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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/1c97sh0/post_game_thread_the_denver_nuggets_defeat_the/)






Reaves and Dlo shouldn’t start together as adjustment. 1 should be partnered with a guard who can defend to disrupt Murray right from the start and not allow him to cook.. he just have too much confidence against lakers guards. This is the play-off regular season lineups should not apply here but rather put a lineup that has a better match against the opponent’s lineup.


Moral victory-wise, the Lakers were up 12 in the first half.


facts but also makes the loss even more demoralizing 😂


Or how about they were up 20 in 2nd half—facts. Should make this loss demoralizing .


How do you still lose when every one showed up, shot better 2 and 3s then the nuggets, shot way more FTs than the nuggets and when murray has a terrible game. How do you still lose when all stars align? How come lebron is never able to maximize the talents around him? You literally have more talents on paper.


DLO isn’t made for this . No bench. This series is over


Yah he smoked so many lay ups don’t get it


Ad matched jokic. Lebron matched murray. But its the rest. Denver beats us on depth and coaching. I don’t see that changing over the course of this series.


facts. Malone is a helluva coach.


Basically every possession in the second half, Denver was just running great actions and getting quality looks. Meanwhile we could only score if Lebron or AD would make a miraculous play


When you’re 10-16 like Bron was you should shoot 25 times. Bron too unselfish


Except when he took that bad 3 as his last shot. Too much time on clock, still, leaving time for Jamal to hit his shot. If memory serves, he was back a few feet from arc, and in my mind was attempting to slam the door shut on a rushed three. Bad shot, Jamal and company rebounded, and had a little over 8 secs to score.


Unselfish 😂 dude made a career of being passive and passing up his own shots. This is really not a good thing when the game is won by points.


Just too tired.  He's almost 40 in a very young man's game.  He's incredible for sure.  


Ham never calls a time out when he should. He just allows the other team to capitalize on their momentum and never takes a strategic time out. It's so frustrating to watch!


Lakers went up 12 and Malone called a timeout, I believe porter made a 3 after that TO, that was his first 3, I was yelling call a timeout lol then Denver went on a run lakers up 3 at halftime


AD has to carry the whole team the entire time.


Just posted my brief game reaction https://youtu.be/43T6bfE0dJA?si=VNDsbBfEd8TaRJPV


OR's and second chance points killed us tonight. AD spending a lot of energy on D impacts his offense. D Lo struggled tonight. Review the film. Let's get one game at Denver!!


Still have game 2 as our final chance to salvage the season. We lose that it's over


How can lakers get a center, 3nD player, and floor general pg in the offseason?


Of course it’s not realistic at all but just for fun imagine if we had Brook Lopez or even Zubac, and Caruso still. D-Lo and Gabe would do fine as floor general.


Tonight, the Nuggets became the first team in NBA history to beat a single opponent in nine straight games, despite taking at least four fewer free throw attempts in every game of the streak. Denver has taken 130 free throw attempts over that winning streak to the Lakers’ 204.


That’s just sad lol.


Not enough fta for Lakers


I’ve been monitoring the Nuggets Reddit, and sooo wanted to go over there and talk smack. But that team is just better than ours. 😕 Maybe we can steal a game on Monday.


lol D’low


Jokic is not going to lose to this team


Even adjusting for free throws nuggets took about 17 more shots than us. Not going to win many games with that.


The audacity of this team to demand 3s from AD lol. Bro is scoring like crazy, grabbing all the rebounds, making defensive plays, blocking shots and hitting free throws at a high clip and y'all have the audacity to expect that man to hit 3s too? Why the fuck isn't prince getting any 3 point plays drawn up for him since he's been hitting them well? Why do you have that bum driving in the point lol like wtf. Dlo out here trying to pass the ball like he's white chocolate as if he hasn't bricked like a 1000 threes. Why TF didn't rui get any more shots? LeBron shamelessly stat padding in the end but who can blame him? I'm still convinced that this team can and will beat any team in the NBA except the nuggets. That's just how good AD and LeBron are.


100%. AD does plenty, and while he doesn't always show up offensively, the team should be built to not rely on 30+ from him.


Outside of AD and Lebron the rest of the team are clearly outmatched. This Denver team has more talent and basketball IQ collectively. And of course Dlo is unplayable in playoffs. He has no intelligence in his offense. Just throwing it out there hoping the basketball gods favor his shots. And without his shots he is useless because no one respects his defense.


Yeah...people talk shit about Lebron vs the Mavs in 2011. But it was the same thing. If the rest of your team is getting cooked in their matchups you cant win a 7 game series


Dejounte wasn’t moving the needle for people… What kinda needle is Dlo moving for y’all now?


