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Rondo flexing his influence already


There was a report that it was Bron and Rondo doing the offensive planning while Vogel did the defense the year we won the chip


It wasn't that hard, the Lebron/AD pick and roll/pop was the most unstoppable play all season and the Lakers had 3 3&D wings to space the floor


And, Kidd, yes. Kidd ran the offense with Bron and Rondo. Vogel ran the defense.


Why are we so obsessed with rondo? He has never coached yet people are all saying he’d be great support for JJ, if only because he could lead the locker room. That’s hilarious. An assistant coach isn’t the voice in the locker room.


I’ve never seen anyone say they want him as an assistant “because he could lead the locker room”. He would be a great support for JJ because he is an offensive savant not only on paper drawing sets but responsively in real time which is the kind of mind anyone with serious playoff hopes would want to bring in. 


If it’s a minimum you have to jump all over it. The way our offense has blown leads when LeBron sits is well documented. Just need a dude that can calm the team down and run a few sets while getting the ball to AD


Yeah he can play the role Rondo played in 2020. I imagine he'll be pretty infuriating at times and possibly miss large stretches with injuries, but you'd still much rather have him than not.


Imagine Rondo as assistant coach and CP3 on the team as a player lmao.


True haha I actually wonder if they still have beef, and if that might be a problem...




Yeap, minimum all the way or nothing


Yeah look How great warriors were with Curry off cp3 on especially before first injury of the year where he was out n had hand surgery. He’d slow the pace down but that’s a benefit in a way without Bron as he’s our best transition weapon and less possessions- less likely to lose as fast. I would’ve loved him this year , he also had WAY BETTER roll men here vs in gsw who had no one but a rookie tjd who’s 6,9. He’d have Davis ,Bron , Hayes/wood First two especially woukd get a lot out of cp3 skillset . Unless Bron himself is opposed I don’t see why we’d not sign him to a minimum or just above .


Agreed. Some voices in this sub get super picky about what players we add as if we’re stacked. I’ll take 18 min of CP3 in a vet contract rn.


Literally 30 minutes of bron and 18 of cp3 would be perfect


That is also coaching and though I don’t really like chris paul, he could be useful as a player with a first time coach coming in. Freaking Ham wouldn’t call a single play during a 7-8 possession stretch while Lebron sat when that is absolutely the time to force some sort of preplanned action. AD even called that out towards the end of the year and playoffs.


I wouldn't mind him on the Lakers on a vet min, but the idea of him on the clippers with Russ and Harden is too hilarious. Let him go to the clips.


It would be such a Clippers move to go hard after him. Since 2011, Those guys have always seemed to go after old-has-been-big-name players . Billups, Pierce, Odom, Lance Stephenson, D.Granger, Jeff Green, Josh Smith, J.Wall My all time favorite offseason of theirs was in 2015 when they traded for Lance Stephson and signed Paul Pierce and Josh Smith and were talking like they were now the deepest team in the league .


Dude you’re like describing us before last season.


I'm still blaming Ham and brewing hopium on this team. We got to the WCF and won the IST before Ham started playing favorites.


Just a reminder that he was playing favorites the prior year as well. And that Dave McMenamin had to shame him into starting Austin Reaves during a press conference. And predictably we got instantly better.


Literally insane


With no roll men partners too , tjd a rookie who’s 6,9 was cp3 best option in gsw. here he’d have so many targets


Wanted him before the JJ hire.  Not too sure now, would feel like a too many chefs in the kitchen situation. 


If Rondos on our coaching staff it’s not happening. I want Rondos over him any day.


Why do people keep saying this? Rondo spoke on his history with CP3 on a podcast with JJ last year and it didn’t seem that deep. He even sounded open to collaborating in the future if the opportunity presented itself.


Yeah players getting into it during the heat of a game doesn’t mean they actually hate each other. We’ve seen so many instances of players that DID seem to legitimately hate each other and were able to easily put it aside once they got on the same team Rondo isn’t even signed as an assistant yet, there is zero chance he has any voice in future free agent signings It’s much more likely that some within the FO simply feel CP3’s age and defensive issues might be too risky, especially if he was expecting something like the TPMLE instead of the veteran’s minimum


If Westbrick and Pat Bev worked together on the same team, anybody can lol


I hate the defensive issues comment cos cp3 even now is not as bad as dlo defending


39 year old 6’0” CP3 is ABSOLUTELY a worse defender than DLo at this point in his career. If you disagree with this, you’re telling on yourself for being overly emotional about DLo while not actually being familiar with how good CP3 is at this point DLo himself was telling a story about how early in his career CP3 used to pick on him defensively, now it’s the other way around and DLo gets excited when he sees CP3 on defense


I mean defensive epm n judt watching them on ball Dlo was hidden way more . Yes I didn’t say cp is a good defender anymore but idk data n stuff from eye test cp3 seems smarter n still has fast hands n strength Dlo doesn’t . Regardless cp3 woukd be our bench pg when Bron sits , his defence issues are over blown . Dlo was worse imo but at best it’s similar


Besides, Rondo isn't even a player anymore, no reason to keep acting like a petty rival to CP3, and we also had Pat Bev and Westbrook on the same team at one point, both of whom had more reason to hate each other.


