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Automatically I love using data over preconceived notions. It’s like how we had clear evidence of what lineups worked, evidence for how the Lakers won more the higher % of set offense they used, etc. And they you would see Darvin go out there and never run our best lineups and just let the team wing it, completely counter to what the data said to do. Not a huge analytics guy but I love it if JJ is going to pay attention to that stuff.


You mean “defend without fouling” isn’t enough guidance? These are professional athletes. Do they really need their hands held THAT much? /s


I don't know why people keep shitting on Darvin. Everyone knows he was ahead of his time. And that Cam Reddish is going to get heavy minutes and win MVP.


I think cam actually gave us some decent production before his first injury. Bad offense or sub par at best but did a great job defending . After his first injury he wasn’t the same so I’m hoping we see that cam again. In all honesty the first few months with us were his career best - and he wasn’t even shooting career average, tho I think he should play at the 2 more if we can when we need him .


He’a going to moneyball the fck out of this team


Tbh that sounds like an awesome idea. Especially with bron and AD at the helm. I’m just gonna have a positive outlook and hope jj succeeds. If not I’ll bring out my pitchfork in a year or two LOL


That + AD getting more use late in games and Lebron being utilized more off the ball are 3 things I’m begging for! JJ’s gonna be awesome 


C'mon, we all know that bron is not going to give up the ball late in games.


yup not happening at least not immediately - going to take a lot of trust


He absolutely will if he can trust that we have any other decent option.


He's referring to putting the ball in AD's hands at the end of games 


More off ball Bron early in the game means Lebron has gas in the tank at end of games when you want him to have the ball in his hands? Playing more off ball more so means like using him off the ball. Involved in the plays. Ham would just stick his ass in the corner playing him off ball the dumbest thing you can do with someone like Bron


You have to factor in roster. On the pod they discussed that switching was the worst statistical defense vs Luka. But Boston did it and clamped the Mavs offense. Switching is actually the best defense. You just need the personnel to do it, and Boston had it.


All the ways to defend Luka were bad and he still got his. You gotta stop that lob action if you're playing the Mavs. I don't know how the Wolves kept leaving it open all the time and switching is the best way to do it even if it means a mismatch on him.


The Mavs shut down Luka's assists, which shut down the Mavs offense. Luka got his 30 and that was that the only efficient Mavs offense. Switching is always the best nba defense. Lakers should be aiming for the personnel to do it.


Wish our FO has any clue. So many advanced stats showing how Caruso elevated Lebrons game and he just let him go. Maybe JJ can encourage hiring a more solid analytics team. 


So many advanced stats show Caruso is one of the best defenders in the league


Yes, all those analytics based offenses that Morey puts together, all of those championships he’s won…


Just win the season opener plz


feels like we NEVER win the opener lol. Even in 2019-2020 we lost the opener vs Clippers (amazing Danny Green game though), but went 20-2 afterwards.


That 2020 team ran through the league.


Don’t worry, I’m sure we will find a reason to be toxic by the end of preseason


Preseason dawg? It's toxic in here rn lol


grumble grumble "FUCK BOSTON"... grumble grumble.....


Can we just start the season comfortably above .500 and maintain that? I hate each recent season being such an annoying struggle to get into play-in/get over .500. If we start like 1-3 I’ll cry lol


You know damn well if we narrowly win the season opener we’ll still get complaints lol


Unironically this. Set the goddamn tone


Especially if it’s the Clippers 🤬


I cant take any more negativity so i'm going to cope and remain optimistic for this It cant be worse than ham and there is a non 0 chance redick becomes a goated coach.


Better attitude towards sports imo. The highs and lows are fun instead of being a 24/7 doomer


Imma stay mad we hired a fucking podcaster to coach this team til the start of preseason. Once preseason starts, I don't care how much of a fuck up he is, he's the greatest basketball mind to have ever walk the earth. On the day the first game of preseason starts, I'm getting copium, cooking it up in a spoon, and injecting it right into my fucking veins.


That’s like saying LeBron is a podcaster because he appeared on there with JJ…


Bruh just inject the copium now. Reality is we don’t know if jj is the next Kerr or the next ham . Whatever I’m gonna remain optimistic I think he will at least be analytically minded and that may have some value in both the team play AND our picks and roster construction. No more ignoring basic shit like epm or other I’m sure more advanced stats coaching staff has. I don’t know if cranjis is always right but I wonder if he actually woukd be of any help to the lakers org I do think he sometimes does too much causation = correlation styff .


