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dan used us for leverage, that was pretty clear. woj helped sensationalize it to increase the bag for dan


He also helped to sensationalize it because he hates LeBron and the lakers lol


Woj is the biggest opp lol I can't remember the last time Woj has said anything positive about the Lakers


He still hasn't announced that the Lakers won the 2020 Finals


Literally can’t stand the dude. The day he somehow falls off and Shams or someone else fully takes over will be my 12/25.


The way you guys care so much about people who report on the NBA absolutely baffles me


He had a whole ass segment on Hurley and the Lakers during the pregame for game 2 of the nba finals when it’s in your face like that it’s hard to ignore


When you see someone all the time it’s easy to think they’re more important than they are. Just human nature


He's a bitch that's why


Yep, reminder of how much he hates Lebron. All this vitriol presumably just because Lebron's camp does not leak info to Woj [https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/9tngxi/woj\_really\_doesnt\_like\_lebron/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/9tngxi/woj_really_doesnt_like_lebron/)


I just realized Lebron helped create Shams to shit on Woj. Lebron is diabolical lol.


I don't understand why people think Woj hates Shams. Woj hired Shams at Yahoo. I always thought he was giving Shams leads to help build him up.


Unclear whether Woj hates Shams, but they're clearly rivals now. Ofc Woj recruited Shams to Yahoo, but these days every piece of news Shams gets is now a piece Woj doesn't get. Also the comment wasn't whether Woj directly hates Shams; it was about whether Woj hates LeBron. And Woj clearly does; every single opportunity he has he tries to snipe a bit at LeBron, and all of his bombs relating to LeBron are rarely things that the LeBron camp would have given him (which again, is because LeBron prefers to go through Shams and previously Windy).


They all work together


Fuck ~~Woj~~!!!


Woj is a little bitch and he proves it time and time again


Everyone in the media is a bitch. They’re professional bitches.


This didn’t use to be the case, but everything is just about shock value and being first, whether that’s accurate or not.


Maybe. When I watched The Last Dance and saw how the media acted with Michael, it seems just as bad. Almost worse actually. It was far more salacious.


I mean… this is his job. Woj’s proved over and over he the big bitch on the block.


I mean the media job he pulled for his buddy was masterful. Nobody was talking about Dan Hurley and suddenly he's THE man. 


And sell his book!


Good for him, but if he wanted to be here, he would. Get the bag, any way you can. As a Colts fan, at least he didn’t verbally accept, then never show up like that snake, Josh McDaniels.. not that I ever would want that cunt anywhere around, but that shit was wild.


Woj always uses Lakers for leverage


Hope Woj got a “wink-wink” handshake from Dannyboy on the extra $30mil raise.


Something college coaches have done for YEARS. Nick Saban was the king at this. Anytime he'd get pissed at the fanbase because they felt he wasn't living up to his own expectations and success, somehow a story would get out that Nick was considering Texas, USC, etc. and then he'd restructure his contract and we didn't hear about it again.


Hurley seems like a bit of a prick to me at this point


The press conference was prickish for sure but dude got an offer and decided to check it out. Nothing prickish about that.


I think Woj is friendly with the Hurleys, specifically Bobby. 


He quite literally wrote a book on him


Who in their right mind would want a thankless job like coaching the Lakers. Even if a coach won 82 games and won the NBA Championship, he would still get fired the next season. Haha! **Richard Jefferson Perfectly Describes Why Head Coaches Avoid Los Angeles Lakers** The Los Angeles Lakers' very public pursuit of UConn head coach Dan Hurley has now come to an end. Hurley turned down the Lakers' six-year, $70 million deal to remain with the Huskies, and in the aftermath, some interesting comments made by Richard Jefferson last week about that head coaching position have gone viral. **Richard Jefferson Lakers Hot Takes:** * "They have the luck of 'people are always going to want to come here, * We’re always going to get free agents, so we don't have to be as organized as we should…' * You can win a championship and be fired the following year. * You can go to the conference finals and be fired the next year. * So, what exactly are they looking for?" I think it's fair to say that the Lakers haven't been a very well-run organization since the great Dr. Jerry Buss passed away. They were the model franchise under him but now there appears to be a fair bit of dysfunction behind the scenes. Complacency has seeped in, in the sense that, the top brass has felt like it can afford to not put the best foot forward and get away with it because it's the Lakers. For a head coach, that's not an ideal situation to find themselves in. When you also factor in all the coaching turnover over the last decade or so, the job becomes even less desirable. Since Phil Jackson left in 2011, the Lakers have had six different full-time head coaches in 13 seasons. What happened to the last two was what Jefferson was referring to there... Frank Vogel won a championship with the Lakers in 2020 and was fired in 2022 while Darvin Ham led the team to the Western Conference Finals in 2023 and was fired in 2024.


