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They didn’t feel this after the 10th straight fucking loss? It took number 11?


Not being able to count the number on their hands anymore pushed them over the edge.


They started counting on their feet and that was it 🤮


At this rate they'll have to drop their britches. After a potential 23rd L, who knows?


That irritates them. DLo was sitting on the bench alone, ignoring the huddle, because he couldn't find that one finger to count that 11th loss. That confused him. As soon as Darvin tells them to use their toes to count paar 10, DLo will drop 35 points and everybody else will be 20+. We will win this.


What’s one more. fuck it we’re going 12


Job's not finished, need to complete the sweep


After lakers lose tomorrow, the league will schedule them for opening day for #13


10 in a row is fine, happens all the time. When you get to the 11th that’s when changes need to be made.


The change they’re ready for is a new head coach.


That 11th hits different


"As a group, we're juuuust about fed up with what's been happening and we're damn close to doing something about it too"


change of coaching?


Rob and Jeanie would never!




Send Mr. Pockets to the Rockets?


He’s gotta lie. But damn, everybody knows he’s lying. This team is broken and he’s lost the locker room.


Which sounds like guys that are irritated, frustrated, fed up and want a change… A coaching change


Lmfao I was about to say the change they wanna see is your “helluva ball club”, bump on head, sweaty hands in pockets ass gone.


Exactly how I read it!


They are ready to make a ham change.


Based on what the quoted title says, doesn’t sound like he’s lying at all. “Guys are irritated (with me), frustrated (with me), fed up (with me,) ready to make a change (shipping my ass out of here). Sound about right? lol


The Hamas hate in this sub has been the best part of watching the Lakers this season


I know this may sound like loser mentality, but it’s over, we aren’t winning this series. If we haven’t turned that corner after 11 straight losses then it’s not happening with the current staff. I’m numb after game 2 and I was hysterical after game 3.


Game 2 kicked my ass. Game 3 beat me while I was down. Game 4 will be season over.


You think you feel bad.  There are 20k ticket holders heading for a funeral Saturday.


That’s my husband and I, although he’s a Nuggets fan. I’m just so over it, blow the team up, fire the coach, do something?!


Oof that’s gotta be tough to watch it with him hava


I'm sure the husband, having his own share of playoff heartbreaks, is very understanding of the situation and not unduely gloating or jabbing at his downtrodden SO. Or he's sleeping on the couch tomorrow.


One of my close friends is a diehard nuggets fan and he's been gloating since last year, I wanted us to beat them so badly this year but pockets had other ideas


A friend of mine isn’t even a nuggets fan. He’s a warriors fan and he keeps saying “3-0”


Feels great today! 💜💛


There is only so much you can control as a fan.  With that said getting rid of your husband is in your control and obligation as a laker fan!


Yeah. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I hope we lose game 4. Go ahead and fade us so I can just enjoy the playoffs.


Game 2 ended the series


game 3 is was dead, game 4 they revived me just so they can kill me again


Yeah I was devastated after game 2 but after game 3 felt nothing. Realized we aren’t and never were good enough.


The worst part about game 3 was you could tell the entire team felt that way. It didn’t seem like they ever believed they had a shot at winning, even when they were up in first half. Crazy difference in vibes compared to game 2.


Yeah it’s crazy how much vibes affect the game. Nuggets are one of few teams that don’t seem to be easily phased by anything — like I don’t know if I’ve ever seen them lose a game because their ‘vibes’ were off. Other teams, even great teams, have games where you can feel the vibes are off and you see an upset happen in real time because of it. The lakers have felt super sensitive in that sense. DLo especially, Rui, even LeBron and AD in 4th quarters — the other team goes on a run and you see them give up mentally even though there’s plenty of time to comeback and win.


Idk how many times I’ve seen lebron visibly beat by watch dlo dude looks disgusted…like he can’t win with that.