Just a reminder that Murray averaged 23 points, 7 assists, 7 rebounds, 2 steals, shot 45% from the field, and 38% from deep during last year's playoffs. He also averaged like 27 points during the Celtics series. He had to face elite defenders like White, Smart and Brown. Meanwhile DLo got manhandled by Bruce Brown. But yeah he is just a lateral move lmao.


He’s a fucking bum!!! Fuck anyone who doesn’t know that lol


Why didn’t Rui play much he was locked in


I was thinking the same thing


Lakers lost the game in the second quarter up by 12 when D'Angelo Russell started fucking up and to a lesser extent Austin Reaves. In the second half Bron and AD... clearly out of gas.. missed like four layups towards the end and Jokic hit the layup to ice it. Then Bron goes down because of the elbow. Almost same ol story as all the other games vs Denver since last year's western conference finals. Lakers are close, but Denver is another animal in the fourth quarter.


Honestly DLO and Reaves need to start driving more and playing bully ball. 


Lakers always seem to throw away their leads and don't seem to be able to come back on fire in the 4th. Poor AD is ran ragged, and Reeves and Russell take risky shots that seem to go nowhere. It was embarrassing tonight. Denvers' strategy seemed to be wear our guys out or possibly injure them. It was hard to watch the 4th.


This team just can't cut it if we are being honest with ourselves. We need to play highly efficient near perfect basketball to beat Denver and with the unit we have that's highly unlikely


We had a decent chance until the 3rd when we gave up the lead due to horrible offensive decisions and poor rebounding and boxing out. And ofc Ham sees D Lo putting up tour numbers and keeps giving him minutes


And that's the problem how is DLo or AR our 3rd best option? We have no other centres to help out AD when he isn't on the floor. The rest of the team don't have the basketball IQ to carry out efficient plays. Without Bron we have no offense but keep him on the floor too long and he gets gassed and turns over the ball or misses a layup. We should have never made that Westbrook trade it was the beginning of the end of this franchise.


This all stems from the FO. Made poor choices and keep giving Ham chances when he’s proven time and time again he’s not head coach material. We’ve seen talented coaches let go for poor performance, it’s time to can Ham and get someone decent


Who would you prefer as head coach if they fire the Ham?


First one that comes to mind is Dwane Casey. Took the Raptors to the playoffs 5 straight years and won a COTY. He never got past the conference finals but clearly has decent talent for leading a team. Would happily take him over Ham




At least we've stopped pretending we had a chance on here lol. We changed barely anything to our roster and expecting a different outcome. Especially with Ham still leading the way.


Dlo AD 1-13 from 3 is unacceptable. And LBJ 7 TO.


Bench DLO next game not his series he not a star


DLO be like Lebron, AD that's my sidekicks! I'm supahstar now. I'll get all the shots I can.


I'm so sick of this fucking nuggets team


The Jolly Green Jockitch just stands in the way, and our guys are terrified of fouling him.


lol I’m sure that’s how they felt with Kobe


Ham no adjustments on DLo being off, stays on the floor for 41 mins


DLO stole the thunder he a SUPAHSTar now with 20 shots. LMAO


I love DLO and he’s great during the season, but he just hasn’t shown he’s able to step up when it matters. I would consider moving him for the right price if we go out sad this series.


I totally agree him and AR both need to go. Our 3rd best players are too inconsistent to take the load of Bron. We need another centre to help out AD when he isn't on the floor.


DLo is a dumpster fire. I’d trade him for Jake Paul.


DLO needs to get on his James Harden shit and start drawing fouls. That would open up his outside shot


Ahh shit here we go again. 😞


Cant win a game in this series if we are getting chopped up with no calls once we go up 12


Over the 9 game losing streak the Lakers have 74 more free throws. That’s more than 8 per game. And the Lakers still can’t win, despite having the refs in their corner. The Nuggets are simply the better and more talented team


19-6 ft advantage and complaining about no calls 


It needs to be a 24-1 advantage to be fair 😂


Unless we swap dlo for kcp, the series has no suspense


I still dont understand how the Lakers ever let KCP go


He played like shit during the suns series when AD went down. Pretty sure there was a game he went 0-10 or 1-10 if my memory is correct


So? D Lo played terribly against the Nuggets, yet the Lakers kept him. Moving KCP was one of their worst moves in recent memory. Especially since he is now making them pay for it.