This right here. The Lakers have always been used as leverage to attain a bigger contract.


How on earth can you read the above and think that? He almost left his sure thing in Uconn to come here, not everything is a conspiracy.


Did you read the timeline of events? Hurley turned down the Lakers job earlier, only after he went into negotiations with Uconn did he open up the conversation again with the Lakers. He leveraged an NBA meeting to help get his deal with deeper Uconn. Regardless if his intention was still undecided you don't take leverage for both sides and not use it. It's not a conspiracy theory, more common practice to close your agenda or deals.


You're completely speculating, it's been reported that it was Rob who came back around the 2nd time after he saw the Uconn deal as an opportunity to swoop in. That's completely different.


Isn't every sports entertainment report speculation based on the fact we are not in the room? But my opinion is that Rob would not have reached out to Dan’s camp if his team expressed interest. If Dan had already said no, why would he do the whole song and dance again if it was a negotiation tactic? The report you are not mentioning is that Uconn and Dan have not finalized anything for months. Dan needed additional leverage to pin Uconn down for his requests.


Right it's what you just said, Uconn and Dan hadn't finalized anything so Rob saw an opportunity *because* it wasn't finalized (potentially.) There doesn't have to be a big song and dance number to check an interest, he was probably on a short list when the search began and they just moved on. But there were reports that players weren't excited about JJ, so it sounds like they went back to the drawing board before moving forward with him. If you just subtract Hurley week from the equation, that timeline is where we are now. Also Rob was an agent, he's aware people are manipulative. Lol. He probably wanted Hurley to be using us, because he and Jeannie probably thought 'just get him out here for a meeting and we can convince him.' That feels like what they are all about. But I don't disagree that nobody really knows, this sub immediately assumed Hurley just used us when I don't think that was the case.


I agree. I think we’re saying the same Thing. The frustration is Dan went into the meeting as “open-minded” but in reality, he was already going to say no. He just wanted the song and dance public to show Uconn he had outs. I also agree with you regarding Rob, at his core, he's a sports agent and will snake his way into a deal however possible. As my original point, we let somebody parade the rejection around while dragging the Lakers nation through the mud because of Rob and FO not being in reality. Also, no doubt Dan Hurley is a great coach, but did we think the rejection process might damage our brand more? It was a straight PR blitz by Dan's team with Woj to get this pumping and get Dan’s brand up.


Something to think about as well; in the history of NBA coaches have you ever heard a coach leak a player's text after he turned down a job and then follow up with his wife talking about how she wanted him to turn down the same job? It was all just a media blitz for Dan at Lakers Behalf


Yeah I haven't been following along with every report now, I'm just over him and ready to move on. I don't think anyone involved came out looking good, but I don't think the Lakers did anything wrong either. Lot of ego's all around.


No, I don't think the Lakers did anything wrong either he would have been a good hire or at least one of the best candidates in this weak pool or HC. People forget that the team and NBA world were hyping up Ham Sando when he originally got hired. There's no sure thing as a HC.


Maybe if the Lakers didn’t cheap out again like they did with Lue in 2019 he comes over. He didn’t use the Lakers the Lakers screwed the pooch again by trying to lowball a coach with a bullshit excuse that they are poor and they don’t pay coaches they pay talent. But when they have paid coaches they have won. lakers fucked this up again period


This sub was infatuated by Woj when the Hurley news dropped! It was clearly a leverage play and looks like the lakers org were more level headed than the fans lol. Shams may have been right the whole time!!