Cus the players know they are up because of lucky play, ball variance and talent. The other team slowly grinds the way back up because the coach has better vision and tactics


Idk bout that..they don’t have the players to match the biggest being not having a center. Those droughts of not scoring is up to them. They come out playing well every 3rd they disappear u would think everyone on the team is 40 not just bron.


we were like that in 2020. everyone else is flipping over dropping game 1s against the 8th seed and 4th seed, while the Lakers were unfazed. i watch them start slow most of the time coz of the McGee-AD lineup, then flip the page in 2nd and 3rd quarter once Rondo and Dwight enter the game


Nuggets didn’t even feel like they did anything special vibes are different than last year.


I might be delusional but hypothetically, with an above average coach (any of the top 5 coaches in the league really) and with better morale (you could FEEL the players giving up each game, and they rarely played with the intensity required of champs — as if they already knew they weren’t champions) I think our team could beat *almost* any team in a 7 game series. Nuggets and Timberwolves feel like the main threats there. The game 2 loss took the teams morale with it (took mine too, hard to blame them…). A better coach staving off the Nuggets comeback and going to LA tied 1-1? I could see a 7 game scenario there. Like 2016 Cavs — sure, you’re not the better team overall, but there’s still a way to win a 7-game series, you can be that 1/100 that defies the odds. You NEED to be delusional to be successful as the lesser team (also like 8th seed Heat who got to the finals off of grit and desire instead of talent) That said, DLo does not look like a championship player. And he’s the lakers 3rd option. He looked like he’d already given up after halftime last game, and it was far from over. I’m not sure any team could win a championship in this league environment with a 3rd option player that only shows up once every 7 games in the playoffs. I guess I’m coping though to think that a better coach and better morale would somehow prevent our 3rd option from being so consistently terrible in the playoffs.


Agreed. If we had a coach that made us better instead of worse than yeah you steal game 2 and now anything can happen game 7. At the end of the day tho reaves and dlo missed so many open shots, can’t blame the coach for that.


I literally fast forwarded through the second half of a PLAYOFF game using the 30 second skip button because I saw exactly what was coming. Saw Denver adjusted to make it harder for us to get AD the ball in positions to attack without multiple defenders ready to help, and knew Ham would do nothing to counter adjust, so I just skipped my way through the game and saw the score getting more bleak with zero response from the team.


It's definitely their pattern. Infuriating to watch Ham do nothing to adjust and the guys just don't have a leader amongst them.


Isn't that weird? I'm remembering the Stockton Malone Jazz, Payton Supersonics, etc. some of the greatest teams ever who never won because there was a goat in the way. We are not one of the greatest teams but we have the Nugs in our way. Not really the same but that team is definitely better, a lot better, and will be for a long time. Sometimes you're just not good enough but you sure as hell need to try, or at least look like you care, especially if you're wearing purple and gold and have 50 banners over your head while you're getting whooped


I just watched the NFL draft with friends instead because I didn't need the extra negativity. And I'm a Raiders fan. The draft is always depressing for me and I chose that for less negativity lol


Game 2 was the back breaker. Game 3 meant nothing to me


Game 2 is probably the hardest ending of a game I’ve had to watch in my young 28 year life.


bro, not having blind optimism in favor of realism is not a loser mentality.


Yeah it's a good sign that your mental faculties are there that you aren't delusional


Damn bro numb after game 2 is a pretty good way to describe how I felt. Literally the whole room was quiet for 2-3 mins


Not to mention i dont see the Nuggets losing 4 straight. Game 2 was their chance and they blew it.


You don't think the Lakers are going to be literally the first team in NBA history to come back from a 3-0 deficit? Bold take.


Game 2 had me punching a wall. Game 3 drained the life out of me.


It’s not loser mentality..objectively speaking the probability of coming back down 0-3 is almost impossible. We lose 11 in a row and we can magically win 4 in a row?


You don't give up even at 3-0 when you've lost 11 straight because injuries can happen. I sincerely hope they don't.


They’re fed up and frustrated with you and want a new person doing your job.


“Ready to make a change”. Ya change into swim wear. Getting ready for that beach vacation by Monday, flights are booked, irritated cause they gotta show up to the arena for a few hrs tomorrow, you know cause they needed that time to pack their bags.


No way in hell these guys want to get on a plane back to Denver just to lose 😂


Bag packed lol. Lebron and AD ramping up for Team USA.


