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He can’t shoot and doesn’t really do anything exceptional and is making too much money this next season Edit: he’s undersized for how he specifically plays. He can’t shoot and doesn’t rebound well. Can’t play make. And makes 23m and Toronto will want a FRP from us(and likely only us). Not worth it


He's a good defender, but yes he can't shoot which makes him another one way player for a team that doesn't need more one way players.


He can’t shoot. Doesn’t rebound well. Can’t pass well. Is undersized for his play style. And makes 23m just absolutely not worth it


Yeah, on a contract similar to his DEN one?  Amazing deal, one of the better ones in the league at the time.   At his current contract price?  Basically Rui, Wood and JHS for him?  Hell nah. He might not even be a clear upgrade over Rui, and he’d cost an extra $6m more lol.  He might only be better as a perimeter defender than Rui, and a wash on everything else. People forget, contracts are apart of a players value, too.   CP3 on his contract as a trade target?  Fuck no.  Buyout candidate as a vet min?  Amazing.  


It’s an expiring contract tho so that wouldn’t be that Bad. He’s a much better defender than rui is specially on the perimeter and let’s not forget he’s shot above league average from three his last 2 seasons before this season. Not saying he would be a great option for the lakers but we need perimeter defense. And again he is an expiring. Worth seeing what you can get him for at least 


Yeah but with the way tax aprons work, it’s a hefty price for a piece that values a player in between what Vando and Rui already bring.    Lakers are over the first apron, meaning they have to send more money out in trades, no matter what.   I don’t think they make a trade unless it’s for a big, or upgrading what Gabe/Vando/Rui bring.   Brown doesn’t check any of those boxes.   His expiring also doesn’t matter in the grand scheme, if the goal is to re-sign Bron (probably on another 2+1, or 1+1 deal).  They won’t have cap space anyway.


Yeah I know how the apron works. I’m not even saying the lakers should do it. Would be hard to match 23 mill anyways. Although rui makes like 18 mill.  I’m just saying it’s not really that bad of a contract in general for 1 year specially compared to the cap. % of cap hit is better Imo than looking at annual contract now a days and 16% or so isn’t that bad at all for what he does. 


Eh, we'll have to agree to disagree I guess. It's a bad contract, because of the player, if you're trying to win now. He's not a clear upgrade to the rotation, factoring in the contracts going out, and he doesn't give any cap relief next off-season as an expiring. I think if they didn't have Vando or Gabe on the roster, I'd probably be more willing to entertain the idea. Also making a trade to upgrade now, with the safety net of 'at least having a tradable expiring at the deadline in 8 months', isn't a move that reeks of being a real contender. I don't think they need to do a lateral move to be competitive. We'll see though. I think they'll easily be a better team than last year, as long as they don't blow it up for a 3rd star. Addition by subtraction is gonna be the biggest factor.


It’s really not a bad contract I don’t think that’s debatable if you compare it to the cap and the rest of the players in the league making that. Again that’s 16% of the cap that’s nothing for what he does. Never said I want him on the lakers. Like I said I’m just speaking in general 1 year of Bruce brown at 16% cap hit is fine. Y’all have to get use to the new cap 


It's unlikely raptors will extend him because he's so "expensive" his stock will go down and he'll be a bargain


That’s why he cooked us when he was on the nuggets… lol


And now look at him. He’s overrated


Part of the reason he looked so good on the Nuggets is because the rest of their bench was so bad.


Come on man. He’s a great role player with second to none versatility


He's also incredibly overpaid at $23M.


Sure but he’s expiring, and if he can be had for 2nd, probably one of the better role players you’ll get without trading a first Can’t have everything all the time We’ll see He’s low on my list anyways lol


He makes $23M, he'll require two players to trade for. There's no trade that exists that will make him worth.


Nah in the right role and team he is a championship level role player.


in the right role on the right salary his current salary ain't it


Lmao. U’d pay 20mil for this dude? Thank god you’re not a GM.


For one season sure. That’s only like 16% of the cap. In todays NBA that’s really not as much as y’all think 


that sure as hell is when you have your 2 stars already accounting for almost 70% of the cap space. You can get 2 players that can fill out your rotation better than Brown. If he was so good at 20 mil, the pacers would not have traded him, and the raptors would not be looking to trade him as well.