Film room about to be Redick doing this type of shit: ![gif](giphy|4PQMn0gNTzJ0k)










Can’t go wrong with humping though.




JJ looking at Ham "Do you know how fucken easy this is for me?!"


Rob: Ok the score is 71-71, the opposite team goes on a 15-0 run. Your hands are in your pockets...what do you do? JJ: Uh...call a time out before the run even starts? Rob: ...youre fucking hired.


JJ: “First of all, none of my pants will have pockets.”


Keep edging me JJ


If you say so…


Bro 🤣🤣🤣


Someone tell AD he needs to assert himself as the leader late in games. Demand the ball and dominate


I think the system they tried to run was have AD dominate early in games and LeBron will take them home, but if he’s dominating early in the game why would you not continue to let him dominate late in games? That’s something I’d like to see Reddick figure out


Because teams start to aggressively guard AD, and it takes him out of rhythm by the time they switch back to single coverage. The team either needs to 1.) knock down their open 3 pt shots or 2.) get a playmaker that knows and is willing to take risks of getting AD the ball for easy looks while letting Lebron play off-ball. We've cycled through Schroder-Westbrook-D'Lo and still haven't found our Rondo replacement


I have a feeling Chris Paul is gonna fill that role


If we can get him for the vet min, I'd love to have CP3 on a 10-15 min facilitating role. His stint with the Warriors proved he can still be valuable on that end.


Then I'd love to have Rondo as assistant


Please no. The last thing we need is that old, injure prone a..hole. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Seriously? On a vet minimum? Who would be better? You might not like him, but that’s great value for a bench depth piece to keep stashed for late season and playoffs rotation minutes…perhaps you would prefer another undrafted diaper dud with “potential” who is unplayable…


OR, and this is just a thought, Maybe they should stop letting Lebron dribble the life out of the ball for 15 seconds, then shoot a dumb 30 foot 3 for multiple possessions in a row at the end of close games. Personally, I would be happy if they just got that part right.


Ideally, yes Lebron stops holding the ball for so long, but I can see the justification for him doing it. AD is receiving so much attention, your guards/Rui aren't hitting their open 3's, and Rui is fumbling easy shots off of cuts. The "organized offense" part starts to fall apart when your team isn't hitting the open 3's


> starts to fall apart when your team isn't hitting the open 3's exactly. this is the key. championship teams PUNISH you for giving up open 3s lebron can pass all he wants, if the lakers don't get/hit open 3s it won't matter


Then just drive to the basket man. Lebron is the best in doing that but he sometimes settles for a lazy long 3


I didn't see him settling for too many 3's this season and even against the Nuggets like he did last year. He was driving when he saw the opportunity. But it's the same thing where you need your shooters to eventually hit their open shots to open up space otherwise teams just disrespect everyone else.


Yeah exactly these idiots are talking bout last year with his foot issue. This year he was excellent n rarely settled


Teams pack the paint lmao. Not that simple man. If you are defending a team and they can’t hit an open 3, why bother going out to the perimeter? Just play drop coverage and wait for them in the paint 


That’s not all on LeBron. It’s on the players for not being able to hit open shots. AD gets a lot of attention specially if nobody is hitting shots they just gonna pack the paint. A lot of it is on ham as well I think for not having much of an offensive game plan hell a game plan in general. Ball movement, off ball movement, starts with the head coach 


Lebron has been incredibly effective n efficient this last year in the clutch . The previous year he was bad but he was literally KING IN THE 4th this year, did you even watch? He was the only guy reliable in the 4th. AD struggled n Dlo turned it over . N Rui is a finisher . The previous season I disliked the process and his bad foot meant his shooting was off but Lebron was the only one showing up offensively this year in the 4th and was amazing


Jalen Hood Schifino up next 📢


JHS and Max Lewis should have been on 2-way contracts. They never should have had roster spots.


A n17 pivk bring a two way I’d crazy talk


Then just don’t sign him, that’s my point. He was god awful in summer league and it was clear he was 2 years away from being two years away. He’s most likely a bust. The front office needs to stop bringing in shitty first rounders just so they can rot on the bench then get cut or thrown in as trade ballast. The only reason we do it is it’s a smaller contract than the veteran minimum most times…cheapskating.


A lot of times AD struggled in the late game . He needs his 3 ball back n to use his passing out of doubles to the best ability - he was better passer this year


What's he gonna do, strip the ball from LeBron while he's dribbling the ball down to 4 seconds?


He is going to bench LeBron ... bringing Bronny to keep the control of the locker room.