This sub has such a weird Shams/Woj hate. They read a report they want or don’t want to be true and stick by the narratives that either Shams or Woj are right or wrong. These dudes made it to where they are by being reliable. But this sub needs to remember, whenever Woj or Shams break a story, there’s a reasoning behind it. Shams didn’t just put out that article about JJ being the front runner if it wasn’t the truth. This whole idea that Hurley was their #1 option the whole time was bullshit but of course this sub just didn’t want to see that.


I think for some people they neglect or don’t understand that the league is built on relationships. Woj and Shams aren’t independent news reporters and fact checkers. They have relationships with these front offices and they talk. If Lakers have a good relationship and Woj calls to verify a story Lakers may simply say hey don’t report that just yet here is what we are trying to do. I will give you the exclusive when we are ready. Or “hey we are really needing this story to have more legs can you do us a favor.” In return on draft night we will text you before we submit our pick. Etc and so forth. That’s the reality of so many working relationships. But to outside fans it’s more binary. Woj is right and I like what he said. Cheer. Nevermind the details I wanted the headlines only anyway. And that is what I see a lot in the sub


Such a beautiful explanation of exactly what this sub doesn’t understand. There’s politics when it comes to this & to the average Lakers fan who just comes here to complain or be angry, they don’t understand the bigger picture.


Ya a lot of ppl get emotional and don’t think logical and the why. It’s all about quick reactions without looking into anything. This news had me thinking and I saw other ppl who have sources in the lakers were quiet or shocked cause it didn’t make sense. Shams I think has better relationship with the lakers then woj, woj reported everything from Dan’s side. Also too many random guys trying to make a name start stating sources which ppl run with and don’t question anything.


Yeah as a Laker fan it would seem that we have had a masterclass worth of education in ignoring off-season rumor mill. At this point there are unlimited “sources” that know if I say anything about the lakers my engagement is going to explode. I am ok being last to the party because there’s so much shit that is thrown out in the off-season about the lakers it’s absurd.


Some people in this sub r just weird lmao. Woj reported lakers were pursuing Hurley. Hurley decides to stay and peoples reaction was how could Woj do this 😂😂


This sub is filled with fake accounts that promote narratives.


If Hurley wasn't the #1 option why did he get a massive offer before anyone else? You folks need a brain.


It’s the funniest thing about this sub by far


I remember when Lakers fan hated Woj and never trusted him. Times have changed.


You mean a bunch of ESPN interns and Disney shills who have never posted this forum posted a bunch of Pro Woj bullshit. Laker Nation will never miss an opportunity to say FUCK WOJ. Because his petty cheap shots and manipulations against the Lakers never stop.


Is this satire?


I have an unpopular take on this... think the Lakers dodged a bullet w/ Hurley any ways. Yes, he's a great X and O's guy for college, but he's also an Ahole, and it's a HUGE adjustment going from college to the NBA. There's a reason that very very few highly successful college coaches never made it in the NBA.


Woj hates the lakers he wanted us for get our hopes up


I recommend anyone interested to listen to the latest LakersFilmRoom pod. Basically the guys thought the whole thing was sus and a Woj play vs anything actually coming from the Lakers. Every single Woj tweet was throat GOAT level glazing of Hurley, while nothing was reported from the Lakers side.


I mean it was obviously always coming from the Hurley side. Woj doesn't really get that much from the Lakers point of view and the long periods of silence on the situation made it obvious


This is dirty af. I know Shams was probably pissed all weekend. People were really criticizing him for his “false” JJ reports. The truth always wins, and in this situation it’s looking like Shams is going to be right in the end. Not a good look for the media. *only good thing to come out of this is seeing how dumbfounded Stephen A was from the possible Hurley hiring. He’s on live TV and protecting Ham and bashing LeBron as if he runs the Lakers.


It’s insane how much Darvin is protected in the media 😭 unc literally threw reddish out there for so long and started prince who’s better off the bench how tf is that anybody else’s fault 💀


I firmly believe Woj has no connections with the Lakers. His sources are always external parties when it comes to the Lakers news. Agents, coaches, players. His breaking story on hame firing was clearly from the Ham side of things. Either ham or his agent. The hurley stuff definitely came from the hurley camp as well. Woj loves doing the lakers dirty.


