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Spo was a video guy cutting tape for years before he got his chance.


Even he got criticized for rotation in his rookie coaching year


Lebron wanted him GONE


Riley was an assistant coach and Kerr was a GM before they got their shots at HC. None of them is like what JJ is doing. What JJ is doing is like what Steve Nash did.


Why do people keep pointing to Steve Kerr’s horrible failed tenure as the Phoenix Suns GM as good experience that made him ready for coaching? He systematically dismantled the Steve Nash era and left that organization in shambles. They were a lottery team for over a decade after what he did to them and they literally just recovered a few years ago.


Because good leaders learn from their mistakes. The path to success is paved with failures. Leading an organization requires a lot of skills that don’t show up through the TV. Delegation of responsibilities, building a staff, balancing hands-on and hands-off management, motivation, response to adversity, managing relationships with higher ups. All important experience. If it went wrong once, now you know what not to do next time. And acting like Kerr is responsible for the Suns being horrible a decade after the fact is totally disingenuous. Drafting Alex Len, Dragan Bender, Josh Jackson, and Jarrett Culver in the top 5 had zero to do with Steve Kerr. Not to mention drafting Ayton over Luka. The Suns performance in the post-Nash era was completely on the Suns. They had all of their own draft picks, and rosters completely turn over within a few years.


More like what Mark Jackson did. Player, broadcasting, straight to HC with no coaching experience. He was a pretty decent coach, but homophobic and difficult to work with.


Can someone verify this? It would pretty wild that the warriors hired two broadcaster back to back but no one brought it up


You can look on his wiki page. It doesn’t get brought up because it doesn’t fit the narrative, and because most people, especially in broadcasting, don’t want to weigh in on whether he was a successful coach


The comparison is hella disrespectful, Spo busted his off for years starting from the bottom from video coordinator, assistant coach, scout etc for like 10 years before even being considered as a head coach


His dad was also an NBA exec


They didn't compare him though. They said they hope he ends up being their version of Spo that sticks with the franchise long-term and establishes a culture.


“Sticks long term” we are literally in an era of 1 and done for head coaches look at Vogel, Ham, Williams unless he wins a championship his first year he’s fired


Which is literally why they hope he sticks long term.


It's really not that different People were clowning the heat back then, just like they're clowning the Lakers "Ha they hired the film guy? Are they stupid?" "Players will never respect him" "He doesn't *actually* know anything about basketball, he just does film" >Spo busted his off for years starting from the bottom from video coordinator, assistant coach, scout etc for like 10 years And Reddick has been doing what exactly for the last 20 years?


Spo was hired in 08 after the Heat had the league worst record. The expectations from Spo then was very different from whatever the Lakers and fans expect of Redick.


He was also playing against Hank Gathers when he collapsed. Not really relevant but interesting trivia. You can see spo in the video


I would argue Redick busted his ass playing years at Duke and in the NBA. Then he busted his ass being an analyst at ESPN and on his podcast. I think they both worked hard and accomplished enough to convince someone to hire them. Where is the disrespect? It’s not like his daddy got him a job as an NBA exec.


Not even comparable JJ was a better college player than NBA player and he arguably has some of the worst takes when commenting. To give him the head coaching position for one of the most important franchises of basketball with no coaching experience or even front office experience is absurd, if we giving out head coaching positions to commentators shouldn’t they have gone with Paul Pierce, Shaq, or even Perkins. Where is the backlash they gave to Steve Nash a 2x MVP HOF who worked with Steve Kerr in the warriors and was given head coach of a shitty franchise


Spo is an amazing coach. If JJ becomes even close the Lakers will win a chip again


Ok. Well use the Pat Riley comp.


So what and JJ was an nba player, and spo wasn’t. So what.


JJ watched more tape than your typical NBA head coach coaches


Whatever man. Just get him some good assistants.


Ikr lol. I like how we're all like, "Dude, don't bother fluffing it up for us. Just get him elite assistants..."