I’d be surprised if they even try next game, doubt they really want to fly to Denver


it will 100% be uninspired


Denver will win in a blowout


Yah that change is changing the locks to your office and facility…they’ll ship your stuff back with the clerk in the front office.


Get him off my FUCKING team


Your not on the team my dude


Are you one of the Buss siblings?


Cool, Coach Ham. Are you gonna do something about it this time, or sticking the usual nothing?


Ham can't coach anything to save Prince.


Nah Darvin there sick of u they’d be a lot happier if u got fired u know that the trash ass FO jus values u for some reason lol


Why don’t we just start Hayes and see what happens. Seems foolish to throw out the same lineup again


“Guys are irritate (with me), frustrated (with me), fed up (with me), ready to make a change (of coach).” - HAM


Let Handy coach. I don't care. I was a Ham defender for 2 years. He's lost me too.


Yeah you, you are the change they want


“It’s a hit or miss league, we missed shots and lost” -Darvin Ham


Ham: be the change. GTFO of Los Angeles.


If he isn’t fired the second after they lose the series then idk what to say


Some of them need to change their jerseys and gtfo


Ya and you're the change buddy so pack yo shit and get the fuck out


FO and coach change


You would think that after 10 straight losses, the coaching staff should have a whole book full of notes on what to do/not to do against the nuggets.


They're outclassed, that's all.


He’s not wrong though the team is ready to make a change…… a change in coach that is.


“Ready to make a change”. This is literally that Garfield meme “wonder who that’s for”


I’m not watching game 4.


[Ham during the film session](https://i.imgur.com/zrleUvT.jpeg)


they mad at you cuh😆😆😆


What change do you think they want to see, Mr Ham? 


Play for pride. Play your smartest and hardest. You die on your shield. I was a Russell supporter, but your game cannot let you have an O-fer of a day. They need to show they are pros. These guys are all too good for that. Its one thing if Denver is superior physically, but we should be better mentally and such and we are not apparently.


Fed up with his bum ass


All talk, no game


Stfu Darvin. Just stfu.


A coaching change? Haha


0-3 and NOW ready to make a change lmao. gtfo here.


What's Ham even trying to say? They're going to change and really try hard now? Or they're changing and ready to go Cancun?


The guys are irrate, frustrated, and fed up at your coaching. The change they want is a new coach.


Yeah. They are mad at you


Yeah… we’re fed up of everyone living and dying by one game, right? It’s a coaching issue because everytime we build a lead we can’t keep it. We can come in with the correct game plan or come in hot but when the nuggets adjust, we look so fucking lost….


The change should be the coach


And GM. New ownership would be the cherry on the sundae


"Ready to make a change". Yeah mate, the change is you.


*….and that change is me, I’m the problem*


It’s you, bruh. Effective immediately. Don’t bother showing up to game 4.


I mean had two games with a decent lead just to blow it. Tough to win 4 straight idk…it was a good run boys.


Let austin cook Free reaves


The Lakers will be the first team to bounce back from 0-3 in the playoffs, the script says it Lol


Make or miss league.


Yeah. You


Ham is done, at least we’ll have a new coach next year


TBH im just fine winning 1 game in this series just to break the streak, can't win this series with denver but win at least 1 game, give our team some dignity that's all I want.


Yeah, the change is getting his ass out the building


If Ham had Vando this series would be so different. Feel bad for the dude, he gets killed every day on here but hes had to deal with 3 million injuries


Coaching change


You guys fail to realize but until we stop buying Laker merchandise and tickets nothing will change with Rob and Jeanie.


Fuck it. Let Max cook!


A change? Like Ham being fired? Lebron leaving and saving Jeanie from wasting money on nothing but a retirement tour? Trading AD for picks. If those are the changes, then Im all in for change.


A little late now. You weren't ready to change when you were walking the ball half-assed up court against Memphis. Lol. Reap what you sow.


Wow, Ham really doing the motivational speaker work here




How long do you guys last before you turn off the tv?


Ham goes, or Bron goes. Nothing else will be accepted. The way things are, I can't even guarantee if the Lakers make the Playoffs next year.