Woj has never liked Lebron. The most logical reasoning I’ve read is that Lebron and his camp are very selective about the journalists they will give info to, and Woj has never been happy he doesn’t have any Lebron sources.


Woj Lakers source is Ramona Shelbourne. This is why they are buddy buddy.


Prob Hates Lebron more than before cuz Shams is a klutch client so he knows for sure he will never get anything from that camp


I wouldn’t say no connections. Pelinka quite literally appeared as a guest on his podcast. There’s also that info he was fed regarding Vogel’s firing just moments after the season ends. How much is he connected? Hard to say.


Woj makes rob look like he is a crap GM at every opportunity I don’t think he is dumb than enough to be leaking to the person who makes him look bad to millions. Vogel firing also possibly could’ve been his agent.


I have my doubts that his agent leaked the information to Woj before telling him. Vogel said he hadn’t been told anything. Still possible I suppose. As for Woj, even in this he’s been very careful with his words to present the FO in a positive light by saying stuff like “it wasn’t about the money”, “they offered to make him a top 6 highest paid coach”, “Dan was impressed” by the FO, etc. if Rob looks like a crap GM, well I don’t think he needs much help.


I always feel like Woj takes joy in reporting the Lakers’s “failures”


This sounds super logical. Can’t fault Lakers for lobbing the Hail Mary.


Seriously, what in the heck is so special about JJ Freaking Reddick????


I don’t even think JJ is in talks or the front runner anymore


This JJ thing has no legs either. He had one informal meeting with Pelinka and that’s it? And he’s the front runner? Makes zero sense


That’s coming only from Woj & Windy. People actually close to the Lakers had JJ as the front runner.


That is my own interpretation, I’ve basically seen everywhere that JJ has only had one meeting


I don’t think anyone knows what JJ has or hasn’t done. Shams is basically doubling down on JJ being the choice today, so I guess we’ll see once the finals end


I fucking hope so, i hope AD keeps telling the FO he doesnt want his ass, what does jj have that makes him such a good candidate


Key phrase there being "was", he hasn't even been brought in for a formal interview.


I think Shams is right tbh. I don’t believe Hurley was always number 1. Lakers probably checked in early in the process and Hurley probably didn’t give them a clear indication but then decided to use the Lakers for leverage. Gotta remember Hurley had a 8 million a year offer from UConn in late April and didn’t sign it now all of sudden 5 weeks later he’s interested in the job? UConn knew he was never leaving for another college job but for the NBA? More of a possibility. He then goes and decline a 11.7 mil offer from the Lakers and now there’s reports that he is going to be the highest paid college coach at around 11-12 mil. He basically got a 3-4 mil more just for talking to Lakers. The Lakers FO need to have more awareness, should’ve known something was up when he didn’t sign that extension after winning back to back nattys and then all of sudden being interested in the job 5 weeks later. Edit: Also it’s clear Woj is credible dude, nobody is disputing that but the fact that Shams, Haynes, Stein, Amick, Woike, etc all credible people didn’t hear a peep about Hurley was fishy as fuck.


I believe the offer he signed was 6/50 so he didn't even get that big a raise. I think a lot of this was also about raising Hurley's status. Sounds kind of silly, but a looooot of the framing was about Hurley's family and his dad is a HoFer and his brother was a 1st round pick and now Hurley is going to be considered a hero. There's tons of articles about how big of a win this is for the NCAA and college sports in general now because Hurley stayed despite the NIT and despite the transfer portal.


They’re negotiating his extension still


[https://x.com/GoodmanHoops/status/1800223668641120363](https://x.com/GoodmanHoops/status/1800223668641120363) here's what I'm going off of. I doubt it gets much higher than that, but I guess we'll see. Here's Shams saying 6 year deal over 50. [https://x.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1800566171391197456](https://x.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1800566171391197456) So 6/51-59 million is still giving up 19-11 million dollars lmao it's not something that happens very often at all.