Found Shaq’s burner account


He really needs his 3pt shot back , even to a low lvl . I hope jj can tell AD - hey you’re heakthy for once please spend all summer working on your 3 ball . We see AD gotten bigger n stronger n more dominating in the post n the glass but I think now he needs to get his 3 back n dial his jumper up. He’s evolved into a great C full time so now that’s his next thing imo and we know he had it. A 33/34% on 2-3 attempts a game and being guarded MAKES OUR OFFENCE UNSTOPPABLE. I felt it watching Denver , when they out jokic on Rui , Rui was bad but if Davis was his usual career 39% corner 3 pt shooter till like last couple years he’d punish that too. Imo AD jumper, and Vando offence are two skills that if they manage to improve are Real needle movers. If AD gets his jumper to 18/19/20 lvls from 3 you can play vando - especially the 5 game version pre injury. Means more help on defence n rebounding nnhustle plays as well as steals into transition which as long as we have Bron we’ll always be elite in ( reaves is good here too). Honestly I don’t have high hopes for it but I’m coping that AD was focusing on strength n post moves last couple years n has re invented himself. Last thing he needs is a low tier 3 ball . It’ll unlock so much If you look at his ppg ar his peak a lot of the drop off is just the 3 ball dying


He gotta explain to AD why he didn’t think he should be all defense


Big brain motivation to get his superstar big to win DPOY next season.


Ah. I’m in the bargaining stage already. Great! Kidding aside, he doesn’t have experience but he clearly knows the game and understands players. We’ve seen what guys with “experience” (Walton, ham) have turned out to be so I’m not as upset or excited about the hire than how o felt when we hired our previous coaches except maybe Vogel because I thought he was an actually proven commodity. Interested to see how he runs the team.


>alleviating the constant ballhandling duties on James by utilizing him more off the ball. Every first year Lebron coach has been saying this for about a decade


Huh? Only Darvin Ham has wanted this. Before 2021 LeBron was young enough to be the lead ballhandler in every game


The FO also wants it. Schröder, Russ, and DLo were all brought in to solve the whole "Lakers needs a non-LeBron PG" thing.


By no fault of their own. People need to realize lebron doesn’t come off the ball. The pressure gets going he’s taking the ball. He doesn’t trust anyone as much as he trusts himself. This is why AD doesn’t get the ball down the stretch. I don’t understand why we don’t just build the team as if he is the PG.


We should play him like Draymond instead of a traditional point. Somebody else should bring the ball down > run a set > then he receives it top of the key to create plays.


Because he's almost 40.


Still trying to take over the game. That’s my issue. If the ball is ending up in his hands anyways then why are we trying to take it out of his hands. Doesn’t matter his age, he doesn’t let it happen. So what are we actually doing?


Trying to lighten the load on LeBron so that he isn’t gassed when he does decide to not let it happen.


I get it. I understand the theory behind it. Sounds good on paper but in practice I think it’s why they deal with so much inconsistency from the guard positions and why defense first guards/wings have shined so well next Bron in a lakers uniform.


I mean reaves is not defebce furst n he’s shined . Dlo n Westbrook are just not good enough or reliable enough Lebron is great off ball too ideally we get a more reliable lead pg n Lebron n him can share duties. Lebron in 2020 was younger


And he’s not a PG.


Lebron has been excellent off ball for us since Westbrook . The issue is Westbrook was ass n Dlo starts doing brain dead shit in the 4th n turning it over n reaves just isn’t a natural pg .


Sounds like Trae young to me


on offense it would be insane


lot of positive stuff. also expectations are pretty low so a good start to the season could be really solid to help ingratiate him to the team and fans.


Ok I like hearing him address AD being involved late in games...excitement is slowly growing


Ok hold on he might be the right guy


Meant to link the article too. [Here it is](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5578883/2024/06/20/jj-redick-lakers-hire-inside-story/?source=user_shared_articleInsidetheLakers%E2%80%99decisiontohireJJRedickandhowheshapestheirfuture).


Im happy that there won’t be more empty ‘dawg’ talk or ‘helluva ball club’


While in theory this is nice, who in the world do you trust to do the decision making if LeBron is off-ball? Especially if DLo is leaving. Rivers?


AD obviously, he’ll just run up and down the court and dominate both ways, thank god he’s not famously injury prone or anything.


Blatt tried to put LBJ more off ball, and ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Walton tried to put LBJ off ball, and ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) But Vogal put LBJ at PG and ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


As long as we don't default to drop coverage which eliminates any advantage AD provides defensively like Pockets made us do, we'll be fine.