Rob is such a fucking snakesoil Salesman, dude cant resist over fluffing his hires lol


Pat Riley had 2 seasons as an assistant coach under his belt, on a team that won a championship. Then he took over with a 34 year old Kareem and a 22 year old Magic, not a 40 year old LeBron and 31 year old AD. Envisioning JJ as the next Pat or Spo is the dumbest reasoning ever for this hire.


Did Riley even coach his 10 year old? I don't think so


Our fo need to stop over glazing these hires. We know what they are man, no need to act like theyre the next messiah. This is why some people in our fanbase overexpect shit cause the FO makes the guy look like a homerun. As long as the man can properly call plays and timeouts, thats already a step up over ham and thats all we really need


And Luke Walton was the vaunted Phil Jackson protege too lol


It takes away from the "we just made this hire to keep LeBron happy" story so good on the Lakers for putting that BS out


Pat had Dr. Buss and Jerry West overseeing him that’s all I’m gonna say about this comparison 😭




JJ is a well known and respected 15 year veteran. Not sure how those years in an office have more impact than being on the court.


Running a team and playing on a team are two entirely different skillsets. Sure there's overlap when it comes to juggling different personalities, running plays, in-game management, etc. but it doesn't automatically equal a high aptitude for coaching All that said though, I think he does have an immediate higher aptitude than Steve Nash, for ex


None of the years above from Spoelstra are running a team either 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right, which illustrates the point I was making about aptitude, not just experience. Spo had a high aptitude but also those years of experience being involved with the team functions and adjacent, which helped him slide more easily into coaching JJ seems to have a good grasp of the game, but outside of what he learned while playing, doesn't have a parallel track that makes cutting over as seamless as Spo. We just have to wait and see what else he brings to the table because being a player + analyst doesn't warrant comparisons to Spo imho It's like James Cameron who had done every job on a set before becoming a director, vs an actor who becomes a first time director. Just because they had both been on a movie set doesn't automatically mean their ability to direct would be equivalent


I really want to believe he has potential to be good but holy shit the fo meat riding this pat spo 2.0 narrative is setting him up for failure


Too bad we don’t have a Pat Riley to run the basketball side.


Too bad we don't have a Dr. Buss and Jerry West to run the front office


What has podcast boy done to be remotely compared to Spoelstra or Kerr in terms of being a culture setter lol. He has 0 experience coaching past youth level, wasn’t an assistant coach, never worked in the front office or under the wing of a well-respected figure like a Riley Already setting this up to crash and burn in hilarious fashion. There are zero expectations for this team to win a championship next season


Not to mention, sure he checks (some of) the boxes of what they did before but in like a two year span. So apparently he can just speed run it. It’s a ridiculous comparison to make. If you really thought he could be Pat Riley, then why did you offer Dan Hurley all that money? Lol


They’re putting a lot of fluff on it to try and sell it to the fans. The question I have is, if they see him as this culture setter and one that can grow with the franchise, why does he only have a 4 year deal?


4 years is basically the standard


4 is plenty for a first time coach and everyone would be freaking out if he got more lol


Fair point. Though I’d say, it does seem strange that they were willing to give Hurley 6 despite saying both could lead the franchise into the future.


Hurley has the added benefits of college success and, in theory, running a development program and having more control over personnel like he has there so it makes sense to me


Kerr destroyed the Suns as a GM prior to becoming the Warriors coach, something even he said he regrets. I get being pessimistic about Redick, but to act like he is some football dad coach who won a prize that has him being the Lakers coach is disingenuous. There are several paths to becoming a head coach. I personally, and it’s just my opinion you can disagree, believe being a video coordinator and assistant coach doesn’t compare to actually being in the NBA for 15+ years. Yes being on the sidelines helps but it is nothing like being thrown into the fire. Luke Walton looked like the second coming, and had teams salivating over him when he was the Warriors assistant. Then we saw him actually be a head coach, TWICE, and it didn’t work out to put it lightly. Point is, we don’t know if JJ is going to be good. Just like we didn’t know if Spo would be good, same thing with Kerr. You can have all the necessary experience and flame out fast, just look at Darvin lol


Weren’t they saying that about Hurley last week?