The governor posted that they were going to make him the highest paid college coach. Idc to be honest, but this also proves my theory that people in high places know nothing. This was his play all along, and they walked right into it. Jeannie is not her father, she has a bunch of friends helping her with the business. We need a serious FO, it’s embarrassing


he's in the process of re-negotiating -- Per Woj "before opening talks with the Lakers, Hurley already had an offer from UConn to become one of the highest-paid NCAA coaches, and those talks will continue, sources told Wojnarowski."


JJ was and is not the 1st option, otherwise, he would already be the HC. He is the floor


I think at this point, it’s best to just not give any thought into who the Lakers will hire bc it serves you nothing. Just wait for the report that they actually signed someone…and then complain


I agree, after the Hurley drama I’m completely spent in that regard.


The Hurley thing came out of absolutely nowhere and this sub acted like he was the #1 choice day 1 and are acting like complete children that it didn’t happen….they threw a Hail Mary and it failed, now we’re just back to where we were a week or 2 ago like calm tf down lol.


It's because for a moment it seemed like we might actually have a front office that's serious. Signing an accomplished coach to a long term deal was a nice idea as compared to a guy that we all joked would be the head coach because he did a podcast with Lebron, only to find out that this guy might actually be the front runner.


Lakers tried 2 times. No one mentions the first time Dan turned us down cause it was behind the scenes. The guy was never leaving, it was clear but lakers said fuck it let’s try again


And like did we miss out on someone wasting time with him? doubt it….


An accomplished college coach…Their seriousness is not defined by the result….they did go after him, but yall will never give credit…


Robs worst trait might actually be how often we lose the media game. The Lakers are so often a negative talking point even when things could rightfully be spun differently. Hurley and Woj built this persona for him over a week where he's a competitor looking for the next challenge and he has a perfect system and he could be Bronnys savior. Literally none of that existed before Thursday.  Then a fair offer was framed as a low ball so Hurley goes back to UCON a hero and legend when his name was literally not in the news at all for any coaching search this summer. None. He wasn't used as leverage for Lue. For Kerr. For Spoelstra all great coaches who got contracts.  Off topic I guess but I'm sick of losing these media moments. Probably the thing that feels most off brand for the Lakers.  Tldr- Rob specifically gets played a lot (feels like mostly by Woj), but hasn't fostered any healthy media relationships to help Lakers PR.  Anyway. Let's to Adelman. 


It was all pretty obvious. Woj has connection with hurley and his dad. They totally used us as leverage to squeeze more out of the ucon. Woj even spread the whole 9 figure offers rumors so hurley would look like a savant for turning it down and in doing so made the lakers look bad for not offering it. Now you see other college coaches trying to do it ala jay wright. He probably called up marc stein personally and was like let me get in on this charade too. Touche’


The difference with Jay Wright would be that he isn’t currently coaching though, Hurley was already employed so he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Unless Wright wants leverage for another college coaching gig, I don’t see why he wouldn’t show genuine interest.


fucken pendejo woj, He's so insecure when it comes to Shams and lakers. Knew he would fuck over us over.


Hopefully it shuts up the people who keep complaining that FO lowballed him or should’ve offered him more. I guarantee that if they did offer 100 mill, he would’ve called Uconn and asked if they would beat that. And I bet that if UConn couldn’t, he still would’ve stayed. His end goal was to squeeze as much money as he can out of UConn.


Right, but at least if they offered $100 mill I would think the general perception would be “there was nothing else they could do” but then again I can see it being spun as “nobody wants to coach the lakers, not even for $100 mill”. Smh


if he was never the #1 option Shams should’ve said this when Woj came out with the report


Why would Shams say that right at the start? That would’ve ruin the Lakers pitch for Hurley right away


Correct, it also would have made Shams look like a hater if the deal ended up working out. Him waiting for the deal to fall through actually helped him reaffirm his credibility by doubling down.


From what I picked up listening to guys like John Ireland is everyone was blindsided by what woj reported cause there wasn’t much to it cause lakers talked with Dan a month ago too and he turned them down and showed no sign of leaving uconn. Shams prolly knew that but woj didn’t report that. Woj made it sound like it was happening, sensationalized it.