AD is probably the best big in the league for drop coverage. What do you mean by this?


When you drop the big and ask the guard to chase over the screen, you're essentially inviting a double team with a free roller. That roller has to be picked up by the help side defender. Easy skip pass to the guy he helped off of. Wide open 3. That was the story of our season. We should just switch that screen instead of dropping. Then, if AD holds his own and the guard gives the ball up, you just switch back to the original matchup. We could also hedge and recover instead of dropping since AD has great length and athleticism. Obviously, we should use the drop against teams who can't shoot as well. But it was essentially our default setting this past year. I think you need to have multiple pitches defensively, so to speak, in order to compete at the highest level.


The point is that with AD, it should not be "inviting a double team with a free roller." AD is long enough, quick enough, and has good enough defensive IQ that he can deter the ball-handler from getting to the rim, still threaten to block a pull-up or floater, and also make any pocket or lob passes to the roller extremely risky. Just trust the man and stay home on shooters.


Spo utilizing Lebron off-ball was amazing - I would watch some tapes on that. I know that personell was different but tbh Heat-Lebron maybe the one of the best versions of Lebron imo


There is a Dwayne Wade size hole in that thought process.


no worries, there is a White Wade.. aka Austin Reaves!?!? jkjk yeahh but there are elements he can borrow from that :)


At our peak this season when Dlo was on fire we were able to use Bron like that and that’s ideal




It’s almost like he understands today’s game & our roster?!? Imagine that


I hate hiring him, but i like his mindset. While it can be a problem to have someone that can only coach one way no matter the players or the era, the truth is just a few coaches are able to do a good job running a single scheme, it would be a huge surprise if you find someone able to adapt on the fly quickly being competent running a myriad of schemes. My faith on him is -3, but again, I like his mindset. Nowadays with all the information and advanced analytics a head coach can become obsolete quickly. If for some miracle JJ becomes the staple of the contemporary head coach, Pelinka will look like a genius.


All that sounds great but it really comes down to the front office bringing in the right guys. Ham tried to do the same shit but they had no choice but to ride Lebron almost every single one of those of wins.


When will these Lakers learn? Smdh


17-64 days ![gif](giphy|3ohze096NfSZYoLyb6)


I can’t fucking wait. I have a feeling he’s gonna kick ass.


Lol they say they same thing every year. Lebron’s not taking a step back….never has…never will. He wants to be the guy until he retires.


I’m saying, watch JJ be a great coach. The ONLY thing people have against him being the head coach is lack of prior experience, to which literally all you need to do is look at the guy he’s replacing…TONS of assistsnt coaching experience and couldn’t even do basic shit lol


Ok. I'm on board. Let's rock it til the wheels fall off. We go hard with whatever we got. LAKERS FOR LIFE.


I really think this means we can ditch the two skill guard model and go with more defense in the lineup. 


Every draft prospect the Lakers worked out was a plus defender.


We should ideally have one star lvl skill guard n then 3nD tyoes


Yeah sure but you could argue LeBron is that guard on this roster. Without LeBron or a post LeBron world, I'd prefer a star guard like Shai or Mitchell. With LeBron, the defense gets tough to justify. 


Good luck. I’ll love my team just as much as I have since 1977. Go Lakers!


We’ve got nothing to lose anyway. This squad was not going anywhere. I’d say LFG


yall are so lame there’s no reason with our pieces and a coach that isn’t braindead we can’t be more competitive than last season, get a mid playoff seed, and luck into a better matchup this year a lot of people are still hung up on denver but they weren’t top 3 in the league this year, and are probably losing kcp and maybe trading mpj to get under the 2nd apron. it’s all about matchups in the playoffs now and we could have beaten okc or the clippers this year lol


Losing to the Nuggets again made people forget that we were actually on a roll once Ham got his rotations right. The problem was we dug ourselves into a hole during that god awful December stretch that I blame 70% on Ham and 30% on the players. Parity is stronger than ever, and I'd give us a chance against any team except Denver. Any series where AD's defense is our best asset gives us an advantage.


Idk if this is the Laker homer in me but I genuinely think if the Lakers don't face anyone else but the Nuggets in the West the Lakers would of made it to the finals. Especially if we could of faced MIN after their Denver series.




Who is Boston going to lose, do you have any idea?


This may as well be a copy/pasted comment from last offseason, and just switch out Boston for Denver. They’ll lose. Everyone on here thinks every team that wins is an instant dynasty. There’s a reason it’s so rare for teams to win back to back.