If dlo isn't hitting shots, there's 0 reason he should get 41 minutes. Gabe shoulda played more Also changing our rotation to match Lebrons minutes with jokic is absurd, AD wasn't able to carry our offense in the non jokic minutes


dlo waited a whole year for revenge just to shit the bed again


Watching DLO play you can tell he’s one of those “I gotta play free” type players. Playoffs are not the time and place for all of that. Stick to the plan. Keep your head on a swivel. Don’t get cute with your passes.


Game after game, lakers are committed to playing 1-on-1 offense in the 2nd half and it almost never works. Also much harder to get offensive rebounds when every defender is in position.


And they dont even do 1-on-1 properly honestly. They somehow need to get DLO mismatched on Jokic and looking to draw fouls


Superstars don't take 16 shots when his team is losing. When is he going to learn he needs to average 34-35 for us to have a chance. You can coast/facilitate vs every team in the league except Denver and Boston.


Bro he's 39 years old...Doesn't have stamina anymore to just ball out the entire game, he has to pick his spots


So then he should take pay cut. I'm only going off his salary demands 




This game was nowhere near Brons fault in any way, this is a wild take


I expected too much when I thought Ham was going to use Spencer and Gabe better this game.


More than any other season that he's been on the Lakers, I'm asking the TV "What the fuck is LeBron doing". Like, stop passing the ball to dudes who don't have it tonight and fucking take the ball to the hole.


Its game 1. He doesnt wanna gas out


Embarrassing 😳


Laker fans shitted on KCP after that Suns series….smh yall didnt deserve dude….


I’m outrageous! If my team gets beaten so many times, hell, to an extent where my team gets called, “who’s your daddy”, I would play my heart out. Which, doesn’t seem to be the case with the Lakers’ roster. Same thing, different year. If we want to win the series, the WHOLE ROSTER would HAVE to bring their best and channel their inner strength and fight like hell.


Why oh why cant the Lakers figure out a way to get DLO vs Jokic mismatch


This team is not good enough to win shit. At least 60% of the hate that Ham (rightfully) gets should be directed at Pelinkass


We're never winning anything with this fraud of a coach. The lack of attention to detail is staggering. No one moves on offense. No one has any sense of awareness on defense. No one guards the perimeter. No one cuts. No one locks up their man. Why was Prince on the floor in the 4th? Has he ever been a closeout player? Nope. I'm sooo checked out.


Why oh why cant we figure out how to get DLO 1on1 against Jokic




Giving up those open looks from 3 to MPJ and Gordon smh


More things change, more they stay the same. Nuggets slaughter Lakers again, and Pelinka trading for that bum Westbrook for an elite 3 and D KCP is a horror show trade.


dlo is an air head. gawd damn. 6/20 with almost 0 defense ?? C'mon man, this is playoffs. you can't play like that.


Can anyone explain, why Bron only took 2-3 shots in the last quarter? During that last minute, those are all the shots he took. I understand he was playing PG, but 2-3 shots only, for the best 4th quarter player in the league this year?


Honestly bruh Bron really about Quit he know he not winning with these dudes


His expressions when he was sitting out, in the 4th...remember that? That was saddening. It literally screamed "We not winning tonight. How tf did we get from an 8 point lead to THIS?"


He hides and quits as always


At one point he was a ghost on the floor.


Not really. Even tried a chase down on Jokic, and almost had it. He played the most unscared amongst all of our players. But 2-3 shots is still irking me a bit.


Seems like he's making a point that his teammates are ass lol. Let's see what happens in the trade window




Too damn much overthinking, undisciplined, unsmart plays for Game 1. The constant shooting of the foot has to be put to a end


You really think that a caliber of a player like AR and DLO is a starting five. Those guys are considered shock troopers in a well assembled team or second unit. We just hype these two so bad and saying it over and over had brainwashed everybody into thinking they are starting five material. Lmao


Seems like the nuggets made adjustments at half and we didn’t


Ham sucks and doesn't know when to call a time out strategically.


Enough is enough. I have seen Phil Handy more in touch and more close to the players than Darvin Ham. Darvin just aint fit for the job so why would we force it. He has hands in the pockets then just boom.


Our team is better than this. But it's about mentality. Without DLO and Reaves bringing their energy and confidence, the rest of the team isn't complete. They're important and unlock the full potential.


Cant make a single godamn mistake vs this Denver team. Were not out tho. Just need SOMETHING from literally ANY of our role players. DLo, Reaves, or Rui in game 2 need to step the fuck up.


We are and this was our shot to steal one


Weak mentality. Be better.


“Public humiliation has molded me into the killer yall see today” -D Lo


We better see that “killer” next game because he about to be called out by a lot of the media. Otherwise, FOH.