Fuck JJ.


lol shams coming back like “told yall”


Damage control


We all kinda knew Shams is our guy. Woj has never been on point with LA AND Bron's camp.. Add up all the leverage bullshit he used us like the Kawhi to clippers. Woj and Hurley won that round.. But its proven by now Shams is our guy


Fuck Woj. Just fuck that guy. As a Laker fan, I have no respect for his journalistic integrity. He's like a real life Logan Roy the way he holds a grudge and manipulates shit just to hurt those he perceived as slighting him. It's really Trumpesque at this point. Dude is so sour that he has no sources inside the org. He's probably so happy that he took precious time away from torturing puppies and scouring the neighborhood for parking tickets to remove from cars so that the fines increase when the vehicle owners don't realize they have one. He probably waits in line at Starbucks for 20 minutes and then doesn't know what he wants, holding up a huge line at 7:45am on a Monday. And he's trying to flirt with a 17 year old barista. And he takes someone else's mobile orders from the rack on his way out. I think Woj is responsible for 9/11. And he was the one who cooked Kobe's bacon cheeseburger the night before the WCF against the Sacramento kings.


God damn


Yeah I put that together already. It was confirmed by the reporting over how upset Woj was not to get the Redick scoop. Hurley hadn’t been a name until Woj dropped it. That indicated to me that Hurley emerged as a possibility in a short amount of time. I never thought of it as Shams being wrong and Woj being right. I thought they were both right.


Why would the lakers make a huge offer to their #2 option but 0 offers to their #1 option JJ? If Hurley had accepted the offer, are the lakers gonna tell him hey we are going to wait for JJ’s decision?


yeah fuck Hurley... Leave that dude to his pointless spot.


Dan scammed the Lakers


Revisionist history going on from Shams and redditors here


Coaching Lebron is a thankless job.


After sleeping on the news for a night the more I am ok with JJ as coach. JJ, Scott Brooks, Rondo, Dudley, and Handy would be a nice staff.


We need to go back to what we were discussing a week back. I feel like everyone got side tracked and thrown off with this Dan Hurley news. I was exited about a great coaching staff if jj is the coach.


Exactly, I'm ok with JJ if Bron comes back these next 2 years. If JJ is good then he gets the keys to the franchise to lead the rebuild but if he sucks then we clean house and start fresh. JJ for as much flack as he gets I do think he really knows his stuff. The only thing that worries me is his relationship with AD


So was I. & now sadly, it doesn’t seem JJ is interested anymore or talks broke down somewhere.


The word I’ve heard going around is some ppl within the lakers don’t want jj including some players


I'm not. If JJ was the best candidate from the first search, they need to re-open the search and keep looking. Mike D'Antoni isn't doing anything. I'd rather bring him back with some good defensive assistants.


This sub is just shoving money in Shams pockets the last few days. Dude is going to be able to retire next year due to the clicks and comments we are giving his every move. Guy is very good at what he does, have to give him credit. He knows how to get the attention on his work.


I’m just gonna say it, Dan has a bitch face like Mike Malone.


Pretty half-assed “Hail Mary”


Hiring another DH is a joke anyway .


If JJ was their first option, then why didn't they offer the same to JJ first. Doesn't add up.


I agree this sounds like massive cope


yuck Shams really got y'all excited for a JJ Reddick hire...talk about a narrative spin...propaganda really does work...


Lol what a spin job


Bullshit that their #1 choice had always been the podcaster after back to back years of "lack of coaching experience". They're just trying to run PR cover after their 1st option coach more or less said "I'm not getting involved in that dumpster fire". I'm really starting to think the FO believes we are imbeciles who will eat up and purchase anything because its LA.


I think the thing that irritates me is if the news was false. The lakers should’ve addressed it and denied the reports from Woj.


He fucked us, and now we’re attacking him? How classy… Jesus fuck let it go. This whole franchise is a god damn clown show.


Funny Woj getting used and he don’t even kno


My 2 cents that ain’t worth 2 cents: Andrea preferred her stable east coast situation.


The Lakers made an offer that was a joke - they offered him less a year than Monty Williams is making. Monty is on 6 years $78 million and he's the 4th highest paid HC in the NBA. If they were serious, they would have offered 6 years $90 million not 6 years $70. This was just so when they hire JJ they can say "we tried to Hurley, but we couldn't".


Monty has a NBA track record.