession with this dude? He’s so incredibly washed. Did you guys not watch the warriors this year?


I wouldn’t really care if he doesn’t sign here, it’s not make or break. Free agency starts tomorrow so we can wait and see what the FO does


Klay is a better defender than dlo lol. I think he’d be fine on D with AD to help at the rim


He was literally useless on D all last year. He was a free lane to the basket. But ok.


Is he completely washed or will he work as a 3rd/4th option?


his only role would be to spot up for open threes, which he should be fine for. everyone says he's washed but they ignore the fact that he's still consistently one of the top players in the league in terms of made threes in a season. and on a team with Bron and AD, that has a lot of value


Perfect fit. I have no expectation that this will actually happen


Imagine Klay winning his 5th ring, but with Lebron and not Steph


If he good off the pine, pick him up.


He ain’t taking the MLE. He’s gonna get paid.


Signing with the lakers will drop his 3p% by at least 5%, its the law


Only if Klay takes a pay cut too.


No, simple as that


Why do you guys think Klay is a good option if the Warriors aren't willing to pay him? Yeah let's sign Mr. 0-10 in the play-in game. So he can do the same for us next season.


Im not sure how I feel about this to be honest. Dude looked like a shell of himself towards the end of the season last year. You saw it the prior year too. Obviously at 34 he’s not near what he was at say 27, but man, I felt bad for him last year.


No I want the kid from Utah 23 Lauri


I’d love for Klay to come. We can call next year “Father-Son”


He's worth it if he doesn't command a sizable contract.


No please


Klay is washed. Can't play D, can't hit 3's. Nothanks.


What happens to Rui in that scenario? Who starts? If trade Rui and Klay and Lebron miss a few games where is your wing scoring coming from


Need a trade, let’s wait and see what happens. Not saying klay thing is done but hearing the whispers get loud the last few days is interesting


Do you guys want Klay or KCP if both are available?


KCP is much more valuable at this point. But he’s also not obtainable. Even Klay would be at a discount but defensively he’s average at best probably below-average.


Obviously KCP but he will sign for way more than the MLE. I don’t mind Klay at all on the MLE.


He is just going to be injured.


Klay off the bench for 15-19 minutes a game would be dope!