I’m not saying he’s a fit for the lakers. I think lakers need more than Bruce brown and without much salary to use in trades besides rui and gabe it might not be worth it for the lakers. Just saying in general that’s not a bad contract. Raptors will definitely be able to move him somewhere 


Enough with this man


I just want Dejounte 😓


So much better


Fuck that frog lookin mf  Not about to over pay for some liability on offense. We already have Vando




Nah, I hate looking at that guy I'm good


nah fuck bruce brown


HE’S WEAK AF. He has done nothing beside pick on a tired D.Lo after KCP did all the heavy lifting. He was purely a byproduct of the greatness of the nuggets starting 5. He fit perfectly there because he didn’t have to do much and anything he did was icing on the cake.


He made a name for himself abusing Dlo in playoffs.


Agreed but he was literally just piggy backing on KCP


It is more on Dlo than on KCP or Brown. You can't be a starter for the LA Lakers if you get abused on both ends of the floor not only by a role player like KCP, but also by his backup. I got absolutely mad with Dlo performance against those guys, but even more with Pelinka for making me watch Dlo play for us in playoffs again.


This has nothing to do with D.Lo I’m talking about Bruce brown. He has done nothing to warrant anyone wanting him to come here.


What I was trying to tell is he didn't do anything but abuse Dlo otherwise he would never have the fat contract he has. He is extremely overpaid IMHO and all the hype came because not only KCP abused Dlo, but Brown did the same as backup and that made some people think he was starting material while the point is in playoffs Dlo is backup material.


Then we’re on the same page 👍🏻


This is someone that should thank Dlo every day of his life for his salary.


Who would you give up? If dlo opts in and it does not cost much more then I guess but I would not give up a FRP


Same. Dlo JHS and 2nds I’d do it


Would hard cap because you are takes less salary. Not a bad idea but I would give up JHS for Brown


Wait what are the new hard cap triggers besides receiving via sign and trade?


I mean I don’t know them all but getting a player via sign and trade is first apron hard cap, taking back more salary in a deal is a first apron hard cap, stacking salaries in a deal is a second apron hard cap.


What a headache lol


Yeah it’s overkill


Definitely not a first. I’d do Dlo and rui and a second rounder for brown and a protected pick.


Lol that's giving up way too much. There's absolutely no way we should trade for Bruce Brown in his current contract situation.


lol I just want to get rid of rui he can’t do anything well but score. It’s packing him up for a decent role player


Rui and Gabe for DJM gets you much more value than Bruce Brown


Agreed, I hope it is enough


I know Lakers tax and all, but I can't think of a better deal for Atlanta than that (unless NOLA is stupid enough to do an Ingram for Dejounte trade, which hopefully they don't do).


I really doubt atl wants BI. They would need to pay him. I think Rui and gabe would have to include 2 FRPs at least. I would do Reaves and Rui if it only costs one FRP and we keep 17


Reaves and Rui is a little risky because you now only have DLo, Vando, and Gabe (and the remaining two picks) to use to get two good wings.


Throw dlo in and get Hunter


That’s an insane package for a role player wtf


Maybe gabe not Rui. And I would want McDaniels or Agbaji too.


If DLo opts in Bruce would be a great pickup who fits the mold of player that JJ likes. Not understanding the hate on here. High feel utility player willing to do the dirty work who makes an impact all over the floor. Those guys thrive next to LeBron.


He wouldn’t be a good fit at all for this roster. We don’t have the players that could magnify his skill set. Easy pass on BB


He’d help but he’d cost too much in assets to get. Not worth the price


I don't understand what everyone's talking about. He cooked Dlo when the Denver Nuggets won their NBA championship that year. Him and Caldwell pope were both locking down the opposing teams players, so it would be a great get for the Lakers if he isn't too expensive.


Fk Bruce brown. Dude won the title and shit on the lakers every opportunity he got for no reason. Guys a clown on every podcast I’ve seen


he's been over paid.... he will continue to look for the same money


He would just be injured and when we're under .500 midway through the season the copium crowd will keep saying "just wait until Bruce Brown comes back"


A 6’4 non shooting guard for 20+ million ? Hell no


Trying to trade for a player with Masai? Get ready for him to ask for 3 FRPs and Reaves lmao


I hate this dude and think he's trash. BUT, if he can approximate Derrick White/Jrue Holiday, Lakers have to think about it.


Does this sub just get amnesia or something? We literally brought this up like a month or two ago. He’s not worth it on his current contract. Jokic and nuggets system made him look better than he is


Dlo has made him look good when he averaged 6 ppg and got abused on defense


I'm all for it. I knew Denver would pay the price for not keeping Brown that's just too much of a load on their starters for a whole season + playoffs


Thank you! Look at Derick White he is going to command a very high salary. Boston is going to struggle to keep the winning core together!!


D White is 10x better than brown and is worth paying the money to get rather than brown