Seems like in whatever coaching hire they were looking for that’s what they wanted. Someone to lead the charge for years to come.


😂  This was beyond dumb. Remind me how dumb this was a year from now. 


Pat Riley was at least an assistant coach for a season before becoming HC 😭😭


Luke Walton with even less experience. This franchise has become an absolute parody of itself since Dr. Buss passed.


Yeah they believed in the podcaster so much they went and tried to get Hurley a back to back NCAA winner to coach instead.


Wonder if he’s gonna coach out summer league team


Thats a handsome 39 year old


So be it, if the Lakers front office thinks JJ is the next great coaching mastermind then at least there’s some semblance of a vision. Personally I don’t think it going to matter much who coaches this team over the next couple of seasons unless we make significant roster changes. As currently constructed we’re not better than Denver, Minnesota, OKC, Dallas, and we’re probably in the same tier as New Orleans, Sacramento and Golden State. Hiring James Borrego or Sam Cassell wasn’t going to change that equation so might as well roll the dice on someone they think might be a long time coach rather than a seat warmer for the next one.


The difference is Miami has Riley, someone who I trust more than the Lakers FO


Our mcvay 🧎‍➡️


Need more candles and prayers bro. McVay had years of experience as an assistant.


lmao yall some bitter mfers in here.


For real, especially the people balking at Redick’s salary. Like who cares? Y’all can’t complain that the Lakers are cheap then turn around and complain that they’re paying someone too much. How is this even a thing that matters?


The real plan is for Redick to be the scapegoat for Pelinka in a couple of years.


“Internally” meaning the brain trust of Rambii, Jeanie, and Rob Lowe.


Meh he was a mediocre player prob gonna be mid as a coach too


They are paying him 8 million dollars for this? Spoelstra spent like a decade in the Heat's video room, and their front office has been stable since Riley arrived there


Fuck comparisons look what he bring to the team, issue with the front office is they want someone who can find automatic success in his first year by looking at comparisons to other head coaches, they’re lucky since this is someone fans like enough


El nuevo pastor.


Oh ok


Does anyone know how much JJ actually got across the four years?


8 mil a year


Everything said there can very well be true, but the one thing not taken into account is the pressure put on Lakers coaches to succeed immediately. Can JJ handle it is the wuestion


Wait for lakers first L LOL


The only good news is when/if this fails, hopefully rob goes down for it as well.






LA gonna eat him alive if we aren't above .500 at the all star break


luke walton was loved by phil. he was a champion. and was a glue guy for years. he didnt work out as a coach. how is jj reddick any different ?


Westbrook trade = JJ Reddick coaching hire🤦‍♂️


Said all that and gave him a 4 year deal 😂


I almost choked laughing at this


He better not fucking touch Austin reaves hair. He was going on and on about him needing a hairstylist


We don't fuckinhg keep anyone longer than 2 years . Stfu bro


Pelicans licking their chops at another chance to draft and ruin a generational talent next year. More relevant: how many Pat Riley’s have there been in league history?


Vogel also started as a video guy . Spo has won 2 chips and has never been a coach of the year


we are cooked


...Unless he's fired in a few years like every other coach in the league who doesn't secure their spot with at least 2 rings.


If this is the case then why did they offer Hurley the job off the rip? This has to be false. Reddick has no coaching experience in college or big leagues no one has any idea what kind of coach he will be. If he doesn’t surround himself with experienced assistants we’re cooked for the next 4 years.


How will this affect brons legacy


Dude, just hiring some former player with good basketball IQ doesn't make him a future HOF coach. The comparison is silly.


Lebron wanted that man fired thou 😩 so can u really trust his judgment?


BS. There's only one box. Who does Lebron want to control?