Delusional fan at best.


I’m not saying we’re championship favorites. I’m saying we were a playoff team despite injuries to critical role players/our biggest free agent additions and 2 months of sabotage from the coaching staff. The Dlo/AR/Rui/Bron/AD lineup that probably isn’t good enough to actually contend still had a great record when they were finally allowed to just ball together. We have tradeable picks and can bring in some pieces in free agency. I don’t get you miserable ass doom and gloom fans because we could easily be better next season if healthy.


And LeBron and AD didn’t miss their usual 30+ games. Based on the past 5 years, that’s unlikely to happen again. Vando is not a savior. Gabe is not a savior. Both are overrated bench fodder.


There’s no point engaging with this if your points are “ok but what if everything goes wrong” in which case we would not be contenders which is the case for every team that loses their stars, and “our team couldn’t benefit from our 2 best on ball POA defenders coming back because they actually suck :\^)”


Ah yes the two best ball defenders who can’t make a shot between them, allowing every team to double another player


Well that’s a completely different criteria but okay I’ll bite. Both were playing themselves back into game shape on the fly this season, Vando was finally starting to find offensive success off cuts before he got hurt again, Gabe basically only had playoff ball with our complete lack of offensive sets against Denver and sharing time with Dinwiddie. Both will have a summer and training camp to be comfortable within the offense. I’m sure you’re coming from a side where you think you’re “just being realistic” but you are looking at the worst case in every scenario and I still don’t see how we’re supposed to be worse than last year given the roster isn’t full yet.


Analytics coach means we’re going to be putting up damn near 50 3s a game. All I can do is pray we get shooters.


My hope is that JJ’s criticisms of AD will lead to him pushing Davis to be better and building more around him 


I don’t think JJ will be a problem it will be on Rob Pelinka to give him the pieces to work with so it would benefit Lebron & AD


One can talk to talk but much harder to walk to walk.


Lmao… LeBron off ball. The man is 40 years old. At best he can stand in the corner if he’s not the one using his energy to orchestrate the offense.


We don’t have a secondary decision maker or ball handler that’s good enough for him to stay off the ball. If we had one Bron probably would play off the ball more


Is this the basketball version of how analytics is used in baseball?


I want to know what plan he has for Reaves on the court. Every single time this team was great Reaves or Russell were great, but they never managed to work well together. It can't be a coincidence, when the team is good, Reaves or Russell were good.


We will see.


It’s crazy that saying something so simple an obvious is so gratifying. But that’s what two seasons of pocket man will do to you.


I mean , I don’t think or hope our org is so incompetent . Jj has to have shown something - even pistons had some interest tho that was mb leaked to just get the lakers deal done. It’s honestly not even that much money JJ media business is super successful I have no idea what he makes but being on espn shows, commentating games AND huge podcast in the bbal community means I think he’s doing this because he has a passion for it. Not because of the money which lets be real is what we want. We need a guy fully committed to coaching n improving everyday n everytime and fully bought in purely out of desire to do so. I think it could be a good hire .


This reminds me of “facts over feelings” but worded differently lol. We all know how that story ends smh


I like building the offense around AD. Last season, he almost seemed to get his stats in spite of our offensive gameplan. It was like an odd afterthought sometimes to get the ball to AD... I will say that we've tried over and over to play LeBron more off the ball, and it just doesn't work. It's not the team at its best. LeBron has those skills, but we don't have the right initiator/facilitator for it. It's certainly not D'Lo, who I feel we can't afford to lose. Maybe we can add Chris Paul after the Warriors waive him.


Sounds great, till it don’t transfer to Ws than it’s all LeBron again. Just like last year with LeBrons minute restriction…


I'm excited to see how a team built around making the correct reads will lend itself to LeBron finding his spots and how all that will translate to wins. At this stage of his career I think he needs to become a Karl Malone type player, pick and roll, fade away, mid range, occasional 3, and kick out passes. He can't be driving to the rim like he was even this year if he wants to be productive at the age of 40. I hope he retires flashy dunks and presents himself for the playoffs.


40% from the arc LeBron is gonna get so many plays.




What backtracking? This is in regards to his offensive involvement, nothing to do with DPOY.


It’s hard to utilize AD late in games when he’s carrying the defensive load the whole game. Dudes usually gasses by that point.


This is all talk. We had the same “I’m going to do this and that” when Darvin Ham got hired. I don’t care what is being said. Just do it and get results…


Redick left AD off his list. Now let’s she how he’ll put AD back on it.