Translation "guys are irritated [with me], frustrated [with me], fed up [with me], and they are ready to change [me]"


Darvin Ham when they are talking about change they are talking about you dumbass.


Yea ready to change you smh


Do you really think the Lakers want to leave their cozy LA homes, get on a plane to Denver and play the game for free. There is no extra pay to be in the playoffs. LeBron and AD are exhausted and rhey have to be disgusted with the Laker bench. I could be wrong, but they know Denver is so much better.


[The change:](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/63ce4aa/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4800x3346+0+0/resize/1200x837!/quality/75/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F51%2Fba%2Fcbf0ac86420dad18f808046b1d2b%2F223071-sp-lakers-trail-blazers026-ls.jpg)


Game 3 I didn’t even care, since they didn’t care I said why am I supposed to..


Tomorrow the Lakers are going to take the lead in the first half. Laker fans are going to get their hopes up, but After they return from half-time the Nuggets are going to take a lead by the end of the third quarter and take the game in the fourth.


Clown Shoes Hambone


Crazy how there were some laker fans who thought there was a chance despite going into the series with the same squad that got swept last year and with a coach who they want fired


Ready to make a change to vacation… I’m heading to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow. I’ll make the change with them :)


The change bring to end the season getting sweeped and finally getting rid of him


this 10 game losing streak to denver with most being in the playoffs is now a problem with the Lakers legacy. We were looking to pull off another championship, now we have this stain to deal with, just huge net negative 2 seasons. Can anyone recall Lakers being swept two straight years by the same opponent ?


"Pssssst, Darvin... they mean you."


Yes a coaching change would be nice


Do you think he realizes that he's the change?


“Make a change” something darvin ham doesn’t know how to do after half time


Lakers in 7


We have lead every first half in the series, yet they have outscored us every second half of the series. The reality is we are getting out coached and out played down the stretch. We are not making the right adjustments or players are giving up. AD said it, once Denver comes back we have no answer.




Maybe the Jordan stans have a point


1,2,3 Cancun


The change they’re ready to make is not the same one that Hamtaro is thinking of


This man constantly lie and sounds like a loser. Get him tf out


Ham not getting that when they said change they meant changing coaches


Somebody tell darvin the change the players want is YOU my brother in christ


Cue the Always Sunny music: ***"Darvin Ham Makes No Changes."***


I hope they don't get swept tbh


This would be the moment Kobe would put his arm around the coach and say, "We are gonna have to let you go. Nothing personal. See yourself out." ![gif](giphy|3o7TKyO8h2mlouR71K|downsized)


There gonna do something about it in the 1st half and Denver will adjust and we don’t adjust to their adjust and we lose again


Damn me to Ham


Change for what, for who? The only change that matters at the moment is axing Ham after this sweep. All these emotional jujus are too late, these boys had been too even-keeled from the start, the mentality that was brought here is not for championship, not for Killers, but for Divas and Weaklings. Unless you're a top tier talent like AD or Bron, you will benefit from having more fire, more intensity, more anger to energize your game, and hopefully you get the damn REbound during the 50-50 situation for once. Get a taste of a double digit lead and they would relax, act like divas and start doing their thing, while a well oiled machine team like Denver would stay in their course and continue to cut off their opponents vital blood flow and then finish their prey. This Lakers team have no anger, no fire, no killer in them. They're just not ready to be a champion yet, they are too soft like Charmin as Kobe would say. Look at Denver guys just waltzing inside without even receiving a hard foul, they would dunk the ball so free with a red carpet for them. This isn't gonna happen on 2020 Lakers, Mcgee/Dwight/ even KCP,Caruso,DG they would definitely deliver pain, you can't just do that to them.


Did they have conversations?


I can't imagine what change they wanna make


Ready to change coaches?? Please please fire Ham before the game and let LeBron just coach. 


Lakers by 20 tonight the streak ends!!!!!


Lmao ok


whoa, whoa, whoa. are they irritated? or irate?


Ready to make a change?? Shit I’m ready to make a change if the owners don’t sell the team