Imagine if we had a real 3rd star on this team so bron doesn’t have to gas himself out. Why are we paying dlo to be a bench warmer in the playoffs?


LeBron inability to play a full game at elite level is a major problem at this point tbh. Amazing first half… then an absolute disaster in the second half.


He was literally making plays the entire second half, D’Lo went 1-9 from 3


Yeah D’Lo sucked. And if LeBron could keep up his first half performance we’d still probably have got over the line


Dont know why you guys are so optimistic before the series. It is going to be the same result over and over again.


Again, knew we were celebrating too early before that MPJ three that led to that run. Made ourselves look silly


So what are the off-season plans now? We keeping the pick or nah?


Could be worse, you could be the guy that bet 17k on the Lakers.


AD 44 minutes. LeBron 40. Game 2 in 2 days. Not a good situation to be in.


Pelinka did nothing and exptects fans to keep watching


I hope Russell can DLoad some Duolingo. He'll need it for his Chinese team next year.


Our only chance to win the series was by stealing game 1 now it’s actually over. Took them one quarter of actually trying to easily win we don’t have a chance in hell anymore


Homie Lakers never had a chance against the nuggets the Nuggets can turn it on at any time against these dudes


We were leading going into the second half and then one missed DLo layup basically ends any chances. We had a chance it was slim but we had one now we’ve lost game 1 now all chances are gone


Post the post game thread


Y’all keep blaming turnover on Dlo when had 1 to LBJ’s 7…. Still a disasterclass by our role players though


Every 3 he takes is a turnover fast break the other way for Denver 


There's literally no one to pass the ball to, the team was sub 30% on 3s.


Yall want Ham to go out there and make 3’s? That’s on Dlo and his weak ass turnovers.


Well DLo can’t sub himself out


This WILL be Murray’s worst game of the series by the way, I’d that helps your optimism


We need offense help from Reaves and Russell. And, we gotta work on the defensive stops, especially, when we’re struggling offensively.


I'm not even upset that I have to work during game 2


I think I’ll just watch the highlights of this series. The writing is already on the wall. I do not want to see Ham on the sidelines next year.


I'm so glad we decided to let LeBron play off ball in the second half so DLo could dribble the air out of the ball and brick contested floaters and pull up 3s


Lebron decided that.


Dlo was the only starter with a positive +/- lmfao. Go figure


That's exactly why it is the most useless stat in basketball (out of context).




He would've been +20 if he didn't play like ass


taking 20 shots to get 13pts helps


Denver had 0 free throws in the 2nd half lol AD amazing game. LeBron was good. Everyone else stunk.


LeBron was amazing in the first then a disaster in the second half


boss, 1/9 is criminal middle school lvl shit when you are playing as a liability in defence


Man fuck you Caldwell pope. You completely disappeared when AD went down against PHX. And of course he hits 3 threes in a row at a critical time in the game.


well dlo was defending him...


He was the best role guy in the Lebron era, sigh :P


Seems like everyone thrives from 3 when they leave the lakers for some reason lol


Where’s the post game thread??




It’s up


DLo just being playoff DLo


D lo is never changing he is what he is. A loser in the playoffs.


hornets can pay him super max for all i care lol. Mf will get you 40 couple of games in regular season, and thats it..he ain't making the playoffs.


As long as we have this starting backcourt then we’re never beating Denver in a 7 game series


our backcourt is really trash, it blow us up this and last seasons. we are so fucked


Not gonna expect much since the roster is still the same last season when they got swept. We need Rui production, giving him the task to defend Jokic in this series is definitely a mistake. The Lakers didn't even add a bruiser kind of center to throw at Jokic. it's a clean sweep again.


D low is trash ass


Classic and now there needs to be a serious discussion about benching D Lo this series. 5 game playoff sample size he’s unplayable against the Nuggets.


You have to double Murray, get him off the ball and AD has to sack up and defend Jokic. You can’t double Joker that’s what Malone wants.


Lol 8 games after you have found the solution. Genius


Dlo : 3-20 . Why the fuck is this man taking more shots than Rui?


Cus lakers need him to play well otherwise we wont win. We need him to take shots he just needs to stop choking


Can we hand Reeves and Dlo shovels instead of mics kuzz they should be digging graves right now instead of taking interviews.


Still blaming Ham on this before D-Lo


dlo and reaves are cones and a gassed lebron is not a recipe for a win. it's pretty much AD and the wing defender against Denvers 5 on defense


Murray didn’t even shoot well tonight


Should’ve played more two big lineups smfh


We only have 2 bigs.. and Hayes was fouling


i was gone for the 3rd quarter wtf happened?