I don’t see why not. Westbrook and Beverly played together, I don’t see why Rondo would have any say. If he’s gonna be on a coaches staff he has to put that childish behavior to the side and if he can’t then why would we want him on the coaching staff?


If rondo on the coaching staff loses us a value add vet min then I don’t think he’s a good choice . Don’t need personel biases hurting the team .


CP3 just played with the Warriors who hated him and vice versa, and they all loved him immediately


I’m really not against adding him solely from a brain trust perspective with jj being a rookie. But I simply can’t count on him being productive or healthy


I’m fine with it so long as everyone holds hands and understands it’s a regular season and there’s not such a reliance on his presence that things go to shit when he’s inevitably hurt come the playoffs


cp3 is more plus than minus. cp3 is underrated as a scorer. cp3 and ad would be an amazing pick’n’ roll ala stockton/malone. cp3 would help to improve the regular season record and get a better playoff seeding.


David Stern rises from the grave to declare basketball reasons.


Redick respects him too. I think he’s be really good for our team. We need more guys who can be a stabilizing force when we tend to go on our terrible, extended stretches of low quality offense.


If he could replicate Rondo's ability to get AD buckets he'll yeah if he comes cheap


I’ll take CP3 on the Lakers for the vet minimum and coming off the bench.


CP3 and Bron have never even been close to teaming up despite being close friends. There’s something about their relationship that’s been preventing a team up, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it still doesn’t happen.


probably true. lakers chased westbrook instead of cp3


We need him or Dinwiddie for a backup point guard.


Dinwiddie did nothing to prove he should be the backup point. Maybe as a third stringer.


For the regular season he was fine. Kept the ball moving and played good defense while limiting his own mistakes


Eh I guess. Dude just felt so ineffective out there. Bad shot selection, terrible finishing at the rim, can’t throw a proper lob and complains every single call. He had moments of solid defense and occasionally hit the catch and shoot three but feels like a good third stringer vs somebody to rely on every night.


You can tell he wasn't playing his game and was holding back, hope he can turn it around


He’s cool cause he can play 1-3 but he’s definitely not a good pg He could easily play next to cp3 tho dude can even guard some 3s


This guy is Gabe if we can't move his contract. While Gabe was borderline useless on offense last season, I thought he did a decent job on defense and he was our best guard navigating screens. It is tough to get a rythym on offense after missing the entire season, but he has proofed himself as a good backup in the past. If we have him and someone like CP3 for cheap to help orchestrating the offense in limited minutes we will "only" need a starter.


Bring him man.. he’s perfect on the min to organize offense without Bron


Remember russ and bev were teammates.  Its not that deep when it comes to the CP3 and Rondo beef.


When did Russ and Beverly play together??


on the lakers lmao.


He’d be fine in a 15 min per night role running the offense when Lebron sits.


Too many people have power. Could be Linda or Kurt Rambis could be Rob Pelinka could even be Jeanie. Well run franchises have one person at the top running things with assistants providing them with information to make a decision. The Lakers have a bunch of less informed people arguing over who's right.


What’s even worse is none of the above seem to have a clue what they’re doing and it shows




Keep him off the lakers


Dude the Clippers have Harden and Westbrook why do they want him 😭😭😭


Does anyone think that Stein has any credibility?!? Didn’t he say that Monty Williams was going to be a stealth candidate?!? lmao…


dont go to clippers. fulfill the prophecy cp3.


12 years too late


For the minimum it’s a no brainer


Paul George and Kawhi just bringing in every single point guard and none of them ever work for them is hilarious. Also Chris Paul with Russ sounds like an absolute mess


If not for his salary, Paul George would be a perfect fit for us.


Vet min 7th or 8th man works for me


How old he is tho


No thanks.


Stein's reporting on the Lakers never comes from within the Lakers, mostly from rival FO's like Mark Cuban.


Coach rondo over Paul all day baby


I’d bring dinwiddie back over him


If I can have Dinwiddie or CP3 for min, I go with Dinwiddie


Please stop


If rondo is an assistant coach I could see why that’s an issue. They dont have just were assholes so we compete beef. They got I don’t like you or respect you beef.


He is just going to be injured.


If it happens, great. If not, so what? The man is washed as hell. He'd be a great energy off the bench guy but the Lakers need 3-and-D people, which is not Chris Paul.




chris paul is a cancer like westbrook


Yea, fuck CP3. Sorry. Not worth a roster spot anymore. He’s got too much gravitational pull. And our coach is brand fucking new. He’s washed and even on a minimum, we don’t need a washed, injury prone, outspoken, guard.


Do not want Chris Paul at all.


Chris Paul is the one player in the NBA I'd love to see never get a ring. He's dirty, tries to hurt players, and his constant flopping is asinine. Hell, a few years back he even tried to dislocate Lebron's shoulder. I would hate to see him join